47 research outputs found

    El valor de la universidad

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    En este extracto del discurso de de apertura del curso 2018-2019 se exponen los retos de la universidad española hoy y se sugieren algunas medidas para afrontarlos

    Single and Combined Associations of Plasma and Urine Essential Trace Elements (Zn, Cu, Se, and Mn) with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in a Mediterranean Population

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    Trace elements are micronutrients that are required in very small quantities through diet but are crucial for the prevention of acute and chronic diseases. Despite the fact that initial studies demonstrated inverse associations between some of the most important essential trace elements (Zn, Cu, Se, and Mn) and cardiovascular disease, several recent studies have reported a direct association with cardiovascular risk factors due to the fact that these elements can act as both antioxidants and pro-oxidants, depending on several factors. This study aims to investigate the association between plasma and urine concentrations of trace elements and cardiovascular risk factors in a general population from the Mediterranean region, including 484 men and women aged 18–80 years and considering trace elements individually and as joint exposure. Zn, Cu, Se, and Mn were determined in plasma and urine using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). Single and combined analysis of trace elements with plasma lipid, blood pressure, diabetes, and anthropometric variables was undertaken. Principal component analysis, quantile-based g-computation, and calculation of trace element risk scores (TERS) were used for the combined analyses. Models were adjusted for covariates. In single trace element models, we found statistically significant associations between plasma Se and increased total cholesterol and systolic blood pressure; plasma Cu and increased triglycerides and body mass index; and urine Zn and increased glucose. Moreover, in the joint exposure analysis using quantile g-computation and TERS, the combined plasma levels of Zn, Cu, Se (directly), and Mn (inversely) were strongly associated with hypercholesterolemia (OR: 2.03; 95%CI: 1.37–2.99; p < 0.001 per quartile increase in the g-computation approach). The analysis of urine mixtures revealed a significant relationship with both fasting glucose and diabetes (OR: 1.91; 95%CI: 1.01–3.04; p = 0.046). In conclusion, in this Mediterranean population, the combined effect of higher plasma trace element levels (primarily Se, Cu, and Zn) was directly associated with elevated plasma lipids, whereas the mixture effect in urine was primarily associated with plasma glucose. Both parameters are relevant cardiovascular risk factors, and increased trace element exposures should be considered with caution.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIISpanish Government Spanish Government CIBER 06/03 SAF2016-80532-RJunta de Andalucia AGR145Center for Forestry Research & Experimentation (CIEF)European Commission PROMETEO2017/017 APOSTD/2019/136 PROMETEO/2021/021ERDF A way of making EuropeAEI PID2019-108858RB-I0

    Accumulation of scandium in plasma in patients with chronic renal failure

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    Scandium (Sc) is an element with many industrial applications, but relatively little is known about its physiological and/or toxicological effects, and very little data are available concerning the role of Sc in chronic renal failure (CRF). This paper examines the changes in plasma levels of Sc in predialysis patients with CRF and the relationship with blood parameters. The participants in this trial were 48 patients with CRF in predialysis and 53 healthy controls. Erythrocyte, haemoglobin, and haematocrit counts in blood were determined, and levels of creatinine, urea, uric acid, albumin, total protein and Sc were measured in plasma. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was calculated using the Cockcroft-Gault index. The CRF patients were found to have higher plasma levels of creatinine, urea, uric acid, albumin, total protein, and Sc and a lower GFR than that the controls. Scandium in plasma was positively correlated with creatinine and plasma urea and negatively correlated with GFR, haemoglobin, and haematocrit and was associated with the risk of lower levels of erythrocytes, haemoglobin, and haematocrit. CRF was associated with increases in the circulating levels of scandium.This research was supported by Plan Nacional I+D Project 1FD 1997-0642

    Los países mediterráneos ante la dieta mediterránea, ¿Seguimos en el buen camino? El ejemplo de las mujeres de mediana edad del sur de España

