7 research outputs found

    Chairperson and CEO foreignness and CG quality of emerging markets MNCs: Moderating role of international board interlocks

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    We examine whether foreign chief executive officers (FCEOs) and foreign independent board chairpersons (FIBCs) improve on the corporate governance (CG) practices of emerging market multinational corporations (EMMNCs) through governance spill over. We use hand‐collected data for 80 listed Nigerian multinational corporations for the period 2011–2016 (480 firm‐years) and apply a three‐stage least squares regression to address endogeneity issues. Our findings show international exposure of EMMNCs motivate appointment of FIBCs and FCEOs who positively affect their CG quality. In addition, international board interlocks positively moderate the likelihood of FCEOs to export and enhance EMMNCs' CG quality, but negatively moderate FIBCs impact on CG practices of EMMNCs. Finally, we develop a framework to show how EMMNCs' CG practices are exemplary to local firms in the home country who may mimic these governance practices. We contend the repeated game of governance spill‐over and mimetic isomorphism drives the evolution of CG institutions and, potentially, will generate institutional change in CG practices in emerging markets

    Anglo-American governance adoption in non-Anglo-American settings: Assessing practitioner perceptions of corporate governance across three emerging economies

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    © 2019, Emerald Publishing Limited. Purpose: Albeit the growing academic research on emerging economies corporate governance (CG) environments within accounting and finance literature, there exists a dearth of cross-country studies using a qualitative approach to understand practitioners’ behaviour vis-a-vis diffusion of international CG practices in emerging economies. This study aims to fill this oversight through a comparative analysis of the divergence and convergence of CG systems operational in three emerging economies (Cameroon, Kenya and Pakistan) while highlighting different institutional and contextual impacts on behaviour of governance actors. The paper uses an interface between critical realism and new institutional economics theory to explore the implementation and execution of CG in Cameroon, Kenya and Pakistan. Design/methodology/approach: The study analysed 24 in-depth semi-structured interviews and conducted with key governance practitioners across the three countries. Findings: The findings show that CG implementation processes in Cameroon, Kenya and Pakistan are nascent and driven by international forces rather than local initiatives. CG lacks institutional identity across the three countries as regulatory coercion acts as a key driver for CG adoption and practitioner accounts are mixed regarding the impact of CG on firm performance. Practical implications: The paper evidences that the lack of governance identify, compliance and slow implementation process of governance regulations and its impact on firm performance in emerging economies is caused by the fact that local institutional characteristics prevalent in these economies may not be suitable for a “copy and paste” of Western form of governance regulations. Furthermore, governance actors do not see the relevance of recommended CG practices except as a regulatory burden. Originality/value: The paper contributes to close the lacuna in the seemingly little qualitative comparative study that has examined practitioner’s perception vis-Ă -vis the diffusion of international governance practices in emerging economies. Specifically, it uncovers how different institutional and contextual factors impact on the behaviour of governance actors and how their behaviours may constrain adoption, implementation and compliance with recommended governance practices

    Deglobalization and the value of geographic diversification: evidence from Brexit

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    Purpose This paper aims to explore the value of geographic diversification in the context of deglobalization, drawing evidence from a quasi-natural experiment – the Brexit referendum that took place on 23 June 2016 in the UK. Design/methodology/approach This study applies an event study methodology to estimate the impact of the Brexit vote on a cross-section of firms with varying levels of geographic diversification – undiversified UK firms, UK firms with significant operations in the European Union (EU) and globally diversified UK firms. This study deploys a Heckman two-stage regression approach to address sample selection bias. Findings This study finds that undiversified UK firms experienced negative cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) around the Brexit referendum. The value of UK firms with majority sales within the UK declined by 0.9 percentage points, on average, in the three days centred on the Brexit referendum. In contrast, UK firms that are globally diversified, with the majority of sales within the EU are unaffected, while diversified firms in the rest of the world generated positive CARs of 1.8 percentage points over the same period. These results are robust to firm characteristics, selection bias and alternative measures of CARs and diversification. Research limitations/implications This study is subject to some limitations that open avenues for future work. There are a few available proxies of diversification and further work on developing other proxies is much needed. Further work may also examine the long-term impact of diversification on UK firms. This study considered Brexit as a quasi-natural experiment, and this study could be applied to other deglobalization events like COVID-19 and can enhance the generalizability of diversification strategy in the deglobalized world. Findings may stimulate future work to explore how another form of diversification – product diversification has affected firm returns around Brexit. Finally, this study has focused on the UK as its base case. It may be interesting to corroborate the findings by exploring the impact of Brexit on European firms, who hitherto Brexit, had some operations in the UK. Practical implications This work offers some insights for policymakers and regulators around the impact of deglobalization on local firms. Findings suggest that these trends significantly negatively impact the most vulnerable firms (smaller firms with less global reach), while their larger counterparts with significant global reach might be insulated. This finding is important for determining the nature of support needed by different firms in times of deglobalization. The work also offers insights to managers of firms operating in countries where there are real prospects of deglobalization. Specifically, the work highlights the importance of geographic diversification when free movement of goods, services and people is restricted. Originality/value This study shows that a certain group of globally diversified firms earned significantly higher returns from the prospect of the UK leaving the EU, thereby highlighting the value of geographic diversification in a time of deglobalization

    Transfer of corporate governance practices into weak emerging market environments by foreign institutional investors

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    We advance the practice transfer theorising of corporate governance (CG) by developing a framework that uncovers how foreign institutional investors (FIIs) improve on CG practices of firms in weak institutional environments. Using hand-collected data for 85 listed Nigerian firms covering the 2011–2016 period, we show that FIIs bypass the weak regulatory environment in emerging markets by transferring good CG standards to host countries. Furthermore, FIIs’ ability to enhance the CG quality of firms in such environments is moderated by their home country’s legal system, with FIIs from countries with strong legal enforcement having an enhanced ability to improve CG practices of firms in weak institutional environments. However, cultural differences between the FIIs’ home and host countries negatively moderate this relationship. Our results are robust to the choice of estimation technique and various sources of endogeneity

    Do corporate governance codes matter in Africa?

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    Africa is often depicted in the literature as the 'patron late to the party' on account of her low uptake of corporate governance codes. Notwithstanding, countries that have an existing corporate governance code continue to exhibit weak corporate accountability and governance practices. This prompted a critical analysis based on a detailed review of published articles and existing codes in the African multiple-contexts. Our findings reveal that the efficacy of many codes remains very limited in terms of pragmatic outcomes whilst firms in countries that have adopted codes continue to face uneven performance and poor accountability. We conclude by urging for an understanding of the reasons underlying such results. We recommend an African-led re-think (independence, ownership, board processes) of existing codes to make them more aligned with the governance needs of African firms and their complex sociocultural background. We call for further research to illuminate Africa's actual governance experiences and necessities

    Doing more with more: women on the board and firm employment

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    While corporations play a pivotal social role by creating employment opportunities, managers typically boost profitability during economic downturns by downsizing. Using a panel of US-listed firms from 2007-2016, we explore the impact of female representation on the board of directors (BOD) on firm-level employment. We find that firm-level employment increases while the likelihood of downsizing decreases with BOD female representation. In corroboration, the level of under-staffing, and hence its associated problems, reduces with BOD female representation. The impact of female directors on employment is stronger in the absence of tokenism, more evident during downturns and shaped by female director typology. Importantly, we find that, while over-staffing problems might emerge, overall employee productivity improves with female representation, suggesting that female directors do not sacrifice shareholder value in pursuit of employee interests. Overall, our results suggest that female directors are crucial in promoting employment in society