182 research outputs found

    Performance Optimization of Memory Intensive Applications on FPGA Accelerator

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    Acceleration by Inline Cache for Memory-Intensive Algorithms on FPGA via High-Level Synthesis

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    Using FPGA-based acceleration of high-performance computing (HPC) applications to reduce energy and power consumption is becoming an interesting option, thanks to the availability of high-level synthesis (HLS) tools that enable fast design cycles. However, obtaining good performance for memory-intensive algorithms, which often exchange large data arrays with external DRAM, still requires time-consuming optimization and good knowledge of hardware design. This article proposes a new design methodology, based on dedicated application- and data array-specific caches. These caches provide most of the benefits that can be achieved by coding optimized DMA-like transfer strategies by hand into the HPC application code, but require only limited manual tuning (basically the selection of architecture and size), are neutral to target HLS tool and technology (FPGA or ASIC), and do not require changes to application code. We show experimental results obtained on five common memory-intensive algorithms from very diverse domains, namely machine learning, data sorting, and computer vision. We test the cost and performance of our caches against both out-of-the-box code originally optimized for a GPU, and manually optimized implementations specifically targeted for FPGAs via HLS. The implementation using our caches achieved an 8X speedup and 2X energy reduction on average with respect to out-of-the-box models using only simple directive-based optimizations (e.g., pipelining). They also achieved comparable performance with much less design effort when compared with the versions that were manually optimized to achieve efficient memory transfers specifically for an FPGA

    Tobacco control laws in Pakistan and their implementation: A pilot study in Karachi

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    Objective: In order to limit the high prevalence of tobacco use in Pakistan various tobacco control laws have been implemented. The objective of this study is to serve as a pilot study to assess the implementation of these laws in the largest city of Pakistan, Karachi. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Karachi. The implementation of tobacco control laws in \u27smoke-free\u27 places, the adherence of tobacco companies to these laws, the regulation of cigarette sale, and the awareness and views of the general public regarding tobacco control laws were assessed via direct observation by visits and through self-administered questionnaires. Results: The implementation of tobacco control laws in \u27smoke-free\u27 public places was found to be poor. Out of 37, only 23(62%) brands displayed pictorial warnings on their packs. 3(8%) of the brands were available in two different kinds of packs, both with and without pictorial warnings. Cigarette sale to minors was taking place at 80(85%) of the visited cigarette outlets. 50(53%) of the outlets displayed cigarette advertisements in the form of posters. 46(40%) of the persons questioned had awareness regarding the existence of ban on smoking in public places and 126(90%) of these were in favour of it. CONCLUSIONS: The implementation of tobacco control law in Pakistan is poor. Non adherence to the law in public places was alarmingly high. Also, the study demonstrates the poor compliance to the tobacco control laws by tobacco companies. The sale of cigarettes is almost unregulated

    A Contactless Sensor for Human Body Identification using RF Absorption Signatures

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    Indoor human detection and localization sensors are at the base of many automation and monitoring systems. This work presents an indoor tagless passive human body identification method. It uses a load-mode capacitive sensor to detect the differences in the conductive and dielectric properties of the human body due to differences in body constituency. The experimental results show that four male individuals with similar height but different body mass index (BMI) standing at 70 cm in front of a chest-level 16 cm x 16 cm sensor plate determine different capacitance-frequency characteristics over a 5 kHz-160 kHz range, which can be used to identify the person

    İbn Haldun’un İktisadi Kalkınma Anlayışını İnşa Eden İktisadi Faktörler

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    İslam Medeniyetinin öncü düşünürlerinden biri olan İbn Haldun, sosyal bilimler alanında yaptığı katkılarla yaşadığı coğrafyanın sınırlarını aşmış, çağının ötesine geçmiş ve evrensel bir karaktere sahip olmuştur. İbn Haldun, tarih, tarih felsefesi başta olmak üzere birçok disiplinin öncüsü olarak kabul edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, İbn Haldun’un ekonomiye dair tespitleri ve görüşleri, günümüzde ana akım iktisatta yer alan birçok düşüncenin temelini oluşturmaktadır. İbn Haldun’un kalkınma anlayışını kurumsal yapılar ve iktisadi faktörler olmak üzere iki ana başlıkta incelemek mümkündür. Yapılan çalışmada İbn Haldun’un kalkınma anlayışını inşa eden iktisadi faktörler anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Emek, işbölümü, kamu harcamaları, düşük vergilendirme, nüfus politikası ve iklim yapısının iktisadi kalkınma üzerindeki etkisi İbn Haldun’un Mukaddime adlı eseri çerçevesinde sunulmaya çalışılmıştır. Söz konusu düşünceler, çağdaş kavramlar/bakış açısı ile değerlendirilmeye tabi tutulduğunda, günümüz iktisadi problemlere çözüm sağlama noktasında yeterli potansiyele sahip olduğu görülecektir

