16 research outputs found

    Analisis Keterbacaan Informasi Bahasa Inggris di Stasiun Madiun

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    Stasiun Madiun merupakan salah satu stasiun Besar yang berada di bawah DAOP 7 wilayah Madiun yang melayani perjalanan antar kota. Madiun merupakan salah satu daerah yang menjadi tujuan baik turis lokal maupun internasional.Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterbacaan informasi berbahasa Inggris yang ada di Stasiun Madiun, dan adanya penambahan informasi selama diberlangsungkannya tatanan new normal dalam mengatasi penyebaran Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode triangulasi. Keterbacaan informasi berbahasa Inggris di Stasiun Madiun dinilai cukup baik dengan ketersediaan informasi baik menggunakan bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa Inggris. Selama pandemic Covid-19, Stasiun Madiun menambahkan informasi yang berkaitan denganpencegahan penyebaran Corona virus. Informasi tambahan tersebut meliputi ruang isolasi, alur evakuasi calon penumpang dengan hasil  rapid test menunjukkan reaktif, SOP pemeriksaan rapid test, dan persyaratan dan alur penumpang kereta api


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    Perlambatan ekonomi akibat pandemi covid 19 berdampak pada ketidakstabilan kelangsungan usaha PT. KAI (Persero). Sebagai perusahaan BUMN infrastruktur yang melayani kepentingan masyarakat umum dalam bidang perkeretaapian, pemerintah telah mengupayakan pemberian pinjaman dalam bentuk investasi pemerintah kepada PT. KAI (Persero) sebesar 3,5 triliun lewat program pemulihan ekonomi nasional (PEN). Penelitian bermaksud memprediksi kondisi keuangan PT KAI (Persero) sebelum dan setelah pemberian investasi PEN untuk melihat sejauh mana pengaruh pemberian investasi terhadap perbaikan keuangan perusahaan.Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode perbandingan rasio keuangan secara horisontal menurut Kepmen BUMN Nomor: KEP-100/MBU/2002 dalam menilai kesehatan perusahaan dan memprediksi kebangkrutan perusahaan menggunakan tiga metode financial distress yaitu altman z score, springate dan grover.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kondisi kesehatan perusahaan sebelum dan setelah pemberian investasi dari total skor 17,5 dengan kategori kurang sehat B menjadi 20,5 dengan kategori kurang sehat BB. Sedangkan prediksi kebangkrutan dari tiga metode yang digunakan menunjukkan periode sebelum pemberian investasi semua metode menghasilkan kriteria tidak sehat yang mengarah kepada kebangkrutan sedangkan periode setelah investasi hanya model grover yang menyatakan sehat sedangkan metode lain masih menunjukkan kriteria yang mengarah kepada kebangkrutan.The economic slowdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on the instability of the PT. KAI (Persero) business continuity. As a state of BUMN infrastructure company that serves the interests of the general public in the railway sector, the government has sought to provide loans in the form of government investment to PT. KAI (Persero) amounting to 3.5 trillion through the national economic recovery program (PEN). This study aims to predict the financial condition of PT KAI (Persero) before and after the provision of PEN investment to see the extent of the effect of providing investment on the company's financial improvement. This study is a quantitative study using comparison method based on the Decree of the Minister of BUMN number 100/MBU/2002 to assess the company's health and predict the company's bankruptcy using three methods of financial distress, namely Altman z score, springate and grover. The results showed that there was an improvement in health conditions before and after the provision of investment based on the Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number: KEP-100/MBU/ 2002 from a total score of 17.5 with the unhealthy category B to 20.5 with the criteria for being unhealthy BB. While the prediction of bankruptcy from the three methods used shows the period before the grant of investment, all methods produce unhealthy criteria that lead to bankruptcy, while the period after investment only states that Grover's model is healthy while other methods still show criteria that lead to bankruptcy

    Kecenderungan Penumpang Menggunakan Moda Kereta Api Antar Kota Dengan Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan Di Era New Normal

