249 research outputs found

    A network to understand the changing socio-ecology of the southern African woodlands (SEOSAW): Challenges, benefits, and methods

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    Societal Impact StatementThe sustainable management of the southern African woodlands is closely linked to the livelihoods of over 150 M people. Findings from the Socio-Ecological Observatory for the Southern African Woodlands (SEOSAW) will underpin the sustainability of two of the largest industries on the continent: woodfuels and timber. SEOSAW will also improve our understanding of how human use shapes the biogeography and functioning of these ecosystems.SummaryHere we describe a new network of researchers and long-term, in situ, measurements that will characterize the changing socio-ecology of the woodlands of southern Africa. These woodlands encompass the largest savanna in the world, but are chronically understudied, with few long-term measurements. A network of permanent sample plots (PSPs) is required to: (a) address management issues, particularly related to sustainable harvesting for energy and timber; (b) understand how the woodlands are responding to a range of global and local drivers, such as climate change, CO2 fertilization, and harvesting; and (c) answer basic questions about biogeography, ecosystem function, and the role humans play in shaping the ecology of the region. We draw on other successful networks of PSPs and adapt their methods to the specific challenges of working in southern African woodlands. In particular we suggest divergences from established forest monitoring protocols that are needed to (a) adapt to a high level of ecosystem structural diversity (from open savanna to dry forest); (b) quantify the chronic disturbances by people, fire, and herbivores; (c) quantify the diversity and function of the understory of grasses, forbs, and shrubs; (d) understand the life histories of resprouting trees; and (e) conduct work in highly utilized, human-dominated landscapes. We conclude by discussing how the SEOSAW network will integrate with remote sensing and modeling approaches. Throughout, we highlight the challenges inherent to integrating work by forest and savanna ecologists, and the wide range of skills needed to fully understand the socio-ecology of the southern African woodlands


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    Validation is a critical component to the scientific method and translation of scientific knowledge, algorithms, and technology to real-world sporting or clinical settings, and requires rigorous testing by multiple stakeholders. This process can take decades to have an influence on clinical practice. Validation is also a crucial part of translating technology and science into commercial application, although in this context validation needs to take into account usability, manufacturing, price/performance trade-offs, finding a product-market fit and determining your value proposition in the market place. This discussion will draw on the experience of a diverse panel to highlight some of the challenges of translating science to commercial applications. By illustrating through examples from the diverse and experienced panel members, various validation methods and their implications for commercialising a product or algorithm, compared with validating a hypothesis, will be covered

    Green Bank Telescope and Swift X-ray Telescope Observations of the Galactic Center Radio Magnetar SGR J1745-2900

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    We present results from eight months of Green Bank Telescope 8.7-GHz observations and nearly 18 months Swift X-ray telescope observations of the radio magnetar SGR J1745-2900, which is located 2.4" from Sgr A*. We tracked the magnetar's radio flux density, polarization properties, pulse profile evolution, rotation, and single-pulse behavior. We identified two main periods of activity in SGR J1745-2900. The first is characterized by approximately 5.5 months of relatively stable evolution in radio flux density, rotation, and profile shape, while in the second these properties varied substantially. Specifically, a third profile component emerged and the radio flux increased on average, but also became more variable. Bright single pulses are visible and are well described by a log-normal energy distribution at low to moderate energies, but with an excess at high energies. The 2-10 keV flux has decayed steadily since the initial X-ray outburst, in contrast with the radio flux. Our timing analysis includes Green Bank Telescope, Swift, and NuSTAR data. When we include the X-ray data in our analyses, we find that SGR J1745-2900 exhibited a level of timing noise unprecedented in a radio magnetar, though an analysis of only the radio data indicates timing noise at a level similar to that observed in other radio magnetars. We conclude that, while SGR J1745-2900 is similar to other radio magnetars in many regards, it differs by having experienced a period of relative stability in the radio band that now appears to have ended, while the X-ray properties have evolved independently.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; 10 pages (emulateapj style), 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Feminist Perspectives on Bostock v. Clay County, Georgia

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    This jointly-authored essay is a conversation about the Supreme Court’s recent and groundbreaking decision (Bostock v. Clayton County) that held that discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is discrimination based on sex, and therefore prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. While many scholars are writing about this case, we are doing something unique. We are analyzing this decision from feminist perspectives. We are the editors and four of the authors of a book recently published by Cambridge University Press: Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Employment Discrimination Opinions. This book contains fifteen Supreme Court and Courts of Appeals employment discrimination cases that have been rewritten using feminist perspectives, along with commentaries for each of the rewritten opinions. Two of those rewritten opinions are Courts of Appeals cases involving gender identity (Etsitty v. Utah Transit Authority) and sexual orientation (Hively v. Ivy Tech Community College). Because the book was already in production when Bostock was decided, we were unable to incorporate this momentous case into our book. And yet, given our experiences rewriting and editing opinions from feminist perspectives, we have something to say about Bostock and its significance for LGBTQ+ employment cases and employment discrimination law more broadly. Accordingly, we wrote this essay, which has three goals: first, to introduce our book; second, to analyze the Bostock case and its effect on employment discrimination law as it relates to sexual orientation and gender identity; and third, to discuss more broadly the effect of Bostock on employment discrimination jurisprudence through a feminist lens. Throughout the essay, we are attempting to answer the question of whether Bostock is a feminist opinion. Our answers are varied and even uncertain; but ultimately, we conclude that even though we, as feminists, might have written it differently, the LGBTQ+ community deserves to celebrate this momentous victory

    Neurocognitive, genetic and environmental risk factors of learning disorders in children

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    Our research has already uncovered a range of behavioural and neural factors that can differentiate between children whose development is impaired and those whose development is progressing typically. Intriguingly, our recent findings have also suggested that multiple learning disorders are often present in children with general cognitive difficulties like autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. However, a common feature of research in this area is that of a ‘distinct syndrome’ approach, only studying childhood disabilities separately.https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/brainscanprojectsummaries/1013/thumbnail.jp

    A Radio Pulsar/X-ray Binary Link

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    Radio pulsars with millisecond spin periods are thought to have been spun up by transfer of matter and angular momentum from a low-mass companion star during an X-ray-emitting phase. The spin periods of the neutron stars in several such low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) systems have been shown to be in the millisecond regime, but no radio pulsations have been detected. Here we report on detection and follow-up observations of a nearby radio millisecond pulsar (MSP) in a circular binary orbit with an optically identified companion star. Optical observations indicate that an accretion disk was present in this system within the last decade. Our optical data show no evidence that one exists today, suggesting that the radio MSP has turned on after a recent LMXB phase.Comment: published in Scienc
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