55 research outputs found

    La vulneración del derecho a la identidad del menor por omisión del artículo 21, parte in fine, del código civil

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    La presente investigación analiza la vulneración contenida en la parte in fine del artículo 21 del Código Civil, supuesto que imposibilita a, un padre pueda inscribir, con sus dos apellidos, a su hijo(a) nacido mediante gestación subrogada. Ante esto, se pretende determinar si existe vulneración al derecho a la identidad del menor en la parte in fine del artículo en mención, al no contemplar su inscripción solo con los apellidos de su progenitor masculino. Para este trabajo, se utilizó artículos indexados y tesis; asimismo, para la obtención de la muestra se hizo uso de la técnica no probabilística por conveniencia, la cual no hace uso de fórmulas matemáticas, pero sí toma en cuenta la facilidad y/o disponibilidad de los coautores y encuestados. Tras la aplicación de los instrumentos, se obtuvo como resultado y conclusión que, el derecho a la identidad del menor se encuentra vulnerado en la parte in fine del artículo 21 del Código Civil al no contemplar su inscripción solo con los apellidos de su progenitor masculino. De esta manera, se tiene como implicancias de la presente investigación, el poder servir tanto de base para futuras investigaciones como de sustento para un nuevo contenido del artículo en mención

    Diseño y construcción de un prototipo para la aplicación de la técnica Wave Field Synthesis

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    El objetivo principal de este Proyecto es diseñar y construir un prototipo para la aplicación de la técnica Wave Field Synthesis; para esto se realiza una revisión bibliográfica basando el Proyecto en anteriores estudios en los que personas fueron expuestas a dicho Sistema y así conocer la percepción Sonora de las personas frente a la técnica Wave Fiel Synthesis. Es el presente trabajo se muestra el diseño y construcción del prototipo, además de las mediciones objetivas y subjetivas que se realizaron para comprobar que dicho Sistema cumple con los objetivos propuestos.Universidad de San Buenaventura Bogot

    Excellence in Education Versus Educational Policies. Literary Review

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    En este artículo de revisión literaria, se aborda la compleja relación entre la excelencia educativa y las políticas educativas, utilizando una metodología cualitativa para analizar diversas perspectivas y enfoques. A través de la revisión de estudios y análisis cualitativos, se destaca la riqueza de opiniones y experiencias de educadores, estudiantes y otros actores clave en el ámbito educativo. La metodología cualitativa tipo descriptiva permitió explorar en profundidad las dimensiones subjetivas de la excelencia educativa, y cómo estas se ven afectadas por la implementación de políticas educativas. Se examinan aspectos, como las interacciones en el aula, la percepción de los participantes y los factores contextuales que influyen en la calidad educativa. La participación ciudadana se analiza de manera más detallada para comprender las opiniones de la comunidad educativa. La gestión educativa y las prácticas pedagógicas se exploran, destacando las narrativas y experiencias de los educadores. Se busca comprender cómo las políticas afectan la dinámica en el aula, las estrategias pedagógicas efectivas y el clima escolar desde la perspectiva de quienes están directamente involucrados en el proceso educativo. Finalmente, el artículo, proporciona una visión más completa y rica de la interacción entre la excelencia educativa y las políticas educativas, capturando las complejidades y matices a través de experiencias y perspectivas cualitativas.In this literature review article, the complex relationship between educational excellence and educational policies is addressed, using a qualitative methodology to analyze various perspectives and approaches. Through the review of qualitative studies and analysis, the richness of opinions and experiences of educators, students and other key actors in the educational field are highlighted. The descriptive qualitative methodology allowed us to explore in depth the subjective dimensions of educational excellence, and how these are affected by the implementation of educational policies. Qualitative aspects are examined, such as classroom interactions, participants' perceptions, and contextual factors that influence educational quality. Citizen participation is analyzed in more detail to understand the opinions of the educational community. Educational management and pedagogical practices are explored, highlighting the narratives and experiences of educators. It seeks to understand how policies affect classroom dynamics, effective pedagogical strategies, and school climate from the perspective of those who are directly involved in the educational process. In summary, the article provides a more complete and rich view of the interaction between educational excellence and educational policies, capturing the complexities and nuances through qualitative experiences and perspectives

    Integrating the STOP-BANG Score and Clinical Data to Predict Cardiovascular Events After Infarction A Machine Learning Study

