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    The most commonly-causing disease in developing countries is tuberculosis (TBC or TB). Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an analysis that can be accepted individually or scientifically on the problem of transmission of tb tuberculosis cases in developing countries. One of them can be viewed in the form of a mathematical model. By dividing the human population into 3 groups, namely the group of susceptible individuals (susceptible to disease), hordes of infective individuals (infected with disease), and groups of recovered individuals (cured derived from disease) that's how the SIR model describes the dynamics of the spread of infectious diseases. Therefore, critical point analysis, eigen value and basic reproduction ratio are needed. Then test the parameter analysis by simulating the runge kutta method order 4, from the results of the analysis conducted we will find the rate of transmission and cure rate which is the most influential thing on the spread of tuberculosis (TBC). Thus from the occurrence of epidemics that form or decrease the rate of transmission and increase the cure rate of tuberculosis disease transmission can be controlled


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    ABSTRAK Pendidikan jasmani merupakan salah satu bagian dari pendidikan yang mengutamakan kegiatan fisik dan spiritual. pendidikan jasmani bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan dan bmengembangbangkan jasmani, mental, dan emosional. Guru sebagai pendidik berkewajiban untuk membimbing siswa dengan memberikan pengetahuan dan memfasilitasi proses pembelajaran secara kreatif dan sistematis. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu model pembelajaran yang dapat mengembangkan hasil belajar siswa yang disebut pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Head Together (NHT) di kelas XI siswa Driyorejo 1 SMK Negeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh jenis pembelajaran kooperatif Numbered Head Together (NHT) pada hasil belajar pasing menggunakan kaki bagian dalam sepak bola. Selain itu, bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh jenis pembelajaran kooperatif Numbered Head Together (NHT) hasil belajar pasing menggunakan kaki bagian dalam di sepak bola. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan menggunakan kelompok kontrol desain pre-test post test acak. Berdasarkan hasil analisis SPSS 20,0 dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari model pembelajaran kooperatif Numbered Head Together (NHT) terhadap hasil belajar dengan menggunakan kaki bagian dalam dengan Thitung 0,786> Ttabel 1,67866 dengan sig = 0,436 (<α = 0,050) yang berarti H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Kata kunci : Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe NHT, Hasil Belajar, passing dalam, sepakbola. ABSTRACT Physical education is one part of education that prioritizes physical and spiritual activities. Physical education aims to grow and develop balaned physial, mental, and emotional. Teachers as educators are obligated to guide students by providing knowledge and facilitating the learning process creatively and systematically. Therefore, it is required a learning model which can develop student learning outcomes named cooperative learning type Numbered Head Together (NHT) in class XI students Driyorejo 1 State Vocational School. This study aims to determine whether there is the influence of cooperative learning type Numbered Head Together (NHT) on the results of learning passing using the inner leg in football. Moreover, it aims to determine how much the influence of cooperative learning type Numbered Head Together (NHT) on the result of passing learniting using the innet leg in football. This research is an experimental study with a quantitative approach. It uses a randomized control group pre-test post test design. Based on the results of SPSS 20.0 analysis it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of cooperative learning model Numbered Head Together (NHT) toward learning outcomes of passing using the inner leg (Tcount 0.786> Ttable 1.67866) in significant value = 0.436 (<α = 0.050). It means the H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Keywords: NHT type cooperative learning, learning outcomes, passing deep, football


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    Dalam Kurikulum 2013 proses pembelajaran dicanangkan berpusat pada siswa dan guru hanya sebagai fasilitator. Oleh karena itu keaktifan siswa sangat berpengaruh dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran yang dapat merangsang keaktifan siswa yaitu model pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing (Guided Inquiry) dan Project Based Learning (PjBL). Model pembelajaran ini diterapkan pada mata diklat Sistem Komputer di SMK N 2 Bandung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui model pembelajaran manakah yang dapat menghasilkan hasil belajar atau penguasaan siswa yang lebih baik diantara keduanya. Model pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing merupakan suatu pendekatan inkuiri dimana guru mempunyai peranan lebih aktif dalam menetapkan permasalahan kemudian diproses dengan menganalisis masalah tersebut sehingga dapat ditarik suatu kesimpulan. Project Based Learning (PjBL) adalah suatu inovasi dalam pembelajaran dimana seorang menjadi fasillitator dan motivator terhadap siswa, dalam kegiatan proses belajarnya siswa dituntut belajar mandiri secara otonom dan akan mendapatkan suatu produk yang mempunyai nilai. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode quasi eksperimen dengan subjek terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu kelas X TKI 2 (model Inkuiri Terbimbing) dan X TKI 3 (model Project Based Learning ). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes tertulis dan pengamatan terhadap seluruh sampel. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2010 dan perhitungan manual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar setelah diberikan perlakuan yaitu dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing dan Project Based Learning (PjBL). (2) terdapat perbedaan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa antara model Inkuiri Terbimbing dan Project Based Learning (PjBL). Dimana model Project Based Learning (PjBL) memiliki nilai rata-rata lebih baik dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing.;In 2013 Curriculum learning launched by centered on students and teachers only have a facilitating . Hence liveliness students are very influence in the implementation of the learning. Learning model that can be stimulate liveliness students that is learning model guided inquiry ( guided inquiry and project based learning ( PjBL) .Learning model is applied in the eye training a computer system in SMK N2 Bandung. The study is done for the purpose of learning model will know that can produce study results or mastery students who better between them. Learning guided inquiry is an approach inquiry where teachers have participate more active in setting problems then processed by analyzing so the problems can be drawn a conclusion. Project based learning (PjBL is a innovation in learning which a be fasillitator and motivator of students, in the activities of the process of learning students are required independent study in autonomous and they will receive a product it has value. Methods used in research this is the method quasi experiment with the subject of consisting of two classes class X TKI 2 ( of models guided inquiry) and X TKI 3 ( of models project based learning ). Data collection was carried out by a test written and observation against the total sample. Data processing was conducted using Microsoft Excel 2010 and calculation manual . The research results show that (1) there has been increasing learning outcomes having given treatment that is by using kind of classroom guided inquiry and project based learning (PjBL) .(2) there was a gap in the average learning outcomes students between the model guided inquiry and project based learning (PjBL) .Where a model project based learning (PjBL) they have an average point is better than the kind of classroom guided inquiry

