79 research outputs found
La asociación entre duración y calidad del sueño,caÃdas accidentales, limitación funcional y mortalidad en los adultos mayores
Tesis doctoral inédita leÃda en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud PublÃca y MicrobiologÃa. Fecha de lectura: 2 de Noviembre 201
Economic Migrants and Clinical Course of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Follow-Up Study
Objective: To analyze whether social deprivation and economic migrant (EM) status influence the risk of being hospitalized with COVID-19.Methods: This was a retrospective follow-up study including all patients older than 18 years attending the Daroca Health Center in Madrid, Spain, diagnosed with COVID-19 during September 2020. Data on EM status and other sociodemographic, lifestyle and comorbidities that could affect the clinical course of the infection were obtained from electronic medical records.Results: Of the 796 patients positive for COVID-19, 44 (5.53%) were hospitalized. No significant differences were observed between those who were hospitalized and those who were not in the mean of social deprivation index or socioeconomic status, but EM status was associated with the risk of being hospitalized (p = 0.028). Logistic regression models showed that years of age (OR = 1.07; 95% CI: 1.04–1.10), EM status (OR = 5.72; 95% CI: 2.56–12.63) and hypertension (OR = 2.22; 95% CI: 1.01–4.85) were the only predictors of hospitalization.Conclusion: Our data support that EM status, rather than economic deprivation, is the socioeconomic factor associated with the probability of hospital admission for COVID-19 in Madrid, Spain
Associação entre capital social e autopercepção de saúde em adultos brasileiros
OBJECTIVE To investigate the association between social capital and social capital and self-perception of health based on examining the influence of health-related behaviors as possible mediators of this relationship.METHODS A cross-sectional study was used with 1,081 subjects, which is representative of the population of individuals aged 40 years or more in a medium-sized city in Southern Brazil. The subjects who perceived their health as fine, bad or very bad were considered to have a negative self-perception of their health. The social capital indicators were: number of friends, people from whom they could borrow money from when needed; the extent of trust in community members; whether or not members of the community helped each other; community safety; and extent of participation in community activities. The behaviors were: physical activity during leisure time, fruits and vegetable consumption, tobacco use and alcohol abuse. The odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals (CI) 95% were calculated by binary logistic regression. The significance of mediation was verified using the Sobel test.RESULTS Following adjustment for demographic and clinical variables, subjects with fewer friends (OR = 1.39, 95%CI 1.08;1.80), those who perceived less frequently help from people in the neighborhood (OR = 1.30, 95%CI 1.01;1.68), who saw the violent neighborhood (OR = 1.33, 95%CI 1.01;1.74) and who had not participated in any community activity (OR = 1.39, 95%CI 1.07;1.80) had more negative self-perception of their health. Physical activity during leisure time was a significant mediator in the relationship between all social capital indicators (except for the borrowed money variable) and self-perceived health. Fruit and vegetable consumption was a significant mediator of the relationship between the extent of participation in community activities and self-perceived health. Tobacco use and alcohol abuse did not seem to have a mediating role in any relationship.CONCLUSIONS Lifestyle seems to only partially explain the relationship between social capital and self-perceived health. Among the investigated behaviors, physical activity during leisure time is what seems to have the most important role as a mediator of this relationship.OBJETIVO Analisar a associação entre indicadores de capital social e autopercepção de saúde com base em comportamentos relacionados à saúde como possÃveis mediadores dessa relação.MÉTODOS Realizou-se estudo transversal com 1.081 sujeitos, representativos da população de 40 anos ou mais de municÃpio da região Sul do Brasil. Os sujeitos que percebiam sua saúde como regular, ruim ou muito ruim foram considerados com autopercepção negativa. Os indicadores de capital social foram: número de amigos; pessoas que emprestariam dinheiro em caso de necessidade; confiança nas pessoas do bairro; frequência de ajuda entre as pessoas do bairro; segurança no bairro; e participação comunitária. Os comportamentos investigados foram prática de atividade fÃsica no lazer, consumo de frutas e verduras, tabagismo e consumo abusivo de álcool. A razão de odds (OR) e seus intervalos de confiança (IC) 95% foram calculados por regressão logÃstica binária, em diferentes modelos. A significância da mediação foi verificada pelo teste de Sobel.RESULTADOS Na análise ajustada pelas variáveis demográficas e clÃnicas, maior autopercepção negativa de saúde foi apresentada por pessoas com menor número de amigos (OR = 1,39; IC95% 1,08;1,80), que percebiam menor frequência de ajuda entre as pessoas no bairro (OR = 1,30; IC95% 1,01;1,68), que consideravam o bairro violento (OR = 1,33; IC95% 1,01;1,74) e que não haviam participado de atividade comunitária (OR = 1,39; IC95% 1,07;1,80). A atividade fÃsica no lazer foi um mediador significativo na relação entre todos os indicadores de capital social, e a autopercepção de saúde. O consumo de frutas e verduras foi um mediador significativo da relação entre a participação comunitária e a autopercepção de saúde. Tabagismo e consumo abusivo de álcool não mediaram nenhuma relação.CONCLUSÕES O estilo de vida parece explicar parcialmente a relação entre capital social e autopercepção de saúde. Dos comportamentos investigados, a atividade fÃsica no lazer parece ter papel mais importante como mediador dessa relação
