280 research outputs found

    Polynomial conjunctive query rewriting under unary inclusion dependencies

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    Ontology-based data access (OBDA) is widely accepted as an important ingredient of the new generation of information systems. In the OBDA paradigm, potentially incomplete relational data is enriched by means of ontologies, representing intensional knowledge of the application domain. We consider the problem of conjunctive query answering in OBDA. Certain ontology languages have been identified as FO-rewritable (e.g., DL-Lite and sticky-join sets of TGDs), which means that the ontology can be incorporated into the user's query, thus reducing OBDA to standard relational query evaluation. However, all known query rewriting techniques produce queries that are exponentially large in the size of the user's query, which can be a serious issue for standard relational database engines. In this paper, we present a polynomial query rewriting for conjunctive queries under unary inclusion dependencies. On the other hand, we show that binary inclusion dependencies do not admit polynomial query rewriting algorithms

    A new coupling solution for G3-PLC employment in MV smart grids

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    This paper proposes a new coupling solution for transmitting narrowband multicarrier power line communication (PLC) signals over medium voltage (MV) power lines. The proposed system is based on an innovative PLC coupling principle, patented by the authors, which exploits the capacitive divider embedded in voltage detecting systems (VDS) already installed inside the MV switchboard. Thus, no dedicated couplers have to be installed and no switchboard modifications or energy interruptions are needed. This allows a significant cost reduction of MV PLC implementation. A first prototype of the proposed coupling system was presented in previous papers: it had a 15 kHz bandwidth useful to couple single carrier PSK modulated PLC signals with a center frequency from 50–200 kHz. In this paper, a new prototype is developed with a larger bandwidth, up to 164 kHz, thus allowing to couple multicarrier G3-PLC signals using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) digital modulation. This modulation ensures a more robust communication even in harsh power line channels. In the paper, the new coupling system design is described in detail. A new procedure is presented for tuning the coupling system parameters at first installation in a generic MV switchboard. Finally, laboratory and in-field experimental test results are reported and discussed. The coupling performances are evaluated measuring the throughput and success rate in the case of both 18 and 36 subcarriers, in one of the different tone masks standardized for the FCC-above CENELEC band (that is, from 154.6875–487.5 kHz). The experimental results show an efficient behavior of the proposed coupler allowing a two-way communication of G3-PLC OFDM signals on MV networks

    The impact of assembly bias on the halo occupation in hydrodynamical simulations

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    We investigate the variations in galaxy occupancy of the dark matter haloes with the large-scale environment and halo formation time, using two state-of-the-art hydrodynamical cosmological simulations, EAGLE and Illustris. For both simulations, we use three galaxy samples with a fixed number density ranked by stellar mass. For these samples, we find that low-mass haloes in the most dense environments are more likely to host a central galaxy than those in the least dense environments. When splitting the halo population by formation time, these relations are stronger. Hence, at a fixed low halo mass, early-formed haloes are more likely to host a central galaxy than late-formed haloes since they have had more time to assemble. The satellite occupation shows a reverse trend where early-formed haloes host fewer satellites due to having more time to merge with the central galaxy. We also analyse the stellar mass–halo mass relation for central galaxies in terms of the large-scale environment and formation time of the haloes. We find that low-mass haloes in the most dense environment host relatively more massive central galaxies. This trend is also found when splitting the halo population by age, with early-formed haloes hosting more massive galaxies. Our results are in agreement with previous findings from semi-analytical models, providing robust predictions for the occupancy variation signature in the halo occupation distribution of galaxy formation models

    Video semantic content analysis framework based on ontology combined MPEG-7

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    The rapid increase in the available amount of video data is creating a growing demand for efficient methods for understanding and managing it at the semantic level. New multimedia standard, MPEG-7, provides the rich functionalities to enable the generation of audiovisual descriptions and is expressed solely in XML Schema which provides little support for expressing semantic knowledge. In this paper, a video semantic content analysis framework based on ontology combined MPEG-7 is presented. Domain ontology is used to define high level semantic concepts and their relations in the context of the examined domain. MPEG-7 metadata terms of audiovisual descriptions and video content analysis algorithms are expressed in this ontology to enrich video semantic analysis. OWL is used for the ontology description. Rules in Description Logic are defined to describe how low-level features and algorithms for video analysis should be applied according to different perception content. Temporal Description Logic is used to describe the semantic events, and a reasoning algorithm is proposed for events detection. The proposed framework is demonstrated in sports video domain and shows promising results

