34 research outputs found

    The Neo-Schumpeterian Model of Economic Development in the Basque Country: The role of Social Economy

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    In this paper we analyse the neo-schumpterian model of economic development applied to the economy of the Basque Country during the last few years and the three pillars that account for the development of a region following this model are rooted in the Basque economy in which there are company organizations that promote competition, financial institutions prepared to run risks and public authorities geared towards modernising and boosting the economy by means of tax incentives and other types of aid. However, we firmly believe that, apart from the three pillars established by the neo-schumpterians, another two should be added to this model: innovation and worker participation both in capital and profits and in management. Worker participation in enterprise is another factor which accounts for economic development in the Basque Country. In short, the cooperatives are a model of the integration of innovative and participative culture and commercial companies could apply certain elements of these cooperatives with a view to becoming more dynamic and more social.Cooperatives, innovation, management, neo-schumperian model, participation.

    M煤sica e identidad: la conmemoraci贸n hist贸rica del alarde de San Marcial de Ir煤n

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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado establece un estudio de la relaci贸n entre m煤sica e identidad basado en el caso pr谩ctico de la conmemoraci贸n hist贸rica del Alarde de San Marcial celebrado anualmente desde hace cinco siglos en la localidad de Ir煤n. Asimismo, se ha tratado de resolver las cuestiones hist贸ricas relativas al Alarde, adem谩s de efectuar un recorrido cronol贸gico hasta la actualidad. Igualmente, se ha podido ahondar en los aspectos musicales que caracterizan tal acontecimiento. En este trabajo la disciplina hist贸rica y la antropol贸gica se a煤nan con la etnomusicol贸gica y, de este modo, se ofrece una nueva percepci贸n de c贸mo viven los iruneses su Alarde de San Marcial. Con la realizaci贸n de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, que constituye un estudio de las m煤sicas del Alarde como importante elemento en la construcci贸n de la identidad irunesa, se ofrece una necesaria lectura alternativa a las interpretaciones que han proliferado en a帽os recientes acerca de esta fiesta, centradas en su historia y en cuestiones de g茅nero.Grado en Historia y Ciencias de la M煤sic

    Parametric modelling of 3D printed concrete segmented beams with rebars under bending moments

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    3D concrete printing is gaining relevance as a technology for the manufacture of lightweight components and complex freeform shells. Nevertheless, the insertion of reinforcing elements to withstand tensile stress, the fabrication of large structures, and the insertion of joints between different segments are some targets that are still to be addressed for its full development. A new method which also includes a novel parametric model is presented in this study to simulate the performance of 3DPC reinforced segmented beams subjected to 3-point bending tests. In addition to the geometry of the complete beam, the beam segments, different materials, and the rebar, which were considered in previous works, the material age and the interface between segments and rebar-concrete adhesion are also considered in the new method. The method is complemented by a new set of programmed routines that connect commercial design and finite element calculation programs, requiring only one user interaction with an initial routine to generate the estimated performance of a component in a 3-point flexural test in a given set of cases. Finally, the method was validated through direct comparisons with experimental tests.Financial support is also gratefully acknowledged, both from the SPRI research programme funded by the Basque Government (projects ERRAIL ZL-2020/00940 and ZL-2021/00181) and from Elkartek NEOMAT (project KK-2021/00059)

    Changes in health-related quality of life as a marker in the prognosis in COPD patients

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    [EN] Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is understood as a complex, heterogeneous and multisystem airway obstructive disease. The association of deterioration in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) with mortality and hospitalisation for COPD exacerbation has been explored in general terms. The specific objectives of this study were to determine whether a change in HRQoL is related, over time, to mortality and hospitalisation. Overall, 543 patients were recruited through Galdakao Hospital's five outpatient respiratory clinics. Patients were assessed at baseline, and the end of the first and second year, and were followed up for 3 years. At each assessment, measurements were made of several variables, including HRQoL using the St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). The cohort had moderate obstruction (forced expiratory volume in 1 s 55% of the predicted value). SGRQ total, symptoms, activity and impact scores at baseline were 39.2, 44.5, 48.7 and 32.0, respectively. Every 4-point increase in the SGRQ was associated with an increase in the likelihood of death: "symptoms" domain odds ratio 1.04 (95% CI 1.00-1.08); "activity" domain OR 1.12 (95% CI 1.08-1.17) and "impacts" domain OR 1.11 (95% CI 1.06-1.15). The rate of hospitalisations per year was 5% (95% CI 3-8%) to 7% (95% CI 5-10%) higher for each 4-point increase in the separate domains of the SGRQ. Deterioration in HRQoL by 4 points in SGRQ domain scores over 1 year was associated with an increased likelihood of death and hospitalisation.This work was supported by the Spanish Health Research Fund (FIS grant number PI020510), and by funding from the Dept of Health of the Basque Government (grant number 200111002), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MTM2016-74931-P and BCAM Severo Ochoa excellence accreditation SEV-2017-0718), Dept of Education, Linguistic Policy and Culture of the Basque Government (IT1294-19 and BERC 2018-2021), and the University of the Basque Country (COLAB20/01)

