172 research outputs found

    Public administrations as a support for prevention against juvenile obesity: study of relational factors and analysis of social networks

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    [ES] INTRODUCCIÓN: La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) considera la obesidad una epidemia mundial, afectando especialmente a la población infanto-juvenil. A pesar de que las Administraciones Públicas afrontan el problema mediante estrategias bien consolidadas, en los programas existentes diseñados para combatir esta epidemia se ha detectado que existe una ausencia de la valoración del entorno social del niño. En población adolescente, el valorar este entorno social puede ser una de las claves para aumentar el éxito de las estrategias ya existentes. OBJETIVO: La tesis plantea por un lado un estudio de factores influyentes de la sobrecarga ponderal, y por otro un análisis de la red social del joven como punto de partida, para conocer su patrón relacional y poner en conocimiento sus debilidades y los puntos en los que se debería intervenir. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio descriptivo transversal en el que se ha realizado una estimación del riesgo (O.Ratio) de padecer sobrecarga ponderal. Los contactos sociales se han estudiado desde una perspectiva sociocéntrica, según la metodología del SNA (Social Network Analysis) y con el programa informático UCINET. Se consiguió una muestra de 235 niños de entre 14 y 18 años, de 5 colegios de la ciudad de Ponferrada (León), clasificados con normopeso, sobrepeso u obesidad según los estándares de referencia de la OMS, divididos en 11 redes diferentes a estudio. Se midió la frecuencia de contactos con escala Likert: Desde “no coincidimos nunca” hasta “estamos siempre juntos” para posteriormente estudiar tres intensidades de contacto: “Conocidos”, “Compañeros” y “Amigos”. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de sobrecarga ponderal hallada en este estudio fue de un 30,2% de sobrecarga ponderal, correspondiendo el 25,5% a individuos con sobrepeso y un 4,7% a los que padecen obesidad. Los principales resultados obtenidos en cuanto a factores asociados con la sobrecarga ponderal, ponen de manifiesto que el ser de nivel socioeconómico bajo-medio, del sexo masculino y estar en las franjas de menor edad aumentan el riesgo de padecer la obesidad. A pesar de no encontrar relación significativa entre el tipo de colegio, la alimentación, el ejercicio físico y las actividades sedentarias y la sobrecarga ponderal (sobrepeso + obesidad), hemos podido comprobar que los adolescentes poseen información suficiente sobre los hábitos saludables, siendo los afectados de exceso de peso los que menos productos obesogénicos consumen, y en el caso del sexo femenino, las que mayores cantidades de actividad física realizan. En relación al Análisis de Redes Sociales, se ha estudiado cómo se relacionan nuestros jóvenes en función de su género, de la calidad de la alimentación, de si realizan deporte grupal (fútbol, baloncesto, rugby, balonmano, vóley y hockey) o no. De igual forma se ha analizado cómo los afectados de sobrecarga ponderal, establecen sus lazos con los demás. Los resultados obtenidos son los siguientes: las mujeres son más sociables que los varones; los adolescentes (sobretodo varones y también con sobrecarga ponderal) que tienen peor calidad en su alimentación, están peor relacionados; el realizar deporte grupal reporta un beneficio social diferente en función del género; y la forma que tienen de relacionarse los jóvenes afectados de sobrecarga ponderal, les conduce al aislamiento. Conclusiones: En el ámbito geográfico de estudio se tiene un problema grave de sobrepeso y obesidad infantil. Puesto que parece que los jóvenes ya tienen información suficiente, la clave es encontrar cómo cambiar su comportamiento. La red social del adolescente debería tenerse en cuenta a la hora de diseñar estrategias de intervención de sobrecarga ponderal en población adolescente. Otros aspectos, como un análisis desde la perspectiva de género, podrían ser considerados como factores a tener en cuenta para intervenciones que tengan como fin combatir esta pandemia

    Lexical Phonological Networks in Children with Down Syndrome: An Initial Syllable Similarity Priming Task with an Eye-Tracking Method

