3 research outputs found

    Kewajiban Calon Notaris Untuk Merahasiakan Segala Sesuatu Mengenai Akta Yang Dibuatnya Dan Segala Keterangan Yang Diperoleh Guna Pembuatan Akta (Analisis Yuridis Pasal 16A Ayat (2) Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perubahan Atas

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    There is a chapter on the addition of a notary candidate apprenticeship in UUJN No. 2 in 2014, namely Article 16A paragraph (2) which regulates the obligations of the notary internship. The article above sounds vague and contrary to Article 1 paragraph (1) and Article 15 paragraph (1) UUJN authority of a notary. This research has the goal to determine the ratio legis provisions of Article 16A (2) UUJN No. 2 of 2014 related to obligations of a candidate notary and legal consequences that arise when there is a candidate notary who violate the provisions contained in Article 16A (2) UUJN No. 2 2014. The method used is a method normative research by using approach legislation. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the ratio legis provisions of Article 16A (2) UUJN No. 2 of 2014 related to obligations of candidate notaries to keep all sesuatuu related to "deed" were made "and all the" information "obtained in order to manufacture a" deed based on the theory of certainty the law is to ensure the certainty of an authentic deed. According to the theory of authority, a notary candidate does not have the authority to make the authentic act because under article 15, paragraph 1, which has the authority to make the authentic act is only a notary. Based on academic paper Law No. 2 Year 2014 states that the addition of the article is intended that the candidate notary obtain professional competence, personal and social accordance with the purpose of the internship, the transfer of knowledge and skills (transfer of knowledge and skills). Legal consequences arising from the provisions of Article 16A (2) Notary Act No. 2 of 2014 that the deed made by the notary candidate shall be null and void

    Representasi Citra Politik Harry Tanoesoedibjo (Studi Semiotika Roland Barthes dalam Video Mars Partai Perindo)

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    Media massa dan kekuasaan memang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari kepentingan politik penguasa dan seluruh pemegang kekuasaan media. Partai politik yang ingin dikenal oleh publik akan membutuhkan publikasi dalam memperkenalakan partainya pada seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Publikasi partai politik melalui media masa yang saat ini sedang marak ditayangkan di televisi, salah satunya dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan video mars partai. Citra politik suatu partai dapat dicerminkan melalui kepemimpinan dan kompetensi yang dibangun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan citra politik dan representasi Hary Tanoesoedibjo dalam video mars Partai Perindo. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori semiotika dari Roland Barthes yang dikenal dengan Two Orders of Signification teori ini adalah ide tentang dua tatanan signifikansi yaitu denotasi dan konotasi. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini dengan mengumpulkan screen short dari kumpulan adegan yang ada pada video mars Partai Perindo dari youtube. Berdasarkan hasil analisis semiotika, penelitian ini menghasilkan enam makna yang terdapat dalam video mars Partai Peindo, antara lain : ikon, sosok dan simbol Partai Perindo, pelantikan, memberikan dukungan pada generasi muda, Liliana Tanoesoedibjo memberikan dukungan untuk wanita dan anak-anak Indonesia, kepedualian sesama umat beragama dan kepedulian terhadap kesehatan. Citra politik dan representasi yang ditampilkan dalam video Partai Perindo mengajak masyarakat menengah dan generasi muda agar terciptanya Indonesia sejahtera demi kemajuan Persatuan Indonesia. Kata kunci : Semiotika, Citra Politik, Represntasi, Media Massa. Media of time and power can not be separated from the political interests of the ruler and all the holders of media power. Political parties who want to be known by the public will need publications in the introduction of his party to all levels of society. Publication of political parties through the mass media that is currently rampant aired on television, one of which can be done by using a party mars video. The political image of a party can be reflected through the leadership and competence being built. This study aims to describe the political image and representation of Hary Tanoesoedibjo in Perars Party's mars video. The analysis used in this research is the semiotics theory of Roland Barthes known as "Two Orders of Signification" This theory is the idea of two order of significance denotation and connotation. This research approach using qualitative descriptive and data collection technique of this research by collecting screen short of scene collection that exist on video party Perindo mars from youtube. Based on the results of semiotic analysis, this study yielded six meanings contained in the Pears Party mars video, among others: icons, figures and symbols of party Perindo, inauguration, providing support to the younger generation, Liliana Tanoesoedibjo provide support for Indonesian women and children, fellow believers and concern for health. The political image and representation shown in the video of Perindo Party invites the middle and young generation to create a prosperous Indonesia for the advancement of Indonesian Unity