76 research outputs found

    Examination of the structure and grade-related differentiation of multidimensional self-concept instruments for children using ESEM

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    This study is a substantive-methodological synergy in which exploratory structural equation modeling is applied to investigate the factor structure of multidimensional self-concept instruments. On the basis of a sample of German students (N = 1958) who completed the Self-Description Questionnaire I and the Self-Perception Profile for Children, the results supported the superiority of exploratory structural equation modeling compared with confirmatory factor analyses for both instruments. Exploratory structural equation modeling resulted in lower factor correlations and substantively meaningful cross-loadings. The authors also proposed and contrasted 3 mechanisms for testing grade-related differences in the differentiation of self-concept facets and found no evidence of increased differentiation between Grades 3 to 6

    Perceived teacher unfairness and student motivation in math and German. An application of the generalized internal/external frame of reference model

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    The Generalized Internal/External Frame of Reference Model offers a framework according to which the perception of teacher characteristics might impact on students\u27 motivation within and between subjects. In the present study, relations between perceived teacher unfairness and student motivation in math and German were examined. In a sample of N = 1685 German secondary school students, perceived teacher unfairness was found to be negatively related with student self-concept, interest, and importance of doing well on the task within the subjects of math and German, while being positively related with the three aspects of student motivation between subjects. Mediation analyses revealed partial mediation through academic self-concept within, and complete mediation between subjects. The results imply that students\u27 motivation in one subject is not only related to perceived teacher characteristics in the corresponding subject, but also to the experiences that these students make with teachers in another subject. (DIPF/Orig.

    Relations between classroom disciplinary problems and student motivation : Achievement as a potential mediator?

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    This study examined the relation between classroom disciplinary problems in language classes, student achievement, and three facets of student motivation: competence self-perceptions, test anxiety, and engagement. The analyses were conducted with the German sample from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2006 (N = 7899). The results demonstrated that discipline problems are directly and negatively related to achievement and to all motivation constructs considered. In most cases, the relation between classroom disciplinary problems and motivation constructs was mediated by verbal achievement. Boys were found to report more frequent discipline problems in classrooms than girls. This study contributes to research by assessing the impact of classroom disciplinary problems using doubly latent multilevel structural equation models in order to properly disaggregate effects occurring at the student, versus classroom level

    The structure of academic self-concept. A methodological review and empirical illustration of central models

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    The structure of academic self-concept (ASC) is assumed to be multidimensional and hierarchical. This methodological review considers the most central models depicting the structure of ASC: a higher-order factor model, the Marsh/Shavelson model, the nested Marsh/Shavelson model, a bifactor representation based on exploratory structural equation modeling, and a first-order factor model. We elaborate on how these models represent the theoretical assumptions on the structure of ASC and outline their inherent psychometric properties. We analyzed these models using a data set of German 10th-grade students (N = 1,232) including a wide range of domain-specific ASCs as well as general ASC. The correlations among ASCs and between ASCs and academic achievement varied depending on the structural model used. We conclude with discussing recommendations for research purposes and advantages and limitations of each ASC model. Our approach may also guide research on other affective or motivational constructs (e.g., academic anxiety or interest). (DIPF/Orig.

    Das Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik. Einbettung in die Forschung zum akademischen Selbstkonzept

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    Die vorliegende Studie untersucht das Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik im Kontext der aktuellen Forschung zum bereichsspezifischen akademischen Selbstkonzept. Dazu werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik und (1) Selbstkonzepten in weiteren Schulfächern und bezogen auf Schule allgemein, (2) Noten und (3) intrinsischen Werten in verschiedenen Schulfächern geprüft. Weiter werden Unterschiede in der Struktur und in den Mittelwerten verschiedener akademischer Selbstkonzepte mitsamt dem Selbstkonzept für das Schulfach Musik zwischen Jungen und Mädchen sowie zwischen musikalisch aktiven und nicht-aktiven Schülerinnen und Schülern untersucht. Das Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik zeigte einen höheren Zusammenhang zu Selbstkonzepten verbaler Schulfächer als zu Selbstkonzepten mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlicher Schulfächer.Weiter zeigte das Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik höhere Zusammenhänge zur Note und zum intrinsischenWert im selben Fach als zur Note und zu intrinsischenWerten anderer Schulfächer. Musikalisch aktive und nichtaktive Schüler unterschieden sich nicht in der Struktur, aber in den Mittelwerten der akademischen Selbstkonzepte. Das gleiche galt für Jungen und Mädchen, wobei der Geschlechtseffekt im Mittelwert für das Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik zugunsten der Mädchen auf die ungleiche Geschlechtsverteilung in der musikalischen Aktivität zurückging. Die Ergebnisse lassen den Schluss zu, dass sich bekannte Phänomene des akademischen Selbstkonzepts auf das Selbstkonzept im Schulfach Musik übertragen lassen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Dimensional comparisons in students\u27 perceptions of the learning environment