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    Typically-developing (TD) infants as young as 24 months of age use phonological information to establish links between the words of their early lexicons (Mani & Plunkett, 2010; 2011), which facilitates word recognition and learning. However, Down syndrome (DS) children are reported to have difficulties in learning phonological representations (Jarrold & Thorn & Stephens, 2009). The present study aimed to evaluate if DS children establish lexical networks based on phonological similarity by exploring the effects of lexical competition in a phonological priming task. We evaluated 24 children with DS (mental verbal age; M= 40 months) and 24 children with TD (mental verbal age; M= 40 months), matched by receptive vocabulary size, with a phonological priming adaptation of the intermodal preferential looking task. Children with DS showed inhibition of target recognition in related trials compared to unrelated trials. Children with TD showed an absence of priming effects. Further analysis revealed a relationship between the prime cohort size and the level of inhibition of target recognition for both groups. Our results suggest children with DS possess sufficiently detailed phonological representations that allow them to efficiently cluster their lexical entries based on phonological similarities. Moreover, results are thought to reflect differences in the lexical competition processes between the TD and DS groups

    Respetar las decisiones de las personas enfermas: el dodecaedro como herramienta pedagógica. Una experiencia con estudiantes que se trasfiere a la sociedad

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    Primer Premio a la Innovación en la Enseñanza 2023[ES] Hablar de la muerte, y el morir, siguen siendo conversaciones que se consideran difíciles de abordar y un tabú en nuestra sociedad. Comunicar eficazmente a los estudiantes que las personas en situación de fragilidad, enfermedad avanzada e incurable y en final de vida, tienen diferentes valores y prioridades de atención, y ayudarlas para que estén en consonancia con sus objetivos y preferencias biográficas, es un reto, tanto en la educación, como en la atención profesional, en cualquier disciplina de las Ciencias de la Salud, y cualquier sociedad

    Life Habits of Healthcare Professionals during the Third Wave of COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Spanish Hospital

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    EN] (1) Background: To describe sleep quality, eating behaviour and alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use among healthcare staff in a Spanish public hospital. (2) Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study examining sleep quality (Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index), eating behaviour (Three Factor Eating Questionnaire (R18)), tobacco and drug use (ESTUDES questionnaire) and alcohol use (Cut down, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye-opener). (3) Results: 178 people, of whom 87.1% (155) were women, with an average age of 41.59 ± 10.9 years. A total of 59.6% of the healthcare workers had sleep problems, to a greater or lesser degree. The average daily consumption was 10.56 ± 6.74 cigarettes. The most commonly used drugs included cannabis, occasionally used by 88.37%, cocaine (4.75%), ecstasy (4.65%) and amphetamines (2.33%). A total of 22.73% of participants had increased their drug use, and 22.73% had increased their consumption during the pandemic, with beer and wine accounting for 87.2% of drinks consumed during this period. (4) Conclusions: In addition to the psychological and emotional impact already demonstrated, the COVID-19 crisis has repercussions on sleep quality, eating behaviour and alcohol, tobacco and drug consumption. Psychological disturbances have repercussions on physical and functional aspects of healthcare workers. It is feasible that these alterations are due to stress, and it is necessary to act through treatment and prevention as well as promote healthy habits.S

    The socialisation of the adolescent who carries out team sports: a transversal study of centrality with a social network analysis

