539 research outputs found

    Short-time critical dynamics of the Baxter-Wu model

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    We study the early time behavior of the Baxter-Wu model, an Ising model with three-spin interactions on a triangular lattice. Our estimates for the dynamic exponent zz are compatible with results recently obtained for two models which belong to the same universality class of the Baxter-Wu model: the two-dimensional four-state Potts model and the Ising model with three-spin interactions in one direction. However, our estimates for the dynamic exponent θ\theta of the Baxter-Wu model are completely different from the values obtained for those models. This discrepancy could be related to the absence of a marginal operator in the Baxter-Wu model.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Natural pigments from microalgae grown in industrial wastewater

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the cultivation of Nostoc sp., Arthrospira platensis and Porphyridium purpureum in industrial wastewater to produce phycobiliproteins. Initially, light intensity and growth medium composition were optimized, indicating that light conditions influenced the phycobiliproteins production more than the medium composition. Conditions were then selected, according to biomass growth, nutrients removal and phycobiliproteins production, to cultivate these microalgae in food-industry wastewater. The three species could efficiently remove up to 98%, 94% and 100% of COD, inorganic nitrogen and PO43--P, respectively. Phycocyanin, allophycocyanin and phycoerythrin were successfully extracted from the biomass reaching concentrations up to 103, 57 and 30 mg/g dry weight, respectively. Results highlight the potential use of microalgae for industrial wastewater treatment and related high-value phycobiliproteins recovery

    A comparative study of the dynamic critical behavior of the four-state Potts like models

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    We investigate the short-time critical dynamics of the Baxter-Wu (BW) and n=3n=3 Turban (3TU) models to estimate their global persistence exponent θg\theta _{g}. We conclude that this new dynamical exponent can be useful in detecting differences between the critical behavior of these models which are very difficult to obtain in usual simulations. In addition, we estimate again the dynamical exponents of the four-state Potts (FSP) model in order to compare them with results previously obtained for the BW and 3TU models and to decide between two sets of estimates presented in the current literature. We also revisit the short-time dynamics of the 3TU model in order to check if, as already found for the FSP model, the anomalous dimension of the initial magnetization x0x_{0} could be equal to zero

    Precision of PM Measurements with the UNC Passive Aerosol Sampler

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    The UNC passive aerosol sampler measures mass concentrations and size distributions of indoor, outdoor, and occupational particulate matter. This study assessed the precision of passive sampler measurements using data from duplicate pairs of samplers that were deployed in a large field study. Particle count and size data were used to calculate PM[25] and PM[10] concentrations. To determine precision, the concentrations measured by duplicate samplers were compared to one another. Results showed that this sampler provides mass concentrations of PM[25] and PM[10] in the field with relative standard deviations that approach about 15%, with greater precision associated with higher concentrations. Variability between measurements was associated with counting statistics and with differences in the open area of the passive sampler mesh screen.Master of Science in Environmental Engineerin

    Understanding the Biological Effects of Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol

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    Isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene), a volatile organic compound released primarily by terrestrial vegetation, is an important precursor to the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). Isoprene-derived SOA, which comprises a large mass fraction of global fine particulate matter (PM2.5), results from the atmospheric chemical transformations of isoprene with controllable anthropogenic emissions such as oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and sulfur dioxide. Because PM2.5 from isoprene is a relatively new discovery, little is known about its toxicity. Through a series of in vitro exposure studies, we explored the effects of isoprene-derived SOA on oxidative stress-related gene expression levels in human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B). We generated atmospherically-relevant compositions of isoprene-derived SOA in an outdoor smog chamber, starting from isoprene as a precursor in the presence of NOx and acidic sulfate aerosol, to expose BEAS-2B cells to the total isoprene SOA mixture. We then systematically explored the effects of three known composition types of isoprene-derived SOA by generating SOA through dark reactive uptake experiments by starting with key gaseous intermediates, including trans-beta-isoprene epoxydiol (trans-beta-IEPOX), methacrylic acid epoxide (MAE), or isoprene hydroxyhydroperoxides (ISOPOOH). Chemical characterization coupled with biological analyses show that atmospherically-relevant compositions of isoprene-derived SOA alter the levels of 41 oxidative stress-related genes. Of the different composition types of isoprene-derived SOA, MAE-derived SOA altered the greatest number of genes. Taken together, the different composition types accounted for 34 of the genes altered by the total isoprene SOA mixture while 7 remained unique to the total mixture exposures indicating that there is either a synergistic effect of the different isoprene-derived SOA components or an unaccounted component in the mixture. Importantly, this work reveals an enrichment for altered expression of genes transcriptionally controlled by Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) in cells exposed to all types of isoprene-derived SOA. The enrichment of the Nrf2 pathway may indicate a response to inflammation initiated by isoprene SOA exposure. The findings from this initial exploration emphasize the importance of future in-vitro and in-vivo work to inform policy not only because of the atmospheric abundance of isoprene-derived SOA, but also because the anthropogenic contribution is the only component amenable to control.Doctor of Philosoph

