59 research outputs found


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    Manfaat fenomena astronomi untuk kehidupan manusia menyebabkan pengkajian astronomi telah menjadi perhatian sejak awal peradaban manusia. Salah satu fenomena astronomi yang banyak dikaji sejak awal peradaban adalah matahari. Sepanjang tahun, terjadi perubahan durasi siang hari yang bersinar di suatu tempat tertentu di permukaan bumi. Secara matematis, perubahan durasi siang hari tersebut dapat dihitung dengan menggunakan spherical trigonometry. Variable yang digunakan dalam spherical trigonometry adalah koordinat posisi pada permukaan bumi dan posisi relatif matahari terhadap bumi

    Permainan (Tradisional) untuk Mengembangkan Interaksi Sosial, Norma Sosial dan Norma Sosiomatematik pada Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik

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    Pendekatan matematika realistik dikembangkan berdasarkan filosofi matematika sebagai suatu bentuk aktivitas manusia (human activity). Sebagai suatu aktivitas manusia, proses pembelajaran merupakan suatu kegiatan yang bersifat sosial dan menuntut adanya interaksi di antara pelaku pembelajaran. Interaksi sosial antar pebelajar berjalan secara simultan dengan proses mandiri tiap pebelajar dalam membentuk dan mengembangkan aspek kognitif para pebelajar. Dalam pembelajaran matematika, pengetahuan informal matematika dikembangkan menjadi konsep formal matematika melalui interaksi sosial yang didukung oleh norma sosial dan sosiomatematik. Komunikasi merupakan salah satu karakteristik alami dari permainan (tradisional) sehingga permainan (tradisional) dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengembangkan interaksi sosial, norma sosial dan norma sosiomatematik dalam pembelajaran matematika. Kata kunci: permainan (tradisional), interaksi sosial, norma sosial, norma sosiomatematik, pendidikan matematika realisti


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    oai:oai.ojs.umrah.ac.id:article/1Kesalahan atau kesulitan belajar bisa menjadi sumber penting dalam pembelajaran. Terdapat beberapa jenis kesulitan belajar aljabar yang dialami siswa, yaitu: (a) kesalahan dalam memahami lambang ‘=’; (2) tendensi penggunaan prosedur aritmatika dan pengabaian variabel; (3) generalisasi; (4) abstraksi; dan (5) pemaknaan grafik. Dengan mengetahui jenis kesulitan belajar tersebut maka guru bisa merancang pembelajaran yang tepat. Lebih lanjut lagi, jika merujuk pada pendidikan matematika realistik, terdapat empat pandangan tentang belajar aljabar, yaitu: (1) aljabar sebagai aktivitas manusia (algebra as human activity); (2) aljabar sebagai aktivitas otak (algebra as brain activity); (3) aljabar sebagai aktivitas personal (algebra as personal activity); dan (4) aljabar sebagai aktivitas yang bermakna (algebra as meaningful activity). Kata kunci: kesulitan belajar aljabar, pembelajaran aljabar Errors or difficulties in learning could be an important source of learning. There are several types of students’ difficulties in learning algebra, namely: (1) Errors in understanding the symbol ‘=’; (2) Tendency to use arithmetic procedures and to ignore variables; (3) Generalization; (4) Abstraction; and (5) Graph interpretation. Teacher can design appropriate learning by identifying those students’ difficulties. Furthermore, there are four views about learning algebra referring to Realistic Mathematics Education: 1) algebra as human activity; (2) algebra as brain activity; (3) algebra as personal activity; (4) algebra as meaningful activity. Keywords: difficulties in learning algebra, algebra learning

    Hypothetical Learning Trajectory dan Peningkatan Pemahaman Konsep Pengukuran Panjang

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    Suatu kegiatan pembelajaran tidak terlepas dari proses perencanaan dan desain. Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran atau lesson plan merupakan salah satu bentuk nyata proses perencanaan pembelajaran. Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran sangat bermanfaat sebagai panduan guru dalam melaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran. Pendidikan Matematika Realistik memberikan perhatian pada perumusan hypothetical learning trajectory sebagai pedoman pelaksanaan pembelajaran sekaligus sebagai suatu tindakan antisipatif terhadap kemungkinan masalah yang dihadapi siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Artikel ini menyajikan contoh perumusan hypothetical learning trajectory untuk pembelajaran vpengukuran panjang. Kata kunci: hypothetical learning trajectory, pengukuran panjan

