159 research outputs found

    Perceived discrimination based on the symptoms of covid-19, mental health, and emotional responses–the international online COVISTRESS survey

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    Background Despite the potential detrimental consequences for individuals’ health and discrimination from covid-19 symptoms, the outcomes have received little attention. This study examines the relationships between having personally experienced discrimination based on the symptoms of covid-19 (during the first wave of the pandemic), mental health, and emotional responses (anger and sadness). It was predicted that covid-19 discrimination would be positively related to poor mental health and that this relationship would be mediated by the emotions of anger and sadness. Methods The study was conducted using an online questionnaire from January to June 2020 (the Covistress network; including 44 countries). Participants were extracted from the COVISTRESS database (Ntotal = 280) with about a half declaring having been discriminated due to covid-19 symptoms (N = 135). Discriminated participants were compared to non-discriminated participants using ANOVA. A mediation analysis was conducted to examine the indirect effect of emotional responses and the relationships between perceived discrimination and self-reported mental health. Results The results indicated that individuals who experienced discrimination based on the symptoms of covid-19 had poorer mental health and experienced more anger and sadness. The relationship between covid-19 personal discrimination and mental health disappeared when the emotions of anger and sadness were statistically controlled for. The indirect effects for both anger and sadness were statistically significant. Discussion This study suggests that the covid-19 pandemic may have generated discriminatory behaviors toward those suspected of having symptoms and that this is related to poorer mental health via anger and sadness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perceived discrimination based on the symptoms of covid-19, mental health, and emotional responses–the international online COVISTRESS survey

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    Background Despite the potential detrimental consequences for individuals’ health and discrimination from covid-19 symptoms, the outcomes have received little attention. This study examines the relationships between having personally experienced discrimination based on the symptoms of covid-19 (during the first wave of the pandemic), mental health, and emotional responses (anger and sadness). It was predicted that covid-19 discrimination would be positively related to poor mental health and that this relationship would be mediated by the emotions of anger and sadness. Methods The study was conducted using an online questionnaire from January to June 2020 (the Covistress network; including 44 countries). Participants were extracted from the COVISTRESS database (Ntotal = 280) with about a half declaring having been discriminated due to covid-19 symptoms (N = 135). Discriminated participants were compared to non-discriminated participants using ANOVA. A mediation analysis was conducted to examine the indirect effect of emotional responses and the relationships between perceived discrimination and self-reported mental health. Results The results indicated that individuals who experienced discrimination based on the symptoms of covid-19 had poorer mental health and experienced more anger and sadness. The relationship between covid-19 personal discrimination and mental health disappeared when the emotions of anger and sadness were statistically controlled for. The indirect effects for both anger and sadness were statistically significant. Discussion This study suggests that the covid-19 pandemic may have generated discriminatory behaviors toward those suspected of having symptoms and that this is related to poorer mental health via anger and sadness.publishedVersio

    La laïcité et les préjugés envers les minorités maghrébines

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    International audienceLa nouvelle laĂŻcitĂ© est dĂ©finie par la croyance que la religion doit ĂȘtre uneaffaire totalement privĂ©e et s’éloigne de la dĂ©finition historique prĂŽnant lalibertĂ© de conscience et la garantie du libre exercice des cultes pour tous(BaubĂ©rot, 2012). Des travaux corrĂ©lationnels rĂ©cents ont montrĂ© que cettenouvelle conception Ă©tait positivement reliĂ©e aux prĂ©jugĂ©s envers lesminoritĂ©s ethniques et religieuses et qu’elle devenait une norme culturelle deplus en plus importante en France (Kamiejski et al. , 2012). Nos travauxproposent d’examiner ce lien de façon expĂ©rimentale afin de vĂ©rifier dansquelle mesure le climat social actuel peut lĂ©gitimer l’exercice de pressionnormative Ă  l’encontre des personnes d’origine maghrĂ©bine. Dans cetteperspective, quatre Ă©tudes ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es en France auprĂšs de plus de 600participants ayant des prĂ©jugĂ©s plus ou moins Ă©levĂ©s envers les personnesd’origine maghrĂ©bine. Les participants devaient Ă©valuer et rapporter leurintention d’exercer de la pression normative sur une cible d’originemaghrĂ©bine adoptant ou non une attitude allant Ă  l’encontre de la nouvellelaĂŻcitĂ© (Etudes 1, 2, 3) et sur une cible d’origine musulmane ou catholiqueadoptant une attitude allant Ă  l’encontre de la laĂŻcitĂ© (Etude 4). Les rĂ©sultatsdes trois premiĂšres Ă©tudes montrent que les personnes ayant de forts prĂ©jugĂ©sĂ©valuent plus nĂ©gativement et exercent plus de pression normative Ă l’encontre de la cible contre-normative que de la cible normative. Parailleurs, les rĂ©sultats de l’étude 4 montrent que les personnes Ă  forts prĂ©jugĂ©sĂ©valuent plus nĂ©gativement et exercent plus de pression Ă  l’encontre d’unecible musulmane qu’à l’encontre d’une cible catholique. Ces premiersrĂ©sultats soutiennent l’idĂ©e que la laĂŻcitĂ© est susceptible d’ĂȘtre mobilisĂ©e afinde lĂ©gitimer des attitudes prĂ©judiciables envers les personnes d’originemaghrĂ©bine par les personnes ayant initialement de forts prĂ©jugĂ©s

    L’influence des normes d’intĂ©gration sur les phĂ©nomĂšnes de rĂ©silience sociale

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    International audienceLes bases fondamentales et les grands concepts de la psychologie sociale explicités et mis en scÚne dans une troisiÚme édition actualisée. Chaque chapitre est structuré de la maniÚre suivante : zoom sur les notions essentielles illustrées par de nombreux schémas, tableaux, dessins et photos ; mise en avant de définitions et de renvois vers les sites web ; développement d'études de cas et de documents interactifs (exercices corrigés, QCM, mini-tests, lectures conseillées avec deux niveaux de difficulté, webographie)


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