    Kostimografska rješenja za pripovijetku "Krabulja crvene smrti" autora Edgara Allana Poea

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    Tema ovog diplomskog rada kostimografsko je rješenje pripovijetke Edgara Allana Poea naziva Krabulja crvene smrti. Uz kratki pregled biografije pisca i istraţivanja povijesnog konteksta samog djela, navedena su i mišljenja odreĎenih teoretičara u svrhu razumijevanja alegorijskog značaja pripovijetke. Zatim su raščlanjeni svi elementi vaţni za daljnju izradu skica prijedloga kostima, poput boje, simbolike boja i maski. Same skice kostimografskih rješenja bazirane su na predlošku razzle dazzle kamuflaţe, prvobitno korištene u mornarici tijekom Prvog svjetskog rata, te povezanosti s kasnijim umjetničkim pravcima, poput kubizma i op arta, čija su osnovna načela uvelike utjecala na ideju cjelokupnog scenskog oblikovanja. Na samom kraju istraţivačkog dijela rada nalazi se kratko upoznavanje pojma dekonstrukcija i početak primjene u modi, nakon čega slijedi eksperimentalni dio rada u kojem su priloţene i objašnjene skice, scena te izraĎen odabrani kostim


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis konflik manusia dengan gajah sumatera, memetakan kawasan konflik, menganalisis pengaruh pengetahuan, persepsi, kebiasaan, dan tindak lanjut penanggulangan konflik terhadap konflik yang terjadi, dan menganalisis persepsi masyarakat terhadap konservasi di Kecamatan Peunaron Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada Bulan Juli sampai dengan September 2016. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dan wawancara terhadap 40 warga Bukit Tiga, Peunaron Lama, Peunaron Baru, Arul Pinang, dan 30 warga Lokop dan sekitarnya masyarakat di Kecamatan Peunaron Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Analisis data dengan menguunakan skala likert, aplikasi ArcGIS, regresi linear berganda, dan chi square. Hasil penelitian (1) daerah dengan frekuensi dan intensitas konflik paling tinggi hingga paling rendah adalah lokop, sri mulya, arul pinang, bukit tiga, peunaron lama, dan peunaron baru, (2) pemetaan daerah dengan konflik yang paling tinggi berada di daerah yang berbatasan dengan hutan, (3) nilai signifikasi pengetahuan 0,049 0,05, (4) nilai uji chi square terhadap persepsi adalah 0,836 > 0,05. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini, (1) desa yang berbatasan langsung dengan hutan memiliki tingkat konflik yang tinggi, (2) pengetahuan, persepsi, dan kebiasaan masyarakat berpengaruh terhadap konflik yang terjadi (3) persepsi masyarakat terhadap konservasi tidak berhubungan dengan frekuensi konflik. Kata Kunci : Analisis, konflik manusia dengan gajah sumatera, persepsi masyarakat


