293 research outputs found
Autentikasi, Kendali Akses, Audit Sistem Keamanan Jaringan Komputer
Access control, authentication, and auditing are the processes that work together to achieve the security goals. These processes provide basic security for equipment and resources in a network
Manajemen Keamanan Jaringan Informasi Menggunakan Ids/ips Strataguard “Studi Kasus STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA”
Computer networks continue to experience growth, both of scalability, the number of nodes and the technology used.This requires a good network management so thatnetwork availability is always high. Network management tasks that do network administrators have a lot of problems, including that related to computer network security.As more users on a network then the level of network security is also a fundamentalquestion. Have access to an Internet network is secure? As a step in order to anticipatethe user's naughty, it must select a good network security. Intrusion Detection System(IDS) is one option to improve network security in a network both intranetand internet
Beban Kerja Pramusaji Food and Baverage Service Di Hotel Aston and Conference Center Tanjung Pinang
This study was conducted with the aim to know the workload waiters and to know of employe waiters ideal, based on the workload than handled in Hotel Aston and Conference Center Tanjung Pinang. Methods used in this study is a method quantitative. The content of this research is obtained by observations and interview against 3 of the responden into a sample. Using a method exponential smoothing, with two exponen in the planning of human resources consisting of exponent workload in produces a product as the work load and exponen time/cyle time to find number of employee who ideal. The result concluded that : 1) based on the observation and interview thas was been done, the authors concluded that the result of calculation work load waiters is 3.648 hours 2) From the whole calculation and the result of observations in the Hotel Aston and Conference Center Tanjung Pinang especially the Food and Beverage Service Department to the number of employees based on work load to be addressed it needs sixth people
Analisis Kualitas Produk dan Kualitas Pelayanan Barista di Krema Koffie Pekanbaru
This research aimed to know the analys of barista's product quality amd service quality at Krema Koffie PekanbaruIn this research, the writer was using the qualitative method tp analyze the problem taken. The data were gotten from 10 (ten) infomants, they were 2 (two) owners of Krema Koffie, 2 (two) Barista of Krema, 3 (three) reguler customers and 3 (three) irreguler customer. The techniques which have been used in this research, were observation, interview and document.Based on the interview result has shown the barista's product quality and service quality were still needed the improvement
Tanggapan Wisatawan Tentang Atraksi Gajah Di Plg Minas Kabupaten Siak
Response is perception picture who live in our awareness after make apperception to things or object. Response can be permission, expostulation, question and opinion. Response divided to become 3 faction, that is pursuant or according to sense observed, includes response auditory, visual, taste fan etc. according to occurrence ncludes memory fantasy and mind. While according environmental there is object and words etc. This research uses descriptive quantitative method to know tourist response . The sample in this study were 135 respondents, taken using accidental sampling. While data collection techniques in this study using observation, questioner, and interviews. By using a Likert scale as a measure to determine the length of the short interval. With indicator on visual, memory, fantasy,mind and words. (agus sujanto 2009). From the results of research conducted in the field of research on the tourist response about elephant attraction in PLG Minas District Siak , with the theory of tourist response is divided into three indicator: visual, memory, fantasy, mind and words, the results field in the can that is on the tourist respon of elephant attraction in PLG Minas District Siak and the result of reseach included in the agree category
Implementasi Kepmen Nomor 48 Tahun 2004 Tentang Tata Cara Pembuatan dan Pengesahan Peraturan Perusahaan dan Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Dikabupaten Pelalawan Tahun 2012
Ministerial Decree number 48 of 2004 is a ministerial decree regulating the manufacture and validation procedures as well as the making of Company Regulations and Collective Labor Agreements registration. The method used is descriptive analysis with the aim to provide a picture or painting the situation in a systematic, factual and accurate information on the implementation of a policy on procedures for the making and ratification of the Company's Regulations as well as the creation and registration of the PKB. Qualitatively analyzed both quantitative data and qualitative nature based on reports and records that exist in the field. The data collected with the study of literature (library research) and field studies (field research) which observations and interviews. The results showed that PT. Arara Abadi and PT. LIH has complied and run the ministerial decree number 48 of 2004 PT. Arara Abadi has company regulations and collective agreements in accordance with government regulations. In addition, PT. LIH also have to have the company rules and collective bargaining agreements
Implementasi Constraint Untuk Menjamin Konsistensi Dan Integritas Data Dalam Database
All of the popular RDBMS products provide table check constraints: Oracle, Informix, DB2, Sybase, and Microsoft SQL Server. Constraints enable enhanced data integrity without requiring procedural logic (such as in stored procedures and triggers)
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