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    Introduction and objectives: the overall intake of a cohort of middle aged women of Granada was studied along with their body composition, anthropometric and sociodemographic characteristics to evaluate if this population does really follow a Mediterranean Diet. Methods: 206 women aged 53.3 ± 5.5 years old, were evaluated for their body composition, anthropometric and sociodemographic characteristics, dietary patterns, Mediterranean diet score and bone mineral density. Results were additionally analyzed across weight status categories. Results: 86% of the sample was overweight or obese and 14% was normal-weight (no woman was underweight). Mean body fat percentage of the sample was 40.3%. Values of bone mineral density showed a t-score average of -1.26 standard deviations. Energy intake decreased as weight status increased (p<0.05), as well as protein intake (p<0.05) but no differences were observed for carbohydrates or fat. Deviations from the Daily Recommended Intakes were observed as well as a moderate adherence (23% of the sample) to the Mediterranean Diet with no significant differences among weight status categories. Conclusions: results indicated a progressive distancing from the Mediterranean dietary pattern and an unbalanced diet no correlated to the weight status group, so whether these dietary habits along with the unbalanced diet reported are prolonged over time the overweight and obese population will increase as well as the risk of developing chronic diseases, and will finally concur with the high prevalence of cardiovascular and osteoporosis risk over this population.Introducción y objetivos: se estudió la ingesta dietética de una cohorte de mujeres de mediana edad de Granada, junto a sus características antropométricas y sociodemográficas, para evaluar si esta población sigue una dieta mediterránea. Métodos: se evaluó la composición corporal, características antropométricas y sociodemográficas, patrones dietéticos y adhesión a la dieta mediterránea de 206 mujeres con una edad media de 53.3 ± 5.5 años. Adicionalmente, estos resultados fueron analizados por categorías de peso corporal. Resultados: el 86% de la muestra presentó sobrepeso u obesidad, mientras el 14% presentó normopeso. La masa grasa corporal media fue de el 40.3%. Los valores de densidad mineral ósea presentaron un t-score medio de -1.26 desviaciones estándar. Se observó que la ingesta dietética, así como el consumo de proteína, disminuyeron a medida que aumentó el peso corporal (p<0.05 en ambos casos); sin embargo, no se observaron estas diferencias en la ingesta de hidratos de carbono ni de grasas. Existieron desviaciones respecto a las ingestas dietéticas de referencia y una moderada adhesión a la dieta mediterránea, sin observarse diferencias significativas entre las distintas categorías de peso corporal. Conclusiones: los resultados sugieren un distanciamiento progresivo del patrón de dieta mediterránea y una dieta desequilibrada y no correlacionada con el peso corporal, de manera que si estos hábitos dietéticos se mantienen en el tiempo la población con sobrepeso y obesidad se incrementará y, de la misma manera, el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades crónicas asociadas, coincidiendo finalmente con la elevada prevalencia de riesgo cardiovascular y de osteoporosis observada actualmente en esta población.This study was in part financially supported by the Andalusian Junta, within the framework of a large-scaled study in the province of Granada, PI339/2008, “Evaluación y Educación Nutricional de un grupo de mujeres peri y menopáusicas integradas en un estudio de intervención multidisciplinar”


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    La deficiencia de magnesio se encuentra relacionada con un gran número de alteraciones neurológicas, cardiovasculares, renales, gastrointestinales y musculares. Igualmente, está descrito que los signos y síntomas de dicha deficiencia se encuentran relacionados con complejas alteraciones electrolíticas secundarias al déficit del catión. Además de todo ello, existen estudios epidemiológicos que demuestran que la ingesta de magnesio está por debajo de las Ingestas Diarias Recomendadas en un 30% aproximadamente, en un elevado porcentaje de la población en países industrializados (15-20%), lo cual unido a hábitos inadecuados en la alimentación, pueden traer como consecuencia numerosos estados de enfermedad. El presente trabajo muestra una revisión general de los resultados experimentales obtenidos en la investigación que a cerca de la deficiencia de magnesio lleva realizando nuestro equipo desde 1987.Magnesium deficiency is known to be linked with cardiovascular alterations and many renal, gastrointestinal, neurological and muscular disorders. The symptoms and signs of Mg deficiency have been traced, in large part, to complex electrolytic alterations secondary to the mineral deficit. In addition to these findings there is evidence from epidemiological studies that Mg intake in a large proportion (from 15 to 20%) of the population in industrialized countries is approximately 30% below the Recommended Daily Allowances, and that Mg deficiency, together with inadequate dietary habits, can lead to many disease states. The present study shows a general review of experimental results obtained by our research team about magnesium deficiency since 1987

