18 research outputs found


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    O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a din\ue2mica da chuva de sementes em dois agrupamentos flor\uedsticos formados em um remanescente de Floresta Estacional Subtropical. Os agrupamentos foram caracterizados pelo est\ue1gio sucessional da floresta, denominados de grupo I (Floresta Secund\ue1ria em Est\ue1gio M\ue9dio - FSEM), com predom\uednio de esp\ue9cies secund\ue1rias iniciais; e o grupo II (Floresta Secund\ue1ria em Est\ue1gio Avan\ue7ado - FSEA), com predom\uednio de esp\ue9cies secund\ue1rias tardias. A chuva de sementes (CS) foi avaliada em 70 coletores de 1 m2, distribu\ueddos de forma aleat\uf3ria nos dois agrupamentos, sendo que no grupo I foram instalados 15 coletores e no grupo II, por apresentar maior \ue1rea, 55 coletores. O material depositado foi coletado mensalmente, no per\uedodo de outubro de 2008 a outubro de 2010. A din\ue2mica da CS foi avaliada pela densidade de sementes de cada esp\ue9cie, s\uedndrome de dispers\ue3o e sazonalidade da produ\ue7\ue3o. Utilizou-se o teste n\ue3o param\ue9trico da Soma das Ordens de Wilcoxon (W) para verificar diferen\ue7as estat\uedsticas nas m\ue9dias de densidade de sementes em cada ano de avalia\ue7\ue3o para cada trecho de floresta. A chuva de sementes do remanescente estudado, durante os tr\ueas anos de estudo, foi representada por 114 esp\ue9cies e a maior produ\ue7\ue3o de sementes ocorreu em 2008 (1632 sem.m-\ub2 no grupo I e 1270 sem.m-\ub2 no grupo II), principalmente devido \ue0 ocorr\ueancia da alta produ\ue7\ue3o de Chusquea ramosissima Lindm., Dasyphyllum spinescens (Less.) Cabrera, Vernonanthura discolor (Spreng.) H.Rob. Somente no segundo ano (2009) observaram-se diferen\ue7as estat\uedsticas nas m\ue9dias de densidade entre os dois grupos analisados (FSEM=565,6 sem.m-2 e FSEA=274 sem.m-2; Z tabelado =1,96 e W FSEM x FSEA = 2,248). As esp\ue9cies zooc\uf3ricas predominaram na \ue1rea de estudo, e os per\uedodos de maior produ\ue7\ue3o de sementes foram o inverno e a primavera. A CS mostrou-se importante mecanismo de regenera\ue7\ue3o natural para o remanescente de floresta, sendo afetado pelas condi\ue7\uf5es clim\ue1ticas e est\ue1gio sucessional da floresta.The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of the seed rain in two Floristic groups formed in a remnant of Subtropical Seasonal Forest. The clusters were characterized by successional stage of the forest, namely group I (Secondary Forest in Intermediate Stage-FSEM), with a predominance of early secondary species, and group II (Secondary Forest in Advanced Stage-FSEA), with a predominance of late secondary species. Seed rain was evaluated in 70 collectors of 1 m2, randomly distributed in the two groups, whereas in group I were installed 15 collectors and in group II, due to its greater area, 55 collectors. The deposited material was collected monthly from October 2008 to October 2010. The dynamics of seed rain was assessed by the density of seeds of each species of dispersal and seasonal production. We used the nonparametric Test of Wilcoxon Sum of Orders (W) to determine statistical differences in the mean density of seeds in each year of assessment for each patch of forest. Seed rain in the remaining studied during three years of study, was represented by 114 species and higher seed production occurred in 2008 (1632-seeds.m-2 in group I and 1270-seeds.m-2 in group II), mainly due to the occurrence of high production Chusquea ramosissima Lindm., Dasyphyllum spinescens (Less.) Cabrera, Vernonanthura discolor (Spreng.) H.Rob. Only in the second year (2009) observed statistical differences in mean density between the two groups (FSEM=565.6 seeds.m-2 and FSEA=274 seeds.m-2; Z=1.96 and tabulated; W FSEM x FSEA =2.248). Zoochorous species predominated in the study area, and periods of increased seed production were the winter and spring. The seed rain proved important mechanism for natural regeneration of remnant forest and is affected by climate conditions and successional stage of the forest


