2 research outputs found

    Personality trait analysis during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative study on social media

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    The COVID-19 pandemic, a global contagion of coronavirus infection caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has triggered severe social and economic disruption around the world and provoked changes in people鈥檚 behavior. Given the extreme societal impact of COVID-19, it becomes crucial to understand the emotional response of the people and the impact of COVID-19 on personality traits and psychological dimensions. In this study, we contribute to this goal by thoroughly analyzing the evolution of personality and psychological aspects in a large-scale collection of tweets extracted during the COVID-19 pandemic. The objectives of this research are: i) to provide evidence that helps to understand the estimated impact of the pandemic on people鈥檚 temperament, ii) to find associations and trends between specific events (e.g., stages of harsh confinement) and people鈥檚 reactions, and iii) to study the evolution of multiple personality aspects, such as the degree of introversion or the level of neuroticism. We also examine the development of emotions, as a natural complement to the automatic analysis of the personality dimensions. To achieve our goals, we have created two large collections of tweets (geotagged in the United States and Spain, respectively), collected during the pandemic. Our work reveals interesting trends in personality dimensions, emotions, and events. For example, during the pandemic period, we found increasing traces of introversion and neuroticism. Another interesting insight from our study is that the most frequent signs of personality disorders are those related to depression, schizophrenia, and narcissism. We also found some peaks of negative/positive emotions related to specific eventsOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. The authors thank the support obtained from: i) project PLEC2021-007662 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n, Agencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n, Plan de Recuperaci贸n, Transformaci贸n y Resiliencia, Uni贸n Europea-Next GenerationEU), ii) project PID2022-137061OB-C22 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n, Agencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n, Proyectos de Generaci贸n de Conocimiento; suppported by the European Regional Development Fund) and iii) Conseller铆a de Educaci贸n, Universidade e Formaci贸n Profesional (accreditation 2019-2022 ED431G-2019/04, ED431C 2022/19) and the European Regional Development Fund, which acknowledges the CiTIUS-Research Center in Intelligent Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela as a Research Center of the Galician University SystemS

    Fusi贸n de informaci贸n para detecci贸n de trastornos mentales: BERT multimodal contra m煤ltiples BERTs fusionados

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    Given the increasing number of modalities that modern classification problems provide, recently a multimodal BERT transformer (MMBT) was proposed. An interesting opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of such model is posed by the problem of timely detection of mental disorders of social media users. For this problem, a multi-channel perspective involves extracting from each user post different types of information, such as thematic, emotional and stylistic content. This study evaluates the suitability of tackling this problem by the apparently ad-hoc MMBT, moreover, we further evaluate if regular BERT models could be combined or fused in such a way that could have a chance in a multi-channel arena. For the evaluation, we use recent public data sets for three important mental disorders: Depression, Anorexia, and Self-harm. Results suggest that BERT models can get on their own a data representation that could be later fusioned and boost the classification performance by at least 5% in F1 measure, even surpassing the MMBT.Dado el creciente n煤mero de modalidades que ofrecen los problemas de clasificaci贸n modernos, recientemente se ha propuesto un transformer BERT multimodal (MMBT). Una oportunidad interesante para evaluar la eficacia de dicho modelo la plantea el problema de la detecci贸n oportuna de los trastornos mentales de usuarios de las redes sociales. Para este problema, una perspectiva multicanal implica extraer de cada post de los usuarios diferentes tipos de informaci贸n, como su contenido tem谩tico, emocional y estil铆stico. Este estudio eval煤a la idoneidad de abordar este problema mediante el aparentemente ad-hoc MMBT, adem谩s, evaluamos si los modelos BERT regulares podr铆an combinarse o fusionarse de tal manera que pudieran tener una oportunidad en un escenario multicanal. Para la evaluaci贸n, utilizamos conjuntos de datos p煤blicos recientes para tres importantes trastornos mentales: Depresi贸n, Anorexia y Autolesiones. Los resultados sugieren que los modelos BERT pueden obtener por s铆 solos una representaci贸n de los datos que podr铆a fusionarse posteriormente y aumentar el rendimiento de la clasificaci贸n en al menos un 5% en la medida F1, superando incluso al MMBT