58 research outputs found

    Guía para desarrollar e invertir en proyectos inmobiliarios bajo la modalidad de fiducia

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    Este proyecto de investigación es de tipo conceptual y práctico, en él se analizarán las alternativas que existen en el mercado colombiano para las fiducias inmobiliarias, generando una ilustración práctica que le servirá tanto al empresario constructor como al inversionista, para analizar si invierte su dinero y esfuerzos en un proyecto inmobiliario, respaldado por una entidad fiduciaria.En este trabajo se elaborará una guía para que el pequeño o mediano constructor utilice la fiducia como herramienta para obtener los recursos que sean necesarios y pueda desarrollar sus proyectos, ya que por lo general las pequeñas empresas constructoras, a pesar de contar con la capacidad técnica necesaria, no desarrollan proyectos de gran envergadura, por limitaciones de tipo económico. Esta guía se constituirá en una herramienta de apoyo tanto para los clientes compradores e inversionistas, como para los promotores de proyectos que nunca han usado la fiducia, ya que la obtención de recursos económicos se constituye en un gran obstáculo para la expansión y diversificación de las empresas

    Invertibles in topological rings: a new approach

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    Every element in the boundary of the group of invertibles of a Banach algebra is a topological zero divisor. We extend this result to the scope of topological rings. In particular, we define a new class of semi-normed rings, called almost absolutely semi-normed rings, which strictly includes the class of absolutely semi-valued rings, and prove that every element in the boundary of the group of invertibles of a complete almost absolutely semi-normed ring is a topological zero divisor. To achieve all these, we have to previously entail an exhaustive study of topological divisors of zero in topological rings. In addition, it is also well known that the group of invertibles is open and the inversion map is continuous and C-differentiable in a Banach algebra. We also extend these results to the setting of complete normed rings. Finally, this study allows us to generalize the point, continuous and residual spectra to the scope of Banach algebras

    Aplicación del aprendizaje automático en la clasificación de textos cortos: un caso de estudio en el conflicto armado colombiano

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    Trabajo de investigaciónColombia lleva alrededor de 50 años en guerra y aunque se realizo un proceso de paz, las disputas continúan entre los diferentes actores, un medio en donde se desarrollan las disputas son las redes sociales, los diferentes actores expresan sus opiniones, existen diferentes técnicas y algoritmos que permiten procesar estos textos con la finalidad de que el gobierno Colombiano tenga claridad de como se encuentra el conflicto en la actualidad y como debe proceder de una manera eficiente.RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. ANTECEDENTES 3. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 4. OBJETIVOS 5. JUSTIFICACIÓN 6. DELIMIETACIÓN 7. MARCO REFERENCIAL 8. ESTADO DEL ARTE 9. METODOLOGIA 10. PLATAFORMAS 11. ENTORNOS 12. ALGORITMOS 13. HISTORIAS DE USUARIO 14. DESARROLLO DEL COMPONENTE 15. RESULTADOS 16. CONCLUSIONES 17. TRABAJO FUTURO BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero de Sistema

    Vector-Valued Spaces of Multiplier Statistically Convergent Series and Uniform Convergence

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    [EN] In this paper, we introduce the spaces of vector-valued sequences containing multiplier (weakly) statistically convergent series. The completeness of such spaces is studied as well as some relations between unconditionally convergent and weakly unconditionally Cauchy series of these spaces. We also obtain generalizations of some results regarding uniform convergence of unconditionally convergent series through the concept of statistical convergence. Finally, we provide a version of the Orlicz- Pettis theorem for A-multiplier convergent operator series by means of the statistical convergence.The first author has been supported by Research Grant PGC-101514-B-I00 awarded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain, and by the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme and by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia, with project reference: FEDER-UCA18-105867. The third author has been supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Project PID2019-105011GB-I00, and by Generalitat Valenciana, Project PROMETEU/2021/070.García-Pacheco, FJ.; Kama, R.; Murillo Arcila, M. (2022). Vector-Valued Spaces of Multiplier Statistically Convergent Series and Uniform Convergence. Results in Mathematics. 77(1):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00025-021-01582-411677

    Refugees Welcome? Online Hate Speech and Sentiments in Twitter in Spain during the Reception of the Boat Aquarius

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    High-profile events can trigger expressions of hate speech online, which in turn modifies attitudes and offline behavior towards stigmatized groups. This paper addresses the first path of this process using manual and computational methods to analyze the stream of Twitter messages in Spanish around the boat Aquarius (n = 24,254) before and after the announcement of the Spanish government to welcome the boat in June 2018, a milestone for asylum seekers acceptance in the EU and an event that was highly covered by media. It was observed that most of the messages were related to a few topics and had a generally positive sentiment, although a significant part of messages expressed rejection or hate—often supported by stereotypes and lies—towards refugees and migrants and towards politicians. These expressions grew after the announcement of hosting the boat, although the general sentiment of the messages became more positive. We discuss the theoretical, practical, and methodological implications of the study, and acknowledge limitations referred to the examined timeframe and to the preliminary condition of the conclusions

    Técnicas big data: análisis de textos a gran escala para la investigación científica y periodística

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    Big data techniques: Large-scale text analysis for scientific and journalistic research. This paper conceptualizes the term big data and describes its relevance in social research and journalistic practices. We explain large-scale text analysis techniques such as automated content analysis, data mining, machine learning, topic modeling, and sentiment analysis, which may help scientific discovery in social sciences and news production in journalism. We explain the required e-infrastructure for big data analysis with the use of cloud computing and we asses the use of the main packages and libraries for information retrieval and analysis in commercial software and programming languages such as Python or

    Técnicas big data: análisis de textos a gran escala para la investigación científica y periodística

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    Big data techniques: Large-scale text analysis for scientific and journalistic research. This paper conceptualizes the term big data and describes its relevance in social research and journalistic practices. We explain large-scale text analysis techniques such as automated content analysis, data mining, machine learning, topic modeling, and sentiment analysis, which may help scientific discovery in social sciences and news production in journalism. We explain the required e-infrastructure for big data analysis with the use of cloud computing and we asses the use of the main packages and libraries for information retrieval and analysis in commercial software and programming languages such as Python or

    Big data techniques: Large-scale text analysis for scientific and journalistic research

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    This paper conceptualizes the term big data and describes its relevance in social research and journalistic practices. We explain large-scale text analysis techniques such as automated content analysis, data mining, machine learning, topic modeling, and sentiment analysis, which may help scientific discovery in social sciences and news production in journalism. We explain the required e-infrastructure for big data analysis with the use of cloud computing and we asses the use of the main packages and libraries for information retrieval and analysis in commercial software and programming languages such as Python or R

    El transporte marítimo de pasajeros en la Bahía de Cádiz

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    Reflexiones y soluciones en torno a uno de los temas más candentes del momento en la región gaditana: el de las comunicaciones terrestres y marítimas y el papel reservado a la navegación en la Bahía en una correcta política de infraestructuras