    Developing Mathematics-Students Worksheet Based On Realistic Approach For Junior High School In Bilingual Program

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    The aim of this study is to develop mathematics-student worksheet based on realistic approach for junior high school in bilingual program. The criteria used to generate product are valid and practical. This research was applying the Research and Development design as adapts the development model of Borg and Gall (1983). Those are (1) need analysis, (2) product develompemnt (3) organization of learning material prototype (4) trial run, (5) product revision and (6 ) final result. In its development, mathematics-student worksheet has been tested through formative evaluation that covers several stages, i.e. content or material expert review, instructional design expert review, instructional media expert review, individual test, small group test and field test. The formative evaluation results in form of suggestion, response or assessment used as feedback in revising and finishing the mathematics-student worksheet. The content or material experts review, the instructional design expert review and the instructional media expert review of mathematics-student worksheet result in " very good" category with percentage of 90%. According to the students’ responses, it was found that students worksheet was very interesting, exciting and can help the students to comprehend the concept. Key Words: Student worksheet, Realistic Mathematic

    Students\u27 Information Literacy: a Perspective From Mathematical Literacy

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    Information literacy is mostly seen from the perspective of library science or information and communication technology. Taking another point of view, this study was aimed to explore students\u27 information literacy from the perspective of mathematical literacy. For this purpose, a test addressing Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) mathematics tasks were administered to 381 eighth and ninth graders from nine junior high schools in the Province of Yogyakarta. PISA mathematics tasks which were used in this test had specific characteristics regarding information processing, i.e. containing superfluous information, having missing information, and requiring connection across information sources. An error analysis was performed to analyze students\u27 incorrect responses. The result of this study shows that students did not acquire three characteristics of information literacy; i.e. recognizing information needs, locating and evaluating the quality of information, and making effective and ethical use of information. This result indicates students\u27 low ability in information literacy

    Modul pembelajar modul pelatihan SD kelas awal kelompok kompetensi D

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    Dalam rangka memetakan kompetensi guru, pada tahun 2015 teolah dilaksanakan uji kompetensi guru secara sensus. UKG dilaksanakan bagi semua guru, baik yang sudah bersertifikat maupun belum bersertifikat untuk memperoleh gambaran objektif sebagai baseline kompetensi guru, baik profesional maupun pedagogik, yang ditindaklanjuti dengan program guru pembelajar. Pengembangan profesionalitas guru melalui program GP merupakan upaya peningkatan kompetensi untuk semua guru

    Guru pembelajar modul pelatihan SD kelas awal : kelompok kompetensi D profesional kajian geometri dan pengukuran di sekolah dasar

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    Modul ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangan yang besar dalam peningkatan kualitas kompetensi guru. Modul ini terdiri atas kegiatan pembelajaran; (1)Unsur-unsur bangun dasar, (2)Pengukuran panjang, (3)Pengukuran keliling persegi panjang, (4)Pengukuran berat, (5)Pengukuran waktu


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    The central principle of Realistic Mathematics Education is that the learning of mathematics needs to be laid on meaningful situation; either meaningful problems or activities. Many researches found that activities of game playing are meaningful to students and can be effective tools for enhancing learning and understanding of complex subject matter. Consequently, this article focuses on the benefit of games to support the learning of mathematics and the role of teacher in conducting game-based learning. Keywords : Realistic Mathematics Education, game-based learning, the role of teache

    Developing Mathematics Learning Set for Special-needs Junior High School Student Oriented to Learning Interest and Achievement

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    This study aims to produce a mathematics learning set for special-needs students (mathematical learning disability and mathematically gifted) of Junior High School Grade VIII Second Semester oriented to learning interests and achievement which is valid, practical, and effective. This study was a research and development study using the Four-D development model consisting of four stages: (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop, and (4) disseminate. The quality of learning set consisting of the following three criterions: (1) validity, (2) practicality, and (3) effectiveness. The data analysis technique used in this study is a descriptive quantitative analysis. The research produced learning set consisting of lesson plans and student worksheets. The result of the research shows that: (1) the learning set fulfill the valid criteria base on experts' appraisal; (2) the learning set fulfill the practical criterion base on teacher's and students' questionnaire, and observation of learning implementation; (3) the learning set fulfill the effectiveness criterion base on learning interest and achievement
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