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    Floresta Estacional Decidual, caracterizado como um enclave c\uf4ncavo, em terreno com declividade acentuada e solo arenoso, entre campos caracter\uedsticos da regi\ue3o. As esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas e arbustivas com CAP (circunfer\ueancia a altura de 1,3 m do solo) 65 15 cm foram amostradas em duas classes de tamanho. Na amostragem dos indiv\uedduos da Classe I (CAP 65 30 cm) foram utilizadas 14 parcelas de 20 x 100 m, divididas em subparcelas (10 x 10 m). Os indiv\uedduos da Classe II (15 64 CAP < 30 cm) foram observados em 70 subparcelas. Para an\ue1lise de agrupamentos foi utilizado o programa TWINSPAN, que indicou dois grupos (G1 e G2) bem definidos na Classe I e um grupo relativamente homog\ueaneo na Classe II (sub-bosque). No grupo G1 ocorreram as esp\ue9cies indicadoras Trichilia claussenii , Cupania vernalis e Crysophyllum marginatum ; e no grupo G2 Luehea divaricata e Sebastiania commersoniana . Em rela\ue7\ue3o \ue0 estrutura horizontal, essas esp\ue9cies estiveram entre as tr\ueas mais importantes nos respectivos grupos. No sub-bosque, as esp\ue9cies com maior valor de import\ue2ncia foram Actinostemon concolor , Trichilia claussenii, Trichilia elegans , Eugenia rostrifolia e Sorocea bonplandii . Essas esp\ue9cies, por predominarem na vegeta\ue7\ue3o arb\uf3rea, apresentam papel fundamental na estabiliza\ue7\ue3o de encostas, considerando que est\ue3o adaptadas \ue0s \ue1reas com declividade acentuada e solos rasos, destacando-se Cupania vernalis e Trichilia claussenii em ambientes menos alterados e Luehea divaricata e Sebastiania commersoniana em ambientes mais suscept\uedveis \ue0s interfer\ueancias.This study intended to analyze the presence of clusters in the vegetation of Seasonal Deciduous Forest remnants, characterized as a concave enclave, on steep sandy soil, among the region\u2019s characteristic fields. Shrub and tree specimens with CBH (circumference at breast height) 65 15 cm were sampled in two size classes. In class I (CBH 65 30 cm) specimen sampling, we used fourteen 20 x 100 m plots, divided into sub-plots (10 x 10 m). Class II (15 64 CBH < 30 cm) specimens were observed in 70 sub-portions. We used the TWINSPAN program to analyze the clusters, which indicated two well-defined clusters in class I (G1 and G2) and one relatively homogenous cluster in class II (understorey). There were Trichilia claussenii , Cupania vernalis and Crysophyllum marginatum indicator species in the G1 cluster; and Luehea divaricata and Sebastiania commersoniana in the G2 cluster. Regarding to horizontal structure, these species were among the three most important ones in both clusters. In the understorey, the most important species were Actinostemon concolor , Trichilia claussenii, Trichilia elegans , Eugenia rostrifolia and Sorocea bonplandii . Since these species prevail in the tree vegetation, they are fundamental to stabilize hillsides, considering that they are adapted to steep and shallow soil areas, pointing out the Cupania vernalis and Trichilia claussenii in less modified environments and the Luehea divaricata and Sebastiania commersoniana in environments more susceptible to interference

    Analysis and Functional Consequences of Increased Fab-Sialylation of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) after Lectin Fractionation

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    It has been proposed that the anti-inflammatory effects of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) might be due to the small fraction of Fc-sialylated IgG. In this study we biochemically and functionally characterized sialic acid-enriched IgG obtained by Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA) lectin fractionation. Two main IgG fractions isolated by elution with lactose (E1) or acidified lactose (E2) were analyzed for total IgG, F(ab’)2 and Fc-specific sialic acid content, their pattern of specific antibodies and anti-inflammatory potential in a human in vitro inflammation system based on LPS- or PHA-stimulated whole blood. HPLC and LC-MS testing revealed an increase of sialylated IgG in E1 and more substantially in the E2 fraction. Significantly, the increased amount of sialic acid residues was primarily found in the Fab region whereas only a minor increase was observed in the Fc region. This indicates preferential binding of the Fab sialic acid to SNA. ELISA analyses of a representative range of pathogen and auto-antigens indicated a skewed antibody pattern of the sialylated IVIG fractions. Finally, the E2 fraction exerted a more profound anti-inflammatory effect compared to E1 or IVIG, evidenced by reduced CD54 expression on monocytes and reduced secretion of MCP-1 (CCL2); again these effects were Fab- but not Fc-dependent. Our results show that SNA fractionation of IVIG yields a minor fraction (approx. 10%) of highly sialylated IgG, wherein the sialic acid is mainly found in the Fab region. The tested anti-inflammatory activity was associated with Fab not Fc sialylation

    Multidisciplinary approach in breast cancer.

