8 research outputs found

    The Influence of Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Auxin-Producing Bacteria on the Growth, Biochemical Parameters, and Hormonal Status of Barley Plants in the Process of Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Soil

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    Взаимосвязи бактерий и растений в процессе биоремедиации почв, загрязненных нефтью, уделяется много внимания, однако воздействие бактерий-деструкторов нефти, синтезирующих фитогормоны, на содержание и распределение этих соединений в самих растениях, исследовано слабо. Целью полевого опыта было изучение влияния углеводородокисляющих бактерий, продуцирующих ауксины, на ростовые, биохимические показатели и гормональный статус растений ячменя в присутствии нефти и перспективы применения их ассоциаций для очистки почвы, содержащей нефть (в среднем 2,7 %). Обработка растений штаммами Enterobacter sp. UOM 3 и Pseudomonas hunanensis IB C7 приводила к увеличению длины и массы корней и побегов, индекса листовой поверхности и улучшению показателей элементов структуры урожая, которые были угнетены под воздействием поллютанта. В результате бактеризации повышалось содержание хлорофилла, флавоноидов и снижалось количество пролина. Наиболее заметным проявлением влияния бактерий на гормональную систему растений было уменьшение накопления абсцизовой кислоты. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что интродукция микроорганизмов ослабляла для растений негативные последствия абиотического стресса, вызванного присутствием нефти. Совместное применение бактерий-нефтедеструкторов и растений эффективнее снижало содержание углеводородов в почве и увеличивало ее микробиологическую активность по сравнению с использованием их по отдельности. Изученные микробно-растительные комплексы признаны перспективными для биоремедиации нефтезагрязненных почвExtensive research has been done to investigate the relationship between bacteria and plants in the process of bioremediation of soils contaminated with oil, but the effect of oil-degrading bacteria that synthesize phytohormones on the content and distribution of these compounds in plants has been poorly studied. The aim of the field experiment was to study the effect of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria producing auxins on the growth, biochemical parameters, and hormonal status of barley plants in the presence of oil and the prospects for using bacterial-plant associations for treating soil that contains oil (2.7 %, on average). Treatment of plants with cultures of Enterobacter sp. UOM 3 and Pseudomonas hunanensis IB C7 led to an increase in the length and mass of roots and shoots and the leaf surface index and an improvement in the parameters of the components of the crop structure that were suppressed by the pollutant. As a result of bacterization, the contents of chlorophyll and flavonoids increased, and the amount of proline decreased. The most noticeable effect of bacteria on the hormonal system of plants was a decrease in the accumulation of abscisic acid. The data obtained indicate that the treatment of plants with bacterial cultures alleviated the negative consequences of abiotic stress caused by the presence of oil for plants. The use of oil-degrading bacteria and plants in combination rather than separately more effectively reduced the content of hydrocarbons in the soil and increased its microbiological activity. The microbial-plant combinations studied in this work are regarded as promising for the bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil

    Rhizobacteria Inoculation Effects on Phytohormone Status of Potato Microclones Cultivated In Vitro under Osmotic Stress

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    Water deficits inhibit plant growth and decrease crop productivity. Remedies are needed to counter this increasingly urgent problem in practical farming. One possible approach is to utilize rhizobacteria known to increase plant resistance to abiotic and other stresses. We therefore studied the effects of inoculating the culture medium of potato microplants grown in vitro with Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 or Ochrobactrum cytisi IPA7.2. Growth and hormone content of the plants were evaluated under stress-free conditions and under a water deficit imposed with polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000). Inoculation with either bacterium promoted the growth in terms of leaf mass accumulation. The effects were associated with increased concentrations of auxin and cytokinin hormones in the leaves and stems and with suppression of an increase in the leaf abscisic acid that PEG treatment otherwise promoted in the potato microplants. O. cytisi IPA7.2 had a greater growth-stimulating effect than A. brasilense Sp245 on stressed plants, while A. brasilense Sp245 was more effective in unstressed plants. The effects were likely to be the result of changes to the plant’s hormonal balance brought about by the bacteria