Burnout syndrome and consumption of alcohol and illicit substances in university students
The consumption of alcohol and illicit substances has shown alarming levels among young university students, and its use may be associated with the coping strategy of academic burnout. This review aimed to synthesize the scientific evidence related to the consumption of alcohol and illicit substances associated with burnout syndrome in university students. Searches were carried out in: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, PubMed, Web of Science, PsycNet and Scopus databases, with no year limitation and based on the PRISMA guideline. Among the 2.269 articles identified, 16 met the inclusion criteria. All studies evaluated students in the health area, 12 studies found an association between the variables, with alcohol and illicit substances consumption strongly related to burnout syndrome. It was concluded that there is an association between the studied variables, indicating that the presence of burnout syndrome in university students can result in the use of negative strategies as a coping measure.El consumo de alcohol y de sustancias ilÃcitas ha mostrado niveles alarmantes entre los jóvenes universitarios, y su uso puede estar asociado con estrategias de enfrentamiento del burnout académico. Esta revisión tuvo como objetivo sintetizar la evidencia cientÃfica relacionada con el consumo de alcohol y de sustancias ilÃcitas asociadas al sÃndrome de burnout en estudiantes universitarios. Las búsquedas se realizaron en las bases Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, PubMed, Web of Science, PsycNet y Scopus, sin limitación de año y basándose en la guÃa PRISMA. De los 2.269 artÃculos encontrados, 16 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Todos los estudios evaluaron estudiantes del área de salud y 12 estudios encontraron asociación entre las variables, entre los que el consumo de alcohol y de sustancias ilÃcitas estuvo fuertemente relacionado con el sÃndrome de burnout. Se concluyó que existe asociación entre las variables estudiadas, indicando que la presencia de sÃndrome de burnout en estudiantes universitarios puede resultar en el uso de estrategias negativas como medida de enfrentamiento.O consumo de álcool e substâncias ilÃcita tem apresentado nÃveis alarmantes entre jovens universitários, e seu uso pode estar associado à estratégia de enfrentamento do burnout acadêmico. Esta revisão teve por objetivo sintetizar as evidências cientÃficas relacionadas ao consumo de álcool e substâncias ilÃcitas associadas a sÃndrome de burnout em estudantes universitários. Foram realizadas buscas nas bases: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, PubMed, Web of Science, PsycNet e Scopus, sem limitação de ano e baseado na guia PRISMA. Entre os 2.269 artigos identificados, 16 atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Todos os estudos avaliaram estudantes da área da saúde, 12 estudos encontraram associação entre as variáveis, sendo o consumo de álcool e substâncias ilÃcitas fortemente relacionado à sindrome de burnout. Concluiu-se que há associação entre as variáveis estudadas, indicando que a presença da sindrome de burnout em universitários pode resultar no uso de estratégias negativas como medida de enfrentamento
Insufficient free-time physical activity and occupational factors in Brazilian public school teachers
OBJETIVO Analisar se fatores ocupacionais percebidos estão associados à atividade fÃsica insuficiente no tempo livre em professores de escolas públicas. MÉTODOS A relação entre atividade fÃsica insuficiente (< 150 minutos/semana) e variáveis relacionadas ao trabalho foi analisada em 978 professores do ensino fundamental e médio mediante o cálculo da razão de prevalência (RP) e intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) em modelos de regressão de Poisson, ajustados por variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde. RESULTADOS A prevalência de atividade fÃsica insuficiente foi de 71,9%, e essa condição associou-se de maneira independente com percepção de equilÃbrio entre vida pessoal e profissional ruim ou regular (RP = 1,09; IC95% 1,01–1,18), percepção de que o tempo de permanência em pé afeta o trabalho (RP = 1,16; IC95% 1,01–1,34), percepção de capacidade atual para as exigências fÃsicas do trabalho baixa ou muito baixa (RP = 1,21; IC95% 1,08–1,35) e contrato de trabalho temporário (RP = 1,13; IC95% 1,03–1,25). Ministrar disciplina de educação fÃsica associou-se com menor prevalência de atividade fÃsica insuficiente (RP = 0,78; IC95% 0,64–0,95). CONCLUSÕES A percepção de condições de trabalho negativas associa-se à maior prevalência de atividade fÃsica insuficiente em professores e devem ser consideradas para a promoção de atividade fÃsica nessa população.OBJECTIVE To evaluate if perceived occupational factors are associated with insufficient free-time physical activity in Brazilian public school teachers. METHODS The relationship between insufficient physical activity (< 150 minutes/week) and variables related to work was analyzed in 978 elementary and high school teachers calculating the prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence interval (95%CI) in Poisson regression models, adjusted for