10 research outputs found


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    Mu’tazilah is a theological school with a passion for straightening out an understanding of the oneness and justice of God that has been polluted and corrupted. This stream gives a reasonably large portion of the discussion of speculative metaphysics. With a rationalist method, the Mu’tazilah proposed theological teachings known as al-Usul al-Khamsah. This study aims to reveal the influence of these theological concepts Mu’tazila’s law thought. As this is library research, the discussion will employ interpretive, descriptive, and reflective analytical techniques, which will result in theconclusion that al-Usul al-Khamsah had a significant influence on the ideas of the Mu’tazila school of jurisprudence, including that people who are forced (mukrah) are not subject to legal burdens, the omission of texts in worship, it is required for an order for the existence of the object to be governed, ordinary people are not allowed to obey the mujtahid in branches In sharia, it is forbidden to take the most accessible opinion of two comparable mujtahid opinions

    Islamic Financial Research Directions During Pandemic: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This study aims to determine the direction of development of Islamic finance research during the pandemic, focusing on the growth of international publications in the field of Islamic finance in the Scopus database between 2020 and 2022. Bibliometric mapping consists of core journals in international publications in the field of Islamic finance, the productivity of researchers in the field of Islamic finance, the number of publications based on institutional collaboration in international publications in the field of Islamic finance, the development of international publications on research in the field of Islamic finance by subject/field, and a map of the development of international publications on research in the field of Islamic finance.

    MAP Development and Direction of Teacher-Based Islamic Education Through Bibliometric Data Analysis

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    This study aims to determine the mapping of the development and direction of Islamic Religious Education research in publications indexed by scopus data. This study used bibliometric analysis techniques to explore all publications indexed in the Scopus database on Teacher-Based Islamic Religious Education from 1980 to 2023. The data obtained were analyzed using Microsoft Excell and R/R-Studio. VOSviewer is used to perform visual analysis of keyword occurrence and document citations stimulantly. The author found 564 publications that fit the function, subject, and criteria set. The limitation of this study is only taking data sets or metadata to publications indexed by Scopus. Other national and international databases were not taken into account in the study. This study presents a brief overview of the literature that can be accessed by researchers working in the field of Islamic Religious Education and provides recommendations for research


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    Bibliometric indicators are one of the tools that play a role in evaluating the results of scientific research; examining the interaction between science and technology, producing mapping of the field of science, tracking/tracing the development of new knowledge in a particular field, and are future indicators in making strategic plans. This study aims to determine the mapping of the development and direction of Islamic educational psychology research in publications indexed in the Scopus database. This research uses bibliometric analysis techniques to explore all publications indexed in the Scopus database on Islamic educational psychology from 1983 to 2023. The data obtained were analyzed using Excel and R/R-Studio. VOSviewer was used to perform a visual analysis of keyword occurrences and document citations together. The author found 161 publications that matched the function, subject, and criteria set. The results showed an annual growth rate of 2.78. The bibliometric analysis conducted was limited to Scopus data. The limitation of this research is that it only takes metadata of Scopus-indexed publications. Other national and international databases were not taken into account in this study. This study provides a brief overview of the literature that can be accessed by researchers working in the field of Islamic psychology education and provides recommendations for research


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    This research aims to evaluate and group to generate impact and direction regarding CSR, including a classification of topics to explain the current analysis results. The use of VOSviewer is also carried out in order to find out the analysis of the network of related documents and the relationship between authors. Analysis of appropriate and accurate bibliometric studies based on data from Scopus databases. This study can be a reference in analyzing citations, bibliographic coupling, co-authorship, and co-citation for CSR in community empowerment. The result shows that the most influential authors based on the publication were Okolo-Obasi En. and Uduji, J.I. with 11 documents each, the most relative affiliate related to the published documents were the University of South Australia, and the most productive country was the United Kingdom with 146 documents. There are three main research groups found, 1) CSR for Environment Sustainability, 2) Economic and social effects implications for Sustainable development, and 3) CSR for community development. The study presents a brief overview of the literature accessible to researchers working in this field and provides recommendations for future research.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi dan mengelompokkan guna menghasilkan dampak dan arah terkait CSR, termasuk klasifikasi topik untuk menjelaskan hasil analisis saat ini. Penggunaan VOSviewer juga dilakukan untuk menganalisis jaringan dokumen terkait dan hubungan antara penulis. Analisis studi bibliometrik yang sesuai dan akurat berdasarkan data dari basis data Scopus dilakukan. Studi ini dapat menjadi referensi dalam menganalisis kutipan, keterhubungan bibliografis, co-authorship, dan co-citation untuk CSR dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penulis paling berpengaruh berdasarkan publikasi adalah Okolo-Obasi En. dan Uduji, J.I. masing-masing dengan 11 dokumen, afiliasi yang paling terkait dengan dokumen-dokumen yang diterbitkan adalah University of South Australia, dan negara paling produktif adalah Britania Raya dengan 146 dokumen. Terdapat tiga kelompok penelitian utama yang ditemukan, 1) CSR untuk Keberlanjutan Lingkungan, 2) Implikasi Efek Ekonomi dan Sosial untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, dan 3) CSR untuk pembangunan komunitas. Studi ini menyajikan gambaran singkat tentang literatur yang dapat diakses oleh para peneliti yang bekerja di bidang ini dan memberikan rekomendasi untuk penelitian mendatan

