16 research outputs found

    LÂŽescriptura dÂŽun DĂ©u avorrit

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    LÂŽescriptura dÂŽun DĂ©u avorri

    The writing of a bored God

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    The writing of a bored Go

    Entrevista a Alonso de los Ríos: “Tierno pierde”

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    JesĂșs Pardo: Un muerto hablando de otros muertos

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    Preparation of Tremorine and Gemini Surfactant Precursors with Cationic Ethynyl-Bridged Digold Catalysts

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    [EN] Tremorine and precursors of gemini surfactants were synthesised in a one-pot, three-step, double-catalytic A3 coupling reaction and characterised by structural and spectroscopic methods. The cationic [Au-I(L1)]SbF6 complex is a more active catalyst compared to neutral L2- and L3-Au-I bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imidate complexes (L1, L2= Buchwald-type biaryl phosphane; L3= triphenylphosphine) in promoting the double A(3) coupling of ethynyltrimethylsilane, secondary amines (cyclic, aliphatic, or aromatic) and formaldehyde. The solvent influences the catalytic performance by desilylation of silyl acetylene or deactivation of the catalyst by a halide anion. Acetylide-bridged cationic di-gold(I) L1 and L2 complexes were isolated and characterised by means of single-crystal X-ray structure analysis and their spectroscopic properties. Iodine in the acetylene reagent deactivates the AuI catalyst by formation of the less active iodido-bridged cationic digold(I) L1 complex, which was fully characterised by single-crystal X-ray crystal structure analysis and spectroscopy. The nature of the phosphine ligand of the gold complexes used as catalyst affects the stability and activity of the formed cationic ethynyl-bridged Au-2(I)-L intermediates, isolation of which lends support to the proposed double A(3) coupling mechanism.Financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Severo Ochoa and CTQ2015-69153-CO2-R1) and Generalidad Valenciana (Prometeo 2013-014) is gratefully acknowledged.Grirrane, A.; Alvarez-GonzĂĄlez, E.; GarcĂ­a GĂłmez, H.; Corma CanĂłs, A. (2017). Preparation of Tremorine and Gemini Surfactant Precursors with Cationic Ethynyl-Bridged Digold Catalysts. Chemistry - A European Journal. 23(12):2792-2801. https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201605269S27922801231

    Congreso sobre el 98: Las gradas, vacĂ­as

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    Revista de libros.

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    La duquesa roja destiñe

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    CĂČpia en paper oxidat. Marca de marcador fluorescent i rotulador.Retall de premsa d'una entrevista sobre polĂ­tica i ideologia realitzada pel diari MUNDO DIARIO a Luisa Isabel Álvarez de Toledo (Duquesa de Medina Sidonia)