388 research outputs found

    Adding Priority to Event Structures

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    Event Structures (ESs) are mainly concerned with the representation of causal relationships between events, usually accompanied by other event relations capturing conflicts and disabling. Among the most prominent variants of ESs are Prime ESs, Bundle ESs, Stable ESs, and Dual ESs, which differ in their causality models and event relations. Yet, some application domains require further kinds of relations between events. Here, we add the possibility to express priority relationships among events. We exemplify our approach on Prime, Bundle, Extended Bundle, and Dual ESs. Technically, we enhance these variants in the same way. For each variant, we then study the interference between priority and the other event relations. From this, we extract the redundant priority pairs-notably differing for the types of ESs-that enable us to provide a comparison between the extensions. We also exhibit that priority considerably complicates the definition of partial orders in ESs.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2013, arXiv:1307.690

    Sanaa National Museum. Collection of Epigraphic and Archaeological Artifacts from al-Jawf Sites. Part II.

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    L'ouvrage est en anglais/arabe.C'est le deuxième volume consacré aux collections épigraphiques et archéologiques provenant des sites du Jawf, déposées au musée National de Sanaa, Yémen. Ce volume contient 130 pièces composées des inscriptions, des stèles inscrites, plaques en pierre incisées, fragments des piliers, objets en bronze et des bijoux. La plupart de ces pièces datent des VIIIe-Ier s. av. J.-C

    De la diplomatie et de l’aristocratie tribale du royaume de Sabaʾ d’après une inscription du IIIe siècle de l’ère chrétienne

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    International audienceEn 2006, une visite du site de Jabal Riyām, dans le gouvernorat de Sanaa, Yémen fut réalisée sur les ruines d’un temple antique dédié à la divinité Taʾlab ayant fait l’objet d’un récent pillage. Vingt-six inscriptions provenant de ces fouilles clandestines avaient été réunies dans la cour d’une maison du village de Riyām. Parmi elles, seize textes datés des VIIe-IVe siècles av. J. C. d’après leur graphie ont fait l’objet d’une publication récente. Un second ensemble comprenant dix textes non publiés est daté des trois premiers siècles de l’ère chrétienne. Parmi ces textes, une inscription présente un contenu tout-à-fait inédit et éclairant d’un jour nouveau l’histoire des tribus du royaume de Sabaʾ, les pratiques diplomatiques sabéennes et la géographie historique de la péninsule Arabique. Cette inscription dite Jabal Riyām 2006-17 fait l’objet de cette note d’information

    The political map of Arabia and the Middle East in the 3rd century AD revealed by a Sabaean inscription — a view from the South

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    International audienceAn inscription in Sabaic recently discovered on the site of Jabal Riyām (Yemen) gives an account of a journey — probably a diplomatic mission — carried out by a Sabaean dignitary on behalf of the rulers of the tribe of Ḥumlān. He listed the territories he passed through in western and northern Arabia and in the Middle East, up to Palmyra and Mesopotamia. This text, assumed to date back to the 3rd century AD (more probably c.260–280), provides a unique picture of the political forces in the area and throws new light on the regional map of the time

    Violence risk assessment practices in Spain

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    While practitioners are routinely faced with the task of assessing the risk of violence, the use of structured methods is neither mandatory nor widespread among mental health, correctional, and law enforcement professionals in Spain. That said, the dichotomous construct of dangerousness that had once been widely accepted by both practitioners and the judiciary has largely been replaced over the course of the 21st century by the continuous construct of risk (Andrés-Pueyo & Redondo-Illescas, 2007). This shift can mainly be attributed to the recognition that unstructured judgments of dangerousness produce poor levels of both predictive validity as well as inter-rater reliability (for a thorough discussion see Andrés-Pueyo & Arbach-Lucioni, 2014). The aim of the present chapter is to consider the history of this conceptual shift, including a discussion of risk assessment tools developed in Spain as well as the identification of future directions for research and practice in the country.Fil: Arbach, Karin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas; ArgentinaFil: Andrés Pueyo, Antonio. Universidad de Barcelona; Españ

    Biophysical Features of Bacillithiol, the Glutathione Surrogate of Bacillus subtilis and other Firmicutes

