287 research outputs found

    L’organisation de l’école primaire en cycles d’apprentissage au Québec : un concept à préciser

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    Le concept de cycle d’apprentissage est imprécis. Les définitions laissent énormément de latitude aux intervenants dans la mise en oeuvre des cycles dans les écoles. Dans la mesure où ils doivent adapter les changements à leurs milieux, cette latitude est souhaitable. Cependant, les mises en oeuvre varient, et il est difficile d’en étudier les effets sur le travail enseignant et sur l’apprentissage des élèves. Nous précisons ici le concept de cycle d’apprentissage en examinant les écrits de recherche sur le sujet et nous en faisons ressortir trois composantes : les composantes d’ordre organisationnel, pédagogique et professionnel.The concept of learning cycles is not sufficiently precise. Current definitions allow educators much latitude in both interpretation and application of cycles in schools. Since educators must adapt changes to their milieu, this latitude is desirable. However, because these interpretations and applications vary to such a large extent, it is difficult to study the effects that these applications have on both teaching and learning. From an examination of current research literature in this area, the author provides a definition of the concept of learning cycles and proposes three essential components : organizational, pedagogical and professional.El concepto de ciclo de aprendizaje es impreciso. Las definiciones dejan a los educadores una gran latitud en la aplicación de los ciclos en las escuelas. En la medida en que deben adaptar los cambios a su entorno, esta latitud es deseable. Sin embargo, las aplicaciones varían y es difícil estudiar sus efectos sobre el trabajo docente y sobre el aprendizaje de los alumnos. A continuación especificamos el concepto de ciclo de aprendizaje, examinando los textos de investigación sobre el tema y destacamos tres componentes : los componentes que pertenecen al campo organizacional, pedagógico y profesional

    Changes in Business Core & Accounting Course Requirements: AACSB Influences

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    This study explores the business core requirements and accounting program requirements of universities accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB) and those without such accreditation during both 1996/97 and 2012/13 academic years. The sample of 50 universities consists of 25 with AACSB accreditation and 25 without AACSB accreditation during the 1996/97 academic year. Differences are examined in the courses and credit hours required in various courses between the two types of universities as well as changes in these programs between the two time periods. The changes that have occurred between 1996/97 and 2012/13 are compared to changes in AACSB standards to determine if the changes made by accredited universities were primarily to align with accreditation standard changes or if changes are occurring in addition to standard motivated changes. The comparison between the AACSB accredited and non-AACSB accredited universities can be used to determine if the non-AACSB accredited universities follow the same general curriculum. Also, the changes in curriculum to align with AACSB standards will be looked for in the non-AACSB accredited universities. If a similar change in curriculum is noted for both AACSB accredited and non-AACSB accredited universities, then it would seem that the AACSB influence may reach beyond accredited universities. Given that AACSB is considered to be the premier accreditation, if its programmatic expectations are being adopted by non-AACSB accredited universities, positive externalities would be occurring from the accreditation process that would benefit college of business students and the economy as a whole. The study is being extended to consider the 2016/2017 academic year as well to capture the latest changes in AACSB accreditation standards. This data is not yet complete

    Quantum theory of spontaneous and stimulated emission of surface plasmons

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    We introduce a quantization scheme that can be applied to surface waves propagating along a plane interface. An important result is the derivation of the energy of the surface wave for dispersive non-lossy media without invoking any specific model for the dielectric constant. Working in Coulomb's gauge, we use a modal representation of the fields. Each mode can be associated with a quantum harmonic oscillator. We have applied the formalism to derive quantum-mechanically the spontaneous emission rate of surface plasmon by a two-level system. The result is in very good agreement with Green's tensor approach in the non-lossy case. Green's approach allows also to account for losses, so that the limitations of a quantum approach of surface plasmons are clearly defined. Finally, the issue of stimulated versus spontaneous emission has been addressed. Because of the increasing density of states near the asymptote of the dispersion relation, it is quantitatively shown that the stimulated emission probability is too small to obtain gain in this frequency region.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B

    How Principals Exercise Transformative Leadership in Urban Schools in Disadvantaged Areas in Montréal, Canada

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    This study aims at understanding how elementary school principals in disadvantaged areas implement transformative leadership for social justice. Our previous studies showed that social justice is rarely present in principals’ discourse. Using a transformative leadership framework, we analysed data from the observation of these school principals. Data failed to show evidence of transformative behaviour on the part of principals. Because of some concerns and questions that arose from these findings, we found and interviewed three outstanding elementary school principals who are implementing transformative leadership in their schools. In contrast with our previous data, our present data shows that these principals have a rich view of social justice, that they see instances of inequities in their schools, that they identify situations in which they can implement transformative leadership, and that they report intervening to fight inequities. We also discuss the implications of these results in the follow-up of our research programme

    Les réactions de directions d’écoles de milieux défavorisés aux caractéristiques des écoles performantes de milieux défavorisés

