82 research outputs found

    Professional development within theEffective Early Learning Programme: a contribution to a participatory and context-sensitive approach to ECEC evaluation

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    This paper aims to describe and analyse a case study on professional development that was centred on the Effective Early Learning (EEL) Programme. This process was a part of a larger dissemination project of the EEL programme nationwide, designed to train specialised facilitators at a local level who could, in turn, support the professional development of their peers. From a theoretical stance, it focuses on a democratic and participatory approach to the evaluation and development of quality in ECEC contexts. The study involved the participation of 12 pre-school teachers and a specialised trainer. Results show perceived effects of the process of staff development on professional learning at the level of observation skills, reflection-on-action and critical insertion. Also, the participants recognised that experimentation in practice contexts and shared reflection were the most meaningful and facilitative strategies in their learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Initial professional studies for working with children under-three: Contemporary trends in Europe and Australasia

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    Over the last few decades, the Western world has faced major changes in the social, economic and demographic realms that have influenced the way of conceptualizing and organizing the provision for children under-three and generated attention towards the professional preparation in this sector. This article aims to present an analysis of the initial professional studies (IPS) of core professionals that work in centre-based services, both in Europe and Australasia. Secondary data from policy documents and open access databases were analysed considering three interrelated aspects: ECEC governance and its implications for IPS, minimum qualification requirements and recent policy initiatives. Results show the positive impact of integrated systems in IPS, a wide diversity of qualification requirements, the recent efforts of some countries in levering professional preparation, but also the challenges and pitfalls concerning a collective (ethical) commitment towards the education of younger citizens

    Assessment of workplace-based learning: key findings from an ECE professional master programme in Portugal

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    Workplace-based experiences are considered centrally relevant in the professional preparation of prospective teachers. In spite of this, few studies have focused on the assessment of workplace based learning (WBL) in early childhood education (ECE). This study aims to examine pathways of professional learning of students attending an ECE professional Master programme in Portugal, based on an authentic and participatory approach to assessment. A cohort of 62 students participated in this exploratory study. Data were collected through an assessment grid organised in four domains (observation, planning, action and reflection) and 25 dimensions, in two moments: interim regulatory assessment and final assessment. Key findings point to statistically significant differences between the two moments, showing the progress of students at the level of competences in all domains and dimensions. Results allow to identify tendencies on students’ learning pathways in core domains of professionalism and represent an input for understanding the effectiveness of the ECE professional Master programme.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The quality of education and care contexts for children under 3s has been associated with positive effects on children’s learning, development and wellbeing. In this article, a proposal is presented for the evaluation of quality in which the child’s wellbeing and involvement are recognized as catalyst processes, at the service of training and research. The study centers on the training of professionals aiming at improving practices through reflexive experimentation of pedagogical frameworks specific for children under 3s. The results reveal positive effects of the training process at the level of observation and interpretation of the children’s experiences, as well as an increase on their levels of wellbeing and involvement. These evidences are relevant considering the need for pedagogical frameworks that support in a consistent and grounded way the evaluation and improvement of quality in contexts for under 3s.http://dx.doi.org/10.14572/nuances.v25i3.3143La calidad de la educación en la guardería ha sido asociada a efectos positivos en el aprendizaje, el desarrollo y el bienestar del niño. En este trabajo se propone una evaluación de la calidad que reconoce el bienestar y la implicación de los niños como procesos catalizadores al servicio de la educación y de la investigación. El estudio se centra en la formación profesional orientada a la mejora de las prácticas basada en la experimentación reflejada de referenciales pedagógicos específico para la guardería. Los resultados muestran efectos positivos del proceso de formación en la observación e interpretación de las experiencias de los niños y en los procesos de monitorización, así como aumento de los niveles de bienestar y de la implicación de los niños. Estas evidencias son relevantes teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de marcos de referencia pedagógicos, que apoyen de forma razonada la evaluación y la constante mejora de la calidad en los centros de educación infantil, de los 0 a 3 años.http://dx.doi.org/10.14572/nuances.v25i3.3143A qualidade da educação em creche tem vindo a ser associada a efeitos positivos na aprendizagem, desenvolvimento e bem-estar da criança. Neste artigo, apresenta-se uma proposta de avaliação dessa qualidade em que o bem-estar e envolvimento da criança são reconhecidos como processos catalisadores, ao serviço da formação e investigação. O estudo centra-se na formação de profissionais orientada para a melhoria das práticas, com base na experimentação refletida de referenciais pedagógicos específicos para a creche. Os resultados revelam efeitos positivos do processo formativo na observação e interpretação das experiências das crianças e na monitorização das práticas, bem como um aumento dos níveis de bem-estar e envolvimento das crianças. Estas evidências são relevantes considerando a necessidade de quadros de referência pedagógicos que apoiem de forma consistente e fundamentada a avaliação e melhoria da qualidade em contextos de atendimento à primeira infância.http://dx.doi.org/10.14572/nuances.v25i3.314

