223 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Sirois, Armande (Fort Kent, Aroostook County)

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    Alien Registration- Nadeau, Armande (Jackman, Somerset County)

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    Southern Mother, Lethal Fetus; Or, How Birth Control Makes a Modernist out of Flannery O’Connor

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    This essay argues that the presence of birth control in a narrative interrupts generic conventions by conditioning modernist subjectivities. The symbolic possibilities of birth control carry the promise and threat of rupture. In the case of Flannery O'Connor's short story “A Stroke of Good Fortune” (1955), these possibilities disrupt both a character's identity and what we might call the identity of an O'Connor text. Critics generally read the story as a failed attempt to portray the Catholic plea against, as O'Connor put it, the “rejection of life at the source.” Recognizing the story's contraceptive disruptions allows us to see it as a modernist text rather than a narrative failure. Reading the story in this light situates modernist aesthetics within larger cultural debates about reproductive rights and civil liberties at the same time that it reveals a surprising statement about contraception. This is not to say that the story rejects contraception as a practice, as might be expected from the pen of the devoutly Catholic O'Connor. Rather, the story derides the claim that birth control is a panacea. “A Stroke” shows that birth control can be used to create oppressive, even Gothic, situations if women do not wield the control denoted by the name

    Modernism, Monsters, and Margaret Sanger

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    This article first appeared in Modern Fiction Studies, Volume 59, no. 2, 2013, pp. 440–460.This essay examines the fiction and nonfiction in the Birth Control Review (BCR), a magazine Margaret Sanger edited between 1917 and 1929, to reveal a critique of aesthetic autonomy at the intersection of modernism and feminist politics. In contrast to the aesthetic autonomy espoused by Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot, the narratives in BCR depict autonomy as a ghastly punishment rather than a goal to be achieved. Such a reading offers a framework for understanding why the dominant rhetoric of the American birth control movement shifted—within only a decade—from feminist revolution to patriarchal eugenics

    A Century of Reading Time: From Modernist Novels to Contemporary Comics

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    Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill’s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century (1999-2012) is a neo-Victorian comic book series that forcefully engages questions about history and the passage of time. This essay uses League to demonstrate how comics replicate, and even amplify, the tension between clock time and psychological time that so often appears in modernist works, thereby revealing the comic book form as an addition to the panoply of modernist techniques that interrupt the linear progression of clock time with time as felt by the individual. Simultaneously, this reading suggests that clock time – usually thought to be the objective, public dimension of time – is actually quite subjective


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    Is there a difference between writing by men and that produced by women? What does that difference look like? What about writing by non-binary individuals? Aimee Armande Wilson surveys critical responses to these questions (including ones from Gloria AnzaldĂșa, Judith Butler, HĂ©lĂšne Cixous, Elaine Showalter, and Alice Walker) before moving into a discussion of the most important factor affecting writing in the twenty-first century, the internet. More specifically, Wilson considers electronic writing, blogs, and social media using the theories of Anne Balsamo, Donna Haraway, Katherine Hayles, and Sherry Turkle. Although the intensely personal, confessional style that characterizes most blogs and social media posts is practically synonymous with many people’s understanding of “women’s writing” (for right or wrong), blogs and social media posts are nevertheless designed to be public, and often with political intent. These genres therefore necessitate new answers to old questions about privacy, power, style, and gender

    Electrical characterization and modeling of benthic microbial fuel cells for energy harvesting

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    National audienceMicrobial fuel cell (MFC) is a promising energy harvester for supplying sensors in seafloors where solar, thermal and vibration sources are inadequate. Extensive efforts focus improvement of MFC biological and electrochemical capabilities while the electrical perspectives are poorly developed in literature. In order to promote MFC as energy scavenger, this paper explains the methods used to electrically characterize the specific MFC for seafloor conditions and the way to model its steady state operation close to the maximum power point. The method is applied to a compost-fed MCF delivering 5.7”W at 0.14V optimal output voltage. This work is the first step to efficiently apprehend the elaboration of an electrical harvesting interface

    Mise en évidence du systÚme de communication "Quorum Sensing" impliquant les AHLs chez des bactéries marines isolées de la Méditerranée

