906 research outputs found

    Connecting the Dots: Improving Extension Program Planning with Program Umbrella Models

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    This paper builds on the Extension program planning framework presented by Seevers, Graham, Gamon, and Conklin (1997) in an effort to enhance and improve program planning in Extension. Using the 4-H Youth Development Program as an example, the paper considers the importance of program theory of change and theory of action in program planning, and the need for the translation of research into practice in order to elucidate the theory. In addition, the paper explores the utility of “umbrella” program models, based on sound theory and translated research, for guiding and supporting the program planning efforts of local Extension professionals. Umbrella program models have important implications for the renewed utility of the Seevers et al. (1997) framework, as well as Extension program planning training needs. Implications that extend beyond the 4-H Youth Development Program to other Extension program areas are explored as well

    Publishing in the Journal of Extension—A Place for All Authors

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    This commentary highlights the mission of the Journal of Extension as a scholarly space for Extension professionals to publish intellectual and creative work that enhances and advances the profession of Extension. I explore broadly the complex nature of the publishing process from the perspective of author, reviewer, and Extension Journal, Inc. (EJI) board member. I also focus on the ways in which the EJI board is working to streamline the publication process and suggest ways in which authors can contribute to the process through the careful preparation of high-quality manuscripts

    Be Logical About Program Evaluation: Begin with Learning Assessment

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    In an effort to build program planning and evaluation capacity in Extension faculty, this article focuses on assessing the learning that takes place in an educational program. Using logic modeling as the basis for meaningful evaluation, specific steps are outlined for measuring learning outcomes. These steps include articulating outcomes, turning outcomes into knowledge statements, and constructing a tool to measure perceived changes in knowledge. Although Extension educators are concerned not just with learning, but with action and social change that also occur, focusing on learning assessment provides a perfect opportunity to build skills in program planning and evaluation

    From Context to Outcomes: A Thriving Model for 4-H Youth Development Programs

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    The contemporary Extension 4-H program is focused on positive youth development, providing experiences that increase the likelihood of enhanced wellbeing and optimal development for 4-H participants. Despite the longevity, reach, and success of the 4-H program, however, with few notable exceptions, there has been relatively little attention paid to elucidating the underlying program theory and the actions that put the theory into motion. As a result, no one model or framework guides the program uniformly across the 4-H system, resulting in numerous ways of describing and measuring the impact of the 4-H program on young people. This paper proposes a 4-H program model that connects the 4-H program context to youth developmental outcomes through the mediating process of youth thriving. The model is based on a synthesis of extensive research conducted in the field of youth development and elucidates the processes that facilitate developmental change in youth. Implications for model use as well as professional development are considered

    Personal and Life Skill Development Through Participation in the 4-H Japanese Exchange Program

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    This article presents results of a national evaluation of the 4-H Japanese exchange program. The evaluation looked at the impact of participation in the program on personal and life skill development in youth who travel to Japan or serve as a host to an international youth visiting the United States. The results indicate that participation in the program has significant impact on personal and life skill development in youth, whether they travel to Japan or serve as host. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed few significant differences in development between youth who travel to Japan and youth who serve as host

    Using Multi-Site Methodology to Evaluate 4-H Youth Leadership Retreats

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    This article explores the possibility of using a multi-site evaluation method to evaluate 4-H youth leadership retreats in 5 different geographical locations. Using multi-site methodology enabled the researcher to gather a larger, more representative sample than would be possible by evaluating only one retreat. The strategy for planning and implementing the multi-site evaluation as well as the results of the evaluation are presented

    Program Theory and Quality Matter: Changing the Course of Extension Program Evaluation

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    As internal evaluators for the 4-H program in two states, we simultaneously yet independently began to change the way we approached our evaluation practices, turning from evaluation capacity building (ECB) efforts that prepared educators to define and measure program outcomes to strategies that engage educators in defining and measuring program quality. In this article, we discuss our similar experiences, how these experiences are changing the ECB work we do, and how changing our evaluation approach ultimately will position 4-H for better evaluations in the future. This shift in evaluation focus has implications for other Extension program areas as well

    The 4-H Summer Cultural Arts Day Camp: Bringing The World to My World

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    This article describes a community-based 4-H Cultural Arts Day Camp designed to address the out of school time needs of youth in a rural, isolated area. The camp was conducted in collaboration with several local agencies and the Oregon State University Extension Service, and is intended to provide intercultural awareness through the artistic exploration of various world cultures. An evaluation of the camp in 2003 concluded that participating youth were actively learning about other cultures. The camp clearly meets an important need, both in terms of raising intercultural awareness and providing much needed summer opportunities for rural youth

    Youth Participatory Evaluation: Matching 4-H Youth Experience to Program Theory

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    Recently, a new program model for describing and predicting the impact of 4-H on youths was proposed. The model\u27s structure was confirmed statistically in preliminary testing. However, youth voice had not been included in the development of the model. This article describes a study intended to assess the alignment of the six thriving indicators presented in the model with the lived experience of youths. Results revealed alignment between youths\u27 experience and the thriving indicators. Youths affirmed thriving as an accurate way to describe their 4-H experience and provided examples of how the thriving indicators match their experience

    Why They Come, Why They Go, and Why They Stay: Factors Affecting Volunteerism in 4-H Programs

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    The 4-H program depends on the work of thousands of adult volunteers. It seems prudent to understand more about the factors involved in an adult becoming a leader, factors contributing to the leader having a positive experience, and, in particular, the factors causing the leader to end his or her role. In order to better understand the experience of 4-H leaders and the factors contributing to their success, an exit survey was conducted with individuals who had terminated their leadership role. Key reasons for volunteering and leaving are identified
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