    A 16-week multicomponent exercise training program improves menopause-related symptoms in middle-aged women. The FLAMENCO project randomized control trial

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    Abstract Objective: To investigate the influence of a supervised multicomponent exercise training program on menopause-related symptoms, particularly vasomotor symptoms (VMS), in middle-aged women. Methods: A total of 112 middle-aged women (mean age 52 4 y old, age range 45-60 y) from the FLAMENCO project (exercise [n ÂĽ 59] and counseling [n ÂĽ 53] groups) participated in this randomized controlled trial (perprotocol basis). The exercise group followed a multicomponent exercise program composed of 60-minute sessions 3 days per week for 16 weeks. The 15-item Cervantes Menopause and Health Subscale was used to assess the frequency of menopause-related symptoms. Results: After adjusting for body mass index and Mediterranean diet adherence, the subscales measuring menopause-related symptoms and VMSs decreased 4.6 more in the exercise group compared to the counseling group (between-group differences [B]: 95% CI: -8.8 to -0.2; P ÂĽ 0.040). The exercise group also showed significant improvements in the subscales of couple relationships (between-group differences [B]: -1.87: 95% CI: -3.29 to - 0.45; P ÂĽ 0.010), psychological state (between-group differences [B]: -2.3: 95% CI: -5 to -0.2; P ÂĽ 0.035), and VMSs (between-group differences [B]: -4.5: 95% CI: -8.8 to -0.2; p ÂĽ 0.040) in the Cervantes Menopause and Health Subscale compared with the counseling group. Conclusions: A 16-week multicomponent physical exercise program showed a positive effect on menopauserelated symptoms especially in couple relationships, psychological state, and VMS, among 45 to 60 year old women

    Premenstrual and menstrual changes reported after COVID-19 vaccination: The EVA project

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    Background: Menstrual disorders were not reported as a possible secondary effect in any of the clinical trials for the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Aim: To describe the prevalence of perceived premenstrual and menstrual changes after COVID-19 vaccine administration. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: A total of 14,153 women (mean age 31.5 ± 9.3 years old) who had received the full course of vaccination at least three months earlier were included in this cross-sectional study. Data including the type of vaccine administered, perceived changes in the amount and duration of menstrual bleeding, presence of clots, cycle length, and premenstrual symptoms were collected through a retrospective online survey from June to September 2021. Results: Of the women who participated in this study, 3136 reported no menstrual changes and 11,017 (78% of the study sample) reported experiencing menstrual cycle changes after vaccination. In summary, women who reported menstrual changes after vaccination were older (overall p < 0.001) and slightly more smokers (p = 0.05) than women who did not report any changes. The most prevalent changes in relation to premenstrual symptoms were increased fatigue (43%), abdominal bloating (37%), irritability (29%), sadness (28%), and headaches (28%). The most predominant menstrual changes were more menstrual bleeding (43%), more menstrual pain (41%), delayed menstruation (38%), fewer days of menstrual bleeding (34.5%), and shorter cycle length (32%). Conclusion: Women vaccinated against COVID-19 usually perceive mild menstrual and premenstrual changes. Future studies are warranted to clarify the physiological mechanisms behind these widely reported changes.Antonio Chamorro-Alejandro Otero Research Chair, University of Granad