    Planos diretores de Curitiba e aplicações da biocidade : propostas para um urbanismo sustentável

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    Orientador : Alessandro Camargo AngeloMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Especialização MBA em Gestão AmbientalInclui referênciasResumo : O presente trabalho abordou características dos planos diretores da cidade de Curitiba, desde o Plano Agache até a revisão do Plano Diretor em 2014. Teve como objetivos a revisão dos documentos pertinentes a cada Plano Diretor, a análise crítica das respectivas propostas e das suas execuções que foram feitas de acordo com o documento original ou que foram deturpadas ao longo do tempo. Foi realizada uma análise do texto final do projeto de lei do Plano Diretor de 2014 visando a sua compatibilidade com os propósitos intrínsecos a uma biocidade.Procura-se compreender a identidade da capital a partir das suas políticas públicas e como a participação da sociedade influencia no sucesso ou insucesso de uma estratégia, confrontando com os problemas reais sociais, econômicos e ambientais. Conclui-se com propostas que recuperam as vertentes originais e naturais da cidade, com vistas ao urbanismo sustentável que Curitiba sempre almejou, buscando referências em casos de sucesso que outros municípios implementaram

    Ordering and temporal resolution in professional singers and in well tuned and out of tune amateur singers

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    BACKGROUND: temporal ordering and temporal resolution. AIM: to compare the performance of professional singers with that of well tuned and out of tune amateur singers in the pitch pattern test (PPT) and in the Random Gap Detection Test (RGDT). METHOD: participants were 78 individuals, male and female, with ages ranging from 18 to 55 years. All of the participants were singers with normal hearing - previously assessed using pure tone and speech audiometry - and had no language, speech, voice or hearing complaints. Each individual answered a questionnaire concerning, among other subjects, perception about own voice when singing, number of years of professional singing, difficulties when singing new songs and number of years of music study. For the objective assessment the PPT and the RGDT were used in order to investigate temporal ordering and temporal resolution respectively. RESULTS: regarding the RGDT, there was no statistically significant difference between the groups and variables. As for the PPT, it was observed that professional singers presented a better performance, with statistic significance, when compared to well tuned amateur singers and these a better performance when compared to out of tune amateur singers. The performance in the PPT was related to specialized training and study of music theory. CONCLUSION: the RGDT did not prove to be a sensitive test to distinguish professional and amateur singers. On the other hand, the PPT did. The performance in the PPT reflects the number of years of specialized auditory training and music theory study.TEMA: ordenação e resolução temporal. OBJETIVO: comparar o desempenho de cantores que recebem orientação profissional, cantores amadores independentes e cantores amadores desafinados nos testes de padrão de freqüência sonora e teste de detecção de gap (Random Gap Detection Test). MÉTODO: participaram 78 indivíduos, de ambos os gêneros, com idade variando entre 18 e 55 anos. Foram incluídos cantores com audição normal, comprovada por meio de exame audiológico e com ausência de queixas de linguagem, fala, voz ou audição. Cada indivíduo respondeu a um questionário fornecendo várias informações, entre elas, a sua própria percepção auditiva sobre sua voz cantada; o tempo de canto com orientação profissional, dificuldade para cantar novas músicas e o de estudo de teoria musical. Para a avaliação foram utilizados o Teste de Padrão de Freqüência Sonora (TPF) e o Teste de Detecção de Gap Randomizado (RGDT) a fim de avaliar as habilidades de ordenação temporal e a resolução temporal respectivamente. RESULTADOS: no que se refere ao teste de detecção de gap randomizado (RGDT) não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as respostas por grupo e por variável. Em relação ao desempenho do TPF foi observado que o grupo que recebe orientação profissional possui desempenho superior e estatisticamente significante em relação ao grupo de amadores independentes e estes melhor do que o grupo de amadores desafinados. O desempenho no teste de padrão de freqüência teve relação com o treinamento especializado e com o estudo de teoria musical. CONCLUSÃO: o teste de detecção de gap (RGDT) não se mostrou sensível para distinguir cantores com orientação profissional de amadores, ao contrário do teste de padrão de freqüência sonora. O desempenho no teste de padrão de freqüência reflete o maior treinamento auditivo especializado e de estudo de teoria musical.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de FonoaudiologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, Depto. de FonoaudiologiaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL
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