3,592 research outputs found

    Measurement of swelling-induced residual stress in ion implanted SiC, and its effect on micromechanical properties

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    Ion implantation is widely used as a surrogate for neutron irradiation in the investigation of radiation damage on the properties of materials. Due to the small depth of damage, micromechanical methods must be used to extract material properties. In this work, nanoindentation has been applied to ion irradiated silicon carbide to extract radiation-induced hardening. Residual stress is evaluated using HR-EBSD, AFM swelling measurements, and a novel microcantilever relaxation technique coupled with finite element modelling. Large compressive residual stresses of several GPa are found in the irradiated material, which contribute to the significant hardening observed in nanoindentation measurements. The origin of these residual stresses and the associated hardening is the unirradiated substrate which constrains radiation swelling. Comparisons with other materials susceptible to irradiation swelling show that this effect should not be neglected in studying the effects of ion irradiation damage on mechanical properties. This constraint may also be influencing fundamental radiation defects. This has significant implications for the suitability of ion implantation as a surrogate for neutron irradiations. These results demonstrate the significance of swelling-induced residual stresses in nuclear reactor components, and the impact on structural integrity of reactor components.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Micro-mechanical testing by fibre pushout of the BN interlayer in SiCf/SiC composites for aero-propulsion

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    Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC’s) are finding renewed interest in the aerospace community for use as high temperature components in engines due to the potential for cooling air reductions over metallic parts, amongst other benefits such as weight saving and improving the turbine blade clearance. Quasi-brittle SiCf/SiC composites are toughened by the application of a boron nitride interphase coating to the fibre, which allows for cracks to deviate from the matrix. The principal issues faced by SiC-based composites lie in their degradation in corrosive environments (changing the interphase region and embrittling the overall composite) and their current inadequacy to adopt performance life models. Therefore, maintaining the interfacial properties of the composite at high temperatures is crucial. The extraction of these said properties has however proven itself to be a major engineering challenge in materials science. A few meso-scale and macro-scale techniques such as the transverse bend test and the Brazilian disc compression test have shown experimental reproducibility but are unsupported by sufficient modelling. The most accurate method for determining the properties at the micro-scale remains the push-out method on singular fibres. Herein the talk will present current both advances in using the fibre push-out method and some of the challenges to overcome with push-outs in order to accurately measure the interfacial shear stresses, coefficients of friction and residual compressive stresses at the fibre/matrix interface. The push-out method will be contrasted to the fibre push-back and push-in techniques and a novel \u27via\u27 push-out method will be introduced. Finally, suggestions for improving the method to corroborate with ongoing modelling work will be showcased

    Raman spectroscopy of ion irradiated SiC: chemical defects, strain, annealing, and oxidation

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    Raman spectroscopy has been used to identify defective bonding in neon and silicon ion irradiated single crystals of 6H-SiC. Observable differences exist in the C-C bonding region corresponding to different defect structures for neon and silicon ion implantations. Raman spectra of ion irradiated SiC show less tensile strain than neutron irradiations, explained by a residual compressive stress caused by the swelling constrained by the undamaged substrate. Evidence of oxidation during high temperature ion implantation is observed as C-O and Si-O Raman signals. Annealing irradiated SiC while acquiring Raman spectra shows rapid recovery of Si-C bonding, but not a complete recovery of the unirradiated structure. Annealing irradiated SiC causes surface oxidation where unirradiated SiC does not oxidise. Comparisons are made to the apparent radiation resistance of diamond and silicon which have similar crystal structures, but are monatomic, leading to the suggestion that chemical defects are responsible for increased radiation damage in SiC.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    The Effect of Nb/Ti Ratio on Hardness in High-Strength Ni-Based Superalloys

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    The age-hardening behaviour and microstructure development of high strength Ni-based superalloys ABD-D2, D4, and D6 with varying Nb/Ti ratios have been studied. The studied alloys have large volume fractions and multimodal size distributions of the γ′ precipitates, making them sensitive to cooling conditions following solution heat treatment. Differential scanning calorimetry was conducted with a thermal cycle that replicated a processing heat treatment. The hardness of these alloys was subsequently evaluated by nanoindentation. The Nb/Ti ratio was not observed to influence the size and distribution of primary and secondary γ′ precipitates; however, the difference in those of tertiary γ′ and precipitate morphology were observed. The nanoindentation hardness for all alloys reduces once they have been solution-heat-treated. The alloys exhibited specific peak hardness. The alloy with the greatest Nb content was found to have the best increase in hardness among the alloys studied due to its large tertiary γ′ precipitate

