27 research outputs found

    Wachstum von dünnen Metall-organischen Gerüstverbindungen auf funktionalisierten Goldoberflächen

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, die Präparation von Metall-organische Gerüstverbindungen (MOF)-Filmen auf Oberflächen und als freistehende monolithische Membrane darzustellen, sowie deren Anwendung. Dazu wurden SURMOFs mit Hilfe LPE-Methode auf Oberflächen aufgebaut. Das Wachstum des SURMOFs wurde durch Entwicklung des Sprühprozesses beschleunigt. Zum anderen war das Ziel die Herstellung von 2D und 3D SURMOFs auf Oberflächen. Des Weiteren sollten PSM an den SURMOFs durchgeführt werden

    Original Article Long-term effects of forgotten biliary stents: a case series and literature review

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    Abstract: There are many studies about the biliary stents, however there is a little information about the long-term stayed forgotten biliary stents except a few case reports. We have reported the results of a number of cases with biliary stents that were forgotten or omitted by the patient and the endoscopist. During February 2010 to May 2013, five patients were referred to the general surgery clinic of Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul Turkey. Past history and medical documents submitted by the patient did not indicate a replacement of the biliary stent in 3 patients. Two patients knew that they had biliary stents. We also conducted a literature review via the PubMed and Google Scholar databases of English language studies published until March 2014 on forgotten biliary stent. There were 3 men and 2 women ranging in age from 22 to 68 years (mean age 41.6 years). Patients presented with pain in the upper abdomen, jaundice, fever, abnormal liver function tests or dilatation of the biliary tract alone or in combination. Patients' demographic findings are presented i

    Evaluation of various design concepts in passive ankle-foot orthoses using finite element analysis

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    Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are typically prescribed to improve the gait function of ambulatory children with neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy or spina bifida. Due to the excessive and repetitive loading conditions, plastic material deformation can be observed in AFOs, especially over the lateral and medial parts of the ankle, which limits the effect of AFOs in the stabilization of the ankle joint. Trimline design and severity influence the rotational stiffness of an AFO considerably. In this study, we proposed novel trimming approaches for AFOs such that the trimlines were performed on the dorsal side rather than lateral and medial sides to reduce the magnitude of peak stresses and provide a homogenous stress distribution over AFOs. We analyzed eight dorsal trimline designs having different basic geometries by using the finite element method. To objectively evaluate the stress levels, the same boundary and loading conditions were considered for all design alternatives. We found that low peak stress values were observed in the AFO models with trimline geometries of the circle, ellipse, and slot variations. The vertical elliptic trimline on the dorsal side of the AFO was the most effective to decrease the magnitude of the peak stresses. The findings of our study are expected to contribute a complementary solution to orthotists in the fabrication of AFOs with high durability. (C) 2021 Karabuk University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V