189 research outputs found

    Grupos estratégicos de pesquisa em escolas de negócios e sua relação com o desempenho: o caso do Chile

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    This research contextualizes how the market of higher education is characterized by being highly competitive. This situation is especially observed in Business Schools, which make decisions that focus on creating an image of academic reputation; for instance, investing resources in research in order to achieve leadership positions at local and international levels. Even when Business Schools offer study programs with a high practical and professional approach, research activities allow them to develop knowledge and be linked with both public and private sectors. In this context, and by using the theory of strategic groups in order to study their research behavior, the Chilean Business Schools that appear in the MBA ranking in Economics in America were considered. The results allow us to identify four strategic research groups, based on the decisions made by the Business Schools in terms of academic production, research team, and academic dissemination. Finally, it describes how the investment made by the Business Schools in research sources has an impact on organizational performance indicators, such as: international recognition, place in the quality ranking and MBA tuition fees.La presente investigación contextualiza cómo los mercados de educación superior se caracterizan por ser altamente competitivos. Esta situación se observa especialmente en las escuelas de negocios, las cuales toman decisiones que se enfocan en la creación de una imagen de reputación académica; por ejemplo, invertir recursos en investigación para ganar posiciones de liderazgo a nivel nacional e internacional. Aun cuando las escuelas de negocios ofrecen programas de estudios con un alto enfoque práctico y profesional, las actividades de investigación les permiten desarrollar conocimiento y vincularsecon los sectores privado y público. En este contexto, y recurriendo a la teoría degrupos estratégicos para estudiar su comportamiento en investigación, se consideraron las escuelas de negocios chilenas que aparecen en el ranking MBA de América Economía.Los resultados permiten identificar cuatros grupos estratégicos de investigación, de acuerdo con las decisiones que adoptan las escuelas de negocios en producción académica, equipo de investigación y difusión académica. Finalmente, se describe cómo la inversión realizada por las escuelas de negocios en fuentes de investigación tienen impacto en los indicadores de desempeño organizacional, tales como: acreditación internacional, posición en ranking de calidad y arancel de los programas de MBA.A presente pesquisa contextualiza como os mercados de educação superior caracterizam-se por ser altamente competitivos. Esta situação observa-se especialmente nas escolas de negócios, as quais tomam decisões que focam na criação de uma imagen de reputação acadêmica; por exemplo, investir recursos em pesquisa para ganhar posições de liderança a nível nacional e internacional. Ainda quando as escolas de negocios oferecem programas de estudos com um alto enfoque prático e profissional, as atividades de pesquisa permitem desenvolver conhecimento e vincular-se com os setores privado e público. Neste contexto, e com base na teoria de grupos estratégicos para estudar seu comportamento em pesquisa, consideraram-se as escolas de negócios chilenas que aparecem no ranking MBA da América Economia. Os resultados permitem identificar quatro grupos estratégicos de pesquisa, de acordo com as decisões que adotam as escolas de negócios em produção acadêmica, equipe de pesquisa e difusão acadêmica. Finalmente, descreve-se como o investimento realizado pelas escolas de negócios em fontes de pesquisa tem impacto nos indicadores de desempenho organizacional, tais como: acreditação internacional, posição em ranking de qualidade e tarifa dos programas de MBA

    ¿Qué hemos aprendido sobre la calidad de servicio en Educación Superior?

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    Today the sectors of higher education are characterized by being highly competitiveHoy en día los sectores de educación superior se  caracterizan por ser altamente competitivos (Gruber et al., 2010; Stimac y Leko, 2012). Esto se ha producido por fuerzas económicas que tienen su origen el desarrollo de un mercado de educación global (Seymour, 1992; Freeman, 1993; Abdullah, 2006a), y que obligan a las instituciones de educación superior a responder rápidamente a las nuevas dinámicas competitivas (Maringe y Gibbs, 2009; de Jager y Gbadamosi, 2010). Esto último se debe a la necesidad que tienen las instituciones de educación superior de innovarconstantemente, diversificar sus estructuras y encontrar formas más efectivas de entregar los servicios a sus clientes (Jain et al., 2011

    Socioemotional wealth, entrepreneurial orientation and international performance of family firms

