2 research outputs found

    Intermodal coupling as a probe for detecting nanomechanical modes

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    Nanoelectromechanical systems provide ultrahigh performance in sensing applications. The sensing performance and functionality can be enhanced by utilizing more than one resonance mode of a nanoelectromechanical-systems device. However, it is often challenging to measure mechanical modes at high frequencies or modes that couple weakly to output transducers. In this paper, we propose the use of intermodal coupling as a mechanism to enable the detection of such modes. To implement this method, a probe mode is continuously driven and monitored using a phase-locked loop, while an auxiliary drive signal scans for other modes. Each time the auxiliary drive signal excites the corresponding mode by matching the mechanical frequency, the effective tension within the structure increases, which in turn causes a frequency shift in the probe mode. The location and width of these frequency shifts can be used to determine the frequency and quality factor of mechanical modes indirectly. Intermodal coupling can be used as a tool to obtain the spectrum of a mechanical structure even if some of these modes cannot be detected conventionally

    Nonlinear nanomechanical mass spectrometry at the single-nanoparticle level

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    Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) have emerged as a promising technology for performing the mass spectrometry of large biomolecules and nanoparticles. As nanoscale objects land on NEMS sensors one by one, they induce resolvable shifts in the resonance frequency of the sensor proportional to their weight. The operational regime of NEMS sensors is often limited by the onset of nonlinearity, beyond which the highly sensitive schemes based on frequency tracking by phase-locked loops cannot be readily used. Here, we develop a measurement architecture with which to operate at the nonlinear regime and measure frequency shifts induced by analytes in a rapid and sensitive manner. We used this architecture to individually characterize the mass of gold nanoparticles and verified the results by performing independent measurements of the same nanoparticles based on linear mass sensing. Once the feasibility of the technique is established, we have obtained the mass spectrum of a 20 nm gold nanoparticle sample by individually recording about 500 single-particle events using two modes working sequentially in the nonlinear regime. The technique obtained here can be used for thin nanomechanical structures that possess a limited dynamic range