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    [ES] Se analiza la actividad física realizada por los adolescentes del estudio, su relación con el sobrepeso (sobrepeso+obesidad) y la estructura de la red social de amistad establecida en adolescentes que practican deportes colectivos, utilizando diferentes parámetros indicativos de centralidad.[EN]Objectives To analyse the physical activity carried out by the adolescents in the study, its relationship to being overweight (overweight+obese) and to analyse the structure of the social network of friendship established in adolescents doing group sports, using different parameters indicative of centrality. Setting It was carried out in an educational environment, in 11 classrooms belonging to 5 Schools in Ponferrada (Spain). Participants 235 adolescents were included in the study (49.4% female), who were classified as normal weight or overweight. Primary and secondary outcome measures Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A) was used to study the level of physical activity. A social network analysis was carried out to analyse structural variables of centrality in different degrees of contact. Results 30.2% of the participants in our study were overweight. Relative to female participants in this study, males obtained significantly higher scores in the PAQ-A (OR: 2.11; 95% CI: 1.04 to 4.25; p value: 0.036) and were more likely to participate in group sport (OR: 4.59; 95% CI: 2.28 to 9.22; p value: 0.000). We found no significant relationship between physical activity and the weight status in the total sample, but among female participants, those with overweight status had higher odds of reporting high levels of physical exercise (OR: 4.50; 95% CI: 1.21 to 16.74; p value: 0.025). In terms of centrality, differentiating by gender, women who participated in group sports were more likely to be classified as having low values of centrality, while the opposite effect occurred for men, more likely to be classified as having high values of centrality. Conclusions Our findings, with limitations, underline the importance of two fundamental aspects to be taken into account in the design of future strategies: gender and the centrality within the social network depending on the intensity of contact they have with their peers

    The socialisation of the adolescent who carries out team sports: a transversal study of centrality with a social network analysis

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    [EN] Objectives To analyse the physical activity carried out by the adolescents in the study, its relationship to being overweight (overweight+obese) and to analyse the structure of the social network of friendship established in adolescents doing group sports, using different parameters indicative of centrality. Setting It was carried out in an educational environment, in 11 classrooms belonging to 5 Schools in Ponferrada (Spain). Participants 235 adolescents were included in the study (49.4% female), who were classified as normal weight or overweight. Primary and secondary outcome measures Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A) was used to study the level of physical activity. A social network analysis was carried out to analyse structural variables of centrality in different degrees of contact. Results 30.2% of the participants in our study were overweight. Relative to female participants in this study, males obtained significantly higher scores in the PAQ-A (OR: 2.11; 95% CI: 1.04 to 4.25; p value: 0.036) and were more likely to participate in group sport (OR: 4.59; 95% CI: 2.28 to 9.22; p value: 0.000). We found no significant relationship between physical activity and the weight status in the total sample, but among female participants, those with overweight status had higher odds of reporting high levels of physical exercise (OR: 4.50; 95% CI: 1.21 to 16.74; p value: 0.025). In terms of centrality, differentiating by gender, women who participated in group sports were more likely to be classified as having low values of centrality, while the opposite effect occurred for men, more likely to be classified as having high values of centrality. Conclusions Our findings, with limitations, underline the importance of two fundamental aspects to be taken into account in the design of future strategies: gender and the centrality within the social network depending on the intensity of contact they have with their peers.S

    eHealth Intervention to Improve Health Habits in the Adolescent Population: Mixed Methods Study

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    [EN] Background: Technology has provided a new way of life for the adolescent population. Indeed, strategies aimed at improving health-related behaviors through digital platforms can offer promising results. However, since it has been shown that peers are capable of modifying behaviors related to food and physical exercise, it is important to study whether digital interventions based on peer influence are capable of improving the weight status of adolescents. Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of an eHealth app in an adolescent population in terms of improvements in their age- and sex-adjusted BMI percentiles. Other goals of the study were to examine the social relationships of adolescents pre- and postintervention, and to identify the group leaders and study their profiles, eating and physical activity habits, and use of the web app. Methods: The BMI percentiles were calculated in accordance with the reference guidelines of the World Health Organization. Participants’ diets and levels of physical activity were assessed using the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) questionnaire and the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A), respectively. The variables related to social networks were analyzed using the social network analysis (SNA) methodology. In this respect, peer relationships that were considered reciprocal friendships were used to compute the “degree” measure, which was used as an indicative parameter of centrality. Results: The sample population comprised 210 individuals in the intervention group (IG) and 91 individuals in the control group (CG). A participation rate of 60.1% (301/501) was obtained. After checking for homogeneity between the IG and the CG, it was found that adolescents in the IG at BMI percentiles both below and above the 50th percentile (P50) modified their BMI to approach this reference value (with a significance of P<.001 among individuals with an initial BMI below the P50 and P=.04 for those with an initial BMI above the P50). The diet was also improved in the IG compared with the CG (P<.001). After verifying that the social network had increased postintervention, it was seen that the group leaders (according to the degree SNA measure) were also leaders in physical activity performed (P=.002) and use of the app. Conclusions: The eHealth app was able to modify behaviors related to P50 compliance and exert a positive influence in relation to diet and physical exercise. Digital interventions in the adolescent population, based on the improvement in behaviors related to healthy habits and optimizing the social network, can offer promising results that help in the fight against obesity.SIThis research was funded by the Junta de Castilla y León grant number LE014G