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    This study aims to add empirical evidence to the generalized internal/external frames of reference (GI/E) model, according to which students\u27 social and dimensional achievement comparisons might not only be related to students\u27 self-concepts but also to perceptions of the learning environment. In a sample of N = 4926 German students, math and language achievements were measured along with two facets of students\u27 perceptions of the learning environment, i.e., perceived instructional quality of math and language classes and perceived relations to math and language teachers. In the GI/E path model, achievement and perceptions of the learning environment were positively related within matching domains but negatively related or unrelated across non-matching domains. This pattern of relations indicates that social and dimensional achievement comparisons contribute to the formation of students\u27 perceptions of the learning environment but the pattern of relations was stronger for math than for language achievement. Students\u27 perceptions of instructional quality were more strongly related to achievement than perceptions of student-teacher relations. The findings were generalizable across same-aged elementary and secondary school students. The results are discussed regarding their implications for the proposed GI/E model and their importance for future research. (DIPF/Orig.

    Political efficacy in adolescence. Development, gender differences, and outcome relations

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    The present study focuses on political efficacy in terms of students\u27 competence self-perceptions related to the domain of politics. The investigation addresses the mean level development and longitudinal relations to outcome variables including gender differences. Drawing on a sample of N = 2,504 German students, political efficacy, along with meaningful outcome variables (i.e., political information behavior, political knowledge, and interest in politics), was measured at 2 measurement points, once in Grade 7 and once in Grade 10. Students\u27 mean levels of political efficacy increased from the first to the second measurement point, and boys consistently displayed higher levels. Political efficacy demonstrated reciprocal relations to political information behavior and political knowledge, and showed a unidirectional relation to interest in politics across time. The pattern of outcome relations was invariant across gender. This study contributes to research and theory on political socialization in adolescence as it outlines temporal relations among, and gender differences in, facets of political socialization. Therefore, this study also offers new practical insights into effectively facilitating political education in adolescent students. (DIPF/Orig.

    Testing the internal/external frame of reference model with elementary school children. Extension to physical ability and intrinsic value

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    Using a sample of third grade elementary school students (N?=?514), we tested a generalized internal/external frame of reference (GI/E) model using math, verbal, and physical education achievements as predictors, and math, verbal, and physical ability self-concepts and intrinsic values as outcomes. Therefore, the present study adds to the generalizability of the GI/E model across age and to the investigation of dimensional comparisons. The findings replicated the assumptions of the classic internal/external frame of reference model by showing positive within-domain relations between math (verbal) achievements and self-concepts, but negative cross-domain relations. Positive within-domain and negative cross-domain achievement relations were also found for math and verbal intrinsic values. The findings further showed positive relations between achievement and self-concept as well as between achievement and intrinsic value within the physical ability domain. In addition, the findings demonstrated a negative relation between math achievement and physical ability self-concept and between German achievement and physical ability intrinsic value. Hence, the findings indicated that dimensional comparisons operate across academic and non-academic domains. Boys and girls did not differ with regard to the relations among constructs as depicted in the GI/E model. However, differential mean levels of the constructs were found for boys and girls. (DIPF/Orig.

    How an early transition to high-ability secondary schools affects students\u27 academic self-concept. Contrast effects, assimilation effects, and differential stability

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    This study examined the operation of contrast and assimilation effects, and the development of academic selfconcept of students in the education system of the German federal state Berlin. One group of students experienced an early transition to high-ability secondary schools while the other group experienced the regular transition after sixth grade. The early transition was found to bear an assimilation effect on academic self-concept which was stronger than the contrast effect immediately after early transition but weaker at the end of the first school year after early transition. The early transition did not affect the normative stability of academic self-concept between two measurement points. Students with an early transition displayed higher levels of academic self-concept at both measurement points but a more substantial decline in academic self-concept than students experiencing regular transition. The findings are discussed in the context of the debate on tracking and acceleration practices in education systems. (DIPF/Orig.
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