818 research outputs found

    A binocular-type atmospheric interaction generating sequential exotic features

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    A cosmic-ray induced nuclear event is presented, which is of clear binocular-type and contains several exotic features through its passage in the atmosphere and the emulsion chamber

    A halo event created at 200 m above the Chacaltaya emulsion chamber

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    The results of analysis on a cosmic-ray induced nuclear event with the total visible energy approx. = 1300 TeV which is characterized by the central (halo) part of a strong energy concentration and the outer part of a large lateral spread are presented. The event (named as P06) was detected in the 18th two-storied emulsion chamber exposed at Chacaltaya by Brasil-Japan Collaboration. As the nuclear emulsion plates were inserted at every layer of the concerned blocks in the upper and the lower chambers together with RR- and N-type X-ray films, it is possible to study the details of the event. Some results on P06 have already been reported 1 based on the general measurement of opacity on N-type X-ray films: (1) the total energy of halo is approx. = 1000 TeV; (2) the shower transition reaches its maximum at approx. 16 cu; and (3) the radius of halo is 6.5 mm (at the level of 10 to the 6th power electrons/sq.cm.). The results in more details will be described

    Atmospheric interactions detected in both the upper and the lower chambers at Chacaltaya

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    The cosmic ray interactions in the energy region 10 to the 13th power to 10 to the 17th power eV were studied by emulsion chambers exposed at Chacaltaya, 5220 m above sea-level. The chambers have a two-storied structure, and the events observed in both chambers give important informations on these phenomena. The first Centauro event was detected as a small shower at the bottom of the upper chamber and as a big fraction of energy deposit in the lower chamber, which indicates a high contribution of hadronic showers. Results of the events with continuation in the rather low energy region are described

    La sacarina Fahlberg considerada bajo el punto de vista higiénico

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    Con motivo de una solicitud de D. Arturo Diesel, represen tante de la casa Fahlberg List y Ca., presentada á la Municipalidad de Buenos Aires, pidiendo que la Oficina Química Municipal no opusiera obstáculos a la libre introducción de la Sacarina, he debido estudiar en sus detalles la cuestión exponiendo mis opiniones al respecto. A la verdad, la Oficina Química nunca ha perseguido la Sacarina, pues no tenía un convencimiento perfecto de que se tratara de un producto nocivo. Me había limitado á manifestar á introductores y fabricantes el hecho de que era un producto higiénicamente objetado por las autoridades francesas y que no me hallaba por consiguiente autorizado á admitir su uso, antes de que se pronunciaran otras personas llamadas por su autoridad a resolver cuestiones de la magnitud é importancia que envolvía el expendio de una sustancia poco conocida. Los antecedentes que voy á exponer sobre la Sacarina justificarán mi conducta y servirán al mismo tiempo de fundamento á la opinión que he formado después y con conocimiento de causa de que su expendio puede ser permitido con una res tricción sola, la de declarar la naturaleza del producto vendido.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    La sacarina Fahlberg considerada bajo el punto de vista higiénico

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    Con motivo de una solicitud de D. Arturo Diesel, represen tante de la casa Fahlberg List y Ca., presentada á la Municipalidad de Buenos Aires, pidiendo que la Oficina Química Municipal no opusiera obstáculos a la libre introducción de la Sacarina, he debido estudiar en sus detalles la cuestión exponiendo mis opiniones al respecto. A la verdad, la Oficina Química nunca ha perseguido la Sacarina, pues no tenía un convencimiento perfecto de que se tratara de un producto nocivo. Me había limitado á manifestar á introductores y fabricantes el hecho de que era un producto higiénicamente objetado por las autoridades francesas y que no me hallaba por consiguiente autorizado á admitir su uso, antes de que se pronunciaran otras personas llamadas por su autoridad a resolver cuestiones de la magnitud é importancia que envolvía el expendio de una sustancia poco conocida. Los antecedentes que voy á exponer sobre la Sacarina justificarán mi conducta y servirán al mismo tiempo de fundamento á la opinión que he formado después y con conocimiento de causa de que su expendio puede ser permitido con una res tricción sola, la de declarar la naturaleza del producto vendido.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    El pillijan y la pillijanina

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    En 1886 nuestro condiscípulo y amigo el Dr. D. Pedro Acuña envió al Dr. Dujardin-Baumetz, para ser estudiada en los hospitales de Paris, cierta cantidad de la planta, llamada entre nosotros Pillijan, indicándole sus principales propiedades y aplicaciones en la medicina doméstica.Fue estudiada ese mismo año por Bardet, Blondel y Adrián, ocupándose este último de la parte química y publicando todos sus trabajos con los resultados que expondremos á continuación.Habiendo notado en esa publicación que los datos químicos obtenidos eran incompletos, solicitamos del mismo Dr. Acuña nos proporcionara material para completar el estudio bajo este punto de vista

    Factors Influencing Greenways Use in Italy: Definition of a Method for Estimation

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    The issue of non-motorized mobility in the last decades has seen increasing attention at the international level. Also in Italy we assisted at the creation of hundreds of miles of trails dedicated to cycling and walking, many of which meet the greenway definition of the European Greenways Association: “Communication routes reserved exclusively for non-motorized journeys, developed in an integrated manner which enhances both the environment and quality of life of the surrounding area. These routes should meet satisfactory standards of width, gradient, and surface condition to ensure that they are both user-friendly and low-risk for users of all abilities. In this respect, canal towpaths and disused railway lines are a highly suitable resource for the development of greenways” (EGWA, 2002). More generally, greenways are green infrastructures that can be planned at different scales and for multiple purposes (ecological, recreational, cultural, non-motorized mobility) (Fabos, 1995; Ahern, 1995). Various methodologies and several studies on greenways planning have been conducted also in Italy (Rovelli et al., 2004; Toccolini et al., 2006; Senes et al., 2010). The growing number of infrastructures built and the related costs, combined with the recent economic crisis, led to an increasing need for public bodies to evaluate each project in terms of its ability to meet the needs of the communities, particularly in terms of attractiveness for users and benefits (not only economic) for local communities. To do this, planners and decision makers need to be provided with: 1) updated and consistent data on greenways and trails users; 2) models, based on the previous data, that can help to predict the number of users on a planned infrastructure. In such a context, the aim of this research was to assess the relationships between the number of users detected along some Italian greenways and the characteristics of the territory crossed (in terms of population and environment), in order to define a model capable of estimating the potential users of a greenway before it is realized. It represents one of the first attempts in Italy