sociodemographic and health variables. RESULTS The prevalence of insufficient physical activity was 71.9%, and this condition was associated independently with the perception of bad or regular balance between personal and professional life (PR = 1.09; 95%CI 1.01–1.18), perception that standing time affects the work (PR = 1.16; 95%CI 1.01–1.34), low or very low perception of current ability for the physical requirements of work (PR = 1.21; 95%CI 1.08–1.35), and temporary employment contract (PR = 1.13; 95%CI 1.03–1.25). The teaching of physical education was associated with lower prevalence of insufficient physical activity (PR = 0.78; 95%CI 0.64–0.95). CONCLUSIONS The perception of adverse working conditions is associated with increased prevalence of insufficient physical activity in teachers and should be considered for the promotion of physical activity in this population
Mediterranean dietary patterns related to sleep duration and sleep-related problems among adolescents: The EHDLA study
Purpose: The aim of the present study was to examine the association of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MD) and its specific components with both sleep duration and sleep-related disorders in a sample of adolescents from the Valle de Ricote (Region of Murcia, Spain). Methods: This cross-sectional study included a sample of 847 Spanish adolescents (55.3% girls) aged 12–17 years. Adherence to the MD was assessed by the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index for Children and Teenagers. Sleep duration was reported by adolescents for weekdays and weekend days separately. The BEARS (Bedtime problems, Excessive daytime sleepiness, Awakenings during the night, Regularity and duration of sleep, and Sleep-disordered breathing) screening was used to evaluate issues related to sleep, which include difficulties at bedtime, excessive drowsiness during the day, waking up frequently during the night, irregularity, length of sleep, and breathing issues while sleeping. Results: Adolescents who presented a high adherence to the MD were more likely to meet the sleep recommendations (OR = 1.52, 95% CI 1.12–2.06, p = 0.008) and less likely to report at least one sleep-related problem (OR = 0.56, 95% CI 0.43–0.72, p < 0.001). These findings remained significant after adjusting for sex, age, socioeconomic status, waist circumference, energy intake, physical activity, and sedentary behavior, indicating a significant association of adherence to the MD with sleep outcomes (meeting sleep recommendations: OR = 1.40, 95% CI 1.00–1.96, p = 0.050; sleep-related problems: OR = 0.68, 95% CI 0.50–0.92, p = 0.012). Conclusions: Adolescents with high adherence to the MD were more likely to report optimal sleep duration and fewer sleep-related problems. This association was more clearly observed for specific MD components, such as fruits, pulses, fish, having breakfast, dairies, sweets, and baked goods/pastries
Frequência e fatores associados a quedas em adultos com 55 anos e mais
OBJETIVO Analisar a frequência e fatores associados à ocorrência de quedas em adultos de 55 anos ou mais. MÉTODOS Estudo inserido em outro de base populacional com amostra representativa de pessoas com 40 anos ou mais da área urbana de municÃpio de médio porte do Paraná em 2011. Foram obtidos dados demográficos e socioeconômicos, caracterÃsticas referentes aos hábitos de vida, à s condições de saúde e à capacidade funcional (n = 1.180). Em 2012, selecionaram-se todas as pessoas com idade igual ou superior a 55 anos (n = 501). Foram estimadas a força de preensão palmar e a ocorrência de queda desde a última entrevista em 80,6% delas. Foram calculadas odds ratios (OR) brutas e ajustadas por regressão logÃstica segundo modelo hierarquizado. RESULTADOS A frequência de queda foi de 24,3%. Após ajustes, observaram-se chances maiores de queda entre mulheres (OR = 3,10; IC95% 1,79–5,38), entre pessoas com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos (OR = 2,39; IC95% 1,45–3,95), com qualidade do sono ruim (OR = 1,78; IC95% 1,08–2,93) e com baixa força de preensão palmar (OR = 2,31; IC95% 1,34–3,97). CONCLUSÕES Qualidade ruim do sono e a baixa força muscular podem ser indicadores de maior risco de quedas e merecem avaliações e intervenções visando à prevenção desse agravo.OBJECTIVE The objective of this study is to analyze the frequency and factors associated with falls in adults aged 55 years or more. METHODS This is a study inserted into another population-based study with representative sample of persons aged 40 years or more of the urban area in a medium-sized municipality of the State of Paraná, Brazil, in 2011. That study obtained demographic and socioeconomic data and characteristics related to life habits, health conditions, and functional capacity (n = 1,180). In 2012, we selected all persons aged 55 years or more (n = 501). We have estimated grip strength and the occurrence of a fall since the last interview in 80.6% of the adults. The crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) have been calculated by logistic regression according to a hierarchical model. RESULTS The rate of fall was 24.3%. After adjustments, we could observe higher chances of falls among women (OR = 3.10; 95%CI 1.79–5.38), among persons aged 65 years or more (OR = 2.39; 95%CI 1.45–3.95), with poor sleep quality (OR = 1.78; 95%CI 1.08–2.93), and with low grip strength (OR = 2.31; 95%CI 1.34–3.97). CONCLUSIONS Poor sleep quality and low muscle strength can be indicators of increased risk of falls and need assessments and interventions aimed at preventing them
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