2,267 research outputs found

    Features for matching people in different views

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    There have been significant advances in the computer vision field during the last decade. During this period, many methods have been developed that have been successful in solving challenging problems including Face Detection, Object Recognition and 3D Scene Reconstruction. The solutions developed by computer vision researchers have been widely adopted and used in many real-life applications such as those faced in the medical and security industry. Among the different branches of computer vision, Object Recognition has been an area that has advanced rapidly in recent years. The successful introduction of approaches such as feature extraction and description has been an important factor in the growth of this area. In recent years, researchers have attempted to use these approaches and apply them to other problems such as Content Based Image Retrieval and Tracking. In this work, we present a novel system that finds correspondences between people seen in different images. Unlike other approaches that rely on a video stream to track the movement of people between images, here we present a feature-based approach where we locate a target’s new location in an image, based only on its visual appearance. Our proposed system comprises three steps. In the first step, a set of features is extracted from the target’s appearance. A novel algorithm is developed that allows extraction of features from a target that is particularly suitable to the modelling task. In the second step, each feature is characterised using a combined colour and texture descriptor. Inclusion of information relating to both colour and texture of a feature add to the descriptor’s distinctiveness. Finally, the target’s appearance and pose is modelled as a collection of such features and descriptors. This collection is then used as a template that allows us to search for a similar combination of features in other images that correspond to the target’s new location. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of our system in locating a target’s new position in an image, despite differences in viewpoint, scale or elapsed time between the images. The characterisation of a target as a collection of features also allows our system to robustly deal with the partial occlusion of the target

    The Effect of Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) Concentration on the Growth Amount of the Explant of Dendrobium spectabile Orchid by In-Vitro

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    Dendrobium spectabile orchid is an ornamental plant of high economic value, having relatively durable properties, beauty, and attractiveness of orchids lie in the diverse shapes and colors of the flowers. Therefore, it requires rapid and efficient propagation techniques. One of them is in-vitro vegetative propagation. Plant propagation using the in-vitro technique has the opportunity to produce a large number of plant seeds in a relatively short time. This study aims to determine the correct concentration of Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) on the growth amount of the explants of Dendrobium spectabile orchid by in-vitro. The research was conducted at the Biotechnology Laboratory of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of the Aloe Vera Center (AVC) Pontianak. This research was conducted from January 1, 2020, to March 30, 2020. The method used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatment consisted of 6 levels of treatment, namely b1 = 0.75 ppm, b2 = 1.00 ppm, b3 = 1.25 ppm, b4 = 1.50 ppm, b5 = 1.75 ppm, b6 = 2.00 ppm. All treatments were repeated 4 times for each treatment consisting of 3 plant samples. The research finding showed that the treatment of BAP concentration 1.50 was the best in increasing the average number of leaves 4.92 strands, the average number of shoots 4.25 buds, and the average leaf length was 2.44 cm

    Exchange Rate of Indonesia: Does Rupiah Overshoot?

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    This research attempts to analyze whether Rupiah overshoots when the crisis hit Indonesia in mid of 1998. It also try to find out the fundamental macroeconomic factors that influence exchange rate when economic crisis hit Indonesia. It uses ordinary least square method and also cointegration in order to see long-term relationship. Furthermore, in order to examine the stability of exchange rate when the exchange rate system changed from managed floating to free floating, this paper apply Chow Test. The result shows that when the economic crisis hit Indonesia, Rupiah overshoots and there has been a structural change of exchange rate after 1998.Overshoot;exchange rate;economic crisis;Indonesia

    Specification-Driven Predictive Business Process Monitoring

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    Predictive analysis in business process monitoring aims at forecasting the future information of a running business process. The prediction is typically made based on the model extracted from historical process execution logs (event logs). In practice, different business domains might require different kinds of predictions. Hence, it is important to have a means for properly specifying the desired prediction tasks, and a mechanism to deal with these various prediction tasks. Although there have been many studies in this area, they mostly focus on a specific prediction task. This work introduces a language for specifying the desired prediction tasks, and this language allows us to express various kinds of prediction tasks. This work also presents a mechanism for automatically creating the corresponding prediction model based on the given specification. Differently from previous studies, instead of focusing on a particular prediction task, we present an approach to deal with various prediction tasks based on the given specification of the desired prediction tasks. We also provide an implementation of the approach which is used to conduct experiments using real-life event logs.Comment: This article significantly extends the previous work in https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91704-7_7 which has a technical report in arXiv:1804.00617. This article and the previous work have a coauthor in commo


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik Marshall menggunakan bahan pengikat aspal beton AC 60/70 dengan menggunakan material lokal Bantak, ditinjau dari nilai Stabilitas Marshall, Kepadatan (Density), Flow (kelelehan), VIM (Void In Mix), VMA (Void In Mineral Agregate), VFB (Void Filled Bitumen) dan Marshall Quotient (MQ). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengujian campuran beraspal panas (Hot Mix) dengan metode Marshall. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 5 varian, masing-masing varian menggunakan kadar aspal yang berbeda yaitu: 5%, 5,5%, 6%, 6,5% dan 7%. Dengan masing-masing varian dibuat 3 sampel benda uji. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Jalan Raya Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Fakultas teknik, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Tahapan pelaksanaan meliputi pemeriksaan aspal AC 60/70, pemeriksaan agregat (agregat halus dan agregat kasar), pemeriksaan filler, pembuatan benda uji campuran beton aspal dan pengujian Marshall. Hasil uji kinerja karakteristik Marshall didapat pada Kadar Aspal Optimum 6,5% dengan hasil: nilai rerata Stabilitas Marshall 1156,44 kg, nilai rerata Density (kepadatan) 2,33 gr/cc, nilai rerata Flow (kelelehan) 3,07 mm, nilai rerata VIM (Void In Mix) 5,20%, nilai rerata VMA (Void In Mineral Agregate) 13,92% nilai rerata VFB (Void Filled Bitumen) 60,10% dan nilai rerata Marshall Quotient (MQ) 377,28 kg/mm


