3,292 research outputs found

    Survival of Pen-Reared Ring-Necked Pheasants Released in Southeastern Iowa

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    A mass release of 2,465 ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) at a single site in previously unoccupied range in southeastern Iowa in the fall of 1970 was evaluated by studying mortality, dispersal, reproduction, and population levels. The spring cock population near the release site, sampled by crowing-count surveys, remained at the same level from 1971 to 1972. A 60% drop in the estimated hen population in the same area was accompanied by a drop in winter sex ratios from 4.1 hens/cock in 1971 (first winter after release) to 1.5 in 1972. These changes are thought due to the addition of young-of-the-year (71.2%), with an assumed sex ratio of 1:1. Twenty-three percent of the nests found in 1971 were successful. Roadside surveys and field observations in August show that 71.4% of the hens had broods in 1971, and that the average brood of age 6 weeks or older had 7.1 ± 1.1 chicks. A few birds dispersed as far as 21.5 miles immediately after release, but most stayed near the release site. Radially diverging crowing-count surveys revealed an area of concentration of birds within 2 miles of the release site in 1971; concentration expanded to 3 miles in 1972. Observed mortality during the 2 months after the release was not excessive. Weight changes of three groups of pheasants from the time of banding to the time of sampling show that birds collected from the field 1 month after release had gained more weight than birds held in captivity for the same time

    Invariant manifolds and the geometry of front propagation in fluid flows

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    Recent theoretical and experimental work has demonstrated the existence of one-sided, invariant barriers to the propagation of reaction-diffusion fronts in quasi-two-dimensional periodically-driven fluid flows. These barriers were called burning invariant manifolds (BIMs). We provide a detailed theoretical analysis of BIMs, providing criteria for their existence, a classification of their stability, a formalization of their barrier property, and mechanisms by which the barriers can be circumvented. This analysis assumes the sharp front limit and negligible feedback of the front on the fluid velocity. A low-dimensional dynamical systems analysis provides the core of our results.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. To appear in Chaos Focus Issue: Chemo-Hydrodynamic Patterns and Instabilities (2012

    Nonequilibrium Approach to Bloch-Peierls-Berry Dynamics

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    We examine the Bloch-Peierls-Berry dynamics under a classical nonequilibrium dynamical formulation. In this formulation all coordinates in phase space formed by the position and crystal momentum space are treated on equal footing. Explicitly demonstrations of the no (naive) Liouville theorem and of the validity of Darboux theorem are given. The explicit equilibrium distribution function is obtained. The similarities and differences to previous approaches are discussed. Our results confirm the richness of the Bloch-Peierls-Berry dynamics

    Sugarbeet Production Under Reduced Tillage Prospects And Problems

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    A study was initiated in the fall of 1977 to obtain base line data on the applicability of reduced tillage sugarbeet production in the Red River Valley. Three reduced tillage systems were compared to a conventional system which consisted of fall plow plus secondary tillage. Results indicated warmer early spring soil temperatures, better seedling emergence, lower ground-level wind speed and no significant yield loss under reduced tillage as compared to the conventional system