    Statistical properties of quasi-periodic pulsations in white-light flares observed with Kepler

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    We embark on a study of quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) in the decay phase of white-light stellar flares observed by Kepler. Out of the 1439 flares on 216 different stars detected in the short-cadence data using an automated search, 56 flares are found to have pronounced QPP-like signatures in the light curve, of which 11 have stable decaying oscillations. No correlation is found between the QPP period and the stellar temperature, radius, rotation period and surface gravity, suggesting that the QPPs are independent of global stellar parameters. Hence they are likely to be the result of processes occurring in the local environment. There is also no significant correlation between the QPP period and flare energy, however there is evidence that the period scales with the QPP decay time for the Gaussian damping scenario, but not to a significant degree for the exponentially damped case. This same scaling has been observed for MHD oscillations on the Sun, suggesting that they could be the cause of the QPPs in those flares. Scaling laws of the flare energy are also investigated, supporting previous reports of a strong correlation between the flare energy and stellar temperature/radius. A negative correlation between the flare energy and stellar surface gravity is also found

    Deformation behaviour of ion-irradiated FeCr : A nanoindentation study

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    Understanding the mechanisms of plasticity in structural steels is essential for the operation of next-generation fusion reactors. This work on the deformation behaviour of FeCr, focusses on distinguishing the nucleation of dislocations to initiate plasticity, from their propagation through the material. Fe3Cr, Fe5Cr, and Fel OCr were irradiated with 20 MeV Fe3+ ions at room temperature to doses of 0.008 dpa and 0.08 dpa. Nanoindentation was then carried out with Berkovich and spherical indenter tips. Our results show that the nucleation of dislocations is mainly from pre-existing sources, which are not significantly affected by the presence of irradiation defects or Cr%. Yield strength, an indicator of dislocation mobility, increases with irradiation damage and Cr content, while work hardening capacity decreases mainly due to irradiation defects. The synergistic effects of Cr and irradiation damage in FeCr appear to be more important for the propagation of dislocations than for their nucleation.Peer reviewe

    Microstructural and material property changes in severely deformed Eurofer-97

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    Severe plastic deformation changes the microstructure and properties of steels, which may be favourable for their use in structural components of nuclear reactors. In this study, high-pressure torsion (HPT) was used to refine the grain structure of Eurofer-97, a ferritic/ martensitic steel. Electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to characterise the microstructural changes. Following HPT, the average grain size reduced by a factor of ∼\sim 30, with a marked increase in high-angle grain boundaries. Dislocation density also increased by more than one order of magnitude. The thermal stability of the deformed material was investigated via in-situ annealing during synchrotron X-ray diffraction. This revealed substantial recovery between 450 K - 800 K. Irradiation with 20 MeV Fe-ions to ∼\sim 0.1 dpa caused a 20% reduction in dislocation density compared to the as-deformed material. However, HPT deformation prior to irradiation did not have a significant effect in mitigating the irradiation-induced reductions in thermal diffusivity and surface acoustic wave velocity of the material. These results provide a multi-faceted understanding of the changes in ferritic/martensitic steels due to severe plastic deformation, and how these changes can be used to alter material properties.Comment: 59 pages, 19 figure

    Absence of SUN1 and SUN2 proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana leads to a delay in meiotic progression and defects in synapsis and recombination

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    The movement of chromosomes during meiosis involves the location of their telomeres at the inner surface of the nuclear envelope (NE). Sad1/UNC-84 (SUN)-domain proteins are inner NE proteins that are part of complexes linking cytoskeletal elements with the nucleo skeleton, connecting telomeres to the force-generating mechanism in the cytoplasm. These proteins play a conserved role in chromosome dynamics in eukaryotes. Homologues of SUN-domain proteins have been identified in several plant species. In Arabidopsis thaliana two proteins which interact with each other, named AtSUN1 and AtSUN2, have been identified. Immuno localisation with antibodies to AtSUN1 and AtSUN2 proteins revealed that they were associated with the nuclear envelope during meiotic prophase I. Analysis of the double mutant Atsun1-1 Atsun2-2 has revealed severe meiotic defects, namely, a delay in the progression of meiosis, an absence of full synapsis, unresolved interlock-like structures and a reduction in the mean cell chiasma frequency. We propose that in Arabidopsis thaliana, overlapping functions of SUN1 and SUN2 ensure normal meiotic recombination and synapsis
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