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    ABSTRACT Health protocol during Covid 19 Pandemic however can reduce the tendency of passengers in using trains as mode of transportation. The inter-city train health protocol is regulated in a circular letter from the Minister of Transportation regarding the guidelines and technical guidelines for rail transportation in the new normal era. The description of the behavior of inter-city train passengers with the application of health protocols is needed as a consideration in implementing further policies. This study uses situational variables, knowledge and personality as predictors of passengers' decisions to use trains with the application of health protocols. The research sample was 96 with random sampling technique. The data that has been collected is then tested with binary logistic regression to generate the tendency of passengers to use trains with the application of health protocols in the new normal era. The results of the study show that situational variables and passenger personalities influence passenger decisions in using the train mode in the new normal era.   Keywords: Health protocol, new normal era, consumer behavior, binary logistic regressionPenerapan protokol kesehatan dapat mengurangi kecenderungan penumpang menggunakan kereta api. Protokol kesehatan kereta antar kota diatur dalam surat edaran Menteri Perhubungan tentang pedoman dan juknis transportasi kereta api di era new normal. Gambaran perilaku penumpang kereta api antar kota dengan penerapan protokol kesehatan diperlukan sebagai pertimbangan dalam penerapan kebijakan lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini menggunakan variabel situasional, pengetahuan dan kepribadian sebagai prediktor dari keputusan penumpang menggunakan kereta api dengan penerapan protokol kesehatan. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 96 dengan teknik random samplig. Data yang telah terkumpul selanjutnya diuji dengan regresi logistik biner untuk menghasilkan kecenderungan penumpang menggunakan kereta api dengan penerapan protokol kesehatan di era new normal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel situasional dan kepribadian penumpang mempengaruhi keputusan penumpang dalam menggunakan moda kereta api pada era new normal   Kata Kunci: Protokol kesehatan, era new normal, perilaku konsumen, regresi logistik bine

    The Effectiveness of SOLE on EFL Learning for Vocational Students in Indonesia

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    Improving education in the 4.0 era needs to be adjusted to the teaching and learning in higher education. Thus, it is necessary to have a learning strategy that prioritizes student independence in learning by using facilities in the digital era such as the internet. Therefore, SOLE can be one of the strategies that are in accordance with this 4.0 education.  The purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of SOLE for apprentices in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. In this study, we used quasi-experimental studies conducted through pre-test and post-test on study subjects as primary data for the study. The analysis showed a significant difference between students taught using SOLE and conventional methods in English proficiency. The Wilcoxon test results prove that the two-sided asymptotic significance of the Wilcoxon test is 0.000 for experimental class, and 0.000 for control class which the Asymptotic significance 2-tailed below Alpha (0.05). It means that SOLE can be more effective than lecturing

    Analisis Tata Kelola Perguruan Tinggi Vokasi dan Indeks Kepuasan Siswa pada Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesia Madiun

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    Pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang utuh dapat dilakukan secara dinamis dan berkelanjutan melalui perguruan tinggi vokasi yang menekankan kompetensi dan keahlian praktikal yang dapat diterima di dunia kerja. Untuk itu diperlukan tata kelola perguruan tinggi vokasi yang efektif dan efisien sehingga dapat menghasilkan lulusan yang profesional, berkualitas dan memiliki daya saing di tingkat lokal dan global. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dengan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil analisis kualitatif menunjukkan bahwa serangkain standard yang telah ditetapkan Pemerintah melalui Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi perlu dipenuhi dengan menerapkan langkah-langkah manajemen strategi untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Perubahan yang dinamis dan fleksibel harus terus menerus dilakukan untuk menjawab tantangan perubahan dunia dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi, revolusi industri 4.0. dan learning 5.0. Pada analisis kuantitatif, indeks kepuasaan siswa menunjukkan kecenderungan positif terhadap tata kelola Perguruan Tinggi yang meningkat. Implikasi dari peningkatan layanan pendidikan dan kompetensi lulusan diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan stakeholders dan mendukung perekonomian Indonesi

    Pengenalan Awak Sarana Perkeretaapian Pada Siswa Taman Kanak-Kanak Bina Putra

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    Pengenalan awak sarana perkeretaapian merupakan salah satu wujud memperluas eksplorasi siswa taman kanak-kanak dalam mengenal berbagai profesi yang ada pada lingkup perkeretaapian. Dengan adanya pengenalan awak sarana perkeretaapian diharapkan para siswa taman kanak-kanak mampu mengetahui berbagai jenis profesi serta tugas dari masing-masing awak sarana perkeretaapian serta memperluas khasanah keilmuan dan pengalaman siswa. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan di Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesia Madiun dan diikuti oleh siswa TK Bina Putra. Pengenalan awak sarana perkeretaapian dilakukan menggunakan metode bercerita dengan media video serta karyawisata. Ekspolari di lapangan secara langsung juga dilakukan dalam rangka mengetahui sarana yang digunakan oleh awak sarana perkeretaapian dengan menaiki lokomotif kereta api. Kegiatan berlangsung dengan antusias dan interaktif. Hasil pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Siswa TK Bina Putra menambah pengetahuan kognitif dengan mengetahui profesi awak sarana perkeretaapian serta tugasnya, (2) Siswa mengeksplor sarana yang digunakan oleh awak sarana perkeretaapian secara langsung, dan (3) Meningkatkan pengalaman yang cukup dalam mengeksplorasi berbagai elemen sederhana dalam perkeretaapian


