137 research outputs found

    Negotiating the transition from adolescence to motherhood: Coping with prenatal and parenting stress in teenage mothers in Mulago hospital, Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adolescence is a transitional stage from childhood to adulthood that is characterized by physical, physiological, psychosocial and behavioral changes that are influenced to a large extent by the age, culture and socialization of the individual. To explore what adolescent mothers perceive as their struggles during the period of transition from childhood to parenthood (through motherhood) and to describe strategies employed in coping with stress of pregnancy, motherhood and parenthood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Longitudinal qualitative study involving twenty two in-depth interviews and six focus group discussions among pregnant adolescents who were followed from pregnant to delivery, from January 2004 to August 2005. Participant were selected by theoretical sampling and data was analyzed using grounded theory.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, young adolescents reported more anxiety, loss of self esteem (when they conceived), difficulty in accessing financial, moral and material support from parents or partners and stigmatization by health workers when they sought care from health facilities. Three strategies by which adolescent mothers cope with parenting and pregnancy stress that were described as utilizing opportunities (thriving), accommodating the challenges (bargaining and surviving), or failure (despairing), and varied in the extent to which they enabled adolescents to cope with the stress.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Adolescents on the transition to motherhood have variable needs and aspirations and utilize different strategies to cope with the stress of pregnancy and parenthood.</p

    Calibration and Control of a Redundant Robotic Workcell for Milling Tasks

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    This article deals with the tuning of a complex robotic workcell of eight joints devoted to milling tasks. It consists of a KUKA (TM) manipulator mounted on a linear track and synchronised with a rotary table. Prior to any machining, the additional joints require an in situ calibration in an industrial environment. For this purpose, a novel planar calibration method is developed to estimate the external joint configuration parameters by means of a laser displacement sensor and avoiding direct contact with the pattern. Moreover, a redundancy resolution scheme on the joint rate level is integrated within a computer aided manufacturing system for the complete control of the workcell during the path tracking of a milling task. Finally, the whole system is tested in the prototyping of an orographic model.Andres De La Esperanza, FJ.; Gracia Calandin, LI.; Tornero Montserrat, J. (2011). Calibration and Control of a Redundant Robotic Workcell for Milling Tasks. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 24(6):561-573. doi:10.1080/0951192X.2011.566284S56157324

    Implementation of a Shared Data Repository and Common Data Dictionary for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Research

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    Many previous attempts by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders researchers to compare data across multiple prospective and retrospective human studies have failed due to both structural differences in the collected data as well as difficulty in coming to agreement on the precise meaning of the terminology used to describe the collected data. Although some groups of researchers have an established track record of successfully integrating data, attempts to integrate data more broadly amongst different groups of researchers have generally faltered. Lack of tools to help researchers share and integrate data has also hampered data analysis. This situation has delayed improving diagnosis, intervention, and treatment before and after birth. We worked with various researchers and research programs in the Collaborative Initiative on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (CI-FASD) to develop a set of common data dictionaries to describe the data to be collected, including definitions of terms and specification of allowable values. The resulting data dictionaries were the basis for creating a central data repository (CI-FASD Central Repository) and software tools to input and query data. Data entry restrictions ensure that only data which conform to the data dictionaries reach the CI-FASD Central Repository. The result is an effective system for centralized and unified management of the data collected and analyzed by the initiative, including a secure, long-term data repository. CI-FASD researchers are able to integrate and analyze data of different types, collected using multiple methods, and collected from multiple populations, and data are retained for future reuse in a secure, robust repository

    Developing Single-Molecule TPM Experiments for Direct Observation of Successful RecA-Mediated Strand Exchange Reaction

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    RecA recombinases play a central role in homologous recombination. Once assembled on single-stranded (ss) DNA, RecA nucleoprotein filaments mediate the pairing of homologous DNA sequences and strand exchange processes. We have designed two experiments based on tethered particle motion (TPM) to investigate the fates of the invading and the outgoing strands during E. coli RecA-mediated pairing and strand exchange at the single-molecule level in the absence of force. TPM experiments measure the tethered bead Brownian motion indicative of the DNA tether length change resulting from RecA binding and dissociation. Experiments with beads labeled on either the invading strand or the outgoing strand showed that DNA pairing and strand exchange occurs successfully in the presence of either ATP or its non-hydrolyzable analog, ATPγS. The strand exchange rates and efficiencies are similar under both ATP and ATPγS conditions. In addition, the Brownian motion time-courses suggest that the strand exchange process progresses uni-directionally in the 5′-to-3′ fashion, using a synapse segment with a wide and continuous size distribution