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    This paper analyses the relationships between the socioemotional wealth, entrepreneurial orientation and international performance of family firms. This research is pioneering in that it seeks to explain the international performance of family firms from the non-economic perspective of entrepreneurial orientation determined by socioemotional wealth. Second generation structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) using SmartPLS 3.2.8 software was applied to data from 106 Spanish family firms. The study shows that considering socioemotional wealth substantially improves the capacity of entrepreneurial orientation to explain variation in the international performance of family firms. When only entrepreneurial orientation is included in the model, the explained variance of international performance is 34.2%. However, when socioemotional wealth is included in the model as an antecedent of international performance, the explained variance increases to 42.6%

    Sustainable Growth in the Agro-Food Cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)

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    The present study aims at analysing the sustainable growth in the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). To this end, the study examines the impact of the corporate social responsibility (hereinafter CSR) on the performance of the agro-food cooperatives. CSR is analysed based on the three dimensions suggested by the triple bottom line approach: Economic dimension, social dimension, and environmental dimension. Results are analysed using a partial least squares regression (PLS-SEM). The main contributions are as follows: (1) The measurement of the CSR through the triple bottom line approach has proven to be appropriate for the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-la Mancha, as it presents adequate values of reliability and validity; (2) these dimensions make up the CSR, although the environmental dimension is the most relevant one for the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha; and (3) CSR positively and significantly affects the performance of agro-food cooperatives, as it explains 39.2% of their variance, thus confirming a sustainable growth model for the agro-food cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha

    Usos del celular en jóvenes chilenos de bajos recursos

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    En este trabajo analizamos los significados que los jóvenes y las jóvenes de Chile de bajos recursos atribuyen a la compra, uso y tenencia de un celular. La investigación cualitativa utilizada no sólo nos permitió descubrir las necesidades que los sujetos jóvenes buscan satisfacer con la compra y/o uso de un celular, sino también los factores socioculturales que determinan este comportamiento de compra. La importancia del presente no es sólo por la pretensión de ser un estudio sociológico sobre la conducta de compra, uso y tenencia de celular por parte de los jóvenes y las jóvenes de Chile de menores recursos, sino también porque constituye una poderosa herramienta para comprender los problemas sociales relacionados con este hecho.- 1. Introducción. -2. Revisión de la literatura. -3. Metodología. -4. Análisis de resultados. -5. Conclusiones. -Lista de Referencias

    Piratería de Sotware: Propuesta de Modelo

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    It is estimated that 61% of software is pirated in Chile, causing estimated losses of $ 382 million in 2011 (Business Software Alliance, 2012). The aim of this research is to identify the most important reasons behind the software’s purchase and copy. A survey of 165 valid responses was used to investigate these reasons. In addition, this study offers a theoretical model that could explain the piracy behavior, which was developed from previous research into software piracy and the theory of planned behavior. This is relevant at country level because knowing the factors that motivate the piracy behavior will permit to define specific plans to eradicate it. The results reveal that the most important reasons to software purchase are: use the software all the time, required for theuniversity or company and in case of problems one can use the technical support. Moreover, the most important reason to software piracy is because it is too expensive. Therefore, strategies toreduce software piracy should consider these reasons.En Chile se estima que el 61% de los softwares son pirateados, generando pérdidas estimadas de 382 millones de dólares en el año 2011 (Business Software Alliance, 2012). Esta investigación pretende identificar las razones más relevantes detrás de la compra y copia de softwares. Una encuesta de 165 respuestas válidas fue utilizada para indagar dichas razones. Además, este estudio propone un modelo teórico sobre los factores que explican el comportamiento de piratería, desarrollado desde investigaciones anteriores dentro de la piratería de software y la disciplina de la teoría del comportamiento planeado. Lo anterior es de importancia en el nivel país, por cuanto conocer los factores que motivan el comportamiento de piratería permitirá definir con mayor precisión planes que busquen su erradicación. Los resultados revelan que las razones más importantes para comprar un software son: usar el software todo el tiempo, es requerido por la universidad o empresa y en caso de problemas se puede usar el soporte técnico. Por otro lado, la razón más importante para copiar ilegalmente un software, es porque es demasiado caro. Por lo tanto, estrategias para reducirla piratería de software deberían considerar dichas razones.Palabras clave: Piratería; Software; Estudiantes de Posgrado; Factores Explicativos; Chile

    International diversification, ownership structure and performance in an emerging market: evidence from Chile

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    This research analyzes the impact of international diversification on the performance of Chilean exporting firms. Considering a sample of 47 companies listed on the Santiago Stock Exchange during the period 2003–2013, we found an international diversification discount. Secondly, when investigating the relationship between international diversification and performance, we found that they are related through an inverted U curve. Finally, we investigated how the ownership structure moderates the relationship between international diversification and performance, finding that the ownership concentration and pyramidal ownership positively impacts the performance of companies initiating international diversification strategies; and that the business groups’ affiliation negatively impacts in the international diversificationperformance relationship

