6 research outputs found

    Financial management efficiency of islamic boarding school based on information technology

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    Utilization of information technology is a very important requirement for every component of society. Easy, fast and accurate data and information access can optimize routine daily work. Mawaridussalam Islamic boarding school Batang Kuis as an Islamic education institution that plays a role in shaping the character and personality of the next generation of the nation is expected to be able to optimally manage finances and provide good service to the academics of the Islamic boarding school. Until now, financial management is still done manually using bookkeeping, there is no specific financial application used in Islamic boarding school financial management, so it is difficult and slow in recording, processing, controlling and reporting financial activities. Based on these problems, an application is needed that can be used by the treasurer and board of boarding school leaders for financial management systematically. The method applied is the User Centered Design approach and the target that was successfully achieved is the availability of web-based financial management applications that are used properly to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of financial management in Islamic boarding schools

    PENERAPAN SISTEM NOKEN DI PAPUA DALAM DEMOKRASI INDONESIA (Analisis Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor. 07-33/PHPU-DPD/XVII/2019)

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    The Constitutional Court has given a policy to guarantee the constitutionality of the noken system in the elections legally in Papua through Decision Number 47-81/PHPU.A-VII/2019 on condition that it does not apply in general, is local and concrete, does not violate the principles of honest and fair elections. . Even though the noken system has legitimized the implementation of the general election, disputes over the determination of vote acquisition still occur because the noken system does not apply procedurally democratic practices in Indonesia. Carel Simon Petrus Suebu, S.E. filed a request for cancellation of the Decision of the General Elections Commission and the Constitutional Court has decided with a decision Number: 07-33/PHPU-DPD/XVII/2019 dated 5 (five) August 2019. The ruling is to grant the Respondent's exception and declare the Petitioner's request cannot be accepted. The purpose of this paper is to provide information to the public about the Noken system in Papua in Indonesian democracy, so that the public understands that the implementation of the Noken system in Papua does not conflict with the constitution and the goals of democracy. The research method used is normative juridical, with a case approach to the Constitutional Court Decision Number 07-33/PHPU-DPD/XVII/2019. The data analysis technique carried out by the researcher is through a perspective using normative juridical methods, the legal materials that have been obtained are described and connected in such a way that conclusions are drawn inductively. The result of the research is that the Constitutional Court Decision Number 07-33/PHPU-DPD/XVII/201 does not go out of the way of Indonesian democracy because the Noken system has received legitimacy from the Constitutional Court as one of the electoral methods in Papua.Keywords: Noken, Papua, Constitutional Court, Election, Democration

    Implementation Of Face-To-Face Online Learning System Based On Audio Video, Presentation And Chat Using The Moodle E-Learning Platform

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    Currently, the implementation of teaching and learning at SMP Negeri 1 Binjai Kwala Begumit was done in the classroom alternately. However, with the current condition of pandemic covid-19, the learning process no longer carried out fully in schools. The school has not been using information technology in the form of e-learning applications in the teaching and learning process. The school has difficulty in recording the existing teaching and learning process: assignments, exams, assessments, and other activities. Therefore the use of e-learning applications is now very much needed. With existing school facilities, such as internet facilities and the ICT teachers, training in developing and implementing e-learning for teaching staff become the best alternative so that learning process can be done properly

    SLiMS Implementation in SMAN 1 Sei Suka Library to Improve Education Quality

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    SMA Negeri 1 Sei Suka is one of the senior high schools located in Sei Suka District, Batu Bara Regency, North Sumatra Province. This school has various facilities including a library to support student learning activities. However, the library is still managed manually and has not been automated. The development of library information systems in partner libraries aims to improve library quality, especially in web-based library information systems through SLiMS. The method used as a solution to partner problems is initial observation, training for librarians, assistance to librarians and socialization of SLiMS utilization. The results of the service implementation show that SLiMS as a library information system in service partners has great benefits for librarians and libraries, especially in simplifying library operations. There was deep enthusiasm from librarians, teachers and students towards the utilization of SLiMS for partner libraries. Based on the results of the service implementation, it is concluded that a web-based library information system using SLiMS is more effective to use than a manual syste


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    Sampai sekarang masalah kesehatan ibu dan anak masih merupakan masalah pokok yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia termasuk kasus persalinan yang semakin bervariasi. Data menunjukkan angka bedah caesarea di rumah sakit swasta diatas 30% bahkan ada yang mencapai 80%. Di RS Panti Wilasa dr. Cipto Semarang pada triwulan 4 tahun 2011 mencapai 74%.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui deskripsi jenis persalinan pada pasien yang menjalani persalinan di bangsal obsgyn RS Panti Wilasa dr. Cipto Semarang. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan retrospektif . Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah data rekam medis pasien yang menjalani persalinan di bangsal obsgyn RS Panti Wilasa dr. Cipto Semarang pada triwulan 4 tahun 2011. Sampel penelitian adalah seluruh populasi yaitu 123 pasien (total sampling). Data yang digunakan berupa data sekunder yang diperoleh dari observasi terhadap data RM 1 pasien. Analisa data dilakukan secara deskiptif dalam bentuk table, grafik dan narasi. Dari 123 kasus persalinan pada tahun 2011, terdapat 25% kasus persalinan normal, 1% kasus persalinan vakum ekstraksi dan 74% kasus persalinan sectio caesarea. Umur ibu yang melakukan persalinan yaitu umur 35 tahun 13%. Diagnosa utama dalam sebuah persalinan sangat menentukan dalam penatalaksaan akhir dari sebuah persalinan, diagnose utama yang ada pada penelitian ini terdiri dari bekas sectio caesarea (14%), Ketuban Pecah Dini (13%), Partus Tak Maju (16%), Pre Eklampsi Berat (10%), Induksi gagal (8%), Fetal Distress (10%). Terdapat pula diagnosa lain ditentukan untuk mendukung diagnosa utama Pada penelitian ini diagnosa lain terdiri dari kasus Cephalopelvic Dispoportion (CPD) (15%), Anemia (5%), Diabetes Mellitus (2%), Ketuban Pecah Dini (35%), Partus Tak Maju (23%), Pre Eklampsi Berat (13%). Dari hasil penelitian disarankan perlu meneliti lebih lanjut melalui pembuktian secara statistik tentang factor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan jenis persalinan serta adanya kerja sama antara tenaga kesehatan dengan pasien dalam pemberi pelayanan