    Roles of the interaction with children and families in mediating the association between digital health literacy and well-being of early childhood teachers in Portugal: A cross-sectional study

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    Data Availability Statement: All DHL descriptive files are available from the https://doi.org/10.34622/datarepositorium/LF7URM.AIM: To analyze the associations between early childhood education (ECE) teachers´ digital health literacy (DHL) and well-being, and to determine whether the ECE teachers´ interaction with children and family mediated these associations. METHODS: A total of 853 early childhood teachers, predominantly women (99.4%) participated in this cross-sectional study. The participants had a mean age of 39.9 years (standard deviation SD = 8.2). Data was collected through an online survey. DHL was assessed using five subscales adapted to the new coronavirus context, and the professionals´ well-being was measured using the WHO-5 well-being scale. Binary logistic regression and mediation analysis were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: ECE teachers' DHL in dimensions of "information searching" and "determining relevance" had both direct and indirect effect on their well-being. Specifically, higher DHL in these dimensions was associated with better well-being. The dimension "evaluating reliability" had an indirect positive effect on well-being by promoting interaction with children. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that improving ECE teachers´ DHL could have a positive effect on their well-being and their interactions with children. Therefore, it is recommended to develop health promotion practices aimed at enhancing DHL among ECE teachers. Additionally, integrating DHL contents and competencies more prominently into the qualification, further education and training of ECE teachers may help equip them with the necessary skills to access and apply health information effectively. This, in turn, can enhance interactions with children and contribute to their overall well-being.This study was supported by Fundación la Caixa-Social Research Call Covid-19 LL20-3. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Building inclusive preschool classrooms: How desirable and feasible is a set of strategies that facilitate teacher-child relationships?

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    Positive teacher-child relationships promote children’s engagement, as children feel more secure to explore and participate in free or oriented activities. For children with disabilities, a context wherein they can receive the support to maintain a positive engagement in different activities is even more relevant. A scarcity of research exists on how to promote ECEC quality, namely, how to facilitate teacher-child interactions in inclusive environments. This study aims to evaluate preschool teachers’ opinions about the desirability and feasibility of a set of empirically validated strategies to improve teacher-child interactions in ECEC classrooms, for the group and children with disabilities. The participants were 89 Portuguese preschool teachers. Based on a non-systematic literature review, a questionnaire composed of 22 strategies to facilitate teacher-child interactions (in 4 dimensions: emotionally responsive interactions, classroom management, attend to children’s perspectives, and scaffolding learning) was developed. Along with the questionnaire, a set of socio-demographic variables was also collected. ECEC teachers scored significantly higher in the desirability subscale compared with the feasibility subscale in all dimensions and at both the child and the group level. This gap between teachers’ perceived desirability and feasibility provides important insights regarding the dimensions which are important to reinforce in ECEC teachers’ education and professional development. The mean difference between the desirability and feasibility subscales registered a higher effect size at the child’s level than at the group’s level, confirming that the inclusion of children with disabilities in preschool settings remains a challenge. Moreover, the effect size was small to moderate in the Emotionally Responsive Interactions dimension for both child and group levels. These results are aligned with previous studies stating that among different self-identified dimensions for improvement, emotional support is the less evoked by ECEC teachers. Across all dimensions, the main reason teachers give for difficulty in feasibility, both at the group and child’s level, is lack of knowledge. Overall, understanding the reasons teachers attribute to the difference between the strategies’ desirability and feasibility informs the assessment of teacher education needs and might be operationalized as a new observation instrument.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    PLAYING-2-GETHER: can brief in-service training influence preschool teachers’ awareness of play-based strategies for improving relationships?