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    Bacillithiol (BSH) is the major low-molecular-weight (LMW) thiol in many low-G+C Gram-positive bacteria (Firmicutes). Evidence now emerging suggests that BSH functions as an important LMW thiol in redox regulation and xenobiotic detoxification, analogous to what is already known for glutathione and mycothiol in other microorganisms. The biophysical properties and cellular concentrations of such LMW thiols are important determinants of their biochemical efficiency both as biochemical nucleophiles and as redox buffers. Here, BSH has been characterised and compared with other LMW thiols in terms of its thiol pKa, redox potential and thiol–disulfide exchange reactivity. Both the thiol pKa and the standard thiol redox potential of BSH are shown to be significantly lower than those of glutathione whereas the reactivities of the two compounds in thiol–disulfide reactions are comparable. The cellular concentration of BSH in Bacillus subtilis varied over different growth phases and reached up to 5 mM, which is significantly greater than previously observed from single measurements taken during mid-exponential growth. These results demonstrate that the biophysical characteristics of BSH are distinctively different from those of GSH and that its cellular concentrations can reach levels much higher than previously reported


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    This book is the third volume of the collection of epigraphic and archaeological artifacts from the Jawf valley, kept at the National Museum of Sanaa.It is devoted to a collection of 437 funerary stelae dating from the 8th to the 1st century BC.Together with the catalogue, the authors propose a stylistic analysis, a synthesis on onomastics and comparisons with other Arabian productions.Ce volume est le 3e de la collection des pièces archéologiques et épigraphiques de la vallée du Jawf conservées au musée national de Sanaa.Il présente une collection de 437 stèles funéraires datant du 8e au 1e siècle av. J.-C.Le catalogue est enrichi d'une analyse stylistique, d'une synthèse sur les inscriptions funéraires et l'onomastique ainsi que d'une mise en parallèle avec d'autres productions de la péninsule Arabique

    Factores de riesgo de la Reincidencia violenta en población penitenciaria

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    Determinar qué delincuentes presentan un mayor riesgo de comisión de un nuevo delito violento tras salir de prisión es una tarea fundamental para poder prevenir dicho comportamiento. Uno de los modelos que mejor explica la adquisición y el mantenimiento de la conducta delictiva es el propuesto por Andrews y Bonta (1994). Este modelo está basado en la evidencia empírica y propone la existencia de «Cuatro Grandes» factores de riesgo relacionados directamente con el comportamiento delictivo y que, además, son los que mejor predicen la reincidencia general. El propósito de este estudio es determinar en qué grado estos cuatro factores de riesgo (historia de conducta antisocial, redes y vínculos antisociales, actitudes antisociales y patrón de personalidad antisocial) son capaces de predecir la reincidencia violenta en una muestra de delincuentes. La historia de conducta antisocial, así como el patrón de personalidad antisocial se mostraron estadísticamente significativos en la predicción de la reincidencia violenta, lo que sugiere que estas dos variables deberían evaluarse a fondo y tenerse en cuenta en la gestión penitenciaria, la toma de decisiones y la planificación del tratamiento de los delincuentes en prisión

    Diallyl polysulfides from garlic: mode of action and applications in agriculture.

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    Garlic (Allium sativum) contains a wide range of organosulfur compounds which show a variety of biological effects including broad spectrum antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity, as well as selective anticancer activity. One highly bioactive class of compounds from garlic are diallyl polysulfides (DAS), containing one to six sulfur atoms in a linear chain. The bioactivity of DAS has been shown to increase with increasing sulfur chain length up to DAS4 and in this study the even higher bioactivity of DAS5 and DAS6 was demonstrated. The bioactivity of DAS is believed to be initiated following initial reaction with intracellular low molecular weight (LMW) and protein thiols. In this study the interaction between DAS and LMW thiols was investigated and for the first time the reduced DAS metabolites allyl hydropolysulfides have been detected in vitro and in vivo in the Gram positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis. Additionally, formation of mixed polysulfides between DAS and LMW thiols with up to five sulfur atoms was observed in vitro. Proteomic studies revealed a large number of proteins in B. subtilis that formed mixed di- and trisulfides with DAS. Therefore multiple points of DAS attack have been proven and the disturbance of the cellular redox status through lowering the pool of reduced LMW thiols was established in two different organisms (B. subtilis and the nematode Steinernema feltiae). To exploit the polysulfide chemistry for the development of a “green” nematicide, the nematicidal activity of DAS was investigated in bioassays as well as the efficacy of DAS formulations towards plant pathogenic nematodes (Meloidogyne spp. and Globodera spp.) in potato and carrot field trials. It was demonstrated that the DAS derived nematicides form an equally effective alternative compared to synthetic nematicides at a much lower environmental and health risk