    The effects of using variable lengths for degraded signal acquisition in GPS receivers

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    The signal acquisition in GPS receivers is the first and very crucial process that may affect the overall performance of a navigation receiver. Acquisition program initiates a searching operation on received navigation signals to detect and identify the visible satellites. However, signal acquisition becomes a very challenging task in a degraded environment (i.e, dense urban) and the receiver may not be able to detect the satellites present in radio-vicinity, thus cannot estimate an accurate position solution. In such environments, satellite signals are attenuated and fluctuated due to fading introduced by Multipath and NLOS reception. To perform signal acquisition in such degraded environments, larger data accumulation can be effective in enhancing SNR, which tradeoff huge computational load, prolonged acquisition time and high cost of receiver. This paper highlights the effects of fading on satellite signal acquisition in GPS receiver through variable data lengths and SNR comparison, and then develops a statistical relationship between satellite visibility and SNR. Furthermore it also analyzes/investigates the tradeoff between computation load and signal data length


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    Objective: For evaluation of the midwives and lady health visitor’s knowledge about neonatal resuscitation working at primary healthcare facilities. Methods: In September – October 2018, a cross-sectional survey was carried out at Services Hospital, Lahore comprising on the midwives and lady health visitors at primary level healthcare facilities. The data was assembled by using a close-ended questionnaire. Results: Out of 103 health workers interviewed, 49% were midwives and 54% were midwives. Overall, 71% of health workers were trained for neonatal resuscitation, while 32% were not formally trained. Arrangements for basic neonatal resuscitative were available at all the 54 (100%) basic health units and 7 (100%) rural health centres. Basic neonatal care knowledge was found appropriate, but midwives have the poor knowledge on the subject as only 24 (49%) answered correctly. Conclusion: Regular in-service training of midwives and lady health visitors is required concerning Basic Neonatal Resuscitation. Keywords: Knowledge, Neonatal resuscitation, Primary healthcare, Health workers, Pakistan

    Electrophysiological changes in patients with liver cirrhosis in a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan

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    Background: Electrophysiological changes in cirrhosis are well known but least investigated especially in our country hence we wanted to see electrophysiological changes especially QT interval in cirrhotic patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi (AKUH) in which medical records (duration 2008-2010) of cirrhotic patients were reviewed. Results: Three hundred and eighty cirrhotic patients\u27 charts were studied, 227 (59.7 %) were male and mean age of this cohort was 52.8±12.6 years. The most common cause for CLD was Hepatitis C (CHC) in 260 (68.4%), NBNC in 56(14.7%) and HBV in 51 (13.4%). Only 225 had complete ECG workup, the mean corrected QT interval was 0.44±0.067sec. Among the electrophysiological abnormalities, 79 (35%) had a prolonged corrected QT interval, 7 (3.1%) had a prolonged PR interval (\u3e0.22s) and prolonged QRS duration was seen in 23 (10.4%) patients. QT prolongation was seen in 1 of the 5 patients with Child Class A (20%), 22 of the 73 patients with Child Class B (30.1%), and 25 of the 61 patients with Child Class C (41%). However, this difference however was not statistically significant. (p-value=.331). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that QT prolongation is more frequent in patients with liver cirrhosis especially when the disease is more advanced like in Child C hence these patients are more prone to sudden cardiac death. Moreover, this study shows that the risk associated with QT prolongation is present through all classes of liver cirrhosis. We recommend that routine cardiac screening with ECG of all cirrhotic patients be performed

    A Review of Wireless and PLC Propagation Channel Characteristics for Smart Grid Environments

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    Wireless, power line communication (PLC), fiber optic, Ethernet, and so forth are among the communication technologies on which smart grid communication infrastructure is envisioned to be built. Among these, wireless and PLC-based solutions are attractive considering the cost of initial deployment. Wireless communication deployment in smart grid covers a variety of environments such as indoor, outdoor, and electric-power-system facilities. Similar diversity is expected in PLC deployment as well covering low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV), and high voltage (HV) segments of the grid. In spite of being attractive, wireless and PLC channels are very harsh posing great challenges to performance of communication systems. In proposing solutions to smart grid communication needs, two approaches are likely to be followed. One is based on the use of existing wireless and PLC technologies with some modifications, and the other relies upon developing novel communication protocols particularly addressing the smart grid needs. Both of these approaches require an in-depth knowledge of communication channel characteristics. The aim of this study is to reveal the wireless and PLC channel characteristics of smart grid environments in terms of several parameters such as path loss and attenuation, time dispersion, time selectivity, amplitude statistics, and noise characteristics