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    Saat ini pelayaran di Indonesia sedang berkembang sangat pesat. PT. X adalah sebuah maskapai pelayaran nasional indonesia. PT. X mengoperasikan sejumlah kapal penumpang dan  kapal barang. Kapal  motor penumpang memiliki struktur  laporan  yang  kompleks  dalam  setiap  perjalanannya. Salah satunya laporan kamar mesin yang terdiri dari laporan voyage, laporan machine hours dan laporan spare part. Dimana saat ini sistem yang sedang berjalan belum terstruktur dengan  baik  dan  tidak mempunyai sistem  yang  jelas.  Serta  pengambilan keputusan yang hanya  berdasarkan pengalaman yang ada. Jelas sekali penyelesaian dari persoalan tersebut adalah pembuatan sistem kamar mesin kapal dan sistem pedukung keputusan. Hasil dari verifikasi dan validasi dari percobaan sistem yang baru yakni sistem yang telah dibuat sesuai dengan kebutuhan karyawan kamar mesin. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa program yang telah dibuat dapat membantu kelancaran proses penginputan, penyimpanan, dan perekapan yang disebut laporan kamar mesin serta dapat memberikan pengguna sebuah acuan atau pedoman sebagai penunjang keputusan.  &nbsp

    Analisis Kestabilan Model Matematika Sistem Respon Inflamasi Akibat Infeksi SARS Coronavirus

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    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus infection in a human body indicated by cytokine response due to an inflammation. The purpose of this research is to construct and analyze a mathematical model of interaction between inflammatory pro-response and anti-response cytokine to predict the dynamic on inflammatory response system, so that the treatment can be optimized. The results obtained in this research describe some dynamics which happen on the cytokines, i.e. the disease-free equilibrium point is asymptotically stable when the basic reproduction number is less than one. In this condition, a patient with initial concentrations of the cytokines around the disease-free equilibrium point will be free of viral infection. The infection equilibrium point is asymptotically stable when the basic reproduction number is greater than one. In this condition, a patient with initial concentrations of the cytokines around the infection equilibrium point will be infected by the virus. Probability of a patient being free of viral infection can increase if the production rate of the cytokines are decreased or the degradation rate of the cytokines are increased.Infeksi Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus pada tubuh manusia ditandai dengan respon sitokin akibat adanya inflamasi. Pada artikel ini, dikonstruksi model matematika interaksi antara sitokin pro-respon dan anti-respon inflamasi untuk memprediksi dinamika pada sistem respon inflamasi, sehingga pengobatan dapat dioptimalkan. Titik ekuilibrium bebas penyakit bersifat stabil asimtotik jika bilangan reproduksi dasar bernilai kurang dari satu. Pada kondisi ini, pasien dengan keadaan awal konsentrasi sitokin pro-respon dan anti-respon inflamasi di sekitar titik ekuilibrium bebas penyakit akan bebas dari infeksi virus. Titik ekuilibrium infeksi bersifat stabil asimtotik jika bilangan reproduksi dasar bernilai lebih dari satu. Pada kondisi ini, pasien dengan keadaan awal konsentrasi sitokin pro-respon dan anti-respon inflamasi di sekitar titik ekuilibrium infeksi akan terinfeksi virus. Probabilitas terbebasnya pasien dari infeksi virus dapat bertambah apabila tingkat produksi konsentrasi pro-respon dan anti-respon sitokin menurun atau tingkat degradasi sitokin pro-respon dan anti-respon meningkat


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    Saat ini pelayaran di Indonesia sedang berkembang sangat pesat. PT. X adalah sebuah maskapai pelayaran nasional indonesia. PT. X mengoperasikan sejumlah kapal penumpang dan  kapal barang. Kapal  motor penumpang memiliki struktur  laporan  yang  kompleks  dalam  setiap  perjalanannya. Salah satunya laporan kamar mesin yang terdiri dari laporan voyage, laporan machine hours dan laporan spare part. Dimana saat ini sistem yang sedang berjalan belum terstruktur dengan  baik  dan  tidak mempunyai sistem  yang  jelas.  Serta  pengambilan keputusan yang hanya  berdasarkan pengalaman yang ada. Jelas sekali penyelesaian dari persoalan tersebut adalah pembuatan sistem kamar mesin kapal dan sistem pedukung keputusan. Hasil dari verifikasi dan validasi dari percobaan sistem yang baru yakni sistem yang telah dibuat sesuai dengan kebutuhan karyawan kamar mesin. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa program yang telah dibuat dapat membantu kelancaran proses penginputan, penyimpanan, dan perekapan yang disebut laporan kamar mesin serta dapat memberikan pengguna sebuah acuan atau pedoman sebagai penunjang keputusan.  &nbsp

    Photographic evidence of dholes in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, Indonesia.

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    For many years the dhole was believed to have been undetected in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (GGPNP). Nevertheless, in 2012 and 2013, we were able to photograph this elusive creature. We report the photographic evidence of the endangered dhole (Cuon alpinus) using camera trap di GGPNP.
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