18,236 research outputs found

    Grapheme-phoneme learning in an unknown orthography: a study in typical reading and dyslexic children

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    In this study, we examined the learning of new grapheme-phoneme correspondences in individuals with and without dyslexia. Additionally, we investigated the relation between grapheme-phoneme learning and measures of phonological awareness, orthographic knowledge and rapid automatized naming, with a focus on the unique joint variance of grapheme-phoneme learning to word and non-word reading achievement. Training of grapheme-phoneme associations consisted of a 20-min training program in which eight novel letters (Hebrew) needed to be paired with speech sounds taken from the participant's native language (Dutch). Eighty-four third grade students, of whom 20 were diagnosed with dyslexia, participated in the training and testing. Our results indicate a reduced ability of dyslexic readers in applying newly learned grapheme-phoneme correspondences while reading words which consist of these novel letters. However, we did not observe a significant independent contribution of grapheme-phoneme learning to reading outcomes. Alternatively, results from the regression analysis indicate that failure to read may be due to differences in phonological and/or orthographic knowledge but not to differences in the grapheme-phoneme-conversion process itself

    Luis Solís Rivera y Francisco Rojas Aravena (ed.) Crimen Organizado en América Latina y el Caribe Santiago de Chile: FLACSO-Chile, Catalonia, 2008, pp. 379.

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    Luis Solís Rivera y Francisco Rojas Aravena (ed.). Crimen Organizado en América Latina y el Caribe Santiago de Chile: FLACSO-Chile, Catalonia, 2008, pp. 379

    An Analysis of ALMA Deep Fields and the Perceived Dearth of High-z Galaxies

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    Deep, pencil-beam surveys from ALMA at 1.1-1.3mm have uncovered an apparent absence of high-redshift dusty galaxies, with existing redshift distributions peaking around z∼1.5−2.5z\sim1.5-2.5. This has led to a perceived dearth of dusty systems at z>4z>4, and the conclusion, according to some models, that the early Universe was relatively dust-poor. In this paper, we extend the backward evolution galaxy model described by Casey et al. (2018) to the ALMA regime (in depth and area) and determine that the measured number counts and redshift distributions from ALMA deep field surveys are fully consistent with constraints of the infrared luminosity function (IRLF) at z<2.5z<2.5 determined by single-dish submillimeter and millimeter surveys conducted on much larger angular scales (∼1−10\sim1-10deg2^{2}). We find that measured 1.1-1.3mm number counts are most constraining for the measurement of the faint-end slope of the IRLF at z4z4. Recent studies have suggested that UV-selected galaxies at z>4z>4 may be particularly dust-poor, but we find their millimeter-wave emission cannot rule out consistency with the Calzetti dust attenuation law even by assuming relatively typical, cold-dust (Tdust≈30 T_{\rm dust}\approx30\,K) SEDs. Our models suggest that the design of ALMA deep fields requires substantial revision to constrain the prevalence of z>4z>4 early Universe obscured starbursts. The most promising avenue for detection and characterization of such early dusty galaxies will come from future ALMA 2mm blank field surveys covering a few hundred arcmin2^{2} and the combination of existing and future dual-purpose 3mm datasets.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Bajo escasez. ¿Media casa basta? Reflexiones sobre el Pritzker de Alejandro Aravena

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    RESUMEN: El artículo construye una agenda política de transgresión disciplinar contra el capitalismo a partir de las razones que valieron para Alejandro Aravena un Premio Pritzker y la curatoría de la Bienal de Venecia 2016. En ambos casos, las instituciones patrocinantes han informado que se reconoce el rol de Aravena como arquitecto social con una agenda orientada a ayudar a las personas de escasos recursos. A lo largo del artículo se expone la naturaleza ideológica de estas nominaciones y se expone la necesidad de emancipar la arquitectura de la subyugación a los objetivos de la rentabilidad, acumulación de capital y reproducción de ciclos de poder. Se argumenta que este sometimiento al capital ha destruido la naturaleza creativa de la disciplina generando una crisis cuya salida puede darse con más teorización, organización colectiva y explorando nuevos modos de producción. Se convoca a salir de la zona de confort y abrazar la crítica como un camino posible hacia la liberación disciplinar. ABSTRACT: This article proposes a political agenda for a disciplinary transgression against capitalism based upon the reasons that amounted to Alejandro Aravena a Pritzker award and his curatorial job in Venice Biennale 2016. In both cases, the sponsoring institutions argued that Aravena embodies a social architect with an agenda oriented to aiding people living on scant resources. Throughout the article the ideological nature of these nominations are revealed, and the need to emancipate architecture from the subjugation to profitability, capital accumulation and the reproduction of the cycles of power is exposed. It is argued that the subjugation to capital has destroyed the creative nature of the discipline, triggering a crisis whose release may be tackled through more theory, collective organization, and exploring new modes of production. The article promotes leaving the comfort zone in order to embrace critique as a possible path toward disciplinary liberation

    Properties of the molecular gas in a starbursting QSO at z=1.83 in the COSMOS field

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    Using the IRAM 30m telescope, we have detected the CO J=2-1, 4-3, 5-4, and 6-5 emission lines in the millimeter-bright, blank-field selected AGN COSMOS J100038+020822 at redshift z=1.8275. The sub-local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) excitation of the J=4 level implies that the gas is less excited than that in typical nearby starburst galaxies such as NGC253, and in the high-redshift quasars studied to date, such as J1148+5251 or BR1202-0725. Large velocity gradient (LVG) modeling of the CO line spectral energy distribution (CO SED; flux density vs. rotational quantum number) yields H2 densities in the range 10^{3.5}--10^{4.0} cm-3, and kinetic temperatures between 50 K and 200 K. The H2 mass of (3.6 - 5.4) x 10^{10} M_sun implied by the line intensities compares well with our estimate of the dynamical mass within the inner 1.5 kpc of the object. Fitting a two-component gray body spectrum, we find a dust mass of 1.2 x 10^{9} M_sun, and cold and hot dust temperatures of 42+/-5 K and 160+/-25 K, respectively. The broad MgII line allows us to estimate the mass of the central black hole as 1.7 x 10^{9} M_sun. Although the optical spectrum and multi-wavelength SED matches those of an average QSO, the molecular gas content and dust properties resemble those of known submillimeter galaxies (SMGs). The optical morphology of this source shows tidal tails that suggest a recent interaction or merger. Since it shares properties of both starburst and AGN, this object appears to be in a transition from a strongly starforming submillimeter galaxy to a QSO.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A
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