    The complexity of clausal fragments of LTL

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    We introduce and investigate a number of fragments of propositional temporal logic LTL over the flow of time (â„€, <). The fragments are defined in terms of the available temporal operators and the structure of the clausal normal form of the temporal formulas. We determine the computational complexity of the satisfiability problem for each of the fragments, which ranges from NLogSpace to PTime, NP and PSpace

    Circuit Complexity Meets Ontology-Based Data Access

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    Ontology-based data access is an approach to organizing access to a database augmented with a logical theory. In this approach query answering proceeds through a reformulation of a given query into a new one which can be answered without any use of theory. Thus the problem reduces to the standard database setting. However, the size of the query may increase substantially during the reformulation. In this survey we review a recently developed framework on proving lower and upper bounds on the size of this reformulation by employing methods and results from Boolean circuit complexity.Comment: To appear in proceedings of CSR 2015, LNCS 9139, Springe

    Evolving Objects in Temporal Information Systems

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    This paper presents a semantic foundation of temporal conceptual models used to design temporal information systems. We consider a modelling language able to express both timestamping and evolution constraints. We conduct a deeper investigation of evolution constraints, eventually devising a model-theoretic semantics for a full-fledged model with both timestamping and evolution constraints. The proposed formalization is meant both to clarify the meaning of the various temporal constructors that appeared in the literature and to give a rigorous definition, in the context of temporal information systems, to notions like satisfiability, subsumption and logical implication. Furthermore, we show how to express temporal constraints using a subset of first-order temporal logic, i.e. DLRUS, the description logic DLR extended with the temporal operators Since and Until. We show how DLRUS is able to capture the various modelling constraints in a succinct way and to perform automated reasoning on temporal conceptual models

    Incremental heuristic approach for meter placement in radial distribution systems

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    The evolution of modern power distribution systems into smart grids requires the development of dedicated state estimation (SE) algorithms for real-time identification of the overall system state variables. This paper proposes a strategy to evaluate the minimum number and best position of power injection meters in radial distribution systems for SE purposes. Measurement points are identified with the aim of reducing uncertainty in branch power flow estimations. An incremental heuristic meter placement (IHMP) approach is proposed to select the locations and total number of power measurements. The meter placement procedure was implemented for a backward/forward load flow algorithm proposed by the authors, which allows the evaluation of medium-voltage power flows starting from low-voltage load measurements. This allows the reduction of the overall costs of measurement equipment and setup. The IHMP method was tested in the real 25-bus medium-voltage (MV) radial distribution network of the Island of Ustica (Mediterranean Sea). The proposed method is useful both for finding the best measurement configuration in a new distribution network and also for implementing an incremental enhancement of an existing measurement configuration, reaching a good tradeoff between instrumentation costs and measurement uncertainty

    Destabilization of the thermohaline circulation by transient perturbations to the hydrological cycle

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    We reconsider the problem of the stability of the thermohaline circulation as described by a two-dimensional Boussinesq model with mixed boundary conditions. We determine how the stability properties of the system depend on the intensity of the hydrological cycle. We define a two-dimensional parameters' space descriptive of the hydrology of the system and determine, by considering suitable quasi-static perturbations, a bounded region where multiple equilibria of the system are realized. We then focus on how the response of the system to finite-amplitude surface freshwater forcings depends on their rate of increase. We show that it is possible to define a robust separation between slow and fast regimes of forcing. Such separation is obtained by singling out an estimate of the critical growth rate for the anomalous forcing, which can be related to the characteristic advective time scale of the system.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Clim. Dy

    Characterization of DC series arc faults in PV systems based on current low frequency spectral analysis

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    This work presents an experimental study focused on the characterization of series arc faults in direct current (DC) photovoltaic (PV) systems. The aim of the study is to identify some relevant characteristics of arcing current, which can be obtained by means of low frequency spectral analysis of current signal. On field tests have been carried out on a real PV system, in accordance with some tests requirements of UL 1699B Standard for protection devices against PV DC arc faults. Arcing and non-arcing current signals are acquired and compared and the behavior of a set of indicators proposed by authors is analyzed. Different measurement equipment have been used, in order to study the impact of both measurement transducers and data acquisition systems on proposed indicators effectiveness. Presented results show that the considered indicators are suitable for detecting the arc presence even with commercial devices normally used for smart metering applications
