2 research outputs found

    Content Analysis of Digital Media Coverage of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine School-Entry Requirement Policy in Puerto Rico

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    BACKGROUND: In August 2018, Puerto Rico (PR) became the 4th state or territory in the United States to adopt a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine school-entry requirement, for students 11-12鈥墆ears old. Evidence suggests that the content of media coverage may impact people\u27s perception of HPV vaccine and their willingness to vaccinate. This study aimed to analyze the content of digital news coverage related to the implementation of the policy in PR. METHODS: A content review was conducted of digital media published from January 2017 through December 2018. The content reviewed was carried out in two steps: 1) creating a matrix to summarize each article\u27s content about the policy and 2) qualitative analysis using a grounded theory approach. RESULTS: The search resulted in 34 articles obtained from 17 online local and international news outlets that reported the policy\u27s implementation. Analyses showed that 61% of the news articles did not mention the number of required doses, and 79% discussed the new policy concerning cancer prevention. In 2017, news coverage focused mostly on describing the policy, while 2018 coverage focused on controversies surrounding the implementation. Neutral emergent codes included: 1) Description of the policy; 2) Information about HPV related cancers; and 3) General information about HPV vaccine. Negative emergent codes included: 1) infringement to patient and parental autonomy; 2) Hesitancy from the political sector, and 3) Hesitancy from groups and coalitions. Positive content included: 1) knowledge and acceptance of HPV vaccine for cancer prevention; 2) importance of education and protective sexual behaviors; and 3) new vaccination law proposal. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the media coverage in PR was neutral and included limited information related to the vaccine, HPV, and HPV-related cancers. Neutral and negative themes could influence public concerns regarding the new policy, as well as HPV vaccination rates in PR

    Esfuerzos realizados en Puerto Rico hacia la consolidaci贸n de pol铆ticas p煤blicas para la prevenci贸n de c谩nceres asociados al VPH

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    El prop贸sito de este informe especial es describir cronol贸gicamente los eventos que contribuyeron al desarrollo y aprobaci贸n de la legislaci贸n e implementaci贸n del requisito escolar de vacunaci贸n en Puerto Rico (PR), con el fin de prevenir el VPH y los c谩nceres asociados a este. A partir del 2010, PR inici贸 las aprobaciones de pol铆ticas p煤blicas con el objetivo de mejorar el registro de casos de los c谩nceres y la cobertura de la vacuna contra el VPH a trav茅s de los planes m茅dicos en adolescentes de 11 a 18 a帽os. En el 2014, los esfuerzos cient铆ficos y comunitarios lograron documentar la magnitud de las enfermedades causadas por el VPH, y desarrollar en conjunto, estrategias de prevenci贸n y promoci贸n de la vacuna contra el VPH. En agosto de 2018, PR logr贸 ser uno de los primeros cuatro territorios de los Estados Unidos de Am茅rica en implementar la vacuna contra el VPH como requisito escolar con el fin de disminuir la incidencia de c谩nceres asociados al VPH en la isla. En el 2019 se garantiz贸 por ley que todo proveedor de vacunaci贸n debe reportar al Registro de Inmunizaci贸n. El caso de PR demuestra que el desarrollo de pol铆ticas p煤blicas junto con colaboraciones entre coaliciones acad茅micas, cient铆ficas y comunitarias, logran cambios poblacionales y resultados medibles dirigidos a la prevenci贸n de VPH. Pa铆ses con una problem谩tica de salud p煤blica similar podr铆an adoptar esfuerzos similares a los presentados, y alinearlos al objetivo de la Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud: erradicaci贸n del c谩ncer cervical para 2030. The purpose of this special report is to describe chronologically the events that contributed to the development and approval of legislation and subsequent implementation of a school vaccination mandate in order to prevent HPV and HPV-associated cancers in Puerto Rico (PR). Starting in 2010, PR initiated public policy approvals aimed at improving cancer registries and HPV vaccine coverage through health insurance for adolescents aged 11 to 18 years. In 2014, scientific and community efforts succeeded in documenting the magnitude of morbidity caused by HPV and jointly developing HPV vaccine prevention and promotion strategies. In August 2018, PR became one of the first four territories of the United States of America to implement the HPV vaccine school entry requirement to decrease the incidence of HPV-associated cancers on the island. In 2019, it was enshrined in law that every immunization provider must submit immunization data to the Puerto Rico Immunization Registry. The case of PR demonstrates that public policy-making alongside collaboration between academic, scientific, and community coalitions can achieve population change and measurable outcomes aimed at HPV prevention. Countries with a similar public health problem could adopt efforts similar to those presented herein and align them with the World Health Organization goal of eradicating cervical cancer by 2030