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    Breast cancer is the most common neoplasm among women. Worldwide, there will be about 2.1 million newly diagnosed female breast cancer cases in 2018, accounting for almost 1 in 4 cancer cases among women. The disease is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the vast majority of the countries. The purpose of this article is to report the positive experience of a multidisciplinary team in the care of women with breast cancer and their family members. Our approach that is part of the Cancer Patient Support Center (CPSC) at the public health (IPSEMG) in Brazil has been developed taking into account a broader concept of health care. We value not only individual dimensions in patient care, but also common ones, we recognize the importance of dealing with non-biological aspects of the disease, such as socioeconomic, political and cultural facets and our service is focused on health promotion rather than merely on curative treatment. Among the advantages of our approach, we highlight the facilitated accessibility to health services, the patient-centered communication and shared decision making, and the strong bonds between health professionals, patients, and family members. As part of CPSC`s activities, we emphasize the services provided by ?Aconchego? (?Warmth?), that is our breast cancer support group at public health in Brazil

    Pooled analysis of WHO Surgical Safety Checklist use and mortality after emergency laparotomy

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    Background The World Health Organization (WHO) Surgical Safety Checklist has fostered safe practice for 10 years, yet its place in emergency surgery has not been assessed on a global scale. The aim of this study was to evaluate reported checklist use in emergency settings and examine the relationship with perioperative mortality in patients who had emergency laparotomy. Methods In two multinational cohort studies, adults undergoing emergency laparotomy were compared with those having elective gastrointestinal surgery. Relationships between reported checklist use and mortality were determined using multivariable logistic regression and bootstrapped simulation. Results Of 12 296 patients included from 76 countries, 4843 underwent emergency laparotomy. After adjusting for patient and disease factors, checklist use before emergency laparotomy was more common in countries with a high Human Development Index (HDI) (2455 of 2741, 89.6 per cent) compared with that in countries with a middle (753 of 1242, 60.6 per cent; odds ratio (OR) 0.17, 95 per cent c.i. 0.14 to 0.21, P <0001) or low (363 of 860, 422 per cent; OR 008, 007 to 010, P <0.001) HDI. Checklist use was less common in elective surgery than for emergency laparotomy in high-HDI countries (risk difference -94 (95 per cent c.i. -11.9 to -6.9) per cent; P <0001), but the relationship was reversed in low-HDI countries (+121 (+7.0 to +173) per cent; P <0001). In multivariable models, checklist use was associated with a lower 30-day perioperative mortality (OR 0.60, 0.50 to 073; P <0.001). The greatest absolute benefit was seen for emergency surgery in low- and middle-HDI countries. Conclusion Checklist use in emergency laparotomy was associated with a significantly lower perioperative mortality rate. Checklist use in low-HDI countries was half that in high-HDI countries.Peer reviewe

    Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents

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    Global variation in anastomosis and end colostomy formation following left-sided colorectal resection

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    Background End colostomy rates following colorectal resection vary across institutions in high-income settings, being influenced by patient, disease, surgeon and system factors. This study aimed to assess global variation in end colostomy rates after left-sided colorectal resection. Methods This study comprised an analysis of GlobalSurg-1 and -2 international, prospective, observational cohort studies (2014, 2016), including consecutive adult patients undergoing elective or emergency left-sided colorectal resection within discrete 2-week windows. Countries were grouped into high-, middle- and low-income tertiles according to the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). Factors associated with colostomy formation versus primary anastomosis were explored using a multilevel, multivariable logistic regression model. Results In total, 1635 patients from 242 hospitals in 57 countries undergoing left-sided colorectal resection were included: 113 (6·9 per cent) from low-HDI, 254 (15·5 per cent) from middle-HDI and 1268 (77·6 per cent) from high-HDI countries. There was a higher proportion of patients with perforated disease (57·5, 40·9 and 35·4 per cent; P < 0·001) and subsequent use of end colostomy (52·2, 24·8 and 18·9 per cent; P < 0·001) in low- compared with middle- and high-HDI settings. The association with colostomy use in low-HDI settings persisted (odds ratio (OR) 3·20, 95 per cent c.i. 1·35 to 7·57; P = 0·008) after risk adjustment for malignant disease (OR 2·34, 1·65 to 3·32; P < 0·001), emergency surgery (OR 4·08, 2·73 to 6·10; P < 0·001), time to operation at least 48 h (OR 1·99, 1·28 to 3·09; P = 0·002) and disease perforation (OR 4·00, 2·81 to 5·69; P < 0·001). Conclusion Global differences existed in the proportion of patients receiving end stomas after left-sided colorectal resection based on income, which went beyond case mix alone