16 research outputs found
The Effect of Instructional Methods (Lecture-Discussion versus Group Discussion) and Teaching Talent on Teacher Trainees Student Learning Outcomes
The aim of this study is to examine difference in the effect of instructional methods (lecture-discussion versus group discussion) and teaching talent on theacher trainees student learning outcomes. It was conducted by a quasi-experimental design using the factorialized (2 x 2) version of the nonequivalent control group design. The subjects were 168 students as teachers trainees from eight study programs in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Jember, Indonesia. Data collected were analyzed by two-way Analysis of Variances (ANOVA). Results of the study showed that (1) the learning outcomes of students taught by the lecture-discussion method were different from those of students taught by the group discussion method with F test of 111.864, significant at p<.05 and the relatively strong effect size of .406. The group discussion method was proven to be more effective in improving the student learning outcomes than the lecture-discussion method; (2) the difference in teaching talent affected difference in student learning outcomes with F test of 128.708, significant at p <.05 and the relatively strong effect size of .440. Students with higher teaching talent tended to achieve higher learning outcomes among both groups of students taught using either lecture-discussion or group discussion methods. However, students with lower teaching talent tended to achieve lower learning outcomes among both groups of students taught using either lecture-discussion or group discussion methods; (3) the interaction of lecture-discussion vs group discussion methods and teaching talent significantly affected student learning outcomes with F test of 91.713, significant at p<.05 and the relatively strong effect size of .359. Keywords: instructional methods, teaching talent, student learning outcome
Observing Debate in Learning on Students’ Critical Thinking
Abstract: The objective of this research prove of difference between the limited critical thinking ability and the general critical thinking ability of learners using the methods of debate and discussion with learners who have different learning styles. Using a quasi-experimental design with testing and rating scales, the results showed: (1) there is no difference between the limited critical thinking ability of learners between students who use the method of debate and discussion. There is a difference between the general critical thinking ability of learners between students using the method of debate and those who are using discussion method (2) there is a difference in limited critical thinking ability and the general critical thinking ability between converging learning styles and divergent learning styles; (3) there is an interaction between instructional methods and learning styles on the limited critical thinking ability. The effect of learning methods to the general critical thinking ability is not influenced by the style of learning.Key Words: debate methods, discussion methods, learning styles, critical thinkingAbstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan perbedaan antara kemampuan berpikir kritis terbatas dan kemampuan berpikir kritis umum peserta didik menggunakan metode debat dan diskusi dengan gaya belajar yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuasi-eksperimental dengan skala pengujian dan penilaian. Hasil menunjukkan: (1) tidak ada perbedaan antara kemampuan berpikir kritis terbatas peserta didik di antara siswa yang menggunakan metode debat dan diskusi. Ada perbedaan antara kemampuan berpikir kritis umum peserta didik di antara siswa yang menggunakan metode debat dan diskusi; (2) ada perbedaan dalam kemampuan berpikir kritis terbatas dan kemampuan berpikir kritis umum antara siswa dengan gaya belajar konvergen dan divergen; (3) ada interaksi antara metode pembelajaran dan gaya belajar pada kemampuan berpikir kritis terbatas. Pengaruh metode pembelajaran terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis umum tidak dipengaruhi oleh gaya belajar.Kata kunci: metode debat, metode diskusi, gaya belajar, berpikir kriti
Local Wisdom, the Muslim Community and the Strengthening of Pancasila Ideology in Bali
Studies on local wisdom, the dynamic practices of the Muslim community as a minority, and the Hindu majority in Bali are few. These kinds of studies are significant, concerning existing local wisdom. Spiritual values and noble cultural values need to be understood with societal development. Official religions often cause community fragmentation. There are several questions. First, how does a community adapt local knowledge to local wisdom? Second, what forms of tolerant spiritual and religious practices should be prominent concerning the influence of Islam? The majority of Balinese Hindu traditions and religion are different. Third, how do Bali’s communities interpret local wisdom with religious tolerance and moderation? Pancasila ideology in Indonesia’s national life is not only for the present; but for the future
The Sustainaible Life in Harmony: Managing Cultural and Natural Heritage for Prosperity
We are grateful to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa for His blessing so this book, entitled “The Sustainable Life in Harmony: the managing of nature and cultural heritage For Prosperity”, can be completed as it scheduled. The publishing of this book in relation with the anniversary of Gianyar regency, where the National Coordination Meeting of the Indonesian heritage cities networking is being held and also international seminar which conducted in Balai Budaya Gianyar. The detailed of pre vent, the realization of the event, and evaluation or (post event) can be concluded as they scheduled. Pre event concerns with all the preparations which were done by the experts team of the Culture Office of Government of Gianyar, while the realization of the event was collaboration activities between the Government of Gianyar with the organizing committee of the Doctoral Program of Cultural Studies, Udayana University. The post event concerns with the expectation of the coming future activities. Having this book published, as the Organizing Committee we convey our deepest gratitude to Government of Gianyar which continuously cooperate in having the collaboration to cultural studies. Last but not least, we do hope that the presence of this book will give enlightment and a new spirit in realizing government programs of Gianyar as the heritage cities