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    Kunci keselamatan dalam berkendara adalah berkendara dengan disiplin, menghormati pengendara lain, dan beretika saat berkendara. Sampai saat ini masih terdapat pengendara yang kurang memperhatikan kunci keselamatan berkendara. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat belum sadar akan pentingnya pengetahuan mengenai keselamatan berkendara. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya cara yang efektif untuk mengedukasi masyarakat tentang pentingnya pengetahuan keselamatan berkendara melalui kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dengan melakukan sosialisasi keselamatan perkeretaapian di SDN Ngujung II Magetan. Sosialisasi ini bertujuan untuk mengedukasi para siswa untuk mengetahui aspek hukum perkeretaapian dan semboyan perkeretaapian. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan siswa SDN Ngujung II Magetan dapat memahami aspek hukum perkeretaapian dan semboyan perkeretaapian


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    This community service aims to provide understanding and improve the cadets' writing skills in the final project preparation because the cadets themselves do not fully understand the procedures for writing good scientific papers. The step used in achieving the goal is to provide materials for both theory and practice through online and offline literacy classes. The method used is blended learning strategy by combining face-to-face learning and information technology capabilities. Blended learning is more flexible to use during a pandemic because it is not limited by space and time so that the target of service can be achieved. The activity will be carried out for 4 (four) days with the distribution of materials according to the schedule that has been made. The cadets had been given a pre-test before learning began and a post-test after learning was completed to evaluate the success of this service activity. Pre-test result about the basic concept of scientific work obtained 52 results and post-test results obtained 70. Systematic materials and scientific writing techniques obtained pre-test results of 45.4 and post-test results of 67.4. The material for using digital literacy in writing works has a pre-test result of 39.4 and a post-test result of 63.2. For scientific publications, the results of the pre-test were 32.4 and the post-test results were 62.6. The results of the post-test for the four materials presented, the total average value was still below 62.82, this is still far below the standard average. The expected level is 80. The literacy class which is carried out by blended learning needs to be further improved based on data processing from google forms filled out by cadets with the results of the pre-test and post-test experiencing a significant increase from the four material themes presented

    Students’ Attitude Towards Distance Learning

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    This article aimed at knowing the attitude of distance learning to the Diploma students of Indonesian Railway Polytechnic. The objective of the study was to explore the students’ attitude towards distance learning, the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning. The method used in this study were both qualitative and quantitative method to reveal students’ attitude towards distance learning. The research participants of this study were the fifth semester students. After analyzing the data, it can be concluded that based on the result of the study that has been analyzed, it was seen that the students’ attitude towards distance learning was overall positive.  And the advantages of distance learning are 1) More effective to learn independently, 2) Easier to manage the time 3) More familiar with the technology, and 4) Flexibility. While the disadvantages of distance learning are; 1) Harder to feel motivated and students’ boredom, 2) Difficult to get socialized with friends and to get feedback from the lecturer directly, 3) More theoretical then practical, 4) Hard to focus and many distractors such as internet connection or black out, and 5) More tasks and assignments

    Self-Esteem and Its Correlation to the Speaking Ability for Vocational Diploma Students in Indonesia

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    Communicating in English is not easy for the EFL students, a number of students feel shy and afraid of making mistakes while speaking. One of the aspects which may come about to this is about students’ self-esteem. This study aimed to investigate if there is significant correlation between self-esteem and speaking ability. This study took 50 male and 50 female vocational diploma students of Indonesian Railways Polytechnic as the sample of the research. This research applied a quantitative approach using correlational research. The analysis showed that the diploma students’ self-esteem is categorized significantly above average, while students’ speaking ability is categorized at a good level based on the mean score of speaking achievement. The finding of this study was also analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient analysis that revealed the r count is 0.239 > r table 0.1966 which means that there is significant correlation between self- esteem and speaking ability