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    The biofouling control on immersed inert surfaces or in moist atmosphere is a necessity in the marine sector for both economic and environmental reasons. Microbial biofilm formation, the initial step of biofouling development, is intrinsically linked to the communication system “Quorum sensing” (QS). In some Gram negative bacteria, QS is based on the perception of small diffusible signaling molecules called Acyl Homoserine Lactones (AHLs). The inhibition of bacterial QS is part of the different antifouling strategies currently developed. This present work focused on the detection of AHLs molecules involved in this communication system in bacteria isolated from Toulon harbor and the study of modulation of some phenotypes, including biofilm formation, by these molecules as well as the development of a preliminary anti-QS assay. Three marine bacteria isolated from Toulon harbor (TC8, TC14 and TC15), belonging to the Pseudoalteromonas genus, known to synthesize many active molecules, have been tested for their ability to produce AHLs. Only Pseudoalteromonas sp. TC15 produced the C12-HSL. P. ulvae TC14 a violacein-producing and biofilm-forming bacteria, did not secrete any AHLs. Few marine bacteria are used as an anti-QS screening tool, especially by interfering with AHLs with the goal of studying the consequences on biofilm formation. In order to evaluate the possibility to use TC14 with this purpose, exogenous AHLs were tested on the violacein production, the biofilm formation and the motility of TC14. Some AHLs were able to regulate violacein production and biofilm formation suggesting the presence of a functional AHLs receptor in TC14. Preliminary QS inhibition assays were performed with commercial molecules and synthetic analogues. The commercial 3-oxo-C6-HSL as well as esculetin and p-benzoquinone, known to interfere with bacterial QS, were able to inhibit QS and biofilm formation at a non-toxic concentration. Overall, this study suggests that the marine strain P. ulvae TC14 may be used as a tool for the detection of anti-QS molecules in conditions closed to the marine environment. These molecules may subsequently be tested on the biofilm formation of marine bacteria. The long term objective is to find a way to limit biofilm formation, using non-toxic molecules for the environment.Le contrĂŽle du biofouling sur des surfaces inertes immergĂ©es ou en atmosphĂšre humide est une nĂ©cessitĂ© dans le secteur marin, tant pour des raisons Ă©conomiques qu’environnementales. La formation de biofilm microbien, Ă©tape prĂ©alable Ă  la formation du biofouling, est souvent intrinsĂšquement liĂ©e chez les bactĂ©ries au systĂšme de communication “Quorum Sensing” (QS). Chez certaines bactĂ©ries Gram nĂ©gatif, le QS est basĂ© sur la perception de petites molĂ©cules diffusibles appelĂ©es N- Acyl HomosĂ©rine Lactones (AHLs). L’une des stratĂ©gies antifouling en voie de dĂ©veloppement de nos jours repose sur l’inhibition du QS bactĂ©rien. L’objectif de cette thĂšse est d’utiliser certaines bactĂ©ries marines afin d’identifier des molĂ©cules anti-QS capables de perturber la formation de biofilm. Ce travail a donc portĂ© sur la mise en Ă©vidence de molĂ©cules AHLs impliquĂ©es dans le QS chez certaines bactĂ©ries marines isolĂ©es de la rade de Toulon, l’étude de la modulation de certains phĂ©notypes dont la formation du biofilm, par ces molĂ©cules et, la mise en place d’un test prĂ©liminaire d’inhibition du QS. Parmi les trois bactĂ©ries isolĂ©es de la rade de Toulon (TC8, TC14 et TC15) du genre Pseudoalteromonas, connues pour produire de nombreuses molĂ©cules actives, et testĂ©es pour leur capacitĂ© Ă  sĂ©crĂ©ter des AHLs, seule Pseudoalteromonas sp. TC15 a produit la C12-HSL. P. ulvae TC14, capable de produire un biofilm consĂ©quent et de la violacĂ©ine, ne produit aucune AHL. Afin d’évaluer la possibilitĂ© d’utiliser une bactĂ©rie marine comme outil de criblage anti-QS, interfĂ©rant avec les AHLs et les consĂ©quences sur son biofilm, des AHLs exogĂšnes ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es sur la production de violacĂ©ine, la formation de biofilm et la mobilitĂ© de TC14. Certaines AHLs ont montrĂ© qu’elles pouvaient rĂ©guler la production de violacĂ©ine et la formation de biofilm chez TC14, suggĂ©rant l’existence d’un rĂ©cepteur AHLs fonctionnel. Des tests prĂ©liminaires d’inhibition du QS ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s avec des molĂ©cules commerciales et des analogues synthĂ©tiques. La 3-oxo-C6-HSL commerciale, ainsi que l’esculĂ©tine et la p- benzoquinone, connues pour interfĂ©rer avec le QS bactĂ©rien, ont Ă©tĂ© capables d’inhiber la production de violacĂ©ine ainsi que la formation de biofilm de TC14 Ă  des concentrations n’affectant pas sa croissance. Cette Ă©tude suggĂšre donc que P. ulvae TC14 pourrait ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e comme un outil de recherche de molĂ©cules anti-QS en conditions proches de celles trouvĂ©es dans l’environnement marin, et ce dans le but d’ĂȘtre ultĂ©rieurement testĂ©es sur la formation de biofilm. L’objectif Ă  plus long terme reste de trouver un moyen de limiter la formation du biofilm en utilisant des molĂ©cules non toxiques pour l’environnement
