442 research outputs found

    Papel de las bacterias del ácido láctico en verduras fermentadas

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    The consumption of fermented vegetables is widespread throughout the world and represents an important component of the human diet with considerable contribution to the food supply for a world popula­tion in continuous growth. Many of the fermented vegetables share a general process which requires salting and acidification steps. Among the microorganisms responsible for fermentation, lactic acid bacteria are the most relevant with important organoleptic, quality and safety benefits. This review deals with the microbial ecology of fermented vegetables focusing on the biodiversity of lactic acid bacteria, the most important molecular tech­niques used for their identification and genotyping, their importance for the formation of biofilms as well as their use as starter cultures for obtaining high-quality and safe vegetable products.El consumo de vegetales fermenta­dos está muy extendido en el mundo y representa un componente importante de la dieta humana con un apoyo considerable a la cadena alimentaria para una población mundial en continuo crecimiento. Muchos de los vege­tales fermentados comparten un proceso general, que requiere una puesta en salmuera y acidificación. Entre los microorganismos responsables de la fermentación, las bacterias del ácido láctico son las más relevantes con una importante influencia sobre aspectos organolépticos, de calidad y seguridad del producto final. Esta revisión trata sobre la ecología microbiana de los vegetales fermentados, prestando especial atención a la biodiversidad de las bacterias del ácido láctico, las técnicas moleculares más importantes utilizadas para su identificación y genotipado, su importancia para la formación de biofilms y su uso como cultivos iniciadores multifuncionales para la obtención de productos vegetales de alta calidad y seguridad

    Vida de mercado de aceitunas tradicionales Aloreña de Málaga aliñadas basado en la apariencia del envase y características del fruto

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    Few studies have been carried out to determine the shelf-life of the Aloreña de Málaga table olive packaging from a physicochemical, microbiological and sensorial point of view. This study showed that under the current packaging conditions, commercial products were free from Enterobacteriaceae, the initial yeast population was progressively inhibited, and only lactic acid bacteria grew during shelf-life. Among the physicochemical characteristics, pH decreased, lactic acid was formed while citric acid and mannitol were consumed. These changes resulted in gradual olive texture degradation and green color fading during packaging. A multivariate analysis showed that the packaged olives with storage time between 6 and 42 days enjoyed the highest acceptance; while after the 74th day, they were progressively losing acceptability, which was mainly evident at the 131st day of packaging (willingness-to-buy attribute was reduced to 50%). A complete microbiological stabilization would require the use of alternative preservatives since thermal treatment is not convenient for this type of olive speciality.Pocos estudios han sido llevados a cabo para determinar la vida de mercado de aceitunas de mesa Aloreña de Málaga envasadas desde un punto de vista físico-químico, microbiológico y sensorial. Este trabajo muestra, cómo, bajo las actuales condiciones de envasado, los productos comerciales están libres de enterobacterias, la población inicial de levaduras se inhibe progresivamente, mientras que las bacterias ácido lácticas son las únicas que se desarrollan durante el envasado. Entre las características físico-químicas, el pH descendió, se formó ácido láctico mientras que el manitol y el ácido cítrico fueron consumidos. Estos cambios dieron lugar a una progresiva degradación de la textura y a una depreciación del color verde de los frutos. El análisis multivariante realizado mostró que los envasados entre los 6 y 42 días de vida de mercado fueron los mejores valorados por los panelistas, mientras que después de los 74 días, el producto envasado fue perdiendo aceptabilidad, lo cual fue especialmente evidente tras 131 días de envasado (la predisposición de compra fue solo del 50%). Una completa estabilización microbiológica del producto requeriría del uso de conservantes alternativos, ya que el tratamiento térmico no es muy conveniente para este tipo de elaboración

    The IFMIF-EVEDA accelerator beam dump design

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    The IFMIF-EVEDA accelerator will be a 9 MeV, 125 mA cw deuteron accelerator prototype for verifying the validity of the 40 MeV accelerator design for IFMIF. A beam dump designed for maximum power of 1.12 MW will be used to stop the beam at the accelerator exit. The conceptual design for the IFMIF-EVEDA accelerator beam dump is based on a conical beam stop made of OFE copper. The cooling system uses an axial high velocity flow of water pressurized up to 3.4 × 105 Pa to avoid boiling. The design has been shown to be compliant with ASME mechanical design rules under nominal full power conditions. A sensitivity analysis has been performed to take into account the possible margin on the beam properties at the beam dump entrance. This analysis together with the study of the maintenance issues and the mounting and dismounting operations has led to the complete design definition

    Diagnóstico de producción en ganado lechero en pastoreo de un grupo ganadero de validación y transferencia de tecnología

