42 research outputs found

    Small-Scale structure in the Galactic ISM: Implications for Galaxy Cluster Studies

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    Observations of extragalactic objects need to be corrected for Galactic absorption and this is often accomplished by using the measured 21 cm HI column. However, within the beam of the radio telescope there are variations in the HI column that can have important effects in interpreting absorption line studies and X-ray spectra at the softest energies. We examine the HI and DIRBE/IRAS data for lines of sight out of the Galaxy, which show evidence for HI variations in of up to a factor of three in 1 degree fields. Column density enhancements would preferentially absorb soft X-rays in spatially extended objects and we find evidence for this effect in the ROSAT PSPC observations of two bright clusters of galaxies, Abell 119 and Abell 2142. For clusters of galaxies, the failure to include column density fluctuations will lead to systematically incorrect fits to the X-ray data in the sense that there will appear to be a very soft X-ray excess. This may be one cause of the soft X-ray excess in clusters, since the magnitude of the effect is comparable to the observed values.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal, vol. 597 (1 Nov 2003

    Measuring Molecular, Neutral Atomic, and Warm Ionized Galactic Gas Through X-Ray Absorption

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    We study the column densities of neutral atomic, molecular, and warm ionized Galactic gas through their continuous absorption of extragalactic X-ray spectra at |b| > 25 degrees. For N(H,21cm) < 5x10^20 cm^-2 there is an extremely tight relationship between N(H,21cm) and the X-ray absorption column, N(xray), with a mean ratio along 26 lines of sight of N(xray)/N(H,21cm) = 0.972 +- 0.022. This is significantly less than the anticpated ratio of 1.23, which would occur if He were half He I and half He II in the warm ionized component. We suggest that the ionized component out of the plane is highly ionized, with He being mainly He II and He III. In the limiting case that H is entirely HI, we place an upper limit on the He abundance in the ISM of He/H <= 0.103. At column densities N(xray) > 5x10^20 cm^-2, which occurs at our lower latitudes, the X-ray absorption column N(xray) is nearly double N(H,21cm). This excess column cannot be due to the warm ionized component, even if He were entirely He I, so it must be due to a molecular component. This result implies that for lines of sight out of the plane with |b| ~ 30 degrees, molecular gas is common and with a column density comprable to N(H,21cm). This work bears upon the far infrared background, since a warm ionized component, anticorrelated with N(H,21cm), might produce such a background. Not only is such an anticorrelation absent, but if the dust is destroyed in the warm ionized gas, the far infrared background may be slightly larger than that deduced by Puget et al. (1996).Comment: 1 AASTeX file, 14 PostScript figure files which are linked within the TeX fil

    The Spectra and Variability of X-ray Sources in a Deep Chandra Observation of the Galactic Center

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    We examine the X-ray spectra and variability of the sample of X-ray sources with L_X = 10^{31}-10^{33} erg s^{-1} identified within the inner 9' of the Galaxy. Very few of the sources exhibit intra-day or inter-month variations. We find that the spectra of the point sources near the Galactic center are very hard between 2--8 keV, even after accounting for absorption. When modeled as power laws the median photon index is Gamma=0.7, while when modeled as thermal plasma we can only obtain lower limits to the temperature of kT>8 keV. The combined spectra of the point sources is similarly hard, with a photon index of Gamma=0.8. Strong line emission is observed from low-ionization, He-like, and H-like Fe, both in the average spectra and in the brightest individual sources. The line ratios of the highly-ionized Fe in the average spectra are consistent with emission from a plasma in thermal equilibrium. This line emission is observed whether average spectra are examined as a function of the count rate from the source, or as a function of the hardness ratios of individual sources. This suggests that the hardness of the spectra may in fact to due local absorption that partially-covers the X-ray emitting regions in the Galactic center systems. We suggest that most of these sources are intermediate polars, which (1) often exhibit hard spectra with prominent Fe lines, (2) rarely exhibit either flares on short time scales or changes in their mean X-ray flux on long time scales, and (3) are the most numerous hard X-ray sources with comparable luminosities in the Galaxy.Comment: 27 pages, including 13 figures. To appear in ApJ, 1 October 2004, v613 issue. An electronic version of table 2 is on http://astro.ucla.edu/~mmuno/sgra/table2_electronic.txt and reduced data files for each source are available on http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/niel/galcen-xray-data/galcen-xray-data.htm

    AGN in the XMM-Newton first-light image as probes for the interstellar medium in the LMC

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    The XMM-Newton first-light image revealed X-ray point sources which show heavily absorbed power-law spectra. The spectral indices and the probable identification of a radio counterpart for the brightest source suggest AGN shining through the interstellar gas of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The column densities derived from the X-ray spectra in combination with HI measurements will allow to draw conclusions on HI to H_2 ratios in the LMC and compare these with values found for the galactic plane.Comment: 4 pages, LaTex, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Maximum Entropy Reconstruction of the Interstellar Medium: I. Theory

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    We have developed a technique to map the three-dimensional structure of the local interstellar medium using a maximum entropy reconstruction technique. A set of column densities N to stars of known distance can in principle be used to recover a three-dimensional density field n, since the two quantities are related by simple geometry through the equation N = C n, where C is a matrix characterizing the stellar spatial distribution. In practice, however, there is an infinte number of solutions to this equation. We use a maximum entropy reconstruction algorithm to find the density field containing the least information which is consistent with the observations. The solution obtained with this technique is, in some sense, the model containing the minimum structure. We apply the algorithm to several simulated data sets to demonstrate its feasibility and success at recovering ``real'' density contrasts. This technique can be applied to any set of column densities whose end points are specified. In a subsequent paper we shall describe the application of this method to a set of stellar color excesses to derive a map of the dust distribution, and to soft X-ray absorption columns to hot stars to derive a map of the total density of the interstellar medium.Comment: 23 pages, 7 fig.; accepted for publication in the Ap.

