71 research outputs found

    Does financial development promotes innovation in developing economies? An Empirical Analysis

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    Using firm-level data from 2006 to 2013 for a set of developing countries, we examine the effects of financial development on innovation. Financial development boosts innovation by improving resource allocation and investment toward strategic sectors as well as facilitating technology to promote growth. Using binary response models as well as instrumental variable techniques to correct for endogeneity, we find robust but puzzling results. Contrary to most existing literature, financial development has a negative effect on the probability of a firm to innovate. The effect is conditional on firm size, and only larger firms are the ones that benefit from financial development. These results are robust to different measures of financial development. We argue that this is a result of the design of the financial system in regards to the lack of capital and the institutional system. Consequently, developing countries should first generate appropiate insitutional conditions if they want financial development to spur growth through innovation

    The use of morphological and histological features as nutritional condition indices o Pagrus pagrus larvae

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    Con el objeto de determinar si las técnicas morfométricas e histológicas permiten diferenciar larvas en estado de inanición de las sometidas a tratamientos de alimentación, ejemplares de Pagrus pagrus fueron criados en laboratorio bajo condicion escontroladas. Una vez que el vitelo fue consumido (tres días luego de la eclosión) las larvas fueron sometidas a diferentes tratamientos de alimentación: completamente privadas de alimento, privadas de alimento durante tres días y luego alimentadas, y alimentadas durante todo el experimento. Algas (Nannochloropsis oculata) y rotíferos (Brachionus plicatilis) fueron proporcionados a las larvas de los tratamientos de alimentación. Diariamente se fijaron ejemplares de los tres tratamientos en formol 5% para estudios morfométricos y en Bouin para estudios histológicos. Los resultados obtenidos dan evidencias de que las metodologías presentadas son suficientemente sensibles para determinar diferencias en la condición de larvas sometidas a los tratamientos de alimentación. Por lo tanto, podrían ser empleadas para determinar la condición nutricional de las larvas de besugo recolectadas en el mar. Por otra parte, éstas metodologías podrían ser empleadas para determinar la calidad de larvas producidas en acuicultura y evaluar los efectos de modificaciones introducidas en los protocolos de crianza o en el tipo de alimento suministrado con el objeto de mejorar la supervivencia de los estadios tempranos de desarrollo.Morphometrical and histological techniques were employed to characterize Pagrus pagrus larvae nutritional condition. Larvae were reared in laboratory under controlled conditions with the main objective of testing whether these methodologies allowed finding differences between larvae from different feeding treatments. Once yolk was consumed (three days after hatching) larvae were assigned to a feeding treatment: starved during the whole experiment; delayed feeding, starved during three days; fed during the entire experiment. Algae (Nannochloropsis oculata) and rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) were provided to larvae for feed treatments. Larvae were fixed daily; for morphometrical purposes in 5% formaldehyde solution, and in Bouin for histological sections. Results herein obtained showed that both methodologies are sensitive enough to distinguish larvae characterized by different nutritional condition states obtained from the feeding treatments. Consequently, these methodologies could be employed in wild red porgy larvae in order to asses their nutritional condition. These techniques could also be employed to check larval quality obtained with aquaculture purposes to estimate the effects of changes in rearing protocols or kind of food supply and thus, to guaranty a higher survival of early developmental stages of reared larvae.Fil: Diaz, Marina Vera. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero; Argentina;Fil: Arano, María Felis. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; Argentina;Fil: Pajaro, Marcelo. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero; Argentina;Fil: Aristizabal Abud, Eddie Oscar. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero; Argentina;Fil: Macchi, Gustavo Javier. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Pesquero; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina

    Modelación matemática para el análisis térmico de fenómenos por medio de dominios semi-infinitos