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    BACKGROUND: OSA conveys worse clinical outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease. The STOP-BANG score is a simple tool that evaluates the risk of OSA and can be added to the large number of clinical variables and scores that are obtained during the management of patients with myocardial infarction (MI). Currently, machine learning (ML) is able to select and integrate numerous variables to optimize prediction tasks. RESEARCH QUESTION: Can the integration of STOP-BANG score with clinical data and scores through ML better identify patients who experienced an in-hospital cardiovascular event after acute MI? STUDY DESIGN AND METHOD: This is a prospective observational cohort study of 124 patients with acute MI of whom the STOP-BANG score classified 34 as low (27.4%), 30 as intermediate (24.2%), and 60 as high (48.4%) OSA-risk patients who were followed during hospitalization. ML implemented feature selection and integration across 47 variables (including STOP-BANG score, Killip class, GRACE score, and left ventricular ejection fraction) to identify those patients who experienced an in-hospital cardiovascular event (ie, death, ventricular arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, recurrent angina, reinfarction, stroke, worsening heart failure, or cardiogenic shock) after definitive MI treatment. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to compare ML performance against STOP-BANG score, Killip class, GRACE score, and left ventricular ejection fraction, independently. RESULTS: There were an increasing proportion of cardiovascular events across the low, intermediate, and high OSA risk groups (P = .005). ML selected 7 accessible variables (ie, Killip class, leukocytes, GRACE score, c reactive protein, oxygen saturation, STOP-BANG score, and N-terminal prohormone of B-type natriuretic peptide); their integration outperformed all comparators (area under the curve, 0.83 [95% CI, 0.74-0.90]; P <.01). INTERPRETATION: The integration of the STOP-BANG score into clinical evaluation (considering Killip class, GRACE score, and simple laboratory values) of subjects who were admitted for an acute MI because of ML can significantly optimize the identification of patients who will experience an in-hospital cardiovascular event

    ABO gene polymorphisms are associated with acute coronary syndrome and with plasma concentration of HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides

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    The role of ABO gene polymorphisms in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and lipid metabolism is increasingly recognized. We investigated whether ABO gene polymorphisms are significantly associated with ACS and the plasma lipid profile. Six ABO gene polymorphisms (rs651007 T/C, rs579459 T/C, rs495928 T/C, rs8176746 T/G, rs8176740 A/T, and rs512770 T/C) were determined by 5’exonuclease TaqMan assays in 611 patients with ACS and 676 healthy controls. The results demonstrated that the rs8176746 T allele was associated with a lower risk of ACS under the co-dominant, dominant, recessive, over-dominant, and additive models (P = 0.0004, P = 0.0002, P = 0.039,  P = 0.0009, and P = 0.0001, respectively). Furthermore, under co-dominant, dominant, and additive models, the rs8176740 A allele was associated with a lower risk of ACS (P = 0.041, P = 0.022, and P = 0.039, respectively). On the other hand, the rs579459 C allele was associated with a lower risk of ACS under the dominant, over-dominant, and additive models (P = 0.025, P = 0.035, and P = 0.037, respectively). In a subanalysis performed with the control group, rs8176746 T and rs8176740 A alleles were associated with low systolic blood pressure and with both high high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and low triglyceride plasma concentrations, respectively. In conclusion, ABO gene polymorphisms were associated with a lower risk of ACS, and lower systolic blood pressure and plasma lipid levels, suggesting a causal relationship between ABO blood groups and the incidence of ACS

    Propuesta de diseño de un simulador de un microscopio electrónico de barrido para el desarrollo de aprendizaje significativo en nanotecnología

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    Se hace un estudio donde se identifica la necesidad de herramientas virtuales de aprendizaje de bajo coste para la enseñanza en nanotecnología y se propone el diseño de un simulador educativo para un equipo de microscopía electrónica de barrido SEM referencia JEOL NeoScope JCM 5000 para implementarse en el entorno de desarrollo de videojuegos Unity para el fomento del  aprendizaje significativo con estudiantes de básica secundaria, tomando como población de estudio los aprendices del programa de la Tecnoacademia nodo Cazuca del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA. Se espera lograr identificar la diferencia en la implementación de éstas herramientas en el aprendizaje de técnicas de caracterización y el impacto que pueden generar éstas en el área de influencia

    Valor pronóstico del descenso absoluto de la porción N-terminal del propéptido natriurético tipo B en insuficiencia cardiaca descompensada: análisis secundario del estudio CLUSTER-HF

