107 research outputs found

    Conception et réalisation d'une application de gestion de réseau à base de composants répartis

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    Les applications actuelles de gestion des réseaux reposent essentiellement sur l'approche centralisée. Cependant, cette approche a atteint ses limites. Elle ne répond plus aux nouvelles exigences, telles que la tolérance aux fautes, la flexibilité et l'expansibilité des applications de gestion. Pour répondre à ces nouveaux besoins, plusieurs approches décentralisées ont été développées; elles consistent à répartir des tâches de gestion sur plusieurs entités du réseau. Ce mémoire propose une nouvelle approche décentralisée dans laquelle nous abordons le problème d'intégration dynamique de nouvelles fonctions à l'application de gestion, en utilisant les composants répartis et l'environnement distribué Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). Actuellement, il n'existe pas d'application de gestion capable de détecter et d'intégrer, au cours de son exécution, de nouvelles fonctions de gestion. Nous avons donc développé une architecture décentralisée afin d'illustrer le développement de ce type d'application. Cette architecture est constituée de composants répartis qui utilisent la technologie CORBA pour communiquer entre eux. Ces composants accèdent aux informations de gestion des ressources du réseau à travers une passerelle CORBA/SNMP. L'architecture définit des agents CORBA pour représenter les ressources à gérer sur le réseau et définit des composants CORBA pour représenter les fonctions de gestion de réseau. Ces entités (composants CORBA) peuvent être branchées sur le réseau au cours de l'exécution de l'application de gestion qui les détecte et les utilise automatiquement. Ce mécanisme est appelé plug and play. Nous avons développé notre architecture sur une plate-forme Windows NT en utilisant le langage Java 1.2, l'API SNMP de AdventNet, le service de nom de Java 1.2 et OrbixWeb d'IONA

    Experimental Identification and Control of a 3Kw DC Motor

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    In this project, it was requested to identify the parameters of a 3Kw DC machine to realize a speed control of this machine using a Dspace1103 acquisition card. The control consists to generate a PWM signal to manage a buck chopper based on an IGBT. The proposed control is based on two Proportional-Integral (PI) controllers to regulate both, the speed and the current of the identified DC motor. For this purpose, tests were carried out in order to identify the parameters of this machine. This was followed by the practical implementation of our control system. In order to validate our test bench, several diagrams and explanations have been presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm has been investigated through simulation using the MATLAB/Simulink environment and validated experimentally on a laboratory prototype using Dspace1103 real time board

    Multi-objective System Design Optimization via PPA and a Fuzzy Method

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    System design deals with various challenges of targets and resources, such as reliability, availability, maintainability, cost, weight, volume, and configuration. This paper deals with the multi-objective system availability and cost optimization of parallel–series systems by resorting to the multi-objective strawberry algorithm also known as the Plant Propagation Algorithm or PPA and a fuzzy method. It is the first implementation of this optimization algorithm in the literature for this kind of problem to generate the Pareto Front. The fuzzy method allows helping the decision maker to select the best compromise solution. A numerical case study involving 10 subsystems highlights the applicability of the proposed approach


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    Objective: The present study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and wound healing activities of methanolic extract of Centaurea africana roots in albino Wistar rats.Methods: Following extraction of the C. africana roots with 80% methanol, the extract was formulated as an ointment (5% and 10% w/w). The ointment was then evaluated for wound healing activity using excision and incision wound models. Parameters, including wound contraction, epithelization time, histopathologically, and hydroxyproline content, were determined using the excision model, whereas tensile strength was measured from the incision model. In parallel, edema of the ear, locally induced by croton oil, was studied for the assessment of anti-inflammatory activity.Results: Wound treated with 5% and 10% methanolic extract ointment exhibited a significant wound healing activity in both models as evidenced by increased wound contraction, shorter epithelization time, higher tissue breaking strength, and increased hydroxyproline content. The methanolic extract also produced dose-related significant reduction (p<0.001) of inflammation.Conclusion: Results of the present study revealed that C. africana displays remarkable wound healing and anti-inflammatory activities.Keywords: Anti-inflammatory activity, Centaurea africana roots, Methanolic extract, Incision and excision wound model

    Resource Allocation Modeling Framework to Refactor Software Design Smells

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    The domain to study design flaws in the software environment has created enough opportunity for the researchers. These design flaws i.e., code smells, were seen hindering the quality aspects of the software in many ways. Once detected, the segment of the software which was found to be infected with such a flaw has to be passed through some refactoring steps in order to remove it. To know about their working phenomenon in a better way, authors have innovatively talked about the smell detection mechanism using the NHPP modeling framework. Further the authors have also chosen to investigate about the amount of resources/efforts which should be allotted to various code smell categories. The authors have developed an optimization problem for the said purpose which is being validated on the real-life smell data set belonging to an open-source software system. The obtained results are in acceptable range and are justifying the applicability of the model

    Accelerated cuckoo optimization algorithm for the multi-objective welding process

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    Welding is a well-known process in manufacturing industries due to its importance. Several process parameters should be tuned in order to perform a high-quality welding. Usually, the problem is described as an optimization one and the challenge is to reconcile conflicting objectives. This paper deals with a multi-objective welding process namely the submerged arc welding process, involving five objectives. The weighted sum approach is used to handle it. An accelerated cuckoo optimization algorithm is implemented for this process model and applied to a practical instance of it. On this practical example, the superiority of the proposed optimization technique has been demonstrated in terms of better solutions and fewer required generations of the cuckoos relative to the basic COA and four other optimization algorithms

    Robust power control for PV and battery systems: integrating sliding mode MPPT with dual buck converters

