1,884 research outputs found

    Vortices, circumfluence, symmetry groups and Darboux transformations of the (2+1)-dimensional Euler equation

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    The Euler equation (EE) is one of the basic equations in many physical fields such as fluids, plasmas, condensed matter, astrophysics, oceanic and atmospheric dynamics. A symmetry group theorem of the (2+1)-dimensional EE is obtained via a simple direct method which is thus utilized to find \em exact analytical \rm vortex and circumfluence solutions. A weak Darboux transformation theorem of the (2+1)-dimensional EE can be obtained for \em arbitrary spectral parameter \rm from the general symmetry group theorem. \rm Possible applications of the vortex and circumfluence solutions to tropical cyclones, especially Hurricane Katrina 2005, are demonstrated.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    ELISA in the multiplex era: potentials and pitfalls

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    Multiplex immunoassays confer several advantages over widely adopted singleplex immunoassays including increased efficiency at a reduced expense, greater output per sample volume ratios and higher throughput predicating more resolute, detailed diagnostics and facilitating personalised medicine. Nonetheless, to date, relatively few protein multiplex immunoassays have been validated for in vitro diagnostics in clinical/point-of-care settings. This review article will outline the challenges, which must be ameliorated prior to the widespread integration of multiplex immunoassays in clinical settings: (i) biomarker validation; (ii) standardisation of immunoassay design and quality control (calibration and quantification); (iii) availability, stability, specificity and cross-reactivity of reagents; (iv) assay automation and the use of validated algorithms for transformation of raw data into diagnostic results. A compendium of multiplex immunoassays applicable to in vitro diagnostics and a summary of the diagnostic products currently available commercially are included, along with an analysis of the relative states of development for each format (namely planar slide based, suspension and planar/microtitre plate based) with respect to the aforementioned issues

    Wigs, disguises and child's play : solidarity in teacher education

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    It is generally acknowledged that much contemporary education takes place within a dominant audit culture, in which accountability becomes a powerful driver of educational practices. In this culture both pupils and teachers risk being configured as a means to an assessment and target-driven end: pupils are schooled within a particular paradigm of education. The article discusses some ethical issues raised by such schooling, particularly the tensions arising for teachers, and by implication, teacher educators who prepare and support teachers for work in situations where vocational aims and beliefs may be in in conflict with instrumentalist aims. The article offers De Certeau’s concept of ‘la perruque’ to suggest an opening to playful engagement for human ends in education, as a way of contending with and managing the tensions generated. I use the concept to recover a concept of solidarity for teacher educators and teachers to enable ethical teaching in difficult times

    Correlación clínico-patológica de las microvacuolas o ‘glistenings’ en 100 lentes intraoculares (lios) AcrySof® explantados

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    Propósito:analizar los LIOs acrílicos hidrofóbicos AcrySof® de nuestro banco de lentes explantados para establecer la presencia de microvacuolas (glistenings), determinar su frecuencia y definir si existe una correlación con los datos clínicos para cada uno.Materiales y Métodos: se realizó análisis clínico-patológico de todos los lentes hidrofóbicos AcrySof® (n=100) que hacen parte del banco de más de 5.000 explantes de nuestro laboratorio. Se efectuó evaluación microscópica y se determinó la presencia de las microvacuolas; adicionalmente se estimó la severidad de las mismas y se hizo una correlación con los datos clínicos para cada lente.Resultados:el análisis foto microscópico reveló la presencia de microvacuolas en 43 de los 100 LIOs evaluados. Las microvacuolas fueron clasificadas como eves en 14 casos, moderadas en 17 y marcadas en 12. Del total de lentes con microvacuolas solamente en 6 casos se hizo el diagnóstico clínico de las mismas.Conclusiones: estas observaciones nos permiten concluir que a menudo se pasa por alto el diagnóstico de esta entidad. Esta entidad es más común de lo que muchos estiman. No existen en la actualidad criterios uniformes sobre el tiempo de seguimiento posoperatorio; de ahí la razón por la que no se diagnostican correctamente las microvacuolas y la controversia entre los cirujanos y los investigadores persist

    Education and older adults at the University of the Third Age

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    This article reports a critical analysis of older adult education in Malta. In educational gerontology, a critical perspective demands the exposure of how relations of power and inequality, in their myriad forms, combinations, and complexities, are manifest in late-life learning initiatives. Fieldwork conducted at the University of the Third Age (UTA) in Malta uncovered the political nature of elder-learning, especially with respect to three intersecting lines of inequality - namely, positive aging, elitism, and gender. A cautionary note is, therefore, warranted at the dominant positive interpretations of UTAs since late-life learning, as any other education activity, is not politically neutral.peer-reviewe

    Critical Race Theory and Education: racism and anti-racism in educational theory and praxis

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    What is Critical Race Theory (CRT) and what does it offer educational researchers and practitioners outside the US? This paper addresses these questions by examining the recent history of antiracist research and policy in the UK. In particular, the paper argues that conventional forms of antiracism have proven unable to keep pace with the development of increasingly racist and exclusionary education polices that operate beneath a veneer of professed tolerance and diversity. In particular, contemporary antiracism lacks clear statements of principle and theory that risk reinventing the wheel with each new study; it is increasingly reduced to a meaningless slogan; and it risks appropriation within a reformist “can do” perspective dominated by the de-politicized and managerialist language of school effectiveness and improvement. In contrast, CRT offers a genuinely radical and coherent set of approaches that could revitalize critical research in education across a range of inquiries, not only in self-consciously "multicultural" studies. The paper reviews the developing terrain of CRT in education, identifying its key defining elements and the conceptual tools that characterise the work. CRT in education is a fast changing and incomplete project but it can no longer be ignored by the academy beyond North America

    Schooling for violence and peace : how does peace education differ from ‘normal’ schooling?

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    This article reviews literature on the roles of schooling in both reproducing and actively perpetrating violence, and sets out an historical explanation of why schools are socially constructed in such a way as to make these roles possible. It then discusses notions of peace education in relation to one particular project in England before using empirical data from research on the project to examine contrasts between peace education approaches and ‘normal’ schooling from the viewpoints of project workers, pupils and teachers. It concludes that such contrasts and tensions do indeed exist and that this raises serious questions about the compatibility of peace education and formal schooling