    Ergogenic effects of quercetin supplementation in trained rats

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    [Background] Quercetin is a natural polyphenolic compound currently under study for its ergogenic capacity to improve mitochondrial biogenesis. Sedentary mice have exhibited increased endurance performance, but results are contradictory in human models. [Methods] We examined the effects of six weeks of endurance training and quercetin supplementation on markers of endurance performance and training in a rodent model. Rats were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: placebo+sedentary (PS), quercetin+sedentary (QS), placebo+endurance training (PT) and quercetin+endurance training (QT). Quercetin was administered at a dose of 25 mg/kg on alternate days. During six weeks of treatment volume parameters of training were recorded, and after six weeks all groups performed a maximal graded VO2 max test and a low-intensity endurance run-to-fatigue test. [Results] No effects were found in VO2 peak (p>0.999), nor in distance run during low-intensity test, although it was 14% greater in QT when compared with PT (P = 0.097). Post-exercise blood lactate was increased in QT when compared with PT (p=0.023) and also in QS compared with PS (p=0.024). [Conclusions] This study showed no effects in VO2 peak, speed at VO2 peak or endurance time to exhaustion after six weeks of quercetin supplementation compared with placebo in trained rats. Quercetin was show to increase blood lactate production after high-intensity exercise

    Elucidating the Therapeutic Potential of Bis(Maltolato)OxoVanadium(IV): The Protective Role of Copper in Cellular Metabolism

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    Vanadium (V) is a trace mineral whose biological activity, role as a micronutrient, and pharmacotherapeutic applications remain unknown. Over the last years, interest in V has increased due to its potential use as an antidiabetic agent mediated by its ability to improve glycemic metabolism. However, some toxicological aspects limit its potential therapeutic application. The present study aims to evaluate the effect of the co-treatment with copper (Cu) and bis(maltolato)oxovanadium(IV) (BMOV) as a possible strategy to reduce the toxicity of BMOV. Treating hepatic cells with BMOV reduced cell viability under the present conditions, but cell viability was corrected when cells were co-incubated with BMOV and Cu. Additionally, the effect of these two minerals on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA was evaluated. Co-treatment with both metals reduced the nuclear damage caused by BMOV. Moreover, treatment with these two metals simultaneously tended to reduce the ND1/ND4 deletion of the mitochondrial DNA produced with the treatment using BMOV alone. In conclusion, these results showed that combining Cu and V could effectively reduce the toxicity associated with V and enhance its potential therapeutic applications.ConsejerĂ­a de InnovaciĂłn, Ciencia y Empresa, Andalusian Regional Government (Project P06-CTS-01435),The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (SAF2011-29648

    Vanadium Decreases Hepcidin mRNA Gene Expression in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats, Improving the Anemic State

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    We are grateful for the support received from the Consejeria de Innovacion, Ciencia y Empresa, Andalusian Regional Government (Project P06-CTS-01435), and from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (SAF2011-29648); the CIBERehd is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.This paper forms part of the Doctoral Program in Nutrition and Food Science of the University of Granada.Diabetes is a disease with an inflammatory component that courses with an anemic state. Vanadium (V) is an antidiabetic agent that acts by stimulating insulin signaling. Hepcidin blocks the intestinal absorption of iron and the release of iron from its deposits. We aim to investigate the effect of V on hepcidin mRNA expression and its consequences on the hematological parameters in streptozotocin-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Control healthy rats, diabetic rats, and diabetic rats treated with 1 mgV/day were examined for five weeks. The mineral levels were measured in diet and serum samples. Hepcidin expression was quantified in liver samples. Inflammatory and hematological parameters were determined in serum or whole blood samples. The inflammatory status was higher in diabetic than in control rats, whereas the hematological parameters were lower in the diabetic rats than in the control rats. Hepcidin mRNA expression was significantly lower in the V-treated diabetic rats than in control and untreated diabetic rats. The inflammatory status remained at a similar level as the untreated diabetic group. However, the hematological profile improved after the V-treatment, reaching similar levels to those found in the control group. Serum iron level was higher in V-treated than in untreated diabetic rats. We conclude that V reduces gene expression of hepcidin in diabetic rats, improving the anemic state caused by diabetes.Consejeria de Innovacion, Ciencia y Empresa, Andalusian Regional Government P06-CTS-01435Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity SAF2011-29648Instituto de Salud Carlos III European Commissio