    Sustainable PHBH鈥揂lumina Nanowire Nanocomposites: Properties and Life Cycle Assessment

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    Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) (PHBH) is a bio-based polyester with the potential to replace some common polymers of fossil origin. However, PHBH presents serious limitations, such as low stiffness, tendency to undergo crystallization over long time periods and low resistance to thermal degradation during processing. In this work, we studied the use of alumina nanowires to generate PHBH鈥揳lumina nanocomposites, modifying the properties of PHBH to improve its usability. Solvent casting and melt blending were used to produce the nanocomposites. Then, their physicochemical properties and aquatic toxicity were measured. Finally, LCA was used to evaluate and compare the environmental impacts of several scenarios relevant to the processing and end of life (EoL) conditions of PHBHs. It was observed that, at low concentrations (3 wt.%), the alumina nanowires have a small positive impact on the stiffness and thermal degradation for the samples. However, for higher concentrations, the observed effects differed for each of the applied processing techniques (solvent casting or melt blending). The toxicity measurements showed that PHBH alone and in combination with alumina nanowires (10 wt.%) did not produce any impact on the survival of brine shrimp larvae after 24 and 48 h of exposure. The 18 impact categories evaluated by LCA allowed defining the most environmentally friendly conditions for the processing and EoL of PHBHs, and comparing the PHBH-related impacts to those of some of the most common fossil-based plastics. It was concluded that the preferable processing technique for PHBH is melt blending and that PHBH is unquestionably more environmentally friendly than every other analyzed plastic.This research was funded by 4gune/KSIgune 鈥淪iemens-Gamesa Students4Sustainability 2021, the Basque Government (consolidated research group IT1743-22), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation project FIERA (PID2021-128600OB-I00) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (recognized research group GIU20/004)

    El modelo neo-schumpeteriano de desarrollo econ贸mico en el Pa铆s Vasco

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    El modelo neo-schumpeteriano de desarrollo econ贸mico en el Pa铆s Vasco

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    Ehunen biologia

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    184 p.Lan honek hauxe du xede: Biozientziak (Biologia, Biokimika eta Biologia Molekularra, Bioteknologia eta Medikuntza) ikasten ari diren ikasleei Ehunen Biologia arloan testuliburu egoki eta erabilgarri bat eskaintzea. Histologia alorrean, liburu eta atlas histologiko ugari daude argitaratuta, baina ikasleei beren apunteak osatzeko euskarazko ikasmateriala sortzea izan da gure asmoa. Liburu honetan, animalien eta landareen ehun nagusiak deskribatzen dira. Testuan zehar emandako informazioa ulergarriagoa izan dadin, ikonografia eta mikroargazki lagungarriak aukeratu dira. Amaieran, gai bakoitzean agertzen diren termino nagusiak definitzen dituen glosarioa gehitu da. Azkenengo atalean, bibliografia zerrendatu da, eta Ehunen Biologian informazio-iturri moduan erabili daitezkeen testuliburu, artikulu eta web orriak ageri dira. Lan hau lau atal nagusitan dago banatuta: Garapenaren Zelulen Biologia, Animalia Histologia, Landare Histologia eta Metodoak eta Teknikak Histologian. Ehunen jatorri enbrionarioa deskribatzen duen hasierako atal horretan, animaliengan enbriogenesian zehar gertatzen diren desberdintzapen-prozesu goiztiarrak azaltzen dira. Ondoren, ornodunetan aurkitu daitezkeen lau ehun nagusiak lantzen dira, hau da, epitelioa, ehun konektiboa, muskulua eta nerbioa. Ehun bakoitzaren ezaugarri nagusiak eta osagaiak deskribatzen dira. Gainera, honako hauek modu zehatzean aurkezten dira: zelula motak, antolaketa mailak, garapena eta desberdintzapena, berreraketa, funtzioak eta beste ehunekiko duten erlazioa zein organoen eraketan nola hartzen duten parte. Ornodunen ehunez gain, ornogabeetan agertzen diren ehun berezi nagusiak deskribatzen dira. Landareen histologiari dagokion atalean, egitura nagusiak eta zelula-motak azaltzen dira. Azkenik, egitura histologikoen azterketarako erabiltzen diren metodo eta prozesamendu arruntenak deskribatzen dira

