14 research outputs found

    Effects of Cypermethrin on Condition Factor and Organosomatic Indices of Clarias Gariepinus

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    The effect of sublethal exposure of Clarias gariepinus (mean length 29.47±1.88cm; mean weight 276.44±81.91g) to cypermethrin (0.00 – control, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, and 0.25mlL-1) for 10 days on the condition factor (k) and organosomatic indices such as Renatosomatic index (RSL), Hepatosomatic Index (HIS), Spleenosomatic Index (SSI) and Cardiosomotic (CSI). The results obtained from the study indicated no significant differences (P > 0.05) between the initial (K1) and final (K2) condition factor. In all the organosomatic indices used to assess response to stress in fish exposed to cypermethrin, significant increase (P<0.05) was observed in RSI, while the values of HIS decreased significantly when compared to the control after 10days. The values of SSI and CSI obtained during the trial were within the same range, as no significant changes was observed. Hence, in monitoring pollution of aquatic environment when administering cypermethrin, HIS and RSI will be a good biomarker of pollution effect on Clarias gariepinus

    Imperatives for Modelling and Forecasting Petroleum Products Demand for Nigeria

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    Modelling and forecasting petroleum products demand is a key input for energy use planning and policy formulation. This paper employs the Structural Time Series Model to estimate and forecast demand for two key petroleum products – gasoline and diesel in Nigeria. The STSM can account for structural changes in an economy through the underlying energy demand trend. STSM incorporate stochastic rather than deterministic trend which is more general and therefore argued to be more appropriate in this study. The result suggests that the demand for petroleum products in Nigeria is both price and income inelastic and fall within the range reported in the literature while the underlying demand trends were generally stochastic in nature. The demand models were forecast under three scenarios; reference case, low and high demand. The reference or base scenario describes the future based on current economic and policy environment, that is, without any specific policy shock. Under the reference case scenario, gasoline and diesel demand were forecast to reach 45.3 and 8.03 million litre per day in 2030 representing demand increase of 42% and 66% for gasoline and diesel respectively in the next fifteen years. This presents a significant challenge towards attaining self-sufficiency in meeting Nigeria’s petroleum products demands through local refining. There is therefore urgent need for the government to revamp existing refineries and encourage private investors to build new ones in order to reduce dependence on product imports


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    Purpose of the Study. This study was undertaken in order to determine if there was any coherence between the study of trade and industrial occupation (TIO) graduates and the demand for the same by selected industries in Nebraska. In order to accomplish the above task, four hypotheses were formulated as follows: (1) There is no relationship between the demand for manpower and the number of graduates trained (in trade and industrial occupations) by two-year vocational-technical colleges. (2) There is no relationship between the demand for manpower and the enrollment level of the training programs. (3) There is no relationship between the demand for manpower (in TIO\u27s) and the duration of the training programs. (4) There is no relationship between the demand for manpower and the program completion rate of TIO students . Procedure. The study involved the fifteen vocational-technical colleges located in Nebraska. The vocational-technical colleges were the source of supply of TIO graduates, while the demand for graduates originated from TIO-related industries. The data used for the study were retrieved from the Labor Department and the Department of Education of the State of Nebraska. Findings. (1) No relationship existed between supply and demand of TIO graduates in Nebraska. (2) No relationship existed between the demand for manpower and the enrollment level of training programs. (3) No relationship existed between the demand for manpower in TIO\u27s and the duration of the training programs. (4) No relationship existed between the demand for manpower and the program completion rate of TIO students. Recommendations. (1) Federal and state funds appropriated for vocational education should be increased. (2) Two-year colleges and high schools must work more closely in order to bring about better articulation in the curricula. (3) Two-year colleges should provide more counseling facilities to students. (4) Two-year colleges should reinforce cooperative efforts which exist between them. (5) Two-year colleges should work more closely with industries

    Human bite and HIV transmission

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    The concentration of human immune-deficiency virus (HIV) in the saliva of a carrier is low. As a result, human bite is not considered to be a likely route of HIV infection transmission, and this is even less likely because of the presence of HIV inhibitor in the saliva. There has been no well documented HIV transmission through human bite. The few reported cases of HIV sero-conversion following human bite suggest that there must be blood in the mouth of the biter and a discontinuity in the body part of the bitten for transmission to occur

    Human bite and human immune deficiency virus (HIV) transmission

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    Background: The concentration of human immune deficiency virus (HIV) in the saliva of a carrier is low. As a result, human bite is not considered the traditional route of HIV infection transmission. Aim: To report a case of HIV sero-positivity following a human bite. Setting: University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt. Case report: A 30-year-old HIV sero-negative woman who became sero-positive following a bite by a known HIV infected commercial sex worker is presented. Both were engaged in a physical fight over a disagreement. Conclusion: This case highlights the possibility of HIV infection through human bite. Keywords: Human bite, Saliva, Transmission, Human immune deficiency virus Port Harcourt Medical Journal Vol. 2 (1) 2007: pp. 88-8