389 research outputs found

    Determination of the compressor optimal working conditions

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    The replacement of environmentally unfriendly refrigerants and the energy saving demand have recently caused changes of the components and operation of the vapour compression plants; in particular, the compressors have been experiencing upgrades and modifications. The compression systems are usually designed for working under maximum load conditions, but most of the time these plants work under partial load conditions with compressor on–off cycles regulated by a thermostat. As for the variable speed compressor, the speed is continuously controlled to match the compressor capacity to the load required; this allows to save energy when compared to the thermostatic control. The aim of this paper is to identify the compressor current frequency that optimizes the energy, exergy and economy aspects. The determination of the optimum frequency for each working condition is key to build a control algorithm that allows the compressor speed to be continuously regulated by an inverter. This analysis has been applied to the reciprocating and scroll compressors and high energy savings have been achieved

    Performances of thermostatic and electronic valves controlling the compressor capacity

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    The performance of the energy consumption of an electronic valve and a classical thermostatic valve has been compared when these expansion valves are adopted in a vapour compression plant subjected to a cold store. The main aim is to verify experimentally which type of expansion valve would be preferable from energy point of view when a classical thermostat or a fuzzy logic algorithm are used as the control system for the refrigeration capacity. The fuzzy logic-based control is able to modulate continuously the compressor speed through an inverter. The results show that with a fuzzy algorithm, the thermostatic expansion valve allows an energy saving of about 8% in comparison with the electronic valve. When on–off control is used, the electric energy consumption obtained both with the electronic valve and with the thermostatic valve is comparable

    Anesthetic management of a horse with traumatic pneumothorax

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    A traumatic pneumothorax and severe hemorrhage were present in a mare with a large thoracic wall defect, lung perforation, and multiple rib fractures. General anesthesia was induced to allow surgical exploration. We describe the anesthetic technique, and discuss the management of the ventilatory, hemodynamic, and metabolic disturbances encountered

    Hydrodynamic Characterization of GULF STREAM Circulation in a Pilot Scale Fluidized Bed Combustor

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    The present study addresses the hydrodynamics of a pilot-scale fluidized bed combustor with a focus on the establishment of "Gulf Stream" circulation patterns as a solids mixing promoter. Time-resolved pressure signals measured at different locations in the bed and in the plenum were analyzed in the time, frequency and phase-space domains. Results were matched against qualitative characterization of fluidization patterns by visual observation of the bed surface

    Insect-based feed in aquaculture: a consumer attitudes study

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    The aquaculture industry is currently faced with the major challenge of finding alternative protein sources for feeding aquatic species. The goal is to mitigate the environmental impact of conventional feed production in order to satisfy the demand of consumers for sustainable and environmentally friendly food. Fishmeal and fish oil have been the predominant substrates used in the fish farming industry to date, but insects are now emerging as promising feed substitutes. However, the feeding of insects to fish continues to be perceived as unconventional by consumers, although only few studies have actually explored European consumers' attitudes towards animal food products fed with insects. This study aimed to fill this gap by investigating consumer behaviors towards the consumption of fish fillets obtained from fish fed an insect-based feed. The overall goal was to understand the interconnection between sociodemographic variables, namely levels of knowledge, food neophobia, and food consumption sustainability, and attitudes towards feed quality, climate change, shopping sustainability, and the sustainability of insect-based feed. To this end, an online survey was conducted on 303 Italian consumers aged 18–78 years (52.4% men). The analysis of the dataset was conducted by modelling the independent categorical variables with their attitudes towards the four topics studied by Multiple Linear Regression, after having established their effects using the Pearson Chi-Square test and one-way ANOVA. Our results demonstrate that sociodemographic variables, such as gender and age, are strongly correlated with attitudes towards climate change, while diet is associated with attitudes towards shopping sustainability. The measured level of food consumption sustainability correlates with both attitudes. At the same time, a high level of knowledge correlates with a strong attitude towards the sustainability of insect-based feed. Overall, we conclude that providing specific groups of consumers with meaningful information related to the use of insect-based feed in aquaculture will increase the likelihood of their accepting this innovation. Our study also offers insights that can help identify categories of consumers who could be more interested in choosing products from insect-fed animal

    An evaluation of R22 substitutes performances regulating continuously the compressor refrigeration capacity