    Tracing The Footprints of Islamic Values Education: Bibliometric Expedition for Future Pathways

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    The purpose of this study is to outline the trajectory and future directions of Islamic values education research as it appears in articles that the Scopus database has indexed. This study used bibliometric analysis techniques to identify all publications registered in the Scopus database on Islamic values ​​education from 1980 to 2023. The data obtained were then analyzed using Excel and either R or R-Studio. Meanwhile, to perform visual analysis related to keywords and citations simultaneously, researchers used VOSviewer. This research shows that the function, subject, and specified criteria were met by 257 papers that the author located on Scopus. In this research, the related topic has an annual growth rate of 3.56%, with the majority of articles coming out in 2020. The nation that has generated the greatest publications on the subject of teaching Islamic values is Indonesia, with Malaysia coming in second. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Universiti Malaya Malaysia are the Malaysian universities with the two highest connections, respectively. Meanwhile, the writer who is most active in researching the field of Islamic values ​​education is Nuryana, Z. The bibliometric analysis in this study was specifically taken from Scopus. This research provides a brief description of the literature that can be accessed by researchers in the field of Islamic values ​​education and can be used as a reference for relevant research in the future.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguraikan lintasan dan arah masa depan penelitian pendidikan nilai-nilai Islam seperti yang tampak pada artikel-artikel yang terindeks database Scopus. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis bibliometrik untuk mengidentifikasi seluruh publikasi yang terdaftar di database Scopus tentang pendidikan nilai-nilai Islam dari tahun 1980 hingga 2023. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Excel dan R atau R-Studio. Sedangkan untuk melakukan analisis visual terkait kata kunci dan kutipan secara bersamaan, peneliti menggunakan VOSviewer. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa fungsi, subjek, dan kriteria yang ditentukan dipenuhi oleh 257 makalah yang penulis temukan di Scopus. Dalam penelitian ini, topik terkait memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan sebesar 3,56%, dengan sebagian besar artikel terbit pada tahun 2020. Negara yang menghasilkan publikasi terbesar mengenai pengajaran nilai-nilai Islam adalah Indonesia, dan Malaysia berada di urutan kedua. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dan Universiti Malaya Malaysia masing-masing merupakan universitas di Malaysia dengan koneksi tertinggi. Sedangkan penulis yang paling aktif meneliti bidang pendidikan nilai-nilai Islam adalah Nuryana, Z. Analisis bibliometrik pada penelitian ini khusus diambil dari Scopus. Penelitian ini memberikan gambaran singkat mengenai literatur yang dapat diakses oleh para peneliti di bidang pendidikan nilai-nilai Islam dan dapat dijadikan referensi untuk penelitian yang relevan di masa yang akan datang

    Analysis Muslim Personality Formation Through Islamic Education: In Bibliometric Inquiry

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    This study aims to determine the mapping of the development and direction of research on Islamic Religious Education in Adolescent Association. In publications indexed by the scopus database. This study used bibliometric analysis techniques to explore all publications indexed in the Scopus database on Islamic Education and Muslim Personality from 1966 to 2023. The data obtained were analyzed using excel and R/R-Studio. VOSviewer is used to perform visual analysis of keyword occurrence and document citations in a stimulating manner. Researchers found 6,224 publications that fit the function, subject, and criteria set. The results of this study show an annual growth rate. The papers are analyzed in terms of publications by field of science, the number of studies published annually. The bibliometric analysis performed was limited to scopus data. Other national and international databases were not taken into account in the study. The limitation of this study is only taking data sets or meta data in publications indexed by Scopus. This study presents a brief overview of the literature accessible to researchers working in the field of Islamic religion and provides recommendations for future research

    Implementation of Green Economy Through Integrated Urban Farming as Family Economic Resilience During The Pandemic: Maqasid Sharia Perspective

