68 research outputs found

    Stress and coping in sport

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    O estresse é entendido como um desequilíbrio substancial entre uma demanda e a capacidade de resposta, sob condições em que a falha em satisfazer a exigência tem consequências significativas. No esporte, esse assunto tem sido alvo de estudos a mais de quarenta anos, con- tudo, ainda há muito o que se entender sobre esse complexo tema. Assim, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi realizar uma revisão sistemática de literatura sobre o estresse e coping no esporte, identificando as principais teorias, suas evoluções ao longo dos anos e as formas efi- cientes de investigação. Para a análise, consultamos as bases de da- dos: Google® acadêmico, Science Direct e Scielo, buscando por livros, teses, dissertações e artigos relacionados ao tema. Como resultados, destacamos o estudo de Balbinotti et al. (2013) que propôs uma nova classificação de coping, e o Modelo Transacional Cognitivo, Motivacio- nal e Relacional (Lazarus, 1991; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), que verifica o processo de adaptação dos atletas ao contexto esportivo. Fletcher e Fletcher (2005) e Gomes (2014) também contribuíram para o desen- volvimento do Modelo de Lazarus, considerando as emoções presen- tes ao fim do processo cognitivo.Stress is seen as a substantal imbalance between demand and responsiveness, under conditons where failure to meet the requirement has signifcant consequences. In sports, this issue has been investgated over forty years, however, there is stll much to understand about this complex topic. This research aimed to conduct a systematc review of literature on stress and coping in sport, identfying the main theories, their evoluton over the years and the efcient forms of research. For the analysis, we consulted the databases: Academic Google®, Science Direct and Scielo, searching for books, theses, dissertatons and papers related to the topic. As result, we highlight the study Balbinot et al. (2013) who proposed a new classifcaton of coping, and the Transactonal Stress Model (Lazarus, 1991, Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), which verifes the process of adaptaton of athletes to the sportng context. Fletcher and Fletcher (2005) and Gomes (2014) also contributed to the development of Lazarus Model in an emoton perspectve.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perioperative thirst: an analysis from the perspective of the Symptom Management Theory

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    A theoretical study aimed to analyze the existing knowledge in the literature on the perioperative thirst symptom from the perspective of Symptom Management Theory, and supplemented with the experience of the study group and thirst research. Thirst is described as a very intense symptom occurring in the perioperative period, and for this reason it cannot be ignored. The Symptom Management Theory is adequate for understanding the thirst symptom and is a deductive theory, focused on the domains of the Person, Environment and Health / Illness Status, as well as on the dimensions of Experience, Management Strategies and Symptom Outcomes. Using the theory leads us to consider perioperative thirst in its multifactorial aspects, analyzing the interrelation of its domains and dimensions in order to draw attention to this symptom that has been insufficiently valued, recorded and treated in clinical practice

    A pathway to a stronger research culture in health policy

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    There are currently limited pathways into a career in health policy research in Australia, due in part to a serious absence of health policy research capability in Australian universities. The authors define what they consider health policy research and education should comprise, then examine what is currently on offer and propose ways to strengthen health policy research in Australia. This paper, which is part analysis and part commentary, is offered to provoke wider debate about how health policy research can be nurtured in Australia

    Search for large missing transverse momentum in association with one top-quark in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    This paper describes a search for events with one top-quark and large missing transverse momentum in the final state. Data collected during 2015 and 2016 by the ATLAS experiment from 13 TeV proton–proton collisions at the LHC corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb−1 are used. Two channels are considered, depending on the leptonic or the hadronic decays of the W boson from the top quark. The obtained results are interpreted in the context of simplified models for dark-matter production and for the single production of a vector-like T quark. In the absence of significant deviations from the Standard Model background expectation, 95% confidence-level upper limits on the corresponding production cross-sections are obtained and these limits are translated into constraints on the parameter space of the models considered

    Genetic parameters for five traits in Africanized honeybees using Bayesian inference

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    Heritability and genetic correlations for honey (HP) and propolis production (PP), hygienic behavior (HB), syrup-collection rate (SCR) and percentage of mites on adult bees (PMAB) of a population of Africanized honeybees were estimated. Data from 110 queen bees over three generations were evaluated. Single and multi-trait models were analyzed by Bayesian Inference using MTGSAM. The localization of the hive was significant for SCR and HB and highly significant for PP. Season-year was highly significant only for SCR. The number of frames with bees was significant for HP and PP, including SCR. The heritability estimates were 0.16 for HP, 0.23 for SCR, 0.52 for HB, 0.66 for PP, and 0.13 for PMAB. The genetic correlations were positive among productive traits (PP, HP and SCR) and negative between productive traits and HB, except between PP and HB. Genetic correlations between PMAB and other traits, in general, were negative, except with PP. The study permitted to identify honeybees for improved propolis and honey production. Hygienic behavior may be improved as a consequence of selecting for improved propolis production. The rate of syrup consumption and propolis production may be included in a selection index to enhance honeybee traits

    Search for large missing transverse momentum in association with one top-quark in proton-proton collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    This paper describes a search for events with one top-quark and large missing transverse momentum in the final state. Data collected during 2015 and 2016 by the ATLAS experiment from 13 TeV proton–proton collisions at the LHC corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb−1 are used. Two channels are considered, depending on the leptonic or the hadronic decays of the W boson from the top quark. The obtained results are interpreted in the context of simplified models for dark-matter production and for the single production of a vector-like T quark. In the absence of significant deviations from the Standard Model background expectation, 95% confidence-level upper limits on the corresponding production cross-sections are obtained and these limits are translated into constraints on the parameter space of the models considered

    Being 'real' in suicide prevention evaluation: the role of the ethnographer's emotions under traumatic conditions

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    While there is a tradition of recognising and contending with the emotional content of ethnography (e.g. informant emotions, researcher empathy), there are few accounts of research which illustrate clearly the emotional work done by researchers, and the value of such work as an analytical tool. Yet, in the human services, and especially where trauma is involved, ignoring emotional dynamics actually runs the risk of 'dumbing down' our analyses. The current paper draws on ethnographer experiences during an evaluation of a youth suicide prevention project at the Connexions agency in inner-city Melbourne. The organisation, which is a part of Jesuit Social Services, provides outreach, therapy and other services (e.g. drop-in, labour market program) to marginalised young people. The paper argues that researcher emotions are actually important to isolate and examine in order to adequately capture the meanings participants attribute to their realities and actions. Nevertheless, through the exploration of specific dilemmas, it is shown that recognising and processing difficult emotions can be a confronting yet rewarding exercise for researchers, both personally and in terms of research outcomes. The paper also discusses how the ethnographer managed to conduct research in a setting involving trauma