    Ehunen biologia

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    184 p.Lan honek hauxe du xede: Biozientziak (Biologia, Biokimika eta Biologia Molekularra, Bioteknologia eta Medikuntza) ikasten ari diren ikasleei Ehunen Biologia arloan testuliburu egoki eta erabilgarri bat eskaintzea. Histologia alorrean, liburu eta atlas histologiko ugari daude argitaratuta, baina ikasleei beren apunteak osatzeko euskarazko ikasmateriala sortzea izan da gure asmoa. Liburu honetan, animalien eta landareen ehun nagusiak deskribatzen dira. Testuan zehar emandako informazioa ulergarriagoa izan dadin, ikonografia eta mikroargazki lagungarriak aukeratu dira. Amaieran, gai bakoitzean agertzen diren termino nagusiak definitzen dituen glosarioa gehitu da. Azkenengo atalean, bibliografia zerrendatu da, eta Ehunen Biologian informazio-iturri moduan erabili daitezkeen testuliburu, artikulu eta web orriak ageri dira. Lan hau lau atal nagusitan dago banatuta: Garapenaren Zelulen Biologia, Animalia Histologia, Landare Histologia eta Metodoak eta Teknikak Histologian. Ehunen jatorri enbrionarioa deskribatzen duen hasierako atal horretan, animaliengan enbriogenesian zehar gertatzen diren desberdintzapen-prozesu goiztiarrak azaltzen dira. Ondoren, ornodunetan aurkitu daitezkeen lau ehun nagusiak lantzen dira, hau da, epitelioa, ehun konektiboa, muskulua eta nerbioa. Ehun bakoitzaren ezaugarri nagusiak eta osagaiak deskribatzen dira. Gainera, honako hauek modu zehatzean aurkezten dira: zelula motak, antolaketa mailak, garapena eta desberdintzapena, berreraketa, funtzioak eta beste ehunekiko duten erlazioa zein organoen eraketan nola hartzen duten parte. Ornodunen ehunez gain, ornogabeetan agertzen diren ehun berezi nagusiak deskribatzen dira. Landareen histologiari dagokion atalean, egitura nagusiak eta zelula-motak azaltzen dira. Azkenik, egitura histologikoen azterketarako erabiltzen diren metodo eta prozesamendu arruntenak deskribatzen dira

    Anxiety, depression, health-related quality of life, and mortality among colorectal patients: 5-year follow-up

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    Purpose Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measurement represents an important outcome in cancer patients. We describe the evolution of HRQoL over a 5-year period in colorectal cancer patients, identifying predictors of change and how they relate to mortality. Methods Prospective observational cohort study including colorectal cancer (CRC) patients having undergone surgery in nineteen public hospitals who were monitored from their diagnosis, intervention and at 1-, 2-, 3-, and 5-year periods thereafter by gathering HRQoL data using the EuroQol-5D-5L (EQ-5D-5L), European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer's Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30 (EORTC-QLQ-C30), and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) questionnaires. Multivariable generalized linear mixed models were used. Results Predictors of Euroqol-5D-5L (EQ-5D-5L) changes were having worse baseline HRQoL; being female; higher Charlson index score (more comorbidities); complications during admission and 1 month after surgery; having a stoma after surgery; and needing or being in receipt of social support at baseline. For EORTC-QLQ-C30, predictors of changes were worse baseline EORTC-QLQ-C30 score; being female; higher Charlson score; complications during admission and 1 month after admission; receiving adjuvant chemotherapy; and having a family history of CRC. Predictors of changes in HADS anxiety were being female and having received adjuvant chemotherapy. Greater depression was associated with greater baseline depression; being female; higher Charlson score; having complications 1 month after intervention; and having a stoma. A deterioration in all HRQoL questionnaires in the previous year was related to death in the following year. Conclusions These findings should enable preventive follow-up programs to be established for such patients in order to reduce their psychological distress and improve their HRQoL to as great an extent as possible.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported in part by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the European Regional Development Fund (PS09/00314, PS09/00910, PS09/00746, PS09/00805, PI09/90460, PI09/90490, PI09/90453, PI09/90441, PI09/90397); the Departments of Health (2010111098) and Education, Language Policy and Culture (IT620-13) of the Basque Government; the Research Committee of Hospital Galdakao; and the thematic network-REDISSEC (Red de Investigacion en Servicios de Salud en Enfermedades Cronicas)-of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III