    Cytokinin producing bacteria stimulate amino acid deposition by wheat roots

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    Phytohormone production is one mechanism by which rhizobacteria can stimulate plant growth, but it is not clear whether the bacteria gain from this mechanism. The hypothesis that microbial-derived cytokinin phytohormones stimulate root exudation of amino acids was tested. The rhizosphere of wheat plants was drenched with the synthetic cytokinin trans-zeatin or inoculated with Bacillus subtilis IB-22 (which produces zeatin type cytokinins) or B. subtilis IB-21 (which failed to accumulate cytokinins). Growing plants in a split root system allowed spatial separation of zeatin application or rhizobacterial inoculation to one compartment and analyses of amino acid release from roots (rhizodeposition) into the other compartment (without either microbial inoculation or treatment with exogenous hormone). Supplying B. sub tills IB-22 or zeatin to either the whole root system or half of the roots increased concentrations of amino acids in the soil solution although the magnitude of the increase was greater when whole roots were treated. There was some similarity in amino acid concentrations induced by either bacterial or zeatin treatment. Thus B. subtilis IB-22 increased amino acid rhizodeposition, likely due to its ability to produce cytokinins. Furthermore, B. subtilis strain IB-21, which failed to accumulate cytokinins in culture media, did not significantly affect amino acid concentrations in the wheat rhizosphere. The ability of rhizobacteria to produce cytokinins and thereby stimulate rhizodeposition may be important in enhancing rhizobacterial colonization of the rhizoplane. (C) 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Nd<sub>2−x</sub>Sr<sub>x</sub>NiO<sub>4</sub> Solid Solutions: Synthesis, Structure and Enhanced Catalytic Properties of Their Reduction Products in the Dry Reforming of Methane

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    Solid solutions Nd2−xSrxNiO4±δ (x = 0, 0.5, 1, 1.2, 1.4) with a K2NiF4 structure can be obtained from freeze-dried precursors. The end members of this series can be obtained at T ≥ 1000 °C only, while complex oxides with x = 1; 1.5 are formed at T ≥ 700 °C. Thermal analysis revealed the two stages of Nd2−xSrxNiO4±δ thermal reduction in a 10%H2/Ar gas mixture that was completed at 900 °C. For x 1 revealed the outstanding catalytic activity and selectivity in the dry reforming of the methane (DRM) reaction at 800 °C with CH4 conversion close to the thermodynamic values. The appearance of two different maxima of the catalytic properties of Ni/(Nd2O3,SrCO3) nanocomposites could be affiliated with the domination of the positive contributions of Nd2O3 and SrCO3, respectively

    Accumulation of cytokinins in roots and their export to the shoots of durum wheat plants treated with the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP)

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    Cytokinin flow from roots to shoots can serve as a long-distance signal important for root-to-shoot communication. In the past, changes in cytokinin flow from roots to shoots have been mainly attributed to changes in the rate of synthesis or breakdown in the roots. The present research tested the possibility that active uptake of cytokinin by root cells may also influence its export to shoots. To this end, we collapsed the proton gradient across root membranes using the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) to inhibit secondary active uptake of exogenous and endogenous cytokinins. We report the impact of CCCP on cytokinin concentrations and delivery in xylem sap and on accumulation in shoots of 7-day-old wheat plants in the presence and absence of exogenous cytokinin applied as zeatin. Zeatin treatment increased the total accumulation of cytokinin in roots and shoots but the effect was smaller for the shoots. Immunohistochemical localization of cytokinins using zeatin-specific antibodies showed an increase in immunostaining of the cells adjacent to xylem in the roots of zeatin-treated plants. Inhibition of secondary active cytokinin uptake by CCCP application decreased cytokinin accumulation in root cells but increased both flow from the roots and accumulation in the shoots. The possible importance of secondary active uptake of cytokinins by root cells for the control of their export to the shoot is discussed

    Accumulation of cytokinins in roots and their export to the shoots of durum wheat plants treated with the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP)

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    Abstract: Cytokinin flow from roots to shoots can serve as a long-distance signal important for root-to-shoot communication. In the past, changes in cytokinin flow from roots to shoots have been mainly attributed to changes in the rate of synthesis or breakdown in the roots. The present research tested the possibility that active uptake of cytokinin by root cells may also influence its export to shoots. To this end, we collapsed the proton gradient across root membranes using the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) to inhibit secondary active uptake of exogenous and endogenous cytokinins. We report the impact of CCCP on cytokinin concentrations and delivery in xylem sap and on accumulation in shoots of 7-day-old wheat plants in the presence and absence of exogenous cytokinin applied as zeatin. Zeatin treatment increased the total accumulation of cytokinin in roots and shoots but the effect was smaller for the shoots. Immunohistochemical localization of cytokinins using zeatin-specific antibodies showed an increase in immunostaining of the cells adjacent to xylem in the roots of zeatin-treated plants. Inhibition of secondary active cytokinin uptake by CCCP application decreased cytokinin accumulation in root cells but increased both flow from the roots and accumulation in the shoots. The possible importance of secondary active uptake of cytokinins by root cells for the control of their export to the shoot is discussed