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    This paper presents a comprehensive exploration of an integrated Buck-Boost converter and Sliding Mode Control (SMC) Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) system for optimizing photovoltaic energy conversion. The study focuses on enhancing solar energy extraction efficiency, regulating output currents, and ensuring effective battery utilization. Through a systematic analysis of converter component sizing and operational modes, the paper delves into the intricacies of the Buck-Boost converter. The unique contribution lies in the innovative integration of SMC with the traditional Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm, providing robust and adaptive MPPT under varying environmental conditions. Additionally, the paper introduces a battery management system with three distinct modes, namely, Charging, Direct, and Discharging, offering intelligent control over critical scenarios. Simulation results underscore the robustness of the proposed system under diverse conditions, demonstrating its effectiveness in managing power distribution based on battery charge levels, even in scenarios of insufficient solar power. Overall, this research significantly contributes to advancing the understanding of PV/battery systems and offers a practical, sustainable solution for optimizing energy production, distribution, and storage, marking a substantial stride towards a more efficient and sustainable energy future

    Contribution des Légumineuses à la régénération après feu des forêts de Quercus suber et Pinus halepensis du Nord-Est Algérien

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    The role of legumes in post-fire forest regeneration has been extensively studied in the northern Mediterranean basin but no published data are available concerning the southern part of the area. The aim of the present paper is to analyse the dynamics of the leguminous species in a Q. suber and a P. halepensis forests in northeastern Algeria during the first months after a wildfire of low intensity. The aspects of seedling demography of legumes, their contribution to total biomass and species richness were considered. No major differences were detected between the two communities. They presented similar demographic patterns: legume seedlings began to emerge very early (November) after the fire (October) and continued to increase massively with a peak in December and another in March, and a significant slowdown in January and February; in April, they resumed to gradually decrease again to reach their minimum in May and completely stop in early June. This pattern with two peaks rather than only one in seedling demography was likely due to the exceptional coldness of January and February 2005 (snow down to sea level) whereby the germination slowdown and its delay to March. Eight months after the fire (towards the end of June, as the herbaceous vegetation began to dry), the above-ground biomass of legumes reached a maximum of 37.8 ± 1.83 g/m2 in the Q. suber forest and 26.7 ± 1.63 g/m2 in the P. halepensis one. Seven months after the disturbance, in comparison with the other taxa, the legumes were floristically well represented with 19.8 ± 1.11 % and 24.3 ± 2.05 % of species in the Cork oak and the Allepo pine forests respectively. These richness values are far higher than those reported for other Mediterranean-type ecosystems (3.8 - 13.3 %) probably because of the geographic location (lower latitude) of our study area and the overgrazing pressure favouring installation of leguminous speciesLe rôle des Légumineuses dans la régénération après feu a été largement étudié sur la rive nord de la Méditerranée, mais aucune donnée n'est disponible concernant la rive sud. Le but de cet article est d'analyser la dynamique des Légumineuses dans une subéraie et une pinède à Pin d'Alep du Nord-Est Algérien durant les premiers mois après un feu de faible intensité. Les aspects de la démographie des germinations des Légumineuses, leur contribution à la biomasse totale et la richesse spécifique sont considérés. Les deux communautés ne présentent pas de différences majeures. Toutes deux montrent des modèles démographiques similaires: les germinations de Légumineuses commencent à émerger très tôt (novembre) après le feu (octobre) et continuent à s'établir abondamment avec un premier pic en décembre et un deuxième en mars, avec un ralentissement significatif en janvier et février. La germination diminue à partir d'avril pour atteindre son minimum en mai et complètement s'arrêter en début juin. Ce modèle en deux pics plutôt qu'un seul, comme déjà rapporté, serait vraisemblablement dû au froid exceptionnel durant janvier et février 2005 (neige jusqu'au niveau de la mer) d'où un ralentissement de la germination et son décalage à mars. Huit mois après l'incendie (vers la fin juin, période où la végétation herbacée commence à sécher), la biomasse aérienne des Légumineuses affiche un maximum de 37,8 ± 1,83 g/m2 dans la subéraie et 26,7 ± 1,63 g/m2 dans la pinède. Sept mois après le feu, relativement aux autres familles de plantes, les Légumineuses sont floristiquement bien représentées avec 19,8 ± 1,11 % des espèces dans la subéraie et 24,3 ± 2,05 % dans la pinède, valeurs nettement supérieures à celles rapportées pour d'autres écosystèmes de type méditerranéen (3,8 - 13,3 %), probablement en raison de la localisation géographique (basse latitude) de notre aire d'étude et la pression de surpâturage qui favorise l'installation des Légumineuses

    Analysis of DNM3 and VAMP4 as genetic modifiers of LRRK2 Parkinson's disease.

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    The LRRK2 gene has rare (p.G2019S) and common risk variants for Parkinson's disease (PD). DNM3 has previously been reported as a genetic modifier of the age at onset in PD patients carrying the LRRK2 p.G2019S mutation. We analyzed this effect in a new cohort of LRRK2 p.G2019S heterozygotes (n = 724) and meta-analyzed our data with previously published data (n = 754). VAMP4 is in close proximity to DNM3, and was associated with PD in a recent study, so it is possible that variants in this gene may be important. We also analyzed the effect of VAMP4 rs11578699 on LRRK2 penetrance. Our analysis of DNM3 in previously unpublished data does not show an effect on age at onset in LRRK2 p.G2019S carriers; however, the inter-study heterogeneity may indicate ethnic or population-specific effects of DNM3. There was no evidence for linkage disequilibrium between DNM3 and VAMP4. Analysis of sporadic patients stratified by the risk variant LRRK2 rs10878226 indicates a possible interaction between common variation in LRRK2 and VAMP4 in disease risk
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