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental analysis which compares in terms of energetic performances the refrigeration capacity control obtained by means of a variable-speed compressor with the on/off control deriving from a classical thermostatic device. The compressor considered is semi-hermetic reciprocating and is a component of a vapour compression refrigeration plant subjected to a commercially available cold store. The compressor working with the fluids R22, R507 and R407C and designed for a revolution speed corresponding to the compressor supply current nominal frequency of 50 Hz, has been tested varying the frequency in the range 30–50 Hz. In this range, the most suitable working fluids proposed as substitutes of the R22 as the R407C (R32/R125/R134a 23/25/52% in mass), the R507 (R125/R143A 50/ 50% in mass) and the R417A (R125/R134a/R600 46.6/50/3.4% in mass) have been tested. The results show that, using the R407C, it is possible an average an electric energy consumption about 12% smaller when an inverter is employed to control the compressor refrigeration capacity instead of the thermostatic control which imposes on/off cycles on the compressor, working at the nominal frequency of 50 Hz. So the R407C confirms its superiority in comparison with the R417A and R507; only the R22 shows a better performance

    Expanded Total Equivalent Warming Impact analysis on experimental standalone fresh-food refrigerator

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    The stand-alone refrigerators for fresh food storage represent a large part of supermarket refrigeration equip-ment. In these devices, the usage of refrigerants with low Global Warming Potential allows the mitigation of the direct emissions due to refrigerant leakages. In contrast, the indirect emissions in these components are highly dependent on the refrigerant charge, leakage, and equivalent emission factors related to the electricity pro-duction mix. The most used index to evaluate the environmental impact of refrigerators is the Total Equivalent Warming Impact. Despite that this index presents limits on the fixed evaluation of many parameters such as refrigerant charge, electricity consumption and, electricity emission factor. Otherwise in this study, an accurate evaluation of refrigerators emissions has been realised by using the innovative Expanded Total Equivalent Warming Impact method to an experimental stand-alone refrigerator by using a dynamic approach to evaluate direct and indirect contributions. The environmental analysis considers four different refrigerants and four different countries of location. The results show that the indirect emissions due to electricity consumption cover the highest share of emissions. In addition, the operating years affected by low refrigerant charges are respon-sible for emissions by greater than 25% compared to other ones. The hourly equivalent emissions due to elec-tricity consumption in countries characterized by an electricity generation mix mainly based on renewable and/ or nuclear plants show an indirect environmental impact up to 5 times lower than countries with a natural gas -based electricity production mix. The study also defines new strategies to reduce the environmental impact of the stand-alone refrigerator such as the use of photovoltaic systems combined with this technology or earlier maintenance processes that could determine an equivalent emission saving of up to 38%

    Feasibility of inguinal hernioplasty under local anaesthesia in elderly patients.

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and the safety of hernioplasty under local anaesthesia in elderly patients with significant comorbidity. METHODS: A total of 218 patients underwent inguinal hernia repair with mesh between June 2009 and July 2012. Presence of comorbid conditions and complications were compared between patients younger and older than 70 years. RESULTS: Hernia repair in older patients were more likely associated with comorbid conditions than in their younger counterparts ( hypertension: 25% vs 8.16%; cardiovascular diseases: 50% vs 22%; benign prostatic hypertrophy 60% vs 30%). The most common postoperative complications in both groups were recurrence, wound infection, urinary retention. There was a slightly higher rate of complication in elderly group. CONCLUSIONS: Inguinal hernia repair with local anaesthesia is quite safe and results in a good success rate in elderly patients despite a higher rate of comorbidity typical of this kind of patient

    Test particles behavior in the framework of a lagrangian geometric theory with propagating torsion

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    Working in the lagrangian framework, we develop a geometric theory in vacuum with propagating torsion; the antisymmetric and trace parts of the torsion tensor, considered as derived from local potential fields, are taken and, using the minimal action principle, their field equations are calculated. Actually these will show themselves to be just equations for propagating waves giving torsion a behavior similar to that of metric which, as known, propagates through gravitational waves. Then we establish a principle of minimal substitution to derive test particles equation of motion, obtaining, as result, that they move along autoparallels. We then calculate the analogous of the geodesic deviation for these trajectories and analyze their behavior in the nonrelativistic limit, showing that the torsion trace potential Ï•\phi has a phenomenology which is indistinguishable from that of the gravitational newtonian field; in this way we also give a reason for why there have never been evidence for it.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, to appear on Int. Journ. Mod. Phys.
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