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    A mathematical analysis of the equation of heat is presented, in search of its conclusion; the understanding of the variables and parameters which interact in this, and the characterization of each. Finally, the solution and simulation are found taking into account the physical and mathematical meaning, framed in the analysis of two semi-infinite and close domains.Se presenta un análisis matemático de la ecuación de calor, en la búsqueda de su deducción; la comprensión de las variables y parámetros que interactúan en ésta y la caracterización de cada uno de ellos. Finalmente, se encuentra su solución y simulación, teniendo en cuenta el significado físico y matemático, enmarcado en el análisis de los dominios semi-infinitos y cerrados

    Modelación matemática para el análisis térmico de fenómenos por medio de dominios semi-infinitos

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    A mathematical analysis of the equation of heat is presented, in search of its conclusion; the understanding of the variables and parameters which interact in this, and the characterization of each. Finally, the solution and simulation are found taking into account the physical and mathematical meaning, framed in the analysis of two semi-infinite and close domains.Se presenta un análisis matemático de la ecuación de calor, en la búsqueda de su deducción; la comprensión de las variables y parámetros que interactúan en ésta y la caracterización de cada uno de ellos. Finalmente, se encuentra su solución y simulación, teniendo en cuenta el significado físico y matemático, enmarcado en el análisis de los dominios semi-infinitos y cerrados

    Assessment of fractures in endodontically treated teeth restored with and without root canal posts using high-resolution cone beam computed tomography

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    Root fractures are a diagnostic challenge for dentists in endodontic treatment. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the characteristics of tooth fractures and the presence of root canal posts in endodontically treated teeth using high-resolution cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Fifty high-resolution CBCT scans of endodontically treated teeth with a diagnosis of fracture were obtained, of which 30 were from women and 20 were from men. These scans were acquired with three Veraviewepocs 3D units and one 3D Accuitomo 170 unit, with a 40 × 40-mm field of view and 125 ?m voxel size. The variables assessed included the type of fracture, extent of fracture, type of retention, post length, cause of endodontic failure, location of the lesion, and time required to detect the fracture (difficulty score). For data analysis, the chi-squared test, Student?s t-test, and multiple linear regression (? 0.05). On the other hand, the type of fracture significantly influenced the time required for its detection. Additionally, the most difficult plane for detecting the fracture and the difficulty score were associated, with statistically significant results. The type of fracture in endodontically treated teeth was not associated with the type of post used for restoration. All of the CBCT systems used to detect tooth fracture showed the same efficiency

    Prevalencia de asma y otras enfermedades alérgicas en Colombia 2009-2010: un estudio transversal

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    Background: While it is suggested that the prevalence of asthma in developed countries may have stabilized, this is not clear in currently developing countries. Current available information for both adults and children simultaneously on the burden and impact of allergic conditions in Colombia and in many Latin American countries is limited. The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence for asthma, allergic rhinitis (AR), atopic eczema (AE), and atopy in six colombian cities; to quantify costs to the patient and her/his family; and to determine levels of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in asthmatic and healthy subjects. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, population-based study in six cities during the academic year 2009–2010. We used a school-based design for subjects between 5–17 years old. We carried out a community-based strategy for subjects between 1–4 years old and adults between 18–59 years old. Serum samples for total and antigen-specific (IgE) levels were collected using a population-based, nested, case–control design. Results: We obtained information on 5978 subjects. The largest sample of subjects was collected in Bogotá (2392). The current prevalence of asthma symptoms was 12% (95% CI, 10.5-13.7), with 43% (95% CI, 36.3-49.2) reporting having required an emergency department visit or hospitalization in the past 12 months. Physician diagnosed asthma was 7% (95% CI, 6.1-8.0). The current prevalence of AR symptoms was 32% (95% CI, 29.5-33.9), and of AE symptoms was 14% (95% CI, 12.5-15.3). We collected blood samples from 855 subjects; 60.2% of asthmatics and 40.6% of controls could be classified as atopic. Conclusions: In Colombia, symptom prevalence for asthma, AR and AE, as well as levels of atopy, are substantial. Specifically for asthma, symptom severity and absence from work or study due to symptoms are important. These primary care sensitive conditions remain an unmet public health burden in developing countries such as Colombia