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    Objective. The purpose of this study is to determine the prognostic value of the absolute decrease in the N-terminal portion of pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) to prevent fewer clinical events, in the population of CLUSTER-HF (efficacy of ultrasound lung to guide therapy and prevent readmissions in heart failure). Materials and methods. This study was conducted in a subgroup of ninety-four patients with available NT-proBNP information at hospital discharge and prior to randomization in the CLUSTER-HF study. The primary objective of the study was to determine the prognostic value of absolute NT-proBNP decline below which fewer events of all-cause death, emergency room visits, and rehospitalization for heart failure at 180 days. Results. The absolute decrease in NT-proBNP below 3,350 pg/mL has a moderate discriminative capacity with AUC= 0.602, with a prognostic value in the combined event at 180 days (log-rank test, p=0.01). Also, according to the multivariable analysis, it is an independent marker of clinical events at 180 days OR 0.319 (0.102-0.995, p=0.04) above other clinical variables. Conclusions. An absolute decrease to 3,350 pg/mL of NT-proBNP or less at discharge from the hospitalization due to heart failure, was associated with fewer clinical events at 180 days.Objetivo. Determinar el valor pronóstico del descenso absoluto de la porción N-terminal del propéptido natriurético tipo B (NT–proBNP) para prevenir menos eventos clínicos en la población del estudio CLUSTER-HF (eficacia del ultrasonido pulmonar para guiar la terapia y prevenir las rehospitalizaciones en insuficiencia cardiaca). Materiales y métodos. El presente estudio fue realizado en un subgrupo de 94 pacientes con información disponible de NT-proBNP al alta hospitalaria y previo a la aleatorización del estudio CLUSTER-HF. El objetivo primario del estudio fue determinar el valor pronóstico de descenso absoluto de NT - pro-BNP por debajo del cual se prediga menos eventos de muerte por todas las causas, visitas a urgencias y rehospitalización por insuficiencia cardiaca a 180 días. Resultados. El descenso absoluto de NT-proBNP por debajo de 3 350 pg/mL tiene una capacidad discriminativa moderada con un AUC= 0,602, con un valor pronóstico significativo en el evento combinado a 180 días (log rank test, p=0,01). Asimismo, de acuerdo al análisis multivariado es un marcador independiente de eventos clínicos a 180 días OR 0,319 (0,102-0,995, p=0,04) por encima de otras variables clínicas. Conclusiones. El tener un descenso absoluto menor a 3 350 pg/mL de NT - pro-BNP al alta de la hospitalización por insuficiencia cardiaca se asoció a menos eventos clínicos a 180 días

    Effects of serelaxin in patients with acute heart failure

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    Background: Serelaxin is a recombinant form of human relaxin-2, a vasodilator hormone that contributes to cardiovascular and renal adaptations during pregnancy. Previous studies have suggested that treatment with serelaxin may result in relief of symptoms and in better outcomes in patients with acute heart failure. Methods: In this multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, event-driven trial, we enrolled patients who were hospitalized for acute heart failure and had dyspnea, vascular congestion on chest radiography, increased plasma concentrations of natriuretic peptides, mild-to-moderate renal insufficiency, and a systolic blood pressure of at least 125 mm Hg, and we randomly assigned them within 16 hours after presentation to receive either a 48-hour intravenous infusion of serelaxin (30 μg per kilogram of body weight per day) or placebo, in addition to standard care. The two primary end points were death from cardiovascular causes at 180 days and worsening heart failure at 5 days. Results: A total of 6545 patients were included in the intention-to-treat analysis. At day 180, death from cardiovascular causes had occurred in 285 of the 3274 patients (8.7%) in the serelaxin group and in 290 of the 3271 patients (8.9%) in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.98; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.83 to 1.15; P=0.77). At day 5, worsening heart failure had occurred in 227 patients (6.9%) in the serelaxin group and in 252 (7.7%) in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.75 to 1.07; P=0.19). There were no significant differences between the groups in the incidence of death from any cause at 180 days, the incidence of death from cardiovascular causes or rehospitalization for heart failure or renal failure at 180 days, or the length of the index hospital stay. The incidence of adverse events was similar in the two groups. Conclusions: In this trial involving patients who were hospitalized for acute heart failure, an infusion of serelaxin did not result in a lower incidence of death from cardiovascular causes at 180 days or worsening heart failure at 5 days than placebo. (Funded by Novartis Pharma; RELAX-AHF-2 ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01870778. opens in new tab.

    Efficacy of omecamtiv mecarbil in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction according to N‐terminal pro‐B ‐type natriuretic peptide level: insights from the GALACTIC‐HF trial

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    Background: N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is predictive of both outcomes and response to treatment in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Objective: To examine the effect of the cardiac myosin activator omecamtiv mecarbil according to baseline NT-proBNP level in the Global Approach to Lowering Adverse Cardiac outcomes Through Improving Contractility in Heart Failure trial (GALACTIC-HF). Methods: The primary outcome was the composite of a worsening HF event (urgent clinic visit, emergency department visit, or hospitalization) or cardiovascular death. We prespecified analysis of the effect of treatment according to baseline NT-proBNP (≤median, &gt;median), excluding individuals with AF/AFL. Results: Of the 8232 patients analyzed, 8206 had an available baseline NT-proBNP measurement. Among the 5971 patients not in AF/AFL, the median (Q1, Q3) NT-proBNP level was 1675 (812–3579) pg/ml. Hazard ratios (HR) for the effect of omecamtiv mecarbil, compared with placebo, for the primary endpoint in patients without AF/AFL were: ≤median 0.94 (95% CI, 0.80–1.09), &gt;median 0.81 (0.73–0.90) [P-interaction = 0.095]; for the overall population (including patients with AF/AFL) the HRs were ≤ median 1.01 (0.90–1.15) and &gt; median 0.88 (0.80–0.96) [P-interaction = 0.035]. There was an interaction between treatment and NT-proBNP, examined as a continuous variable, with greater effect of omecamtiv mecarbil on the primary outcome in patients with a higher baseline NT-proBNP (P-interaction = 0.086). Conclusions: In GALACTIC-HF, the benefit of omecamtiv mecarbil appeared to be larger in patients with higher baseline NT-proBNP levels, especially in patients without AF/AFL