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    The regionalization of framing issues for producers Livestock Group of Validation and Technology Transfer (GGAVATT) from San Jose Miahuatlán Veracruz, Mexico, under the current production of native grass prairie with mainly during the months of higher temperature have a poor performance and thus milk production declines which promotes a great use of concentrated feeds which causes an increase in production cost and less use to them. For this purpose we made a diagnosis of current conditions GGAVATT production, yielding information that helps us source and compared to determine precisely what the effect of applying the proposed alternative. We propose an alternative implementation of pastures with improved pastures needed to produce a greater amount of forage per unit area especially in the colder months.La regionalización de la problemática encuadrando a los productores del Grupo Ganadero de Validación y Transferencia de Tecnología (GGAVATT) de San José Miahuatlán Veracruz, México, bajo la actual situación de producción de praderas básicamente con gramas nativas que durante los meses de menor frío tienen un pobre desempeño y por ende la producción de leche se deteriora lo cual promueve una gran utilización de alimentos concentrados lo que provoca un incremento en el costo de producción y una menor utilidad para estos. Para dicho propósito se realizó un diagnóstico de las condiciones actuales de producción del GGAVATT, arrojando información que nos sirve de partida y de comparación para determinar con precisión cuál es el efecto de aplicar la alternativa propuesta. Se plantea como alternativa la implantación de praderas con pastos mejorados que permitan producir una mayor cantidad de forrajes por unidad de superficie sobre todo en los meses de menor temperatura

    Detection of variable VHE gamma-ray emission from the extra-galactic gamma-ray binary LMC P3

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    Context. Recently, the high-energy (HE, 0.1-100 GeV) γ\gamma-ray emission from the object LMC P3 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) has been discovered to be modulated with a 10.3-day period, making it the first extra-galactic γ\gamma-ray binary. Aims. This work aims at the detection of very-high-energy (VHE, >100 GeV) γ\gamma-ray emission and the search for modulation of the VHE signal with the orbital period of the binary system. Methods. LMC P3 has been observed with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.); the acceptance-corrected exposure time is 100 h. The data set has been folded with the known orbital period of the system in order to test for variability of the emission. Energy spectra are obtained for the orbit-averaged data set, and for the orbital phase bin around the VHE maximum. Results. VHE γ\gamma-ray emission is detected with a statistical significance of 6.4 σ\sigma. The data clearly show variability which is phase-locked to the orbital period of the system. Periodicity cannot be deduced from the H.E.S.S. data set alone. The orbit-averaged luminosity in the 1101-10 TeV energy range is (1.4±0.2)×1035(1.4 \pm 0.2) \times 10^{35} erg/s. A luminosity of (5±1)×1035(5 \pm 1) \times 10^{35} erg/s is reached during 20% of the orbit. HE and VHE γ\gamma-ray emissions are anti-correlated. LMC P3 is the most luminous γ\gamma-ray binary known so far.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&

    Long-term adherence to IFN beta-1a treatment when using rebismart1device in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis

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    The effectiveness of disease-modifying drugs in the treatment of multiple sclerosis is associated with adherence. RebiSmart® electronic device provides useful information about adherence to the treatment with subcutaneous (sc) interferon (IFN) ß-1a (Rebif®). The aim of the study was to determine long-term adherence to this treatment in patients with relapsing- remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). This retrospective multicentre observational study analysed 258 patients with RRMS who were receiving sc IFN ß-1a (Rebif®) treatment by using RebiSmart® until replacement (36 months maximum lifetime) or treatment discontinuation. Adherence was calculated with data (injection dosage, time, and date) automatically recorded by RebiSmart®. Patients in the study had a mean age of 41 years with a female proportion of 68%. Mean EDSS score at start of treatment was 1.8 (95% CI, 1.6-1.9). Overall adherence was 92.6%(95% CI, 90.6-94.5%). A total of 30.2% of patients achieved an adherence rate of 100%, 80.6% at least 90%, and only 13.2% of patients showed a suboptimal adherence (<80%). A total of 59.9% of subjects were relapse-free after treatment initiation. Among 106 subjects (41.1%) who experienced, on average, 1.4 relapses, the majority were mild (40.6%) or moderate (47.2%). Having experienced relapses from the beginning of the treatment was the only variable significantly related to achieving an adherence of at least 80% (OR = 3.06, 1.28-7.31). Results of this study indicate that sc IFN ß-1a administration facilitated by RebiSmart® could lead to high rates of adherence to a prescribed dose regimen over 36 months

    Optimization of Pathogenicity Tests for Selection of Native Isolates of Entomopathogenic Fungi Isolated from Citrusgrowing Areas of México on Adults ofDiaphorina citriKuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae)