    Seguimiento por un año de la evolución del perfil cardiometabólico en pacientes trasplantados renales tratados con alemtuzumab, ciclosporina y esteroides en un hospital de referencia en Colombia

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    RESUMEN: In los pacientes trasplantados renales los eventos cardiovasculares ocurren 50 veces más que en la población general y son la principal causa de muerte. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el comportamiento del perfil cardio-metabólico y determinar la frecuencia de eventos cardiovasculares mayores en el primer año del trasplante. Métodos: estudio prospectivo en el que se evaluó el perfil cardio-metabólico en 67 pacientes adultos trasplantados durante el 2011. Resultados: la edad promedio fue 44,3±12,05 años, 68,7 % eran hombres y 95,5 %, hipertensos. En el 89,6 % se empleó alemtuzumab-esteroides y ciclosporina e introducción tardía del antimetabolito. Se presentaron 3 diabetes mellitus postrasplante, 3 eventos cardiovasculares mayores y 12 rechazos agudos. Al año, la albúmina, la hemoglobina, el índice de masa corporal, el calcio y la HbA1C aumentaron con respecto al valor previo al trasplante (p<0,05), mientras que la paratohormona, el fósforo, la creatinina y el ácido úrico disminuyeron (p<0,05). La tasa de filtración glomerular (TFG) al año fue mayor en los pacientes sin rechazo (p 0,001). Conclusión: la terapia inmunosupresora con alemtuzumab–ciclosporina-esteroides mostró que al año del trasplante hubo mejoría significativa del metabolismo mineral óseo, el ácido úrico, la albúmina y la hemoglobina, pero empeoraron significativamente la HbA1c, el peso y el IMC, con una baja frecuencia de casos nuevos de diabetes mellitus y eventos cardiovasculares mayores.ABSTRACT: Cardiovascular events occur 50 times more often in kidney transplant patients than in the general population and are the leading cause of death. The aim of the study was to evaluate the behavior of cardio-metabolic profile and determine the incidence of major cardiovascular events in the first year after transplantation. Methods: This prospective study evaluated the behavior of cardio-metabolic profile in adult patients that were transplanted during 2011. Results: The median age was 44.3 ± 12.05 years, 68.7 % were men and 95.5 %, hypertensive. Alemtuzumab-cyclosporine and steroids were used in 89.6 %, delaying the introduction of the antimetabolite. In the first year after transplantation there were three cases of diabetes mellitus, three major cardiovascular events, and 12 cases of acute rejection. Albumin, hemoglobin, weight, body mass index (BMI), calcium and HbA1C increased (p<0.05) whereas paratohormone, phosphorus, creatinine and uric acid decreased (p<0.05). Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was higher in patients without rejection (p=0.001). Conclusion: This immunosuppressive protocol with alemtuzumab, cyclosporine and steroids, and the delayed introduction of the antimetabolite improved bone mineral metabolism, uric acid, albumin and hemoglobin, but there were negative effects on HbA1c, weight and BMI. There was a low incidence of new onset diabetes mellitus and major cardiovascular events

    Severe neurotoxicity due to cefepime in a kidney transplanted patient: Case report

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    RESUMEN: El cefepime es un antibiótico betalactámico utilizado para tratar pacientes con infecciones complicadas. Debido a que su excreción es predominantemente renal y a que su vida media se incrementa significativamente en pacientes con deterioro de la función renal, los efectos adversos pueden ser de mayor gravedad incluyendo los de índole neurotóxica. Se informa el caso de una paciente trasplantada renal que presentó neurotoxicidad secundaria al uso de cefepime.ABSTRACT: Cefepime is a betalactamic antibiotic used for the treatment of patients with severe infections. It is mainly excreted by the kidney, so that its half-life is significantly increased in patients with kidney failure, and in this population adverse effects may be more severe including neurotoxicity. We report the case of a kidney-transplanted patient who presented neurotoxicity associated with the use of cefepime