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    UQUBAT DENDA EMAS MURNI DALAM QANUN JINAYAT DI ACEHFirdaus Armanda Syahrizal Abbas Suhaimi ABSTRAKQanun Aceh No. 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Hukum Jinayat diberlakukan sesuai dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan hukum bagi masyarakat Aceh. Qanun Hukum Jinayat pada dasarnya merupakan penyempurnaan dari tiga qanun di bidang jinayat yang pernah berlaku sebelumnya yaitu Khamar, Maisir dan Khalwat. Salah satu hal yang menarik dalam qanun ini adalah mengenai hukumannya (uqubatnya), di mana dalam hukumannya, qanun Aceh selalu menetapkan hukuman denda berupa emas murni. Sehingga hal yang paling menarik dibahas adalah (1) Mengapa qanun jinayat menggunakan emas murni sebagai standar uqubat denda terhadap pelaku jarimah? Dan (2) Apakah menjadi dasar filosofis, yuridis dan sosiologis bagi penentuan standar uqubat denda terhadap pelaku jarimah?Pelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui mengapa qanun jinayat menggunakan emas murni sebagai standar uqubat denda terhadap pelaku jarimah, serta apakah menjadi dasar filosofis, yuridis dan sosiologis bagi penentuan standar uqubat denda terhadap pelaku jarimah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif-kualitatif. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian hukum normatif doktrinal, yaitu sebuah penelitian yang mengkaji asas-asas dan norma-norma hukum, yang fokusnya adalah analisis data sekunder. Bahan hukum primer dalam penelitian ini adalah Qanun Aceh No. 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Hukum Jinayat, sedangkan bahan hukum sekunder adalah buku-buku pendukung lainnya. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan cara menghimpun dan menelaah data-data sumber kepustakaan berupa data-data sekunder yang relevan dengan pembahasan tesis ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama uqubat emas murni yang terdapat dalam qanun Aceh tidak terlepas dari sejarah masyarakat Aceh yang kental dengan nilai keislaman, sehingga uqubat emas murni yang dikenal dalam Islam diambil juga dalam qanun Aceh. Kedua, terdapat tiga faktor yang mempengaruhi penetapan uqubat emas murni yang terdapat dalam qanun Aceh, yaitu faktor filsofis, yuridis dan sosiologis. Di mana secara filosofis penetapan uqubat emas murni merupakan hasil ijtihad dari hukuman yang terdapat dalam hukum Islam sendiri. Sedangkan secara yuridis merupakan hasil perubahan dari hukuman dalam qanun sebelumnya. Selanjutnya secara sosiologis uqubat emas murni tersebut sesuai dengan tradisi masyarakat Aceh yang selalu memakai emas dalam kehidupannya.Disarankan supaya pemerintah Aceh tetap mempertahankan jenis hukuman ini, sebab dengan jenis hukuman tersebut, masyarakat merasa takut dan enggan untuk melakukan tindak jinayat. Begitu juga halnya untuk pemerintah pusat, supaya dapat mengambil dan mempelajari jenis hukuman denda yang terdapat dalam qanun Aceh ini, sebagai masukan untuk hukum pidana nasional.Kata Kunci: Uqubat, Qanun, Emas Murni


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    Many businesses accept various forms of electronic payments for their products and services. Financial institutions play an important role in electronic payment systems, creating and distributing a variety of electronic payment instruments, accepting a similar variety of instruments, processing these payments, and taking part in cleaning systems. However, increasingly, financial institutions are competing with third parties to provide support services for payment systems e-commerce. In electronic payment mechanisms that financial institutions offer e- commerce are the automated clearing houses (ACH ) debit and credit of the Internet, electronic bill payments, electronic checks, money - mail, electronic payments and credit card. I decided to choose E-banking as the topic of my paper for the importance that is taking lately banking system in the world and in our country. Banking has never been so important to our society, as it is in today. Progress in the field of communication technology and computer wide spread of internet has made it possible to conduct more transactions from our homes or offices without having to go to the banking institution to achieve these services, seen as a revolutionary progress in the banking industry. E-banking includes those processes which allow the customer to perform banking transactions electronically without having his physical presence in the banking institution. The purpose of this paper will be that of describing the phenomenon " E-banking " and the identification of key issues specifications and brought its use inside and outside the country. The objectives of this study will be: to give a precise definition of the phenomenon of " E-Banking " and how it has evolved to today, the description of key species which appears E-Banking, and descriptions of the main advantages and disadvantages for each of them, to conduct a study on some of the country's leading banks on the use of e-banking in our country and prospects for the future. Also a main focus is the industry "online- banking" in the future. Which are the risks posed by cybercrime users, and how to protect against them. The research is based in conducting a search to show the impact of the Internet in the improvement of the quality of services in the banking industry, and finally in this paper the purpose is to make a comparison between a traditional bank and a bank that uses the internet. Also this paper will aim to show how the Internet has affected the quality of services. The show has had positive effects on improving the client-service and also has faced risks in the banking system when the client applies e-banking. At the end of the study will draw some conclusions and recommendations regarding this issue

    Cosmopolitanism With a Twist

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    The smaller the world due to mass migration and new technology, the bigger the conflicts due to perceiving ourselves as more different from one-another than ever. There is new hope, however, because cosmopolitanism has made a spectacular comeback to save the day. Unfortunately, everyone seems to be so caught up arguing whether the glass of cosmopolitanism is half full or half empty, that cosmopolitanism is, in fact, causing quite a stir, thus defeating its harmonious purpose. This paper calls for a time-out and proposes a cosmopolitan-approach to cosmopolitanism