196 research outputs found
Planning E-Marketplace Business Model for Vehicle Rent
Technological advances and the internet are utilized by businesses to run electronic commerce or e-commerce businesses. The increase in Internet users from year to year is very significant, so that the application or migration of business into e-commerce is considered a good opportunity for business people. But the demand of vehicle rental is increasing especially in Bali. However, there have not been many e-marketplace businesses with vehicle rental services as evidenced by the name of e-marketplace vehicle rentals that are still foreign to the ears of the people of Indonesia. This research objective is to analyze and find business target in vehicle rental e-marketplace, create business plan for vehicle rental e-marketplace and create prototype platform for vehicle rental e-marketplace. This research methodology is interview and questionnaires. This research resulting the business model for vehicle rental e-marketplace and prototype platform for vehicle rental e-marketplace
Rumah sakit pada umumnya memiliki track tanjakan. Bagi pendorong kursi roda, tanjakan tersebut sangat melelahkan karena tenaga yang dikeluarkan saat mendorong beban pada saat tanjakan lebih besar dibandingkan tenaga yang dikeluarkan pada saat mendorong beban yang sama pada saat track datar. Berdasar permasalahan tersebut sebuah sistem yang bisa meringankan beban pendorong saat tanjakan akan sangat membantu dan berguna. Untuk meringankan beban pendorong, penambahan motor untuk membantu meringankan beban saat tanjakan merupakan sebuah solusi yang baik. Dimana prinsipnya dengan pengaturan kecepatan motor, agar kecepatan pada saat track datar dan tanjakan sama dengan metode pengaturan kecepatan dengan Fuzzy Logic. Hasilnya jika pada saat menanjak motor membantu menambah kecepatan yang berkurang karena tanjakan tersebut dan pendorong mendorong alat dengan rata-rata pengurangan beban 7,775 kg dari beban yang sebenarnya.
Kata kunci : Fuzzy Logic, Kecepatan, Kursi Rod
Conjunctivitis Bakterial Treatment in Kota Karang Village
Conjunctivitis is an eye disease that can occur in adults and children. The incident of conjungtivitis in Indonesia currently occupies the second place of 10 major eye disease. In the treatment of disease, the approach in medical care not only focuses on the biological aspect (disease) but also influence by phisicosocial aspect. Because of the interaction between social communities and families with the help of the community environment is helpful not only in solving clinical problem but also phisycosocial issues. Ny. H 41 y.o experienced left eye red, watery, and itchy. Neighbors and the patient\u27s mother also experienced the same thing. The diagnosis of bakterial conjunctivitis based on some recent research, treatment and education provided is oksitetracyclin family of good hygiene practices and healthy and extension about conjunctivitis. Maintain hygiene and behavior change is essential in improving public health
ABSTRAKNama: Tjut Aqsha Annatasya Program Studi: Pendidikan Dokter GigiJudul: Evaluasi Kekuatan Tarik Fiber Ampas Tebu Akibat Proses Pengeringan dengan Panas Matahari dan Suhu Ruang. Penggunaan fiber ampas tebu sebagai fiber penguat alami telah banyak dilakukan. Fiber ampas tebu jika dibandingkan dengan fiber UHMWPE memiliki kelebihan antara lain murah serta mudah didapatkan. Sebelum dapat digunakan fibernya, ampas tebu harus melalui beberapa tahap pengolahan serta pengeringan terlebih dahulu. Pengeringan bertujuan untuk mengurangi kadar air, meningkatkan kerapatan, menjaga kestabilan dimensi dan menghindari serangan jamur. Proses pengeringan dapat mempengaruhi sifat fisik dan mekanik fiber alami. Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 buah sampel yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok. Sampel pada setiap kelompok perlakuan berjumlah 10 buah sampel yang merupakan fiber ampas tebu yang dikeringkan didalam suhu ruang dan fiber ampas tebu yang dikeringkan dengan panas matahari. Bentuk sampel sesuai dengan ASTM D638 dengan panjang 63,5 mm dan lebar 9,53 mm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata simpangan baku + kekuatan tarik fiber yang dikeringkan dengan suhu ruang dan fiber ampas tebu yang dikeringkan dengan panas matahari yaitu sebesar 22,767 + 6,619 dan 32,026 + 10,47. Hasil uji t tidak berpasangan menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan kekuatan tarik yang bermakna antara fiber yang dikeringkan dengan suhu ruang dan fiber yang dikeringkan dengan panas matahari (
Keunggulan kaedah elektik sistematik dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Arab kepada pelajar Melayu
This study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of three methods of teaching the Arabic language namely the Taqlidiyah, the al-Sam’iyat al-Safawi’yah and the Eclectic Systematic. The purpose of this study was to determine which of the three methods was more effective in achieving proÞciency in the four language skill (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). The study was carried out using
a quasi experimental design. Six groups of 50 students each from the matriculation centre of the International
Islamic University were used as sample for this study. The Taqlidiyah method used some techniques of TAFL (Teaching Arabic As First Language), the al-Sam’iyat al-Shafawiyah method used some of the techniques of TASL (Teaching Arabic As A second Language). While the Eclectic Systematic
method used the combination techniques of Taqlidiyah and al-Sam’iyat al-Safawi’yah method. The curriculum for six groups of students used in this study were controlled in terms of gender, nationality, basic Arabic language skills and Arabic language training outside classrooms. This study
has identiÞed the characteristics and the procedures of the Eclectic Systematic teaching method, which was found suitable for the teaching of Arabic language for Malay student at the matriculation of the International Islamic University. Results of the study showed that the Taqlidiyah method was effective in teaching reading comprehension and writing skill for both the elementary and intermediate
levels. The al-Sam’iyat al-Shafawiyah method was effective in teaching listening comprehension and speaking skill for both the elementary and intermediate levels. The Eclectic Systematic method was effective in teaching all four language skills for both the elementary and intermediate level
Pembuktian Sumpah Di Peradilan Agama
Verification is a process in the court proceedings , both criminal and civil procedure . Verification is a critical phase in the proceedings in court , the person who proves not necessarily win but those who can not prove for sure lose . In the event legal religious court also found the evidence in the proceedings in the court , where the proof is the same as in the civil law . In the most important evidence is a tool - a tool that is used or presented evidence at trial to prove the process . Any of that evidence is evidence oath , which is also known in the religious court oath about the evidence . Oath is an utterance of the truth about a matter that the person who swore the oath directly responsible to the Almighty God who is responsible for the judicial means Allah SWT . Oath itself is no different - varying in religious courts where there are also unknown oath in civil court for example li'in oath . With this oath evidence expected in the process of proving faster in finding a bright spot who is right and who is wrong , rather than to be mocked just to earn the victory . So with this oath in a court case is expected to trade quickly resolved in the interests - fair .Therefore , in this paper we will describe and discuss the evidence sworn in court proceedings in accordance with the religion of al quran , al Hadith and regulations - regulations that relate to the oath of proof so that it can provide benefits for the settlement of disputes in religious courts in in particula
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