    An X-ray Investigation of Three Supernova Remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We have investigated three SNRs in the LMC using multi-wavelength data. These SNRs are generally fainter than the known sample and may represent a previously missed population. One of our SNRs is the second LMC remnant analyzed which is larger than any Galactic remnant for which a definite size has been established. The analysis of such a large remnant contributes to the understanding of the population of highly evolved SNRs. We have obtained X-ray images and spectra of three of these recently identified SNRs using the XMM-Newton observatory. These data, in conjunction with pre-existing optical emission-line images and spectra, were used to determine the physical conditions of the optical- and X-ray-emitting gas in the SNRs. We have compared the morphologies of the SNRs in the different wavebands. The physical properties of the warm ionized shell were determined from the H-alpha surface brightness and the SNR expansion velocity. The X-ray spectra were fit with a thermal plasma model and the physical conditions of the hot gas were derived from the model fits. Finally, we have compared our observations with simulations of SNR evolution

    On the Internal Absorption of Galaxy Clusters

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    A study of the cores of galaxy clusters with the Einstein SSS indicated the presence of absorbing material corresponding to 1E+12 Msun of cold cluster gas, possibly resulting from cooling flows. Since this amount of cold gas is not confirmed by observations at other wavelengths, we examined whether this excess absorption is present in the ROSAT PSPC observations of 20 bright galaxy clusters. For 3/4 of the clusters, successful spectral fits were obtained with absorption due only to the Galaxy, and therefore no extra absorption is needed within the clusters, in disagreement with the results from the Einstein SSS data for some of the same clusters. For 1/4 of the clusters, none of our spectral fits was acceptable, suggesting a more complicated cluster medium than the two-temperature and cooling flow models considered here. However, even for these clusters, substantial excess absorption is not indicated.Comment: accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    GRB 070311: a direct link between the prompt emission and the afterglow

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    We present prompt gamma-ray, early NIR/optical, late optical and X-ray observations of the peculiar GRB 070311 discovered by INTEGRAL, in order to gain clues on the mechanisms responsible for the prompt gamma-ray pulse as well as for the early and late multi-band afterglow of GRB 070311. We fitted with empirical functions the gamma-ray and optical light curves and scaled the result to the late time X-rays. The H-band light curve taken by REM shows two pulses peaking 80 and 140 s after the peak of the gamma-ray burst and possibly accompanied by a faint gamma-ray tail. Remarkably, the late optical and X-ray afterglow underwent a major rebrightening between 3x10^4 and 2x10^5 s after the burst with an X-ray fluence comparable with that of the prompt emission extrapolated in the same band. Notably, the time profile of the late rebrightening can be described as the combination of a time-rescaled version of the prompt gamma-ray pulse and an underlying power law. This result supports a common origin for both prompt and late X-ray/optical afterglow rebrightening of GRB 070311 within the external shock scenario. The main fireball would be responsible for the prompt emission, while a second shell would produce the rebrightening when impacting the leading blastwave in a refreshed shock (abridged).Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, accepted to A&

    Gravitational Lensing

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    Gravitational lensing has developed into one of the most powerful tools for the analysis of the dark universe. This review summarises the theory of gravitational lensing, its main current applications and representative results achieved so far. It has two parts. In the first, starting from the equation of geodesic deviation, the equations of thin and extended gravitational lensing are derived. In the second, gravitational lensing by stars and planets, galaxies, galaxy clusters and large-scale structures is discussed and summarised.Comment: Invited review article to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity, 85 pages, 15 figure

    The XMM Cluster Survey: X-ray analysis methodology

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    The XMM Cluster Survey (XCS) is a serendipitous search for galaxy clusters using all publicly available data in the XMM-Newton Science Archive. Its main aims are to measure cosmological parameters and trace the evolution of X-ray scaling relations. In this paper we describe the data processing methodology applied to the 5,776 XMM observations used to construct the current XCS source catalogue. A total of 3,675 > 4-sigma cluster candidates with > 50 background-subtracted X-ray counts are extracted from a total non-overlapping area suitable for cluster searching of 410 deg^2. Of these, 993 candidates are detected with > 300 background-subtracted X-ray photon counts, and we demonstrate that robust temperature measurements can be obtained down to this count limit. We describe in detail the automated pipelines used to perform the spectral and surface brightness fitting for these candidates, as well as to estimate redshifts from the X-ray data alone. A total of 587 (122) X-ray temperatures to a typical accuracy of < 40 (< 10) per cent have been measured to date. We also present the methodology adopted for determining the selection function of the survey, and show that the extended source detection algorithm is robust to a range of cluster morphologies by inserting mock clusters derived from hydrodynamical simulations into real XMM images. These tests show that the simple isothermal beta-profiles is sufficient to capture the essential details of the cluster population detected in the archival XMM observations. The redshift follow-up of the XCS cluster sample is presented in a companion paper, together with a first data release of 503 optically-confirmed clusters.Comment: MNRAS accepted, 45 pages, 38 figures. Our companion paper describing our optical analysis methodology and presenting a first set of confirmed clusters has now been submitted to MNRA