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    Due to the corona virus's fall in different economic areas, many individuals have difficulties fulfilling their basic demands. Urban farming is one of the answers to food availability, and their primary concerns are food safety, food pricing, and stimulating the local economy. People cultivated short-lived crops in tiny pots or used the hydroponic method in their yards. Integrated urban farming is a type of green economic activity that adheres to maqasid sharia's maslahah aim. Field research is used to gather essential data. It is conducted on the site to be studied and supplemented with field data in the form of interviews. This study is descriptive, with an emphasis on analysis using a logical method. The green economy with integrated urban farming aims to improve the community's economic well-being and can help mitigate the risk of substantial environmental harm, including the pandemic's detrimental impact on macro and micro food security. It can be observed that the green economy concept can be integrated with the pure maqasid sharia values harmoniously

    Penyelesaian Sengketa Kepailitan Ekonomi Syariah Perspektif Ibnu Rusyd Al-Qurthubi Dalam Bidayatul Mujtahid Wa Nihayatul Muqtashid

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    The study discusses the settlement of sharia economic bankruptcy disputes from the perspective of Ibn Rushd Al-Qurtubi. As someone who had a career in the world of Islamic courts in his day, Ibn Rushd had many reflective records of the disputed cases he handled. The phenomenon of resolving bankruptcy disputes experienced by Ibn Rushd at that time was also experienced by most Muslims today, especially seeing that many companies went bankrupt due to the pandemic, so that Ibn Rushd's character, especially ijtihad in resolving bankruptcy disputes, needs to be the primary basis of this research. This study is pure library research and the material used as the primary data source is the book Bidayatul Mujtahid wa Nihayatul Muqtashid. From the results of the research, it is known that even though Ibn Rushd is a Maliki school of thought, in some cases, he puts forward objectivity by using analytic tools to conclude a legal product, even though in settlement of bankruptcy disputes, he is more dominantly inclined to strengthening the Maliki school. Bankruptcy dispute cases that existed in the era of Ibn Rushd, although using a simple transaction background, can be analogous to cases of dispute resolution at this time by prioritizing the similarity of illat (rational reasons), which combines two different cases so that the development of fiqh law goes well without the presence of rigidity

    The Strategic Role of DSN-MUI in Developing Islamic Economic Law

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    ••• English ••• This research aims to demonstrate the various strategic roles that can be implemented by DSN-MUI in developing Islamic economic law. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative analysis of written references, such as jurisprudence books, journals, and documents (also known as literature studies or literature research). The results showed that DSN-MUI has a strategic role as a supervisor, advisor, catalyst, supporter, marketer, and player in developing Islamic economic law in Indonesia theoretically-normatively and practically-applicatively. The role of DSN-MUI is very strategic to support and develop Islamic economic law in Indonesia to fulfill the public's need for legal fatwa’s for economic activities in product innovation that continues to develop in global competition. DSN-MUI fatwa’s are a reference and guideline for Islamic financial institutions, Islamic tourism, Islamic hospitals, and other Islamic industries to carry out economic activities with appropriate Islamic principles and Islamic law regulations. BI, as a national institution with authority in the banking sector, has given legitimacy to the DSN-MUI and its legal products. The committee oversees Islamic banks, LKS, insurance, venture capital, mutual funds, and others. In Indonesia, DSN-MUI catalyzes economic development and the Islamic financial industry, returning society to its original, especially in trade, investment, agriculture, and other economic activities following Islamic law regulations. ••• Indonesian ••• Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan berbagai peran strategis yang dapat dilakukan oleh DSN-MUI dalam mengembangkan hukum ekonomi syariah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif deskriptif terhadap referensi tertulis, seperti buku-buku fiqh, jurnal, dan dokumen (disebut juga studi literatur atau penelitian kepustakaan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa DSN-MUI memiliki peran strategis sebagai pengawas, penasihat, katalisator, pendukung, pemasar, dan pemain dalam mengembangkan hukum ekonomi syariah di Indonesia secara teoritis-normatif dan praktis-aplikatif. Peran DSN-MUI sangat strategis untuk mendukung dan mengembangkan hukum ekonomi syariah di Indonesia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan fatwa hukum kegiatan ekonomi dalam inovasi produk yang terus berkembang dalam persaingan global. Fatwa DSN-MUI menjadi acuan dan pedoman bagi lembaga keuangan syariah, pariwisata syariah, rumah sakit syariah, dan industri syariah lainnya untuk menjalankan kegiatan ekonomi dengan prinsip syariah yang sesuai dan aturan hukum Islam. BI, sebuah lembaga nasional yang memiliki otoritas di bidang perbankan, telah memberikan legitimasi terhadap DSN-MUI dan produk hukumnya. Komite tersebut membawahi bank syariah, LKS, asuransi, modal ventura, reksadana, dan lain-lain. Di Indonesia, DSN-MUI mengkatalisasi perkembangan ekonomi dan industri keuangan syariah, mengembalikan masyarakat ke kondisi semula, terutama dalam perdagangan, investasi, pertanian, dan kegiatan ekonomi lainnya sesuai dengan aturan hukum Islam