    Baby-led weaning: Health professionals ‘knowledge and attitudes and parents’ experiences from Spain. A mixed methods approach

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    [EN] Baby-led weaning or self-regulated small chunk feeding by the baby has emerged as an alternative to the traditional method of complementary feeding. Parents and healthcare professionals often differ in the benefits and drawbacks about it. The research aims were to describe the knowledge of health professionals about complementary feeding and baby-led weaning (BLW) method and the attitudes towards its recommendation, and to explore the knowledge, experiences and attitudes of parents who have used this method to feed their children. A mixed methods research was carried out. A questionnaire was completed by 38 health professionals and 10 interviews were conducted with participating mothers. A total of 52.6% of health professionals recommended initiating complementary feeding at 6 months of age, a guideline followed by the mothers who used BLW. Some 86.8% of the professionals knew the BLW method and 76.3% knew its benefits, but the mothers consulted mainly informal sources of information sources to learn about and implement it. The health professionals stated that it facilitated family transition, enabled the infant to adapt better to flavours and textures, promoted chewing and the development of fine motor skills, improved growth and might also be a protective factor against obesity. The mothers noted that the method was natural, encouraged infant autonomy and promoted healthy eating habits. The health professionals expressed varied opinions concerning the risks entailed in the method. The main conclusions are that the majority of health professionals participating in the study know the BLW method, its benefits; however, they do not recommend it in all cases. Mothers listen to the advice of professionals but continue to rely on other informal sources of information.S

    Descriptive study of friendship networks in adolescents and their relationship with self-efficacy and alcohol consumption using social network analysis

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    The study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of León (ETICA-ULE-003-2015).Alcohol is a widely used legal drug. Self-efficacy takes on great importance in an adolescent’s development. Levels of self-efficacy can contribute to the decision-making process of the adolescent. In this phase, a group of friends becomes increasingly important. Alcohol is present in different social aspects. Adolescents use alcohol as a social facilitator or as part of the development of their autonomy. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the structure of the friendship network, self-efficacy, and alcohol consumption in adolescents. Methods: We used an online platform with validated self-reported questionnaires to collect the data. The sample consisted of 195 adolescents aged between 16 and 18, from different educational centers in Bierzo (Spain). Results: It was found that 43.6% of the adolescents in our research were high-risk consumers. Significant differences were obtained in terms of self-efficacy and different network metrics. These networks were represented by considering the levels of alcohol consumption. In the friendship network, we observed how the central adolescents presented higher levels of self-efficacy and lower alcohol consumption. Conclusions: Self-efficacy is established as a predictor of coping and not consuming alcohol and adolescence as a crucial moment to implement prevention strategies. Social Network Analysis is a useful tool that provides an image of the context in which adolescents find themselves.This research received no external funding

    Multi-center study of noise in patients from hospitals in Spain: A questionnaire survey

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    pp. 83-85To identify the most annoying noises in the hospital environment. One hundred and ninety-three patients took part in the study. A questionnaire collected the perceptions of patients from four hospitals in Spain, with three distinct units. The most annoying noises were the repetitive ones and the most unbearable source was the people who talk loudly. The daily hours were the noisiest and the most annoying, especially when patients wanted to rest and indicated that noise was annoying for them to get to sleep. Our results demonstrate how sensitive patients are toward noise in Spain. We also suggest some strategies to reduce the noise and the harmful physiological effects of increased sound levels in order to improve the quality of life in a healthcare environment.S