729 research outputs found

    One Fine Day

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    A military chaplain portrays her journey from combat service to invisibility. Articles, stories, and other compositions in this archive were written by participants in the Mighty Pen Project. The program, developed by author David L. Robbins, and in partnership with Virginia Commonwealth University and the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond, Virginia, offers veterans and their family members a customized twelve-week writing class, free of charge. The program encourages, supports, and assists participants in sharing their stories and experiences of military experience so both writer and audience may benefit

    A Pathophysiological Approach to the Treatment of Infectious Diarrhea in the Neonatal Calf and Pig

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    The most important cause of economic loss in the beef and pork industries is infectious neonatal diarrhea. Although diarrhea of man and animals has been studied for hundreds of years very little has been learned about how to control it. ...This paper is an attempt to review and summarize current information regarding the major etiologies, pathophysiology and methods of treatment of infectious diarrhea in the neonatal calf and pig

    Production of succinic acid from Basfia succiniciproducens up to the pilot scale from Arundo donax hydrolysate.

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    Abstract In the present work the recently isolated strain Basfia succiniciproducens BPP7 was evaluated for the production of succinic acid up to the pilot fermentation scale in separate hydrolysis and fermentation experiments on Arundo donax, a non-food dedicated energy crop. An average concentration of about 17 g/L of succinic acid and a yield on consumed sugars of 0.75 mol/mol were obtained demonstrating strain potential for further process improvement. Small scale experiments indicated that the concentration of acetic acid in the medium is crucial to improve productivity; on the other hand, interestingly, short-term (24 h) adaptation to higher acetic acid concentrations, and strain recovery, were also observed

    Los impactos del COVID-19 en el comportamiento de los consumidores en Uruguay

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    La especial situación de pandemia global durante 2020, provocada por la rápida expansión del COVID-19, ha generado numerosos efectos a distintos niveles, impactando fuertemente en los sistemas económicos, tanto desde la oferta como desde la demanda. Esta investigación puso el foco en el efecto que esta coyuntura ha tenido en la demanda y el consumo, especialmente de bienes durables, entre los meses de marzo a agosto de 2020 en Uruguay. A través del análisis de la evolución del Índice de Confianza del Consumidor, y los tres subíndices que lo conforman, el presente estudio pudo comprobar que el shock COVID tuvo importantes efectos en la conformación de los hábitos de consumo de la población uruguaya

    Proteomic snapshot of the EGF-induced ubiquitin network

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    In this work, the authors report the first proteome-wide analysis of EGF-regulated ubiquitination, revealing surprisingly pervasive growth factor-induced ubiquitination across a broad range of cellular systems and signaling pathways

    Quantitative analysis reveals how EGFR activation and downregulation are coupled in normal but not in cancer cells

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    Ubiquitination of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) that occurs when Cbl and Grb2 bind to three phosphotyrosine residues (pY1045, pY1068 and pY1086) on the receptor displays a sharp threshold effect as a function of EGF concentration. Here we use a simple modelling approach together with experiments to show that the establishment of the threshold requires both the multiplicity of binding sites and cooperative binding of Cbl and Grb2 to the EGFR. While the threshold is remarkably robust, a more sophisticated model predicted that it could be modulated as a function of EGFR levels on the cell surface. We confirmed experimentally that the system has evolved to perform optimally at physiological levels of EGFR. As a consequence, this system displays an intrinsic weakness that causes—at the supraphysiological levels of receptor and/or ligand associated with cancer—uncoupling of the mechanisms leading to signalling through phosphorylation and attenuation through ubiquitination

    Obstáculos a la innovación y la cooperación para innovar. Caso de empresas en la industria manufacturera del Uruguay

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    The key element of organizational competitiveness is innovation and SMEs do not escape this, in this sense, this paper tries to answer, what are the main innovation activities and the obstacles to those activities that most affect Uruguayan industrial companies, and if cooperation with other companies and institutions and participation in networks are important at the time to overcome these obstacles. Microdata from a survey by the Uruguayan National Research and Innovation Agency (ANII) were used, which allowed the elaboration of a series of statistical descriptors related to the variables defined in the study. The research shows that the main innovation activity carried out by both SMEs and large companies is the acquisition of capital goods, together with internal R&D. It is verified that the most important obstacles to developing innovation activities are aspects related to micro and meso-economic issues. There is a greater relative presence of large companies in cooperation agreements for the joint purchase and development of technology and a reduced participation of SMEs in agreements or networks related to scientific and technological knowledge is detected, which would indicate that they do not necessarily contribute to lift some of the obstacles to innovation activities.El elemento clave de la competitividad organizacional es la innovación y las pymes no escapan de ello, en este sentido, el presente trabajo trata de responder, cuáles son las principales actividades de innovación y los obstáculos a esas actividades que más inciden en las empresas industriales uruguayas, y si la cooperación con otras empresas e instituciones y la participación en redes son importantes a la hora de superar dichos obstáculos. Se utilizaron microdatos de la encuesta que realiza la Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación de Uruguay (ANII), que posibilitó elaborar una serie de descriptores estadísticos relacionados con las variables definidas en el estudio. La investigación pone de manifiesto que la principal actividad de innovación que realizan, tanto las pymes como las grandes empresas, es la adquisición de bienes de capital, junto con la I+D interna. Se verifica que los obstáculos más importantes para desarrollar actividades de innovación son aspectos relacionados a temas micro y meso-económicos. Se encuentra una mayor presencia relativa de grandes empresas en los acuerdos de cooperación para compra y desarrollo conjunto de tecnología y se detecta una reducida participación de empresas pymes en acuerdos o redes vinculadas a conocimientos científicos y tecnológicos, lo que indicaría que los mismos no necesariamente contribuyen a levantar algunos de los obstáculos para realizar actividades de innovación

    PG-mediated closure of paracellular pathway and not restitution is the primary determinant of barrier recovery in acutely injured porcine ileum

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    Small bowel epithelium is at the frontline of intestinal barrier function. Restitution is considered to be the major determinant of epithelial repair as function recovers in parallel with restitution after acute injury. As such, studies of intact mucosa have largely been replaced by migration assays of cultured epithelia. These latter studies fail to account for the simultaneous roles played by villous contraction and paracellular permeability in recovery of barrier function. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) result in increased intestinal permeability and disease exacerbation in patients with IBD. Thus, we examined the reparative attributes of endogenous prostaglandins (PG) after injury of ileal mucosa by deoxycholate (6 mM) in Ussing chambers. Recovery of transepithelial resistance (TER) from 20–40 Ω.cm2 was abolished by indomethacin (INDO), whereas restitution of 40–100% of the villous surface was unaffected despite concurrent arrest of villous contraction. In the presence of PG, resident crypt and migrating epithelial cells were tightly apposed. In tissues treated with INDO, crypt epithelial cells had dilated intercellular spaces that were accentuated in the migrating epithelium. TER was fully rescued from the effects of INDO by osmotic-driven collapse of the paracellular space and PG-mediated recovery was significantly impaired by blockade of Cl− secretion. These studies are the first to clearly distinguish the relative contribution of paracellular resistance versus restitution to acute recovery of epithelial barrier function. Restitution was ineffective in the absence of PG-mediated paracellular space closure. Failure of PG-mediated repair mechanisms may underlie barrier failure resulting from NSAID use in patients with underlying enteropathy