    Scientometric Analysis of Research on Corporate Social Responsibility

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    This work shows how Corporative Social Responsibility (CSR) has been filtering into different management areas, providing an insight into its evolution, and presenting literature reviews and efforts to incorporate conceptualisations and recommendations on its application. It can be understood through a scientometric and bibliometric analysis, using the WoS documents on the “Social Responsibility” concept in the “Business and Economics” category, analysing a total of 8728 papers up to the year 2020. In this work, CSR is associated with views from different fields of study in economics and business, highlighting diverse management fields; it seeks to explain the correlation between CSR and concepts from such fields of study, suggesting that there is a need to order and question the current understanding of CSR and show its relevance so it can be considered an area of specialisation within the management of businesses

    Servant Leadership, Innovative Capacity and Performance in Third Sector Entities

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    This paper analyses the relationship between servant leadership, innovative capacity and performance in Third Sector entities and proposes a mediation model. This research is based on a two-fold theoretical approach: the servant leadership approach and the resource-based approach. The data have been obtained through a survey sent to territorial and functional managers of Third Sector entities. The fieldwork ran from June to September 2019. At the end of the entire process, 85 valid questionnaires were obtained. For the analysis of the results, a double methodology has been used: (1) a method of second order structural equations (PLS-SEM) and, (2) qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). The main contributions of this work are: 1) a double theoretical approach has been applied in this work, which has allowed to adequately define the relationships between servant leadership, innovation capacity and performance in Third Sector entities; (2) the application of a double data analysis methodology has allowed us to obtain robust and reliable results; (3) the measures of the three composites used (servant leadership, innovative capacity and performance) have adequate reliability and validity values; (4) the servant leadership positively influences the performance of Third Sector entities being able to explain the 35.6% of the variation of the performance of these entities and besides, it is a necessary condition for this performance to take place, (5) the average innovative capacity in the influence of the servant leadership in the performance of the entities of the Third Sector, being a necessary condition. Mediation is total, eliminating the direct effect of servant leadership on the performance of third Sector entities and increasing the capacity to explain the variation in the performance of Third Sector entities up to 44.7%. © Copyright © 2020 Hernández-Perlines and Araya-Castillo.Indexación: Scopu

    Personalidad de marca de los partidos políticos: propuesta de modelo

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    DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.17227/01234870.40folios67.89Current democratic systems are characterised by low political participation, especially among young people. This situation is not alien to Chile, where young people have marginalised themselves from the political system because of the perception they have of the system. Young people argue that political parties do not represent them, that they do not have confidence in politicians and that participating in elections does not change anything. In this context, it is essential to study, from various theoretical perspectives, young people’s decision to marginalise themselves from politics. To this end, this article uses the theory of brand personality, where people assign human qualities or personality traits to brands. In this way, using the theory of brand personality, it is possible to study the personality traits which young people attribute to political parties, and thus why they have isolated themselves from electoral processes. This article proposes a model of brand personality for political parties, which was constructed based on the perception of university students, who would be expected to have a more positive opinion of the political system. The proposed model meets the requirements of content validity, convergent validity and divergent validity.Los sistemas democráticos actuales se caracterizan por una baja participación política, en especial dentro del grupo de los jóvenes. Esta situación no es ajena a Chile, por cuanto los jóvenes se han automarginado del sistema político. Esto se debe a la percepción que tienen los jóvenes sobre el sistema político. Los jóvenes señalan que los partidos políticos no los representan, que no tienen confianza en los actores políticos y que su participación en los procesos eleccionarios no permite generar cambios. En este contexto, es imprescindible estudiar la decisión de los jóvenes de automarginarse de la política desde diferentes perspectivas teóricas. Con este objetivo se hace uso de la teoría de personalidad de marca, por cuanto se ha demostrado que las personas asignan cualidades humanas o rasgos de personalidad a las marcas. Dado esto, con la teoría de personalidad de marca se puede estudiar los rasgos de personalidad que los jóvenes atribuyen a los partidos políticos, y con esto, las razones que los han alejado de los procesos eleccionarios. En este contexto, se propone un modelo de personalidad de marca para los partidos políticos. Este modelo se construye en función de la percepción de los jóvenes universitarios, quienes deberían tener una opinión más favorable sobre el sistema político. El modelo propuesto cumple con los requisitos de la validez de contenido, validez convergente y validez divergente