    Why we need signed poetry in bilingual education

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    A truly bilingual and bicultural education for deaf children requires them to learn about the deaf art-form of sign language poetry. In this article I outline the advantages and challenges of doing this. Reviewing the scarce literature on teaching deaf children signed poetry, whether translated or original, I relate it to the use of literature in L2-learning settings. Reflections of deaf teacher-poets from the UK show that deaf children readily relate to signed poetry, and with informed language focus from teachers it helps them to develop a range of language skills, and express their emotions. Barriers to this, however, include lack of training and awareness for both deaf and hearing teachers - even when the teachers are poets

    Structural basis for inhibition of homologous recombination by the RecX protein

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    The RecA/RAD51 nucleoprotein filament is central to the reaction of homologous recombination (HR). Filament activity must be tightly regulated in vivo as unrestrained HR can cause genomic instability. Our mechanistic understanding of HR is restricted by lack of structural information about the regulatory proteins that control filament activity. Here, we describe a structural and functional analysis of the HR inhibitor protein RecX and its mode of interaction with the RecA filament. RecX is a modular protein assembled of repeated three-helix motifs. The relative arrangement of the repeats generates an elongated and curved shape that is well suited for binding within the helical groove of the RecA filament. Structure-based mutagenesis confirms that conserved basic residues on the concave side of RecX are important for repression of RecA activity. Analysis of RecA filament dynamics in the presence of RecX shows that RecX actively promotes filament disassembly. Collectively, our data support a model in which RecX binding to the helical groove of the filament causes local dissociation of RecA protomers, leading to filament destabilisation and HR inhibition

    Freshwater Seepage Into Sediments of the Shelf, Shelf Edge, and Continental Slope of the Canadian Beaufort Sea

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    Long‐term warming of the continental shelf of the Canadian Beaufort Sea caused by the transgression associated with the last deglaciation may be causing decomposition of relict offshore subsea permafrost and gas hydrates. To evaluate this possibility, pore waters from 118 sediment cores up to 7.3‐m long were taken on the shelf and slope and analyzed for chloride concentrations and δ180 and δD composition. We observed downcore decreases in pore waters Cl− concentration in sediments from all sites from the inner shelf (<20‐m water depth), from the shelf edge, from the outer slope (down to 1,000‐m water depths), and from localized shelf features such as midshelf pingo‐like features and inner shelf pockmarks. In contrast, pore water freshening is absent from all investigated cores of the Mackenzie Trough. Downcore pore waters Cl− concentration decreases indicate regional widespread freshwater seepage. Extrapolations to zero Cl− of pore water Cl− versus δ180 regression lines indicate that freshwaters in these environments carry different isotope signatures and thus are sourced from different reservoirs. These isotopic signatures indicate that freshening of shelf sediments pore waters is a result of downward infiltration of Mackenzie River water, freshening of shelf edge sediments is due to relict submarine permafrost degradation or gas hydrate decomposition under the shelf, and freshening of slope sediments is consistent with regional groundwater flow and submarine groundwater discharge as far as 150 km from shore. These results confirm ongoing decomposition of offshore permafrost and suggest extensive current groundwater discharge far from the coast

    Por que precisamos de poesia sinalizada em educação bilíngue

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    Uma verdadeira educação bilíngue e bicultural para crianças surdas requer que elas aprendam a forma de arte surda de poesia em língua de sinais. Neste artigo apresento as vantagens e desvantagens de se fazer isto. Revisando a escassa literatura sobre o ensino de poesia sinalizada para crianças surdas, seja traduzida ou original, eu a relaciono ao uso de literatura em cenários de aprendizagem de L2. Reflexões de professores-poetas surdos do Reino Unido mostram que a criança surda prontamente se simpatiza com a poesia sinalizada, e com o foco linguístico adequado dos professores, isto as ajuda a desenvolver uma gama de habilidades linguísticas e a expressar suas emoções. Barreiras para isto, contudo, incluem a falta de treinamento e apreensão de professores surdos e ouvintes - mesmo quando os professores são poetas