Balinese cosmology: Study on pangider bhuwana colors in Gianyar’s contemporary art
Adat (custom) and religion cannot be separated in the context of Balinese culture. One of the aspects of Balinese culture is the concept of mandala, called pangider bhuwana. Based on Balinese culture and religion, the Balinese mandala, is formally known as pangider bhuwana. The main focus of this essay is to explore the way the artist expresses and visualizes, using the colors of the mandala. A comprehensive analysis was conducted on the methods that the colors of the Balinese mandala are visualized in Gianyar's contemporary painting
Sumber-sumber Stres Kerja Guru
Working environment was potential stressor affecting teachers' strees. The findings of previous researches indicated that working environment was one of a number of stressors. The main purpose of this study was to explore stressors dominantly affecting the teachers' stress. The stratified random sample was 555 teachers drawn from Ujung Pandang, Luwu, Polewali Mamasa, Bantaeng, and Sinjai, South Sulawesi. It was found out that the stressors dominantly affecting teachers' stress were cut in payment, neglected promotion, students' deviation of behaviour, conflict with school personnel, noisy school environment, and lack of motivation, attention, and response of their students upon subject matter
Balinese culinary entrepreneurship amid globalization
This article intends to examine Balinese culinary entrepreneurship in the midst of this current of globalization, it is often found that millennials tend to choose or buy food from outside (imported) such as fast food which is considered more prestigious. Whereas typical Balinese food has its own advantages, namely all very fresh ingredients such as meat, fish and spices, especially bebungkilan (laos, turmeric, kencur and ginger) which can attract consumers, both domestic and foreign tourists. Several factors that influence tourists to enjoy Balinese culinary specialties are the background of the food, eating and drinking habits, service and packaging. Balinese cuisine that is often offered to tourists is pork guling, lawar, satay lilit, plecing, chicken betutu, while drinks such as daluman. This research was carried out throughout 2019-2021 with the object of research namely Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka Ubud, Warung Babi Guling Pande Egi Gianyar, and Warung Babi Guling Selingsing Bu Suci Tabanan. The three research objects were chosen because many people, domestic tourists and foreign tourists visit to enjoy the Balinese specialties on offer
Pentahelix model application for tourism development strategy
This study discussed the application of the Pentahelix model in the development strategies of Toba Samosir tourism. The current research was conducted using a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. It aimed at exploring how stakeholder synergy in each formulation, as well as the development of tourism. Research data were collected through observation, interviews, literature review, and surveys. The results showed that the lack of synergy between stakeholders caused the low number of tourist visits. The government tends to assume that the stakeholders are the sole owner of the power so that the development of tourism has not been able to produce welfare, even, it tends to cause prolonged conflict within the community itself. Therefore, the current study proposes a vital step of pentahelix model, in which the government of local regency should have better synergy with stakeholders
The Effectiveness of Web-Based Learning Inquiry Method to Increase Students’Independency of Learning
Efektivitas Metode Pembelajaran Inkuiri Berbasis Web dalam Meningkatkan Kemandirian Belajar MahasiswaAbstract: This study aimed at determining whether there were differences in self-directed learning for students who received different treatment, web-based inquiry method and the conventional method. This was a quasi-experiment with the counterbalancing in two conditions within subject de-sign. SRSSDL was used to collect data which had been tested with the construct validity and reli-ability (cronbach’s alpha = 0936). And the data were analyzed by the General Linear Model Univariate Analysis of Variance test through a computer program SPSS release 16. The result showed there were differences in self-directed learning for students who are subjected to a web-based inquiry method and the conventional method (F = 5.518; r = 0.021) with mean X1 = 137.395 > mean X2 = 129.778). This result proved the web-based inquiry learning was effective to improve students self-directed learning. Key Words: web-based inquiry, self-directed learningAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan perbedaan dalam pembelajaran mandiri bagi siswa yang menerima perlakuan berbeda, metode yang digunakan adalah web-based inquiry dan metode konvensional. Penelitian ini berupa eksperimen semu dengan menyeimbangkan dua kondisi di dalam subjek. SRSSDL digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yang telah diuji dengan validitas dan reliabilitas konstruk (cronbach alpha = 0.936). Data dianalisis dengan General Linear Model Univariate Analysis of Variance tes menggunakan aplikasi SPSS release 16. Hasil menunjukkan ada-nya perbedaan belajar mandiri bagi siswa yang diajar dengan metode inquiry berbasis web dan me-tode konvensional (F = 5,518; r = 0,021) dengan rata-rata X1 = 137,395> rata-rata X2 = 129,778). Hal ini membuktikan pembelajaran inquiry berbasis web efektif untuk meningkatkan siswa dalam belajar mandiri.Kata kunci: web-based inquiry, pembelajaran mandir