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    Huanglonbing (HLB), es considerado una de las más letales enfermedades de los cítricos alrededor del mundo, y ha alcanzado las principales áreas de producción de limón Mexicano (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) en la costa del pacifico de México. Los productores han iniciado el uso de insecticidas para controlar las poblaciones del psílido asiático de los cítricos, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae), el vector del patógeno ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ asociado con el HLB. Actualmente los costos de los insecticidas y los efectos secundarios de su uso son las principales preocupaciones, ya que podrían perjudicar la estrategia de manejo contra el vector; y por lo tanto, alternativas ecológicas y económicamente viables a los insecticidas convencionales serian necesarias a corto plazo. Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la patogenicidad de 27 aislados nativos y 3 cepas de hongos entomopatógenos para determinar su potencial como agentes de control biológico sobre Diaphorina citri usando 2 diferentes métodos de bioensayo. Los bioensayos fueron realizados bajo condiciones de laboratorio (26 ± 2 °C, 60 ± 5% H.R y 16:8 h L:O) mediante la exposición de insectos adultos a una concentración de 1 × 108 conidios por mililitro utilizando 2 diferentes métodos de aplicación, es decir, por asperjado de esporas en las plántulas de cítricos y por asperjado directo a los psílidos adultos. Los resultados mostraron que para el asperjado directo a los adultos los aislados HIB-24 (B. bassiana) y HIB-32 (I. fumosorosea) mostraron el mayor porcentaje de mortalidad (60.66%). Respecto al asperjado de plántulas el aislado HIB-19 (I. fumosorosea) mostró el mayor porcentaje de mortalidad (62.02%). Los resultados de este estudio demuestran el potencial para el uso de hongos entomopatógenos en el manejo de D. citri en México. ABSTRACT Huanglongbing (HLB), considered one of the most lethal diseases of citrus worldwide, has reached the main areas of Mexican lime (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) fruit production on the Pacific coast of México. Growers have initiated intensive use of insecticides in order to control populations of the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae), the vector of the pathogen, ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ associated with huanglongbing. Presently, costs of insecticides and the side effects of their use are major concerns, because they could impair the management strategy against the vector; and thus, ecologically and economically viable alternatives to conventional insecticides are required in the short term. Therefore the goal of this study was to evaluate the pathogenicity of 27 native isolates and 3 strains of entomopathogenic fungi and determine their potential as biological control agents of D. citri by using 2 different bioassay methods. Bioassays were performed under laboratory conditions (26 ± 2 °C, 60 ± 5% RH and 16:8 h L:D) by exposing adult insects to a concentration of 1 × 108 conidia per milliliter using 2 different application methods, i.e., spraying the spores onto the citrus seedlings and spraying the spores directly onto the adult psyllids. The results showed that by direct spraying the adults, HIB-24 (B. bassiana) and HIB-32 (I. fumosorosea) isolates showed the highest mortality (60.66%). Regarding spraying of the seedlings, HIB-19 (I. fumosorosea) showed the highest percentage of mortality (62.02%). The results from this study demonstrate potential for using entomopathogenic fungi in the management of D. citri in México

    Very high energy particle acceleration powered by the jets of the microquasar SS 433

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    SS 433 is a binary system containing a supergiant star that is overflowing its Roche lobe with matter accreting onto a compact object (either a black hole or neutron star). Two jets of ionized matter with a bulk velocity of 0.26c\sim0.26c extend from the binary, perpendicular to the line of sight, and terminate inside W50, a supernova remnant that is being distorted by the jets. SS 433 differs from other microquasars in that the accretion is believed to be super-Eddington, and the luminosity of the system is 1040\sim10^{40} erg s1^{-1}. The lobes of W50 in which the jets terminate, about 40 pc from the central source, are expected to accelerate charged particles, and indeed radio and X-ray emission consistent with electron synchrotron emission in a magnetic field have been observed. At higher energies (>100 GeV), the particle fluxes of γ\gamma rays from X-ray hotspots around SS 433 have been reported as flux upper limits. In this energy regime, it has been unclear whether the emission is dominated by electrons that are interacting with photons from the cosmic microwave background through inverse-Compton scattering or by protons interacting with the ambient gas. Here we report TeV γ\gamma-ray observations of the SS 433/W50 system where the lobes are spatially resolved. The TeV emission is localized to structures in the lobes, far from the center of the system where the jets are formed. We have measured photon energies of at least 25 TeV, and these are certainly not Doppler boosted, because of the viewing geometry. We conclude that the emission from radio to TeV energies is consistent with a single population of electrons with energies extending to at least hundreds of TeV in a magnetic field of 16\sim16~micro-Gauss.Comment: Preprint version of Nature paper. Contacts: S. BenZvi, B. Dingus, K. Fang, C.D. Rho , H. Zhang, H. Zho

    Constraining the pˉ/p\bar{p}/p Ratio in TeV Cosmic Rays with Observations of the Moon Shadow by HAWC

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    An indirect measurement of the antiproton flux in cosmic rays is possible as the particles undergo deflection by the geomagnetic field. This effect can be measured by studying the deficit in the flux, or shadow, created by the Moon as it absorbs cosmic rays that are headed towards the Earth. The shadow is displaced from the actual position of the Moon due to geomagnetic deflection, which is a function of the energy and charge of the cosmic rays. The displacement provides a natural tool for momentum/charge discrimination that can be used to study the composition of cosmic rays. Using 33 months of data comprising more than 80 billion cosmic rays measured by the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory, we have analyzed the Moon shadow to search for TeV antiprotons in cosmic rays. We present our first upper limits on the pˉ/p\bar{p}/p fraction, which in the absence of any direct measurements, provide the tightest available constraints of 1%\sim1\% on the antiproton fraction for energies between 1 and 10 TeV.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by Physical Review