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    La littérature scientifique sur la direction d'écoles de milieux défavorisés est peu abondante. Cependant, elle identifie des caractéristiques observées de façon récurrente dans les écoles performantes de milieux défavorisés. Dans le cadre d'un programme de recherche plus vaste visant à comprendre le travail de direction d'école de milieu défavorisé, nous avons utilisé ces caractéristiques afin de connaître les réactions de 45 directions d'écoles primaires de l'île de Montréal à leur égard. Bien que connaissant ces caractéristiques, plusieurs directions ont manifesté leurs réticences à l'effet que, dans les écoles performantes, l'apprentissage constitue la priorité. Nous présentons ici cette recherche effectuée en collaboration avec le Programme de soutien à l'école montréalaise (MELS) et nous discutons les résultats, qui nous surprennent.Scientific literature on the administration of schools in disadvantaged environments is scarce. Nonetheless, it identifies recurrent characteristics observed in schools that perform well in disadvantaged environments. In a broader research program studying the work of school administrators in disadvantaged environments, we used these characteristics to identify the reactions of 45 elementary school directors on the Island of Montréal. Although they knew the characteristics, several directors expressed their reluctance to the fact that leaming is the priority in schools that performed. The research presented here was conducted in collaboration with the Supporting Montréal Schools Program (MELS). We discuss the results, which are of concem to us

    Elementary School Principals in Low-Socioeconomic-Status Schools: A University-Based Research Program Designed to Support Mandated Reform

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    This paper presents a reform initiative, the Supporting Montreal Schools Program (SMSP), created by the government of Quebec to assist 184 low socio-economic-status schools in Montreal implement seven reform strategies prescribed by the government. On a regular basis, the professional team of the SMSP engages in reflection and research with universities concerning one or more of the strategies they are charged with helping schools implement or the functioning of the SMSP more generally. The present research programme is part of the team’s ongoing reflection on a component of Strategy 4: professional development of school administrators and the school team. In this paper, we detail results from this initial and subsequent studies on the work of principals in low-performing schools. We also describe our collaborative relationship with the SMSP team, discuss the effectiveness of the SMSP in promoting the implementation of the seven governmentmandated strategies and critique the utility of our partnership with the SMSP and our use of that programme as a vehicle for linking research to practice

    Lung Cancer in Elderly

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    Effects of hypoxia on benthic macrofauna and bioturbation in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada

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    The bottom water in the 4300 m deep Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (LSLE) is persistently hypoxic in contrast to the normoxic bottom waters in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (GSL). We photographed the seabed at 11 stations in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (EGSL) during the summers 2006 and 2007 and analysed the images to identify bioturbation traces (lebensspuren) and benthic macrofauna. The objective was to identify the environmental variables that influence the density and diversity of benthic macrofauna and bioturbation traces, and the differences that exist among regions with high, medium and low oxygen levels in the bottom water. The bottom water oxygen concentration is the variable that best explains the densities of total-traces as well as surface-traces. However, the density of these traces was higher in hypoxic regions than in well-oxygenated regions. The higher density of traces in the hypoxic region of the LSLE is mainly due to the activities of the surface deposit feeder Ophiura sp., which occurs in large numbers in this region. Possible explanations explored are stress behaviour of the organisms in response to hypoxia and different benthic macrofauna community structures between the hypoxic regions of the LSLE and the normoxic regions of the GSL. In the former, surface deposit feeders and low-oxygen tolerant species dominate over suspension feeders and low-oxygen intolerant species

    Les devoirs, corvée inutile ou élément essentiel de la réussite scolaire ?

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    Les auteurs s’intéressent aux écrits scientifiques portant sur les devoirs. La recension effectuée montre que les devoirs constituent une pratique pédagogique diversifiée et controversée, dont la popularité est cyclique. Par ailleurs, alors que la majorité des études se sont intéressées à l’impact des devoirs sur le rendement scolaire, d’autres ont plutôt examiné la question dans la perspective de la motivation des élèves, du développement des habiletés cognitives ou des relations parents-enfant. Dans l’ensemble, même si les devoirs paraissent être une pratique pédagogique bénéfique, les résultats de recherche sont plutôt inconsistants et montrent bien la complexité de la question. Des pistes d’intervention sont suggérées aux éducateurs.A review of research reports in the area of homework shows that pedagogical practices in this area are both diversified and controversial, with cyclical popularity. While the majority of studies examine the impact of homework on school achievement, others examine the question as related to student motivation, development of cognitive abilities, or parent-child relationships. Overall, even if homework seems to be a beneficial pedagogical practice, research results show inconsistencies and underscore the complexity of this question. Several directions for intervention are suggested to educators.En la presente revisión de literatura, los autores se interesan a los escritos científicos referentes a las tareas. La recensión realizada demuestra que las tareas constituyen una práctica pedagógica diversificada y polémica, cuya popularidad es cíclica. Por otro lado, mientras la mayoría de los estudios se han interesado al impacto de las tareas sobre el rendimiento escolar, otros han examinado el tema en la perspectiva de la motivación de los alumnos, del desarrollo de las habilidades cognitivas o de las relaciones padres-hijos. En general, aun cuando las tareas parecen ser una práctica pedagógica benéfica, los resultados de investigación son más bien inconsistentes y muestran de manera evidente la complejidad del tema. Se sugieren algunas pistas de intervención a los educadores