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    This study explores how brief in-service training influences preschool teacherś awareness of competences relevant for building high-quality teacher–child relationships. A pre- and post-test design was used, with a 5-h training session in-between. Thirty-four in-service preschool teachers completed a video-based task before and after training. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were conducted. After the session, the number of teachers identifying the key principles of building relationships with children was significantly higher for one out of the five situations analysed; the number of teachers identifying competencies for building positive relationships was significantly higher for three out of the five situations. Strategies such as observing children were easily identified (before and after training) and strategies such as taking into account the child relational needs were hardly ever identified (before and after training). Discussion highlights potential differential effects of brief in-service training according to the complexity of the training content.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação da aprendizagem profissional no estágio supervisionado: estudo exploratório na educação infantil

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    O presente estudo visa analisar processos de avaliação da aprendizagem profissional na formação prática, considerando o perfil específico de desempenho docente na educação infantil. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório em que participaram estudantes que frequentaram a componente de estágio de um mestrado de natureza profissionalizante em contexto português. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um instrumento de avaliação composto por 25 dimensões organizadas em quatro domínios (Observação, Planificação, Ação e Reflexão), aplicado em dois momentos: avaliação reguladora e avaliação final. Os resultados evidenciaram evolução positiva e estatisticamente significativa em 21 das 25 dimensões analisadas, entre os dois momentos de avaliação. Os dados permitem retirar ilações acerca de percursos de aprendizagem de competências profissionais e das potencialidades de uma abordagem autêntica e coparticipada na avaliação da formação prática e na compreensão endógena dos processos formativos.This study aims to analyze professional learning assessment procedures considering the specific teaching performance profile in early childhood education. A cohort of Portuguese students involved in a practicum in early childhood education, at a master level, participated in this exploratory study. Data were collected using an assessment instrument composed of 25 dimensions organized in four domains (Observation, Planning, Action and Reflection), applied at two different instances: regulatory assessment and final assessment. The results showed a statistically significant and positive evolution in 21 of the 25 dimensions examined, between the two instances of assessment. Data allow conclusions to be drawn regarding the learning of professional skills, and the potentialities of an authentic and co-participative approach in the assessment of practical training and in the endogenous understanding of training processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O envolvimento da criança na aprendizagem: Construindo o direito de participação

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    Este artigo procurou apresentar o envolvimento como um conceito central na construção da qualidade na educação pré-escolar, bem como discutir a sua natureza contextual à luz de alguns estudos empíricos para, finalmente, considerar o envolvimento na aprendizagem como direito à participação

    Ensino de investigação qualitativa em psicologia (da educação): impacto percebido em alunos de mestrado

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    O ensino de investigação qualitativa associa-se ao estudo dos processos pedagógicos mais adequados à aquisição de competências de investigação. Assim, pretende-se contribuir para o (re)conhecimento da importância da investigação qualitativa e da sua lecionação, através da análise do impacto percebido pelos alunos da frequência de uma unidade curricular de métodos de investigação. Participaram 10 alunos na primeira fase do estudo e 11 alunos na segunda fase, que frequentavam um curso de 2.º ciclo, em Psicologia da Educação, numa Universidade Pública Portuguesa, no ano letivo 2019/2020. A recolha de dados foi feita através de narrativa, tendo sido alvo de análise de conteúdo por duas codificadoras, numa lógica dedutiva e indutiva. O ensino de investigação qualitativa teve impacto nos alunos, destacando-se a evolução e aprofundamento ao nível da caracterização da metodologia qualitativa e da sua importância, bem como o desenvolvimento de competências investigativas e de possibilidade de transferência da aprendizagem. Os alunos reconheceram ainda a pertinência da unidade curricular ao nível do mestrado em questão, sugerindo a iniciação à mesma mais cedo no percurso académico. O estudo contribui para o reconhecimento da lecionação de investigação qualitativa, com possíveis implicações na revisão dos planos de estudo do primeiro ciclo em Psicologia. Palavras-chave: ensino de investigação